Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 308 Danger, aliens are coming? ! Mr. Titanium, it's okay (9K! Dear book friends, please

Inside the brass hall.

Blood shadow was on the throne, and the burning blood energy filled the entire area.

Several Khorne demons were burned and could not stop wailing. The rest of the demons did not dare to raise their heads under this pressure.

Dong Dong Dong——

"What a pity..."

The demon sighed slightly.

Kabanha's huge body stepped into this place, holding his head high to resist this pressure, without any fear.

"Blood God, this battle against the Demon Eater is bound to fail. We underestimated the true strength of that existence..."

He was a little regretful: "If I hadn't missed this battle, maybe I could have cut off the Demon Eater's head!"

Such a confident posture is like a firefly in the dark among the demons.

It is so bright and outstanding.

It fully demonstrates the unstoppable power of the chief demon and the supreme bloodthirsty demon.

In fact, this chief demon is also a little panicked in his heart.

The Blood God Organization lost the battle this time, and he ran away early, so he is very likely to be punished by the Blood God.

But according to his experience, the more times like this, the more he can't be cowardly.

Kabanha took a deep breath.

He was ready to accept the punishment. Others might be afraid, but no one could compare to him in terms of punishment and tolerance!

Punishment is punishment.

But the attitude of the chief demon must be maintained, and he must not put himself in an embarrassing situation in any case!

Kabanha knew.

Those Khorne demons have always doubted his strength and never really recognized him as the chief demon.

Especially the former chief Angras, he was even more dissatisfied and eager to challenge himself to regain the position of the chief.

If he could not maintain this deterrence, he would face a steady stream of challenges from the Khorne demons.

That would be extremely troublesome.

Kabanha was confident that he could deal with the challenges of other Khorne demons, but he was still quite afraid of the former chief Angras.

He did not dare to guarantee that he could win the other party in a life-and-death duel.

If there is a mistake, and Angras is chopped down, he will lose face and be ridiculed by the demons, and he will no longer be able to maintain the invincible image he has always created.

When Kabanha thought of this situation, he felt deeply humiliated and didn't know how to describe it.

In fact, this situation is called "social death", which is the scene that arrogant beings fear the most.


When Kabanha stepped into the hall, he felt the gaze of the demons.

It was a deep awe that he had never experienced before.

"What's going on?"

Such a sudden change made Kabanha a little confused, as if he didn't do anything, right?

He just ran to the edge of the galaxy and chopped a few smelly parasites. Why did everyone's attitude change so much?

Although he didn't know what was going on.

He still accepted the awe of the demons calmly and walked to his position.

After returning, he asked Bali to find out what happened.

Kabanha walked to the chief's area.

As usual, Angras stood in front of the area. The position of the chief is not for anyone who wants to stand there. Other demons must be willing to make way for you.

Or knock down the one who blocks the way and then stand there.

This is also a manifestation of conquest.

When the Blood God summons demons, there will often be scenes of people taking out axes and chopping on the spot in order to compete for positions.

This is also what the Blood God is happy to see.

If the chief demon cannot suppress the demons, he may not be able to stand in his position. In this way, he will lose face and even lose this position immediately.

Just when Kabanha wanted to knock Angras away as usual, the other party suddenly gave up his position.

The former chief was full of fear, lowered his head and almost dared not look directly at the chief demon.


Kabanha was even more confused.

He looked at Angras, almost unbelievable.

This guy's demon horn was broken, covered with scars, without the previous momentum, and even a little timid when facing himself.

Too miserable...

What happened to this guy? Could it be the Demon Eater?

Thinking of this, Kabanha's demon heart couldn't help but twitch.

The strength of that existence has increased too quickly. With that terrible weapon, it has become a powerful existence that cannot be ignored in the warp.

But it is a bit too exaggerated to beat Angras with the strength of the body alone. Even the original body can't crush a former chief so easily.

Kabanha was a little confused.

He looked at Angras and asked lightly: "Is all this caused by the Demon Eater?"

Hearing this name, the former chief's pupils shrank, as if he thought of something terrible.

Then, he seemed to accept his fate: "Yes, I am not his opponent."

Angras looked at Kabanha, a little ashamed: "I underestimated your strength before. You are a true blood god warrior and a well-deserved chief demon.

Perhaps only you can defeat the Demon Eater..."

