Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 291 Divine Right of Kingship

In the original timeline, Damocles, who had been hated by Perturabo for a full 10,000 years and could definitely be called a tyrant and had nothing to do with good people, used one sentence to alert the four-meter-tall Primarch.

Perturabo looked down at his hands and remembered the words of Pineapple Taoist Boy and Chef Saint Hain.

The next moment, he knew what he should do.

"Thank you for reminding me, I almost forgot that I don't need that fragile piece of metal to kill you."

Perturabo's words directly shocked everyone in the palace, which could definitely be called simple.

In the original timeline, the art and knowledge of Olympia and the truly beautiful buildings were basically established by Perturabo. He even sorted out the knowledge of this civilization and built the Royal Library himself.

Damocles did not think Perturabo could threaten him.

Magnus's sense of oppression was something Perturabo did not have.

Magnus's psychic power allowed him to change freely in various body shapes, from one meter to more than ten meters.

On the battlefield, you can even see Magnus as tall as a Titan. The Primarch is surrounded by surging psychic energy, which causes the surrounding liquid substances to be shaken, frozen or evaporated.

The horror that is obvious at a glance is the most intuitive manifestation of the power of the Primarch.

But what about Perturabo?

Every Primarch has psychic power, but they have never discovered or used it. Even the psychic Muggle Guilliman has it, but Guilliman firmly denies that he has psychic power, so he has never triggered his hidden ability.

Perturabo does have psychic power, but for the level of the Primarch, his psychic talent is not enough to tickle, let alone change his body shape.

In Olympia, there are various giant beasts, and the Kamontan mammoth is one of them.

Damokus once personally hunted prey that was larger than the Kamontan mammoth.

Therefore, he looked down on Perturabo. A guy with only body size could not defeat his soldiers and weapons.

But is it really so?

When Damocles's archers shot more than a dozen arrows at Perturabo, but made a sound that didn't seem to penetrate the flesh, everyone in the Rocks State changed their faces.

Perturabo lowered his head and picked up an arrow. The arrowhead had been severely deformed, but Perturabo didn't even have a little skin scraped off.

He crushed the metal arrowhead into iron powder with his thumb and index finger, and then sighed.

"Originally... it could have saved many lives."

The next moment, the war machine of the human empire rioted.

This palace, which was more than ten meters high, could indeed accommodate Perturabo's passage, but when he jumped high, he smashed the dome of the palace, and the collapsed palace made everyone retreat in panic.

After escaping from the range of the collapsed building, the survivors watched the king's residence, which had taken countless manpower and material resources to build, become a ruin.

Perturabo pushed away a broken wall, and the wall suddenly flew out more than ten meters, hitting the ground hard, making a dull sound.

Fragments of the wall were splashed everywhere.

Perturabo held the body of King Rocks in his hand, as if holding a rag doll.

"I am Perturabo, I came by the order of God, and He has granted me your kingship! I am the new king of Rocks!"

This thunderous voice spread far and wide.

But most people have not yet woken up from this incident.

Perturabo sighed, and then he looked at the ground.

He let go of Damocles' body, then raised his fist and smashed it into the ground.


At this moment, the entire palace complex felt what they had engraved in their memories.

Natural disasters exist with any civilization.

And at this moment, they were horrified to find that there was an earthquake!

The cracked earth and the frightened people.

In this most barbaric world of the survival of the fittest, Perturabo used the most direct way to become the king of the Rocks state.

Many people died in this earthquake, but not many people hated Perturabo.

Olympia is a twisted world, just like Lorgar in the original timeline.

The kneeling subjects, from the bottom of their hearts, acknowledged that the Primarch had replaced Damocles.

The concept of divine right of kings was also imprinted in their hearts.

Perturabo completed his mission, but a haze was added to his heart.

He felt very twisted that this was not what he wanted, he wanted a more civilized way.

But his Primarch's head told him that he should do it this way, because it was fast, efficient and had the least trouble.

This made him want to blame Zhen Yuanzi a little.

The original territory of the Rocks State was not that large.

In the original timeline, this country was able to unify the entire planet thanks to the Primarch, but now, it is just an inconspicuous one among the many Olympian city-states.

At nightfall, the people from various important positions in the state who came to swear allegiance dispersed.

Perturabo dealt with everything about the original royal family of Rocks as soon as possible.

He forgave these people.

Although there were indeed people who wanted to take revenge on him, he didn't care.

He saw a different person in that group of people.

She seemed to be able to attract all of Perturabo's attention just by standing there.

In the future timeline, the Primarch, who had become one of the gods of mankind, was conveying some important information to his past self.

This message that spans time says - love her!

This made Perturabo, a guy with a polarized mind, suddenly at a loss what to say.

All the smart people in the country saw the new king's nervousness.

Even the adoptive mother from Perturabo's original timeline.

However, considering the size of the original body, they still did not propose to let Katherine be the new queen.

Perturabo's selfishness and lustful "education" for many years finally made him shameless and made a request to the wise men of Olympia.

In other words, it was a pleading or even begging with a hint of coquettishness.

"I...I need an auxiliary officer!"

Katherine looked at the face of the original body. She was not very emotionally touched by the death of King Rocks. She did not like the cruel world of Olympia.

In the original timeline, after Perturabo, who did not dare to express his feelings, left Olympia, Katherine made various struggles in her short mortal life and tried her best to change the current situation of the world.

But in the end, she was old and tired and reunited with her cousin.

Unable to accept his own mistakes, unable to accept the changes in the past, unable to accept the most cherished thing, Perturabo became disgusted with his cousin who decided to slaughter the entire planet, and killed his beloved.

Then, Perturabo collapsed completely, and under the persuasion of Lorgar and "Horus", he decided to pay his birthday to the Emperor.

The curse of not being able to love in the original timeline made Perturabo a self-contradictory person throughout his life, a nagging person who could get something but not strive for it, and felt that he was strong but ultimately weak.

But in this life...

"I can promise you that."

After Katherine agreed, she put forward some conditions regarding her family.

Perturabo was a smart man, and he could agree immediately, but in order to prevent others from making the same request, he still put on a show, and finally agreed with difficulty, seemingly full of anger.

After pushing the matter to the assistant officer and letting her become his spokesperson.

Perturabo sat in the ruins in a daze. He always felt that he seemed to have done something wrong today.

At this moment, a large basin of noodles was handed over.

To Perturabo, this was just a big bowl.

Perturabo took the bowl of tomato and egg noodles and looked at Zhen Yuanzi.

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