Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 268 Death Cult

When Coates said "things he earned," he seemed very confident and tough.

But in fact, he felt guilty because this was the food lent to him by Lizi.

But he certainly couldn't show it.

There are a large number of beasts in the bottom hive of every hive world, and they are capable of cannibalism and even more cruel things.

In the original timeline, the disgusting scenes that Kurtz predicted when he climbed out of the training chamber could even drive him crazy.

Because of this, Coze, who was full of darkness, blood, and filth in the original timeline since he was born, does not trust anyone but only his own prophecy, and is even more cruel and cruel to the extreme.

But in this life, the Sixth Evil God spent more than four months to soften him, and even made Satoko, the demon engine, his guardian.

A different growing environment gave Coates another possibility for the future.

This is why he can tolerate Erao following him.

"Then you can't do without this, right?"

Erao took out a small box.

The various senses of the original body are extremely sharp, and Curze can tell that something is wrong with this little thing at a glance.

When Erao threw the box, it seemed that it was unusually light, and this thing was made of a metal-like tree root.

The gravity of each planet in the galaxy is different. Curze doesn't know about the others yet, but Curze knows the gravity of Nostramo very well.

The neural reaction speed and thinking ability that were even stronger than those of the Astartes allowed the original body, who was not driven crazy by the premonition nightmare, to quickly guess the answer.

"You cut a piece of tree root into hard pages using a special method, and carved some information on each page..."

The miniature carving master Erao clapped his hands when he heard this: "How do you know this? Teach me!"

Koz ignored her and stepped forward to grab the box. Erao couldn't resist at all.

Even Erao didn't think what Curze did was wrong - this was the bottom nest, and he was just robbing things, but he was still a model of moral standards.

Kurtz gently used his nails to pry the pages in the box and saw a lot of information.

His memory is extremely powerful and he has a photographic memory, recalling everything in the iron box.

Erao is not a completely rebellious girl. She has been looking for ways to help her father.

She has been searching for people worthy of saving in the Bottom and Lower Nests according to the teachings of the Material Provider sect.

The material provider sect had been allowed to enter the Upper Nest ten years ago, because the people at the top of the tower and the Upper Nest also wanted to contact this sect with real miracles.

But Azhay refused, feeling that the rulers, capitalists, and military lords of the Upper Nest and the Spire were hopeless.

However, the dignitaries of Nostramo still have nothing to do with Azai. The material provider is protected by the desire of light, and the approaching assassins will die suddenly, and the instigators who follow him will die in extremely painful ways.

Er'ao has not engaged in any criminal activities, and he is a member of Azay's family. Relying on the protective halo of lust, he can come and go throughout the lower nest and the lower nest.

She collected a lot of information and almost became the household registration registrar in this hive city.

After looking at it for a while, Kurtz threw the box back to Erao.

"Give it back to you, I'm just borrowing it temporarily."

Coz’s reason...

No, this excuse was so legitimate that Erao gave him a thumbs up.

It’s just that Erao narrowed his eyes and smiled particularly proudly and cunningly, like a fox.

"Write it down now? It's okay, I don't care, but...why do you think that tens of thousands of names are all the information about the nest?"

"You're not old, so I don't think you know much." Coates deduced that these tens of thousands of names should be the limit that Erao can record.

"I have an intelligence organization. My father is the Archbishop of the Material Provider Sect, and the highest position in this sect is only the Archbishop. There is no such thing as a messy cult leader.

Whether it's to flatter my father or to get the food I give, there will always be people who follow me.

I have sex with hundreds of chicks a day, do you think I’m really doing errands? Isn't that exhausting? I'm here to get some information.

Moreover, I will record it only after I have repeatedly verified that it is indeed true.

I still have a lot of small boxes like this..."

Er'ao firmly grasped the back of Koze Cat's neck.

"...You can follow me, but when I do something, find a safe place to hide."

For the sake of the rest of the list, Curze could only agree to this mortal girl.

After saying this, he started to move forward.

The various senses of the original body allow him to clearly see various obstacles and terrain ahead. He can even calculate in his mind what the terrain will be like next, and even deduce part of the information about the owner of the footprints from the footprints in the soil of the bottom nest.

Not long after the two left, Curze stopped and warned Erao.

"You are here, protect yourself and wait for me."

After Curze said these words, he immediately turned into a shadow and flew out.

It's a real shadow. Looking at it with the naked eye, you can only see a ghost shadow floating by, and you can't see anything clearly.

Even the incompletely developed original body cannot be captured by the dynamic vision of a mortal in the shabby environment of the bottom nest.

Erao stood there in a daze, bored, and then she took out the small box, feeling extremely distressed.

"With so little time to write down so much, is he really a human being?"

She has a lazy temperament and doesn't have many actual carved boxes. Most of the information is still with her lovers.

Those lovers keep the information in their minds for the sake of delicious food.

When Kurtz came back again, his expression was obviously very bad. He was angry, even angry.

This time, he did not become Yagami Yue, but chose to be Bruce Wayne. With his bloody hands, he was obviously not yet proficient at his job, and he let the beast die without prolonging the torture process any longer.

Undeterred, Jo asks Curze what happened.

Kurtz didn't answer, but stretched out his hand with great joy.

Three grains of light sand fell from the sky, illuminating the surrounding darkness.

Er'ao was shocked: "You actually have a holy object!"

"What is a sacred object?"

“The material providers of the Material Provider Sect have lost the ability to create materials in the past, and they once wondered whether it was because they were not pious enough to the Lord of Materials.

Fortunately, they had already stocked up on enough food to survive the crisis.

After the crisis, the oracle from the Lord of Materials arrives, and they will obtain a holy object. One holy object can provide sixteen meals a day for the Big Eater.

And those of us who live in the lower nests and lower nests can actually live very well on one 60% full meal a day. We can even live quite healthily because these foods are delicious and nutritious.

Therefore, the holy thing can feed dozens of people every day. Can you give me this holy thing? I can exchange it with you. With the holy thing, who dares to say that the archbishop's daughter is not a material provider..."

"No, I need it more than you do. I need it to become a god."

"Can you become a god using holy objects?!"

Joao was shocked. She felt a little blasphemous at the idea.

"According to you, I am a god, I just need a ceremony to officially become a god.

I use these relics to seek strength from the Lord of Matter, and with His help, I can transform into my true form, which is my divine form. "

Curze explained to Erao.

Er'ao lowered his head, and after struggling for a few seconds, he suddenly raised his head, his eyes widening.

"Then let me be your archbishop, okay? Okay? Let's organize a sect and I'll provide you with information for free, okay~"

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