Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 275 Training to tear people apart

The emperor takes turns to dress up and come to my house this year!

Slaanesh can dress up, Zerg can dress up, Tzeentch can dress up, Khorne can dress up, why can't I just dress up as lust?

"I found this thing, and I want to ask, do you know it?"

Magnus transmitted the images of the computer host and monitor to the evil Lord opposite through psychic energy.

"I know! Of course I know! This is a big killer weapon. It is equipped with the legendary Type 69 tactical nuclear graphics card. It can destroy a ship girl with one shot! It's very scary!"

"The ship girl...what is it?"

Magnus obviously touched upon a blind spot in knowledge.

"This is easy to understand. It's the mother of a battleship."

Raste prefers a literal translation, no matter whether it is correct or not, as long as it sounds misleading to people who don’t know it.

"How come there is numbness in the battleship..."

Magnus couldn't understand why this thing was numb?

"What is this? According to legend, there is an Eldar Ark named Tomorrow. It is a world warship that sweats very easily. Many people feed on it. I can't understand it."

Rasta opened his mouth and came.

"What is the nature of the sweat in the Ark? Is there any specific research and analysis?"

Magnus felt that this was a strategic material that could feed a whole world of people.

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say. I'll introduce our third child to you another day. She seems to have done in-depth research on this and is very capable of speaking."

As Rasta spoke, he began to activate the demon engine.

Magnus became increasingly nervous about the deadly weapon in his hand.

"Then, how do I activate this killer weapon?"

"You need a ritual to generate electricity and provide energy for it, and you also need a ritual to connect it to the Internet."


"So, you need this Mjolnir!"

Rasta opened his mouth and introduced the hammer once used by Wokan, the mother of fire dragons.

When Vulkan was hatching on Nocturne, his consciousness would often be attached to the bedrock, transforming into a subspace creature, condensing the thunder and lightning that erupted when various suspended materials in the sky rubbed against each other when the Nocturne volcano erupted, to provide his own dragon egg. Nocturne stars strike the rune dragon scales.

After the invisible hammer was hatched in Vokan, it was taken away by Rasta and used to combine two stars in a binary star system.

This hammer has two forms: power and psychic. It can be used as a melee combatant or a mage. Of course, a melee mage is not impossible.

It's just that the compressed star is like a void dragon. Its combat power is unknown, and it becomes stronger when it encounters a strong one.

Magnus was shocked by what he saw in his mind.

He saw a hammer suspended between the vast sky and the earth. The blue pillar of thunder fell from the thick dark clouds in the sky and was attracted by it. On the earth, a volcano erupted, and endless lava was swallowed and absorbed by it.

Such a terrifying hammer stands in a harsh world that is absolutely devoid of any life.

"I can get...such power?!"

As the Primarch cursed by knowledge and the First Mage of the Primarch, how could Magnus not see how extraordinary such a hammer was?

"Of course, as long as you get its recognition, then you are..."

Rasta continued to talk nonsense.

Loki Stark Thor Magnus was suddenly filled with excitement.

He seemed to have imagined the grand scene of commanding thunder and lightning to suppress a world.

"Then you are its wetware - the Hammer God!"

What kind words can the evil lord have here?

"..." Magnus, who knew quite well what wetware meant and also understood that Hammer God was not pleasant to hear, suddenly didn't want the big killer weapon in his hand.

"Originally, I would arrange a test for you. I would make you lose all your current strength, and then throw you into a strange world and throw the hammer into it.

There, you will encounter countless setbacks and doubt yourself.

But as a result, you will also make new friends and even lovers.

But considering that you are blushing like an opera singer, no one probably likes you, so I might as well leave it alone.

Keep everything simple..."

Rasta insulted Magnus.

The magic pony wanted to ask if he could stop talking about his skin color, but he couldn't speak out. He always felt that this "Emperor" was a little out of touch and wicked. What if he didn't mention his skin color? There are other places that are even more damaging...

"Come on, do you choose to become the captain of the magic pony, Paulie, or accept my special training in tearing people apart? Both of these methods will allow you to quickly master Thor's hammer!"

While showing Magnus the daily life of Twilight Sparkle, Rasta began to prepare to contact Fulgrim.

As long as Magnus chooses to be the captain of the Equestrian Kingdom, he will dare to invite Fulgrim to participate in the role of Princess Twilight. If the performance is good, he will also give Phoenix the best sobriety award.

Magnus watched My Little Pony for a long time and predicted the Pale Emperor's ill intentions.

He was sure that he was not the purple pony as the protagonist in the picture, but the red pony next to him.

He, Magnus, is so proud, how can he be a supporting role?

"I choose your personal training!"

Magnus couldn't help but look forward to it when he said this.

Rasta sighed. He did not expect that the poor child would give up the teachings of the gentle teacher Fulgrim and choose another more harsh father-son doubles team.

"Since you chose the special training of tearing people apart, then..."

Magnus was raising his ears. The next moment, there seemed to be the sound of wind filling his ears.

A good library, where does the wind come from?

The puzzled Primarch raised his head and realized that the psychic phone porridge had ended, and he was no longer in the library where he was reluctant to leave even though he was eating, drinking, sleeping, and sleeping.

In front of him was an endless desert.

At this time, there was a roar from behind him.

He turned around without thinking and saw the "Emperor" standing with his sword on a tall Hellhound fire-breathing tank.

An ordinary Hellhound fire-breathing tank can also make Magnus, who is not yet one year old, call him a mother-in-law.

And in his eyes, the high-purity spiritual energy on this Cerberus fire-breathing tank has almost condensed into essence!

Even the surrounding real world is suspected of transforming subspace matter.

Magnus swallowed hard: "The training you are talking about is..."

Rasta did not answer Magnus's words, but mentioned the Emperor's Sword, which was better than the original version, pointing forward.

"Charmander! Beat him to death for me!"

Magnus glanced at the extremely excited fire-breathing tank and started running away without hesitation.

He knew about the Titan, and at this moment he felt that this fire-breathing tank was much scarier than the Titan.

"You call this personal training?"

Magnus' voice trembled as he asked the final question.

Rasta sneered and said to the fugitives in front of him with his usual tone of voice that the right of explanation ultimately belongs to Guang Lu.

"I'm talking about the training to tear apart life and build a divine body!"

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