Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 292 Hot Twins

"Why are you looking at me? Can I go down?"

The ancestor of earthly immortals, Rasta, patted Perturabo's hand.

The Primarch lowered his bowl tactfully.

Guangyu began to pick up the tomatoes in his bowl and threw them into Perturabo's bowl.

Zhen Yuanzi Daxian was very picky about food. He liked to eat scrambled eggs with tomatoes, but not the tomatoes in them.

When there were only four small pieces of tomatoes left in the bowl, Rasta began to eat noodles.

Perturabo also buried his head in the food.

When he was halfway through the meal, Catherine came back. At first glance, she saw the young man who was not like an ordinary person next to the new king, which made her ready to leave.

"Come here, add a pair of chopsticks."

Rasta waved to Catherine.

The tomato and egg noodles were indeed very fragrant.

Catherine's life was not easy. The food culture of Olympia was like a crosstalk master who had lost soy sauce and sesame oil.

From the rumors of divine right of kingship, Catherine roughly understood that this was the god who granted the kingship to Perturabo.

Catherine avoided the various building remains in the ruins and came close to the Primarch and the evil god.

Perturabo looked at Rasta nervously, as if he was thinking that if the wicked guy Zhen Yuanzi gave her bad noodles, he would muster up the courage to protest firmly!

As a result, Rasta did not give Catherine a bowl of noodles at all, but directly took a pair of chopsticks to Catherine.

This stunned the assistant officer.

First, it was because she really didn't know how to use chopsticks, and as for the second... what would she eat? !

"You can't pick up so many noodles? Why are you looking at me? What's your identity? Can I still teach you to use chopsticks?"

Rasta's bully tone was particularly scary, just like that kitten fierce man.

So, Catherine blushed and ate "a bowl of noodles" with Perturabo.

During this period, Perturabo carefully taught her how to use this kind of tableware that did not exist in Olympia.

Catherine liked the sweet taste of tomatoes very much, so Perturabo gave up the food that he actually liked.

The relationship between the light bulb and the Cupid god Rasta was quite effective.

When Catherine was eating and reporting something, the couple looked like they were talking about love.

Guangyu copied part of the inner feelings of the future Catherine to the current Catherine.

Otherwise, how could Catherine really like a big fool who had just tossed her royal family into this?

Although there was no memory matching the emotion, Catherine felt that Perturabo was much more pleasing to the eye, like a big child.

After Catherine finished her report and tiptoed away, Perturabo's expression became a little gloomy.

The gap between him and Catherine was too big, and this gap was big in every aspect, especially in body size and lifespan.

Rasta took out the after-meal fruit and threw it to Perturabo.

After Perturabo finished eating, the Lord of Ethics made him regret it.

"What I just gave you was ginseng fruit."

Perturabo almost cursed the gods.

He was absent-mindedly thinking about the life span of Catherine, but you, Zhen Yuanzi, threw something to solve the problem and he ruined it?

"Give me another one!"

Perturabo really couldn't accept that he would see Catherine's death in a few decades or at most a hundred years.

The greenhouse garden of Wuzhuang Temple made him feel very different from the original timeline, and even in the original timeline he couldn't accept these.

"You unify this planet first, and then defeat the 'third sister Liu', I will give you ginseng fruit, or even more than one, and I will give you more spiritual power."

Lassite introduced the role of spiritual power when teaching the original body in Wuzhuang Temple.

Logically speaking, with such a clear goal, Perturabo should be happy.

But he was entangled again.

"I can't do it! This world is too strange. If I rule it the way I want, it's completely impossible. And if I follow the method of becoming King Rocks, it's a bit..."

Perturabo really wants to be recognized by others, but he has to show his disdain for it on the surface.

He wanted to change the planet in a civilized way, but he knew that in this barbaric world, only violence was the best pass.

More importantly, he didn't want to be hated by Catherine.

"You should become a tyrant!"

Rast said shockingly.

"You also hate it very much..."

Perturabo thought Zhen Yuanzi would persuade him to take it slow and influence the world with love.

"No, this world is hopeless. I suggest you fight poison with poison, so you should become a tyrant.

When you stand at the highest position, use the cruelty of a child to stop crying to make the whole planet tremble at your feet, and no one dares to refute you with any words.

Then, Perturabo, at that time, whatever you say is right. You want to build a library, you want to build a hospital, you want to build a kindergarten, you want to donate 44 trillion to Wuzhuangguan..."

"Wait a minute, why should I donate 44 trillion?!"

"I'm just giving an example."

Rast, who didn't trick the original body, turned off the video recorder.

He continued: "Within three generations, you will not be able to change this world, but they will not oppose you.

When you build a library, they will think that the tyrant is wasting manpower and resources, which is normal and natural, and they will even accept it to a high degree.

When you build all the infrastructure and start to amend the laws in the name of the tyrant, after a few generations, the people of this world will adapt to it.

Then, Perturabo, you have accomplished all this.

But according to your personality, you will definitely have to be awkward, because the first two generations will be afraid of you, but they will absolutely obey you.

The generations that follow will admire you but will argue with you.

Sometimes you have to find your true opinion instead of being wavering in your heart. "

Raste had performed the "psychological and subspace nature" surgery on the current Perturabo, so the original body could listen to some persuasion and make corrections.

"Is there anything that can make her stronger?"

Perturabo was still afraid.

He is too powerful now, much stronger than himself in the original timeline.

This made him feel that Katherine was too delicate and too fragile.

The other person is like a dream and a bubble, as if he may leave you at any time.

"Yes, but are you willing to do it?"

Rasta tilted her head and looked at Perturabo's chest.

"……I do not understand what you mean."

“Sacrifice to me your rib, and the part of you that is a god, and I will give you a gift that will free her from mortal form.

If you don't die, she won't die, and you will be twins.

But you must understand that you will become weak and unable to defeat Ferrus. "

Rasta is asking Perturabo what to choose.

Perturabo's thirst for power is unquestionable.

He was briefly confused.

Guangyu sat quietly with him all night. Before dawn, when the Sixth Evil God was about to leave...

Perturabo screamed in pain, the original body's blood spilled on the ruins, and Perturabo forcibly removed his own ribs.

The bloody scene made people shudder.

Rasta took the hot ribs.

"Congratulations on making the right choice."

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