Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 266 The inside of the shell

The four-word description of "going out to commit crimes" made Coz frown.

He felt that the things he was going to do were just, how could they be described as crimes?

He remembered the manual for the vending machine that Rasta had left for him, turned it out, and asked his only friend.

"You can obviously communicate with me, why would He give me this?"

Coz held the mediocre instruction sheet and was puzzled.

The vending machine's reply was simple.

"Because he is childish and teasing you. Also, this instruction manual is really useful. You must comfort me once every four days. In addition, the instruction manual shows that you are my binder. This is for you. Three guarantees after sale.”

One nonsense theory after another made Coz confused.

He and Yagami Yue's behavior is very similar in some places.

For example, Light Yagami initially just wanted to reduce the crime rate, but eventually began to abuse the Death Note.

And Cozz, at first, just wanted to reduce the crime rate in this world, but later, he began to force everyone to become perfect parts of his ideal world. Any unqualified parts would be killed by him.

A person stealing a starch block from someone else's house, and a person killing a whole house, are both unforgivable sins in the eyes of Coz in the original timeline and will be executed by him.

"My Creator is curious about something, but He didn't ask. Can I ask you?"

The idea of ​​a vending machine is simple.

"go ahead."

Curze wondered what Rasta wanted to ask him.

"There is a mortal named Yagami Yue. His nervous system and thinking ability are far inferior to those of ordinary Astartes.

And as a primarch, you are infinitely stronger than the Astartes.

So why can he use his brain to solve things and everything is solved by wits, but you can only use other people's brains to solve everything? "

The vending machine also feels weird. Many things look fine when viewed separately, but once compared together, the differences become outrageous.

Coz didn't know what to say and simply fell into silence.

The coldness of the bottom nest caused white mist to emit when he breathed, and his body temperature was much higher than that of a mortal.

As a top assassin who technically matches Alpha but is far more powerful than Alpha, Coze has the innate ability to control his own body temperature.

This can help him move freely under the surveillance of various biological detectors.

But the newborn Coz is obviously not yet proficient at this.

"Give me something to eat."

Kurtz gave up thinking. He was still growing. He was hungry and growing quickly. During the time he left the training chamber, he had already developed into a teenager.

"I have to remind you that the money He set aside for you has been spent, and it's time for you to follow the instructions and make money."

The vending machine is actually Rasta's guardian for Curze.

The food cost of raising a primarch is nothing to the Sixth Evil God. After all, he can wholesale the spines of gods.

But Rasta didn't want Curze to follow the same path of his previous life after having enough food and clothing.

Fate and timeline, as well as the Lesser God Essence itself, curse the Primarchs to their doom.

What Rasta had to do was to let Curze at least become a qualified primarch that he wouldn't want to crush to death at every turn.

"Then what should I do?"

Curze was not discouraged even if he couldn't get food.

He didn't feel too aggrieved when he ate roasted rat in the original timeline.

On the contrary, after eating so many free meals, he felt that he had made a lot of money and was very happy.

"Your manual has been updated with the acquisition list~"

The vending machine fulfilled its supervisory responsibility and was obviously in a good mood.

The demonic engine of light and desire usually forms its own thinking by part of its behavior. As long as a human being resembles the demonic engine of light and desire, he can basically be regarded as a light chaser.

While flipping through the instructions, Cozz asked a question seemingly casually.

"Don't you have a name? I want to call you by your name, not call you a machine."

Coates values ​​his only close friends.

Although it was not as excessive as the Emperor's treatment of Malcador, in Curze's eyes, the vending machine was one of the meanings of his life.

"Just call me Lizi."


"Because your name is Kezi!"

"...This question is not funny at all... Satoko."

Curze understands Chinese, or quite a few of the originals understand Chinese. These unawakened secondary gods are born with the characteristics of chaos. The subspace is a projection of reality, giving them a lot of knowledge as common sense and survivability. This is just like human beings. It's like breathing.

"Killing an unpardonable person can get you a grain of light sand..."

Cozz looked at the instructions. The first item seemed simple. He only needed to find the person, ask for the name, take a look, and then write the name on the Death Note.

Of course, if the other party didn't answer, Koz would follow his heart and join the army.

"But if you kill the wrong good person, you will receive different punishments. The minimum is that you will not be able to exchange for food with me for one day.

Most High, you will permanently lose everything He has given you. "

Riko reminds Coz to think twice before doing anything.

Losing forever everything given by the god of dim light...

Of course Coz couldn't accept it. He had an indispensable feeling for the lining of the vending machine.

"I will be careful."

He said as he saw the ones with generous rewards.

"Kill a beast worse than pigs and dogs, and you will be rewarded with two light sands. Abuse such a beast and you will be rewarded with four light sands..."

Koz knew what a beast worse than pigs and dogs was.

The evil god's mental filter acted on the manual, making him clearly understand this.

The bounty mission in the manual only targets what people do, not other aspects of people.

No matter whether they are men or women, old or young, when these beasts are unreasonable and commit sins, it is the turn of the Primarch of the Midnight Lord to be unreasonable with them.

"The purchasing power of one light sand is very high, enough to feed four mortal warriors for several years.

You can choose to use the light sand directly to turn it into food, or you can choose to use the light sand to buy goods from me: food and various props.

I must remind you of one thing. When you buy things from me, every grain of light sand you spend can be exchanged for a little light yuan points.

Some goods cannot be purchased with light sand, but can only be exchanged with points."

Lizi obviously cares about Koz very much. Although her tone is cold, she actually tells Koz all the key information.

"Can I see the items that can be purchased with points?"

Koz didn't have much hope for this.

Saiko used her privilege to show Koz the points mall.

This demon engine wanted to motivate him with these rewards.

Koz looked at the dazzling array of goods and was overwhelmed.

He saw an empty space in the mall, which originally belonged to the Death Note.

"The thing you hold in your hand is worth far more than you can imagine, and it can even be called a priceless treasure."

Saiko described the Death Note in this way.

This is a world-destroying artifact that can kill the four main gods of chaos. No civilized empire can refuse it!

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