Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 276 Not as good as Luojia

Forget about the training to tear apart life and build a divine body. At this moment, Magnus only felt that the tank driver was unscrupulous and the five elements were immoral.

"Pony, don't run! Come towards me!"

Raste's beatings were also accompanied by mental blows, which could leave Magnus paralyzed both physically and mentally.

"If I don't run? If I don't run, I will die! Please, father, let me go!"

Magnus deeply regretted his call to the Emperor.

"This was originally arranged for training for your other Primarch brother, Lorga, but he no longer needs it. And you, Magnus, you are too weak, are you considered a Primarch?"

Rasta was very dissatisfied with Magnus's rebellious behavior of running out of the dim light early.

Do you think Magnus's lack of prenatal education was only a little different from the other Primarchs?

After the original body was cultivated by Light Desire, every bit of foundation was doubled.

Magnus was born more than half inferior to the other Primarchs, and later on, they were more than twice as powerful as him.

"Then you create Luojia! No! Luojia is obviously weaker than me!"

Magnus recalled the notes of researchers in laboratories beneath the Himalayas.

Lorgar is the weakest of all the primarchs. Even the twins Alpha and Omega are stronger than Lorgar alone. Magnus feels that he can defeat Lorgar even without using psychic powers.

"But he received prenatal education safely, and you! You are just a bad student who doesn't listen to the class!

Pony, don't run away, hit me, let me see your courage! "

Raste kept irritating Magnus.

"It's too much!"

Magnus also felt that it was impossible for the "Emperor" to kill him like this, so he really turned around and rushed towards Charmander.

Angron didn't know what it was like for a fly to shake a tree. But now, Angron, who was sitting in the cockpit of Charmander, understood what it means for a minor Primarch to be sent flying 4,444 meters by the God of Light. .

Magnus felt like his whole body was falling apart. In fact, the blood of the primarch was pouring out, and his bones were shattered.

Of course, such cruelty is actually not as painful as absorbing the god's spine.

One is the pain of the body, and the other is the pain of the sub-god essence. The sub-god essence, the thing in the subspace, hurts so evil that it makes the body suffer even more.

"Pony, get up! Otherwise I will crush you to death!"

Rasta has not let go of the rebellious student Magnus.

Magnus was speechless at all. He used his psychic powers to forcibly repair his body, running and shouting angrily.

"You said you wanted to see my courage, but you just wanted to kill me!"

"Nonsense, that's not courage. You only showed me stupidity! I provoked you like this, and you fell for it. Where's your brain? Stupid pig! Can I lead you away with a carrot? "

Rasta continued to goad Magnus.

Pony was angry. You can call him weak, but you can't call him stupid. He thought he was the smartest among the originals.

"So, your words were meant to provoke me to get hurt?"

Magnus also realized something was wrong at this time. It is true that psychic energy is a very magical thing, but it does not allow him to repair himself so quickly.

"Of course, I'm just saying this to see if you have any brains. In addition, I have increased your psychic self-healing ability. You should understand, the psychic power you are so proud of is nothing!"

Rasta began to hone Magnus' ability to control out-of-body psychic energy, and taught Magnus how to distinguish his own psychic powers.


Magnus was immediately moved.

"So, Magnus! Don't run, come at me! You coward! You loser!"

Guang Yu has let go, and Charmander is not taking a walk now, but moving slowly.

The speed of this God's Choice Tank can reach several times the speed of sound on land. Note, this is on land!

Magnus is less than a year old, how can he withstand the speed of more than one kilometer per second?

Sprinting with all his strength, Charmander can even reach four kilometers per second when the machine soul is in great joy.

And while maintaining this speed, Charmander's agility is not low at all.

Any corner entry offset will work.

Magnus saw the Gobi at the end of the desert, where there were some mountains.

These mountains, with few plant growths, are obviously very suitable for use as defense fortifications to block the Primarch-killing weapon of Light Desire.

Rasta saw what he was thinking and didn't stop him.

Just when Magnus was about to die from exhaustion, he finally came to the bottom of the mountain and used his spiritual power to jump to the top of the mountain.

He turned around, breathed a sigh of relief and began to rest. At the same time, he spoke with a tone of rebellion against the original body.

"How is it? My wisdom is not weak, right?"

Magnus's complacency was seen by Angron in the cockpit, who was already observing a moment of silence for his original brother in advance.

Sure enough, facing Magnus's provocation, the Pale Emperor showed a very unpleasant smile.

He kicked the little fire dragon under his feet, and then shouted those two classic words.


The original body's nervous reaction speed is very fast. Although Magnus is stupid and a nerd, it does not mean that his thinking ability is slow.

This short moment was enough for him to remember that this thing created by him seemed to be a long-range heavy firepower.

He shivered and looked at Charmander's tracks, armor and muzzle, and then began to play a kaleidoscope and a revolving door in his mind.

At the most critical moment, Magnus finally gritted his teeth and spoke.

"You are cheating! You promised to kill me! You can't break your promise! You are cheating! You can't use this!"

Magnus had already seen Charmander's shells flying out, and he was ready to resist, because his psychic power told him that he couldn't dodge! This thing is absolutely locked!

Although he didn't understand why the fire-breathing tank had a locked attack, Magnus never doubted his psychic abilities.


Rasta agreed with him and wiped away the cannonball that was about to hit Magnus.

This gave the magical pony some relief from the disaster.

But next, he seemed very unhappy.

Because he saw that the pale emperor's car began to retreat, as if...

Seems to be building up strength? !

etc! What is it going to do?

A bold but unbelievable answer came to Magnus' mind.

He hurriedly fled the mountain, faster than when he climbed the mountain.

The roar of Charmander's engine resounded across the ground, and the next moment, the guy who was having fun burst into full speed. At a speed of three to four kilometers per second, it savagely crashed into Magnus's former bunker.

There was also a half-kilometer-high peak where the earth and rocks instantly disintegrated and the mountain was broken.

Charmander, who was deceived at first and said he was a god's machine, can now compete with most Titans and turn them into scrap metal without any damage!

Magnus dodged the flying boulders, but after seeing the earth-shattering scene behind him, he felt a little relieved.

According to this momentum, if the "Emperor" really wants to kill him, he really doesn't need to go to such trouble.

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