Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 283 Judgment Expedition

Eighty-eight years ago, Casta was a human, or a child.

He was born into a family of railway maintenance workers, a life that countless people in the empire dream of.

The work is leisurely, and the people responsible for managing them can even get along with them and are very understanding.

Casta grew up in this environment.

They would pray under the Emperor's statue and play around.

He has a girl he admires, who is his childhood sweetheart.

His parents were liberal and loving.

Every neighbor is a good person. After get off work, everyone will discuss whether the drought-tolerant crops they planted are growing well.

The uncle who is responsible for maintaining the desert spring water source will bring good news every seven days that he has finally saved enough water for bathing.

Casta had always been curious about what the hive was like.

No matter who looks at the huge hive that towers into the clouds every day, they will be curious about the internal structure.

Aunt Sif, who raised three children, would tell him that it was probably hell compared to this.

The bedtime stories in the town even include such damn things as if you disobey, you will be caught and sold in the hive.

Therefore, Casta has always had a psychological shadow on the nest city.

One day later, the nobles of the hive capital came out to relax and wanted to see the situation on the surface.

They came to this place.

They have been worrying about how to better exploit the civilians in the hive city all day long, but the untouchables here can actually laugh?

The nobles, who had enjoyed themselves so much that they couldn't find any more excitement, finally conspired and launched a competition.

This game is how to slaughter these untouchables!

The most indispensable thing in the hive world is population. They don't think that there are fresh human lives here, they only think that it is a number that can be replenished at any time.

That day in Casta's life became his worst nightmare.

This made him still feel that the human empire was the dirtiest and most terrifying after he became the great demon of Khorne and saw countless aliens and other races.

During that massacre, Casta watched the nobles seeking excitement and watched his companions, the "heretics" in the nobles' mouth, being hanged on the emperor's statue.

This made Casta hate the Emperor immensely.

When Casta was the only survivor present, his despair, anger and sadness, as well as his hatred for the Human Empire and the Emperor, led him to charge against the entire noble hunter group alone.

The noble laughed at his weakness and released his hounds.

The dogs spit out the eyeballs from their mouths and ran towards the live prey.

Of course Casta was defeated. Then, the nobles found Casta's most familiar body and asked Casta to eat it. As long as Casta eats it, he can be tied to a dog leash and survive, and he will be with the nobles' hounds. Stay together.

Karsta's endless rage attracted Khorne's attention at that moment, and as a result, Khorne won Karsta's complete devotion.

The young man who became a demon on the spot launched a rebellion. After killing some nobles, the Khorne demon was expelled by the army of the hive.

The being who had just become a demon did not have enough combat experience and lost the opportunity to kill all his enemies in one go.

Eventually, the great demon and its rebels were banished into the warp.

For eighty-eight years, pain and anger tortured Casta.

Khorne's "salvation" made it extremely loyal. It came to the galaxy many times for Khorne and conquered everything for him.

But Casta still longs to return to the land of his birth, and then slaughter all the nobles in that world.

Not long ago, it heard a voice that could send it back to its hometown and even help it get revenge.

It was unquestionably loyal to Khorne, and it told Khorne this directly.

It thought its hesitation and possible disloyalty would make the Skull Lord angry.

Yet Khorne was happy about it.

Light desire recognized His vision and recognized His Great Demon!

In this way, the Lord of Skulls gave Casta freedom and a sufficient number of demonic troops.

And now, Casta is back here.

"No Astartes will come to your aid, no Auxiliaries will come to stop you, Casta, do what you have to do."

The existence of Lust of Light makes the Khorne demons around them tremble.

"When I get my revenge..."

Casta didn't know why the god in front of him wanted to help him. He knew that this was a being who could at least talk to Khorne.

"You will die completely and will not be exiled to the warp again."

Rasta finished this sentence coldly.


Casta muttered.

Then, it stood up, raised the battle ax in its hand, and smashed the emperor's statue.

"Drive out the false emperor! Destroy the empire! Khorne lives on forever! For the power given by the Lord of Skulls! Slaughter the world! Blood! We need the blood of the coward! Our anger needs nourishment! It will never subside!"

Casta, the vengeful soul, only has anger and hatred in his eyes.

The demon army of Khorne surged toward the distant hive like a tide, bypassing Ralast and the black-robed disciples.

The black-robed disciple froze on the spot, not knowing what to say.

Because just now, he gained Casta's memory.

"I have always had the desire to destroy the empire, and I have even wanted to do it several times."

Rasta told the black-robed disciples.

The black-robed disciples also had an extremely bad impression of the empire because of Casta's memory.

"The subspace is just chaos, but many places in the empire can be directly called hell.

I feel very tired. The four of them have used this evidence more than once to prove that the empire I helped is more extreme and disgusting than their realm of chaos.

The empire tortured me like a torture device.

I hope you will not become like this in the future. This is my instruction to you. "

Rasta and the black-robed disciples just looked at the hive.

"Ordinary people in that hive..."

The black-robed disciple fulfilled his responsibility. He alerted his Lord and asked Him not to hurt innocent people.

“I have modified the perceptions of all demons and humans in this world.

Those who don't deserve to die can't see them, and the devils only see those who have committed unpardonable crimes..."

Guang Yu, who had always wanted to make things ideal enough, turned around.

"Our biggest enemy is the darkness of the empire. In the judgment expedition in the next ten thousand years, that will be our goal."

"Where will you be then, Lord! Where is the throne?"

The black-robed disciples were afraid of what they would do if Rasta no longer walked the earth.

“My light will visit the world, and I will stand above the Milky Way, like a star on a planet, illuminating everything.

Just look up and you can see me.

According to the contract, your souls will belong to me after your death. At that time, you will return to the throne and never leave again. "

After Rasta finished saying this, he raised his hand, and the bones on the black and yellow sand began to form graves one by one.

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