Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 267 Eat with peace of mind

"Lizi, please recommend it to me and tell me what I need."

Kurtz's trust in the vending machine comes from himself in the only timeline in the future.

After the original body became a human god, although he could not convey much information to the past, he could tell his past self that the person in front of him was an indispensable part of his life.

"I recommend the Divine Spine with 4,444 points. This is the thing that can most directly strengthen you.

Your other Primarch brothers, since they are not so hated by the Creator, can access this divine power much more easily.

I don't want you to be the weakest of the Primarchs, you must get this prize! "

Riko was not familiar with the other primarchs. As a vending machine demon engine born because of Curze, Riko's goal was only to help Curze grow.

"No! This kind of thing can be redeemed with just a few points. It's already very easy."

Coze is very clear-headed and does not hate Lu Lu because of different treatment, because no other person or god is good to him.

Four thousand four hundred and forty-four points is not a big number. You can do it by killing a thousand beasts, and there is no shortage of beasts in this world and this galaxy.

"I suggest you go directly to hunt the Slaanesh Demon. The facility he left behind has a blessing effect. You can take away the emergency light and go to the subspace.

There, if you completely kill the Slaanesh Demon, you will receive higher points, and you may even gain the favor of the Creator.

He hates everything in Chaos, but most of all he hates Slaanesh and his daemons.

If you can greatly improve your impression in His mind, you may be able to get the same treatment as other Primarchs. Of course, the Primarch you have met will definitely not be comparable. "

Lizi gave Koz advice.

Coates flipped through the instruction manual again, and finally carefully folded it up and put it into the vending machine. This was the safe area set up by Guang Yu for him, and no one else could enter.

He was afraid that he would accidentally lose the contract of lust that was bound to Li Zi when he went out.

"I'm hungry. I went to make money to eat. Wait until I come back."

Curze said goodbye and prepared to go.

"Wait, this is for you."

In the end, Riko still felt sorry for her son, and a large box of rice balls fell out of the delivery port.

"I have a credit line. I can lend you a few meals so that you have enough food to have the strength to work."

After finishing this sentence, Riko swallowed up her instruction manual.

Cozz took out a large box of rice balls, four in total, about the size of a fist, with fillings inside.

While walking in the darkness, Cozz took out a rice ball and stuffed it into his mouth. The smell of seaweed and meat mixed with the rice made him feel alive and well.

He lost his ability to predict and was unable to foresee that someone was about to commit a crime, which became an obstacle for him to earn points and light sand.

But after leaving his activity area, he saw two people, one of whom he had seen before.

Archbishop Azhay has been standing nearby, waiting for Curze, whom he believes to be the chosen one by the Creator, to appear.

"Is there a problem?"

Coz was very rude to Azay, and he was not a character who got along well with others.

"I'm here to provide you with a little help. Of course, it's not material. I can provide you with some information to help you complete what you want to do."

Azay was not angry at Coz's rudeness. He knew very well that the other person was a baby not long ago and now he was a teenager, which showed that the other person was not a mortal at all.

"who is she?"

Curze asked Azay about the girl next to him who seemed to be in her rebellious phase.

"This is my daughter. She has always been disobedient and ignorant. Recently, the sinners who ruled the nest were killed by divine punishment. The situation may be a little chaotic, so I brought her back forcefully to ensure her safety."

Azayi did not want to go into details about how he found his daughter, because the daughter's appearance was that of her mother, which was considered a sign, but her orientation actually followed hers. How could she explain it?

"Hello, I'm Erao."

Azay's daughter is rebellious, but not stupid.

In the hive capital, or in the bottom hive, there are basically no fools who are ignorant of the world who can survive.

In Er'ao's eyes, the residents of the upper nest and the owners of the tower have always been unattainable.

Those so-called big shots who were evenly distributed and could each receive tens of millions of civilians as leeks were all killed by a divine punishment.

This shocked Erao, who had not believed in the Lord of Matter before.

"I am Konrad Coates. You may have misunderstood something. I am not as loved by the Lord of Matter as you think. He has thought about killing me many times.


Don't waste time in my mind. "

After Kurtz said this, he was ready to leave.

As a bystander, Azai could see that Rasta was kind to Curze. He wanted to say something, but he was afraid that if he let it slip, the plan of the god he believed in would fail.

It would be better for Erao to simply get involved with Curze.

The rebellious little girl is going to be this guy's guide for a while.

"Don't pester me!"

Curze warned Erao that when he was sneaking, he could easily reveal his position because of this woman.

"I want it!"

Erao didn't care, she didn't feel any danger, which meant that Curze had no murderous intention towards her.

The curse of losing the ability to predict, Curze, who had been counseled many times by Angron, a psychiatrist, and met Riko, was in the same situation as Guilliman.

Guilliman was originally a war madman, but was turned into a master of operations by his adoptive parents. He was quite peaceful and did not even suffer from genetic defects.

It can be seen from the name of the future Ultramarines, which is now the War Sons Legion, what the Emperor's original role was for Guilliman, the original body.

"What are you eating? Give me some!"

Er'ao is not a familiar character. Living in the hive city, no one can be trusted except his family.

But in Erao's eyes, Koz can be familiar with himself.

Azay told her that Coz had only been out of the amniotic chamber for a few months and was technically a child.

When Erao saw Kurtz for the first time, his mind was filled with: How many months old is this child? !

The development of the protozoa varies between individuals.

Some Primarchs begin to grow wildly within a week of being born, while others grow to adulthood like mortals, and then begin to turn into giants.

"It's not your share."

Although Curze was not disgusted with Er'ao to the point of hurling harsh words and driving him away, he was not disgusted enough to share food either.

"Then how about I share it with you? My father is the Archbishop of the Material Provider Sect and a material provider. He can manifest a lot of delicious food."

Eao, who clearly dislikes Azay, brought up this incident.

"I earn my own food, so I can eat with peace of mind."

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