No matter when, the Khorne demons respect the real strong.

The Demon Devourer defeated him with absolute strength, and this was irrefutable.

Such a powerful existence.

He publicly declared that only the chief demon Kabanha could be his opponent, which was enough to prove Kabanha's strength.

This chief demon deserved the respect of all demons.

Angras recalled his previous provocation to Kabanha and felt even more ashamed.

Now that I think about it.

The Chief Demon had not responded to the challenge, just like the Devourer, he felt that he was not worthy of being his opponent.

As for Kabanha not looking that strong, it must be the same as the Devourer.

He hid his strength.

The two beings have such similar personalities and behaviors.

No wonder the Devourer regards the Chief Demon as a real opponent, a lifelong enemy!

Not only Angras, but the other Khorne Demons also think so.

At this moment, Kabanha admired his own wit.

Fortunately, he avoided it in advance. Even the former Chief Angras was beaten so badly. If he met him, his fate would not be much better.

Kabanha came to the position of the chief under the respect of the demons.

Face the Blood God directly.

On the Bronze Throne.

After seeing Kabanha, Khorne's anger subsided a little.

Although the expedition failed, the Khorne demons did not suffer too much loss, only losing two Khorne Demons.

It was the least loss in the Chaos camp.

Even if they dueled among themselves, the number of casualties would be more than this.

What's more, the Khorne demons beat up their enemies severely, and with the cooperation of the Demon Eater, they chopped down almost half of the Tzeentch demons.

It was not a gain.

And in terms of face, there was not much loss, compared with the defeat of other camps.

Khorne at least saved some face.

The Supreme Bloodthirsty Demon Kabanha received the gold medal certification of the Demon Eater and became the only existence recognized by him among the demons.

In this way, the incompetence of the demons of other camps was highlighted.

In this war.

Khorne's view of the Demon Eater has changed, especially the pain he caused to the Tzeentch demons, which made him quite satisfied.

He felt that the Demon Eater was not a cunning person, but a warrior who could be won over.

In fact, Khorne did not care about the identity of the Demon Eater.

Any existence, as long as it is brave enough and causes more killings, can be appreciated by the Blood God.

Such an existence is also one of the sources of his power.

With the flames of war and the death of the Dark Lord.

The reputation of the Demon Eater spread rapidly in the Milky Way and the Warp like an unstoppable storm.

Many powerful beings had to admit a fact: the Demon Eater had officially stepped onto the stage of the Purgatory Galaxy, participated in this great game, and affected the fate of the Milky Way.

Of course, it is still unknown who will win in the end.

Khorne pondered the current situation, and then cast his eyes on Kabanha, who was holding his head high, revealing a hint of appreciation:

"You did a good job..."

? ? ?

Kabanha was a little caught off guard by the sudden praise of the Blood God.

He didn't seem to have done anything, did he?

In recent years, he, the chief demon, didn't even have any record.

In fact, it can't be said that there is no record at all. The respect of the Demon Eater is the best record, which is much more dazzling than others.

Other Khorne demons chopped so many people, but they didn't lose so badly.

In the Warp, it's not enough to just chop people.


Killing energy surged, and the destructive breath filled the entire hall.

Seeing this, the demons showed envious eyes.

That was the blessing that the Blood God was about to give, and the target was the chief demon Kabanha.

For all this, they were not as jealous as before.

Because Kabanha had won the respect of the demons and deserved such a reward, in the future he would represent the Khorne demon and defeat the terrible demon eater!

It can be called the hope of the Khorne domain.

In a trance.

Kabanha was blessed by the Blood God again, and even obtained some of Khorne's killing power.

This made the size of the chief demon soar further, becoming more huge and terrifying.

The killing runes on his red demon body spread and grew like a living thing, and under the nourishment of the killing power, every muscle became more solid and powerful.

Just the existence itself exuded endless violence and murderous intent.

This power was enough to easily defeat any bloodthirsty demon present!

Khorne looked at the new Supreme Bloodthirster with satisfaction, and was looking forward to his life-and-death duel with the Demon Eater...

There is no doubt.

Kabanha won again.


The Brass Castle.

On the throne.

The huge demon body burned with raging blood flames, exuding a strong deterrent force.


The figure sat up suddenly, and couldn't help but sighed: "The Demon Eater... is such a good person!"

After coming back.

