Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 284 The whole world is left

The black-robed disciple felt very depressed at the moment.

Rasta saw all this, so even though he didn't like smoking, he still decided to light one for the black-robed disciple.

"Come on, have a cigarette and relax your nerves. It's my fault that I brought my emotions to you."

Raste's words were sincere, and her apologetic attitude was even more speechless.

This made the black-robed disciple really relax.

Not because of the words of the Lord of Lights, nor because he wanted to smoke cigarettes, but because the dick the Lord gave him to smoke was an infinite length of 4.4444 centimeters.

The black-robed disciple was silent for a moment, then raised his finger, preparing to use his spiritual energy to light the cannon.

Rasta quickly stopped the behavior of the disciple with different eyes.

"You're so pumped!"

The black-robed disciple, who had been discriminated against by others because of his abnormal eyes and was considered a heretic and a mutant, looked at the wiped gun that Rasta took back.

The infinite loop of four points four four four four is so sacred! So tempting!

At this time, a biting wind blew from the end of the desert. In the nest that was exploded by the explosive units of the Khorne demon army, the smell of blood was mixed with the roar of the great demon, mixed in the wind towards the disciple and him who felt that they were inhumanly powerful. The Lord comes.

"Lord, can you give me this gun-wiping thing?"

The black-robed disciples asked for what should be theirs.

"What are you going to do with it?"

Rasta handed the cannon-wiping disciple to the black-robed disciple and asked him a question.

"He made you angry. I'm going to find an opportunity in the future to give him some trouble."

The black-robed disciples had no good opinion of the Emperor, let alone faith.

The environment in which he grew up and the experiences he had on his home planet before meeting Rasta destined him not to think that the Emperor would be his savior.

The Lord he thinks is only lust.

Therefore, when the black-robed disciple disparaged the emperor, he did not give him any honorific title, but directly called him "that person".

Rasta didn't care how the black-robed disciples made the emperor smoke the gas tank. It would be fine even if he smoked the gas tank.

Because the emperor of the empire will soon be dispatched by the quartermaster with the highest military rank in the empire to a certain point in time to do something like "you get rid of Tang Monk's master and apprentice".

"Lord, pseudo...emperor, what does he look like, what are his characteristics, and what are his hobbies?"

The black-robed disciples took this opportunity to ask Rasta about the emperor's appearance.

There are legends about this old man all over the galaxy, and everyone's description is different. In addition, the legends about the emperor are often added to the story by word of mouth, which makes the emperor's legends somewhat outrageous.

“This is difficult for me, because this guy is actually a decadent middle-aged man who occasionally regains his youthful appearance, but he also looks like he’s just waiting to die.

But in front of outsiders, he never showed this side of himself.

As for the characteristics, I won’t go into details about the Shinichi Armor and the Emperor’s Sword...

As for hobbies, I can only talk about eating. "

As Rasta spoke, he opened the Ashes Door again, preparing to take the black-robed disciples to see Magnus' good brother Manus.

I don’t know if Fulgrim called the wrong name when he was present with Magnus and Ferrus at the same time, because the pronunciation was too similar.

"The Emperor really eats children?!"

The black-robed disciple opened his mouth and came.

"That's not the case. Even those who ate psionic energy in the original timeline had to celebrate their birthdays.

Also, those who eat children seem to be..."

He seems to be my inspiration king?

Rasta frowned, he didn't want to lose his glorious image among the black-robed disciples.

He changed the subject in advance.

"As for eating, the Emperor is pitiful! What can he eat? It's just macarons, macados, etc..."

Of course, the black-robed disciple would not expose Rasta's shortcomings, and his attention quickly came to the emperor's favorite food.

"Then...can I eat the food that the Emperor eats?"

When the black-robed disciples were on their home planet, they heard their bragging childhood friends boast that the Emperor ate the most delicious food in the world.

"Macaroons, not macarons."


"Makado is the Imperial Regent."

"The damn emperor doesn't even spare his own regent..."

It was difficult for Rasta to explain that the person was the empress rather than the regent or the prime minister. He could even see that the black-robed disciple really didn't know how to drive, so he was not talking nonsense to him here.

Light Desire led his disciples across the sea of ​​​​stars, and after walking four steps through the Gate of Ashes, they had already arrived in another world.

This world shares the same name as a cursed succubus from ancient Terran mythology: Medusa.

Medusa is an extremely cruel world.

The temperature here is much lower than that of Ancient Terra. Most of the area is frozen soil, and there is even a considerable proportion of permafrost.

This has also led to the worsening of the living environment of the entire planet.

Frost, permafrost, abnormal air composition, and a large number of war machines that don't know when they will wake up are all threats that life on this planet will face.

This planet was already miserable enough as it was, but after Ferus arrived, the planet became even worse.

Ferus's cultivation cabin was like a world-destroying meteorite, which was smashed down from outer space. It was like a sky-dropping attack that destroyed the dinosaurs in the Jurassic, and smashed the highest peak of the Medusa world.

Not only that, the force penetrated the mountains and hit the continental plates, causing the geological movement to continue endlessly for countless years.

Such movement of continental plates has led to permafrost rupture in various parts of Medusa, especially in polar regions such as the Arctic.

So various monsters and ghosts that had been sealed long ago appeared in Medusa's Arctic Circle.

For example, because humans have modified their own genes too much, they cannot tell whether they are protecting humans, and then they were deceived by the subspace and rebelled.

These huge iron monsters can be called mythical creatures for the entire primitive tribe of Medusa planet, and no one can defeat them.

With long-range attacks, close combat programs, and impressive intelligent processing systems and defenses, these Iron Men can even be compared with dog tanks. It is not a dream for a special model of War Iron Man to defeat ordinary Titans.

In addition to Titans, Medusa also has the remains of local alien civilizations and various traps left by alien invaders.

This world that has been fought by multiple races feels like a hodgepodge.

Ferus is still sleeping in the middle of the highest peak of Medusa. His silver eyes have not yet opened, and he has not smashed a Necron entangled with the Iron Man with his fist, causing his arm to be covered with a layer of iron armor.

After Rasta lowered his head and thought for a few seconds, he finally thought of his script for Ferus.

The Lord of Lights began to transform the entire planet Medusa, forcing it to conform to the stage setting of his own script.

"We need the ocean here, we need the lush mountains and forests here, we need the city here..."

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