Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 277 Rebellious Child Labor

Magnus's body fell apart four times before Charmander stopped.

Rasta jumped off the tank and came to the rebellious Primarch who looked hopeless.

"Eat this."

The Lord of Lights threw out the remains of a main dish, which came from the original seventh evil god.

This was the remnants of the entrée that Horus and Loken shared.

Magnus took this thing, and with just one glance, he felt infinite desire.

He swallowed it, and then the sub-god essence cheered for joy.

When the four main gods of Chaos turn the original body into a demon prince, they will eat the essence of the original body, and then give the original body a demon.

It can be said that the four main gods are very happy eating the secondary gods, but the original body is even happier eating the main god.

Among all the Primarchs, the only Primarch whose essence will not be eaten is probably Sanguinius. Unfortunately, Sanguinius will never betray.

Magnus began to calculate the extent of his body's strengthening.

After concluding that this seemingly inconspicuous little thing could continuously strengthen himself for thousands of years, he shamelessly began to ask.

"Is there more? Can you have some more? I don't taste anything..."

Glancing at the Bajie-like Magnus, Rasta opened his mouth to express the words of division of the Garden Baby Army.

"Whenever I want to call myself the Fifth Evil God, I will."


Magnus felt something was wrong.

Unfortunately, the evil spirit's spiritual filter was too powerful, and it didn't help if he felt something was wrong.

I dismantled Magnus and sewed it up, then dismantled it and sewed it up again, back and forth several times, and then mended it with the remains of a main dish. Only then was the lost foundation restored.

Magnus asked about his reward again. For the Thor's hammer, he had a narrow escape.

"Well, am I qualified to pick up that hammer now?"

Rasta stretched out his hand, and the next moment, Mjolnir, whose promotional video exploded, fell into his hand.

However, with such an inconspicuous appearance, it is difficult for people to believe that this is true, and they will only think that it is false propaganda.

Magnus looked at the hammer that had been gathering dust for a long time, his eyes widened: "This?!"

"You just passed the initial test. Logically speaking, you still have forty-three more tests!

But I have taken a fancy to your excellence, Magnus, and I think you will be able to master this hammer.

So, I hand it directly to you and let you discover its power step by step! "

Rasta handed the Hammer of the Fire Dragon to Magnus.

At the same time, He took out another contract that was in wood color but too rich in color.

"What's this?"

Magnus took the hammer and swung it twice. He felt that it didn't seem to be very satisfactory. At the same time, he was depressed and asked about the contract.

"This hammer has spirituality. You need to sign a contract to use it as you wish. Come on, write your name here and press your fingerprint here."

Rasta urged Magnus to sign the deed of betrayal first.

Originally, if Magnus made the right choice, Rasta would be thrown directly to Chemos without signing the contract.

But since Magnus has chosen another path...

Magnus picked up the contract and looked at it for a long time, but didn't see any problems.

Just kidding, Tzeentch could coax him into selling him and even help Tzeentch count the money. Do you expect him to see something?

With Magnus signing the contract, Rasta has temporarily retired.

"Okay, it's okay, let's go."

After saying these words, the Ashes Door opened, and Light Desire, Charmander and Angron inside Charmander left here.

Magnus panicked. He had no way of leaving here.

I was about to say something, but unfortunately the "Emperor" had already left.

Magnus looked at the unfamiliar uninhabited world in front of him and was about to curse when a psychic phone call came over.

"Magnus, did you just come to me?"

The real emperor contacted his rebellious elder son at this time.

Magnus, who loved to play with firecrackers, was confused: "Why did you walk so fast just now? By the way, how should I leave this world."

"..." The emperor on the other end was stunned.

Then, the Lord of Humanity asked nervously: "What did I look like when you saw me just now?"

At this moment, Magnus began to understand something.

He hesitated: "Don't tell me, there was someone else just now?"

"Maybe it's not human..."

The Emperor had no idea what had just happened to Magnus, but he felt that the child had been deceived into lameness.

Magnus quickly told the Emperor exactly what the horrible thing that intercepted the call had done to him.

"...It's His style. Look at the hammer in your hand. He won't leave you here. Maybe this hammer has the ability to transcend the world."

The Emperor sighed.

Magnus quickly fiddled with the hammer in his hand, and finally he found a sentence on the hammer's handle.

"I want to be an astronaut?"

The moment the magic pony finished speaking these words, the color of thunder and lava sprayed out from the hammer, cutting and reorganizing the space in front of him, turning it into a rainbow vortex.

Magnus was shocked and overjoyed to share the news with the true Emperor.

At the same time, a warp storm struck and Magnus's psychic call was interrupted.

He took out the deed of betrayal and studied it carefully.

"Getting a Primarch and releasing another Primarch? Does that mean I have to betray a brother to be free? Who is this wicked person pretending to be my father?"

Magical Pony doesn't care about this so-called contract of betrayal. Are you kidding me? He would be afraid of this? When he shouts "Father the Emperor" to those ordinary alien civilizations who know the existence of the human empire, who wouldn't be frightened by it?

Originally, Magnus couldn't believe the teleportation channel opened by the hammer, but since his father, the Emperor, said there was no problem, what was he afraid of?

Magnus stepped into the vortex.

The next moment, he arrived in a world of ice and snow.

The magic pony was stunned for a moment, then he turned around and saw two people of the opposite sex next to him.

One of them was more than four meters tall and a real beauty. Unfortunately, her eyes were fierce, and it was obvious at a glance that she had a bad personality.

The other one is more than two meters tall, with a scar on his face and a somewhat heroic look.

Magnus did not sense that one of the people in front of him was his original body, the Breast Emperor.

Rasta gave him a negative state that blinded his perception.

But Horus was different. She clearly felt that this was her brother, a original body.

Loken even took the contract from Magnus.

Different people see different contents of the contract.

"The authentic child laborer I just found for you is very rebellious and exploits you hard! He can't recognize you!"

Loken and Horus looked at each other, and then looked at the Ghost House, which was accelerating but still unfinished.

Magnus always felt that these two people seemed dangerous.

The spiritual energy told him that any one of these two people could beat him to the point of being called an emperor.

So he decided to take advantage of being a child and act cute.

"Two sisters..."

Originally, Horus and Loken were not that eager to target Magnus, but now, he is asking for trouble!

Loken, who has mastered the technique of extracting the original body, flicked his whip.

"What are you doing standing around? Get to work quickly!"

As the whip went down, Magnus suddenly missed the touch of Charmander.

After being whipped a few times, he obediently started construction work with Thor's hammer in his hand.

But it didn't take long for the rebellious child laborer to figure out something.

damned! The second caller was also a fake emperor! It was also dressed up by that wicked thing!

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