Kabanha has learned more information and learned that some things happened in that war. It was the Demon Eater who publicized the strength of him, the chief demon.

This made him further respected by the demons.

"But why did the Demon Eater do this?"

Kabanha thought about it and finally came to the conclusion:

It seems that his encounter with the Demon Eater at the beginning made the other party misjudge his strength, or there was some other purpose.

But in any case.

This matter is a good thing for him.

"We must make good use of the Demon Devourer..."

Kabanha had a smug smile on his face: "The stronger that being is, the more my reputation will be enhanced!"

The chief demon has decided to continue to increase his efforts and brag about the Demon Devourer!


He thought of something and fell into deep worry, tossing and turning.

That is his life-and-death duel with the Devourer.

This matter has almost spread throughout the warp, and has received the continuous attention and expectations of the demons. That is to say, one day in the future, he will definitely face the Devourer.

Thinking of this, Kabanha's heart couldn't help twitching.

He could foresee.

If he really fought a life-and-death duel with the Devourer, he would probably face a disastrous defeat or even fall directly!

"What should I do?"

Kabanha thought carefully.

After several blessings from the Blood God, this Supreme Bloodthirsty Demon has become much stronger than the Chaos Demon, and even the Primarch can't easily defeat him.

Even if the Primarch Sanguinius was resurrected, he has absolute confidence to defeat him!

Now, he has enough confidence to defeat any enemy, even the Regent of the Human Empire!

Of course, only the existence other than the Devourer.

In several encounters.

The Devourer left a deep shadow in the heart of this Supreme Bloodthirsty Demon, like a thorn in his side, so that he couldn't have any courage to fight him.

Even just thinking about it, I felt extremely scared.

Kabanha tried to think hard, but there was no good way.

Suddenly, a light bulb flashed in his head, and he thought of a possibility: "Why don't I go to the Demon Eater to discuss it and see if I can make a deal and let him not bother me?"

But this idea was quickly extinguished.

Impossible, how ridiculous is this idea!

Kabanha immediately denied this absurd idea.

The Demon Eater hates Chaos Demons, and few demons can survive from his hands.

Going to the Demon Eater by yourself is just humiliating yourself, and you are more likely to be challenged to a life-and-death duel by him, and then die miserably.

Kabanha's huge, red-glowing demon body trembled again, and the blood flames carried the magic power to shake the surrounding space.

The demons outside the castle trembled, and the strength of their masters became more and more terrifying!


Kabanha suppressed the fear in his heart and sighed deeply.

The current situation.

He could only try his best to delay this matter, hoping that the demon eater would stay quiet for a few days.

Don't come to him too soon to fight a life-and-death duel.



The smoke of war has dissipated.

Temporary camp.

Ron woke up from his deep sleep and walked outside to stretch his body. He couldn't help but sigh: "Kabanha... What a good man!"

If it weren't for that guy's crazy propaganda in the subspace, the little sun would accept a lot of demons' beliefs and emotions, and accumulate terrifying dark side violent energy.

He would have no chance to defeat the Lord of Darkness.

Fortunately, it's all over, and he won the war.

Now it's time to collect the spoils!

In Ron's vision, there are transport ships and engineering machinery everywhere.

The spoils this time are extremely rich.

This planet alone hides a huge fortune.

Among them, what he is most concerned about is the dark machinery buried underground and the black stone placed on it.

Especially the black stone.

That is an important material for making forbidden technology facilities and weapons, which has the effect of suppressing or spreading subspace energy.

Even the most important technological creation in his hand, the Black Stone Gate of the Webway, is made of this rare material.

It is a super rare material that many races are fighting for.

A while ago.

Ron was still worried about how to get some black stone for related research.

That thing is too rare, and most of the existing stocks are in the hands of some top forces. As for the known large black stone deposits, there are only those in the broken land of Vigilance Star.

But at present, he is not sure that he can get Vigilance Star.

After all, the Vigilance Star area is a hot battle place for various races. Even the big predators have not been able to take it down. Let them fight for a while and consume their strength.

Fortunately, the problem of black stone has been temporarily solved.

After Ron exploded the gold coins of the Lord of Darkness, he found that there were a lot of black stones here, at least one or two tons.

Although these black stones are not enough to make some big guys, at least the early research projects of black stone technology can be started.

In addition to black stones.

There are other high-value assets here.

After the Dark Lord seized part of the legacy of the demon pilot Vashtor, he transferred almost all of it to this planet.

On those land masses floating in the air, there are many soul factories, which preserve a large number of taboos, secret knowledge and related technologies.

Now they are all his.

Ron plans to ask the relevant research institutes to look carefully to see if there are any treasure maps or something.

He vaguely remembered that Vashtor had been looking for the treasure house hidden in the webway by the ancient saints, and wanted to use the ancient knowledge and artifacts in the treasure house to upgrade to the fifth Chaos Evil God.

Unfortunately, he was stopped by the Dark Lord halfway.

According to this situation.

Vashtor should have found the approximate location of the treasure house. If he can find relevant clues in those legacies and find the treasure house.

Wouldn't the technology of the territory take off in a spiral?

Suddenly, a faint evil energy came.

Ron was immediately alert, but he reacted immediately. It was the residual breath of the Dark Lord.

"Found it?"

After sensing this breath, he was delighted and looked in the direction of the breath.

Not far away, several war angels were walking towards this side carrying a pair of large black wings about four meters long.

Looking at the pair of wings, he was quite satisfied:

"That's right, let's get it frozen and preserved!"

Not long ago, when Ron was fighting the Lord of Darkness, he tore off his magic wings and threw them away.

When the war was over and he sobered up, he quickly sent someone to find him.

Fortunately, I found it.

These devil wings are a good thing, and they are still remnants of the demigod's body.

Then we'll see if we can study it, use it, and make it into weapons or something.

If it doesn't work, I'll boil it when the vat comes back, and make some soup to see if it can replenish the body or something.

Anyway, Ron has one principle.

Make the best use of everything.

The province is the province, the flowers are the flowers.

The battle has been fought and the blood has returned three feet without scratching the ground. That's a big thank you.

The logistics department has formulated relevant regulations and is preparing to pack away all the debris left by this war.

So many large battleships, Chaos Titans, Chaos Knights, mutant machines, etc.

Even selling scrap metal is worth a lot of money.

Moreover, the territory is not worried about pollution.

After the wreckage was packed and dragged back, it was taken to the star ring to be illuminated by the sacred light, and then it was completely disinfected.

At that time, whatever can be used will be used, and what cannot be used will be melted and used as raw materials.

Fill the mineral gap in the territory a little bit.

What Ron didn't expect was that these wrecks were quite popular, and the Greenskin Management Association also sent an application document.

the document says.

Several smart and technological masters of the Steel Teeth Clan in the Webway have made breakthroughs in technology. They want to build a big thing, which requires a lot of wreckage and related ancient forbidden technologies.

This surprised him.

Because what the territory is missing now is big guys.

Most of those top forces have planet-level war fortresses, combat satellites, etc., but the territory now only has one Dream, and it is also pocket-sized.

If you really meet those big guys, you may not be able to withstand them.

Ron immediately approved the application, allowing the greenskins to move whatever they wanted. Building the big guy early would also fill up the territory's super-large force.

So as not to let people press it to the ground and rub it.

Those black stones, forbidden knowledge and other trophies were just unexpected gains.

More importantly, he gained the Charaton region.

According to the agreement with Regent Guilliman.

After Ron regains the Charaton area, he will gain the right to rule here and have immunity from the tithe.

In fact, he values ​​the tithe tax exemption more.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Empire.

This area is severely polluted and almost abandoned. Even if resources are invested in restoration, it will take hundreds of years or even longer.

to recover.

Not much tax can be collected at all.

If we have this time, we might as well invest those resources in new areas.

But the territory has the ability to quickly clean up these contaminations.

That means that the Charaton region will soon recover and become more prosperous with the support of the territory.

The Charaton area is not a star area, but a combination of several star areas. It is several times larger than the Goli star area in terms of area and number of planets.

What's more, it has rich minerals and several forge worlds that are extremely rare in the galaxy.

After this area is merged into the territory, the size of the territory will be about five times larger than before, directly gaining a large number of planets and people, and the problem of mineral shortage will also be solved.

This is a huge amount of wealth, blood-earning within blood-earning!

Ron somewhat understood why the God-Emperor was so keen on the Great Expedition. Apart from the problem of human survival, it would be really easy to get rich if you could always win the war.

A large amount of territory, resources, and