Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 282 The Young Demon

Unlike Magnus in the far north, in the city of origin of Liting, the disciples were finally excited to go out on business.

The black-robed disciple never thought that he would be able to follow the Lord alone one day. In his opinion, this should be the treatment that only a disciple leader like Osiris or the original body would have.

Raste's "bribery" caused the disciples to stop asking questions. They realized that no matter how hard they searched, they might not be able to get the answer.

"what's on your mind?"

The incarnation of Rasta opened the Ashes Door and walked in with the black-robed disciples.

This incarnation of Him now goes to help a Khorne demon slaughter an Imperial world.

The black-robed disciples followed Rasta, following suit.

He collected his thoughts and replied: "I feel honored to be able to follow the infinitely glorious Lord."

"Brilliance? Maybe."

Rasta thought of what he had to do today.

His schedule is very full. He will first go to an imperial world, help the Great Demon of Khorne kill most of the Imperials there, and then end the life of the Great Demon of Khorne, and then go to find Ferus.

He asked the black-robed disciples: "Aren't you curious about what we are going to do?"

The black-robed disciple was respectful and obedient: "You know everything, everything is possible, and you know everything. You know all the questions in my heart. What you are willing to tell me is what I should know."

"I will take you to familiarize yourself with the business. In the next ten thousand years, this will be the task of the entire Court of Dawn.

Each disciple will lead the Judgment Legion and launch a purge within the empire until it is pure enough.

You must do this in order to prevent the god on the throne from standing up again.

The Court of Dawn will become the Supreme Court of Justice, and each of you will be the judge. "

Rasta walked in front with a calm tone.

But the black-robed disciples behind Him felt unreasonable fear.

Raste's words were meaningless, but from the bits of information he picked up, he could tell that there seemed to be some big changes involving him in the future.

“Osiris did well, he traveled to the past and left behind the legend of the King of Creation.

He calls himself the Etheric Messiah, the Holy One, the hidden Lord of the spiritual race, and is also called the angel of the Lord of Creation.

This became the cornerstone of the ritual, and I had begun to walk down the path necessary for the ritual. "

Rasta led the black-robed disciples out of the Ashes Gate.

“But time is running out, the Primarchs have not fully returned one by one, and the gods of mankind have not yet been determined.

Without accurate beliefs and pure positive gods interfering with the world, the empire will only remain in decay.

You should have seen that depravity. "

The black-robed disciples stared at the black and yellow sandy ground covered with pollutants. It was so dry that there was not a drop of water or a blade of grass.

However, there are some gnawed bones of mortals, still waiting for the final decay in the wind.

"What shall I do, Lord."

The black-robed disciple felt confused at this moment. He didn't know whether to follow his heart and prevent all this from happening, or to be a qualified fanatic and carry out the Lord's command to the end.

"When I become the Lord God of the Empire, the entire galaxy will be divided into four states.

There will always be a civil war within the empire, and this war will be started by you. "

"You mean, let's get rid of heretics?"

The black-robed disciple expressed his thoughts.

"Eradicating heresy... This topic is too easy to misinterpret. Come on, let me show you a negative teaching material.

The Empire disgusts me because there are so many negative teaching materials.

Most of the rebellions within the empire are caused by the empire itself. Each of the stupid leaders fits the characteristics of the four main gods and demons of Chaos. "

Rasta reached out and pulled down the hood of the black-robed disciple. The black-robed disciple with strange eyes, which was once regarded as an ominous sign, looked at the world and felt a little uncomfortable.

The hood gives him some security.

This was once a slaughterhouse.

This is how the black-robed disciples view this desert.

There are corpses of old people and children everywhere here, and some people were even hung on the emperor's statue and burned alive.

"What has happened here..."

The black-robed disciples looked at the nest in the distance, which was a huge building towering into the clouds.

A giant track connected the hive city, and the other end connected to other hive cities on the other side of the continent.

“This is a transit point, something that every hive world has.

For the empire, the transit station is like a paradise. People here can grow crops and feed themselves, and the empire will distribute some supplies such as food and clothing.

Their job is to maintain railways and trains.

This is one of the easiest jobs in the empire, requiring only a few hours of work most of the time, with only one or two brief overtimes required when the railway is in trouble.

A peaceful life brings more smiles here, and everyone's attitude towards others is more approachable.


Rasta looked at the hive world at the end of the railway and looked at the location of the upper hive.

"But the people there find it blasphemous that these untouchables can have happiness.

The things there were suffering because they couldn't find new ways to enjoy themselves. When I went out for a walk, I saw the smiles of these untouchables.

So they got angry for no reason - the four old guys in the subspace didn't like this beauty either, but they didn't do it as well as they did.

A massacre began, and unwarranted charges were placed on these people.

The corpses you saw were from those former railway maintainers.

Even most Slaanesh demons are less terrifying than those nobles.


Rasta stretched out his hand, and the entire nest seemed to be in his hands. Now he only needed to hold it tightly from a distance, and something would happen that the nobles who claimed to be loyal servants of the emperor would never want to see.

"You are telling me that when we become judges in the future, we should not distort our original purpose and maintain our original intention, so that this situation will not happen."

The black-robed disciples could feel Rasta's anger.

"Yes, if you did that, I might destroy you too.

The darkness of the empire is greater than anything else in the empire. Sometimes the Dark Eldar of Commorragh should even learn torture methods from the nobles of the empire.

And those ugly faces. "

After the Emperor's Glory said these words, he tore open the barrier of reality and released a great demon of Khorne and the demonic army it commanded into this world.

This is a big demon full of rage and violence. Although its power is good, it is only in the ranks of ordinary big demons.

It had two broken horns on its head, a sword stuck in its chest, and its scarlet skin was full of wounds.

"Back! I'm finally back! Father, mother, my love and my best brother..."

The great demon of Khorne, Casta, knelt on the ground and hugged the half-rotted skull into his arms.

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