
This is a very backward and barbaric world.

Nusria seems barbaric and backward, but the nobles master some of the technology and even have experience in ground-to-air combat, even if they are full of moisture.

And Olympia is a planet that is a little better than the primitive world of Medusa and has just entered the Iron Age.

And it's even more barbaric than Medusa.

The various wars and chaos in Medusa in the original timeline were caused by Ferus himself.

The chaos in Olympia is self-taught.

This place emphasizes extreme cannibalism, and some slaves have no choice but to evolve a stomach that can even digest fodder, and are raised like livestock.

When Perturabo climbed out of the stream, he was stared at by two slaves.

They hadn't eaten meat for a long time, and another piece of walking food came out of the river.

Perturabo's Primarch's memories were also blocked by Rasta.

He was going to turn this guy into a piece of white paper first and then smear it.

Perturabo's life trajectory and premature maturity are due to the influence of the memory of the original body.

The primarch had just climbed out of the cultivation chamber at the bottom of the river eight minutes before he tore two slaves to pieces.

Perturabo sat there with a confused look on his face, always feeling that he had forgotten something.

At this moment, a figure approached in the night.

The amnesiac Primarch tensed.

Immortal Zhen Yuanzi looked at this guy with his disciple whose pseudonym was Qingfeng.

"You are very good, be my son!"

As Zhen Yuanzi spoke, he touched the white beard that stuck to himself.

Perturabo was adopted.

In the following time, he received various trainings.

Unlike Ferrus, who was resistant to the Primarch's broadcast gymnastics, Perturabo accepted it easily.

"Your destined opponent is the legendary third sister, Ferus. He used the famous saying of 'leaving a sister without leaving his head, leaving hands without leaving a sister'. He was extremely cold and cruel, and he once opened a world that lasts forever. war!

I have a ginseng fruit here. If you take it, you can live for thousands of years!

If you defeat him, I will give you this ginseng fruit!

With this ginseng fruit, you can go to Damocles, the monarch of the country here, and ask for everything he can give you. No ruler can resist the temptation of immortality! "

The next forty-four years were the days when Pebolatu was instilled with the philosophy of life.

Ferus was put free because Ferus himself was saved.

As for Perturabo...

Raste really hated his original behavior, so he simply gave him a complete change and forcibly modified the original body into something at least normal.

With the cooperation of the four incarnations, Perturabo finally grew into a guy who was not so bipolar, and the title "Ruffian Boss" no longer suited him.

Perturabo climbed out of the cultivation chamber decades earlier. When he was twenty-nine, the girl named Katherine had just been born.

Humans in Olympia's world are generally precocious, and fifteen is already equivalent to an adult.

There is no way, in such a cruel world, if you don't grow up early, you will have no chance to grow up.

"Perturabo, you have grown up, you are the man who is going to be the King of Olympia! You cannot remain a single man, otherwise you will be easily laughed at.

Therefore, I am going to betroth you to the cousin of the son of Damocles, the king of Rocks State..."

"...Don't you know what Damocles called his son's cousin..."

"You're very well said, hold out your hand!"

After giving Perturabo four blows with the god's spine, Zhen Yuanzi drove Perturabo out of Wuzhuang Temple, where he had lived for forty-four years.

Outside Wuzhuang, Haien, whose alias was Pineapple, kicked Perturabo.

"Why did my father say that I would be betrothed to Damocles' cousin?"

When he was far away from Wuzhuang Temple, Perturabo expressed his incomprehension.

"Because your character is too child-like, you are no different at forty-four than you are at four years old.

The owner of the village counted with his fingers and knew that Damocles' cousin Katherine was a smart child with a natural eye and was very mature.

If the owner of the village thinks you are not good enough, you should consider what you should do. "

Hain is Perturabo's "physical education teacher". As a physical education student who can kill an Olympian four-toothed tiger with a sliding shovel, Perturabo still respects Hain as a teacher.

Because he still needed a sliding shovel, and Hain only needed to grab him and sacrifice him as a hidden weapon. What was outrageous was that he, Pebolatu, couldn't resist at all.

What frightened Perturabo the most was the concern from Hain.

Every time Perturabo's grades were unsatisfactory, Hein would advise him not to be nervous and relax, it was no big deal.

Then, Hain will walk into the kitchen with Perturabo's horrified eyes and say that he will make four special dishes to make Perturabo good! good! repair! repair!

This musty smell in the universe, which even the King of Chaos did not dare to try easily, made Perturabo full of words.

"What shall we say when we go to see Damocles?"

Perturabo was not a taciturn and honest person in his life, but he had never met any king.

"It's simple. The owner of the village allowed us to capture the neighboring country Yioleken. Now Yioleken belongs to our Wuzhuang Temple.

You take the map of Ioreken and say that you want to dedicate the entire Ioreken to the Kingdom of Rocks.

When Damochs, King of Rocks, surprises you and presents it to you, unfold the map, pick up the dagger in it, and stab it..."


Perturabo still understood the allusions of Tuqiongdajian, as he had been taught in the Chinese class of Wuzhuang Temple.

He was shocked: "Aren't we going to get married?"

"I'm talking about your brain! The owner of the village wants you to learn to be flexible, not to make you rigid like a wooden person here!"

Hain knew exactly what Rasta meant.

The taciturn and honest man Pebolatu earned his so-called master tactician title in the original timeline purely by consuming cans.

What seemed like various sophisticated and brave tactics were actually completely rigid, but Perturabo just refused to change them!

Seeing that Perturabo was showing signs of this, Rasta was ready to correct him.

Perturabo obeyed.

The Rocks Kingdom quickly chose to meet Perturabo, the new king of Ioleken.

These barbaric countries do not have the style of a great country at all.

However, Perturabo was stopped during the court meeting.

This made the not-young Primarch deep in thought.

This plan is obviously very good! Why did he declare that the plan failed when he couldn't even get close to Damocles?

Perturabo, who was puzzled, soon got the answer.

Damox, King of Rocks, sneered and shook off the dagger in the map.

"I knew you were going to assassinate me!"

"How did you find out?"

"You are stronger than a Camontan mammoth! Are you here to present a map?"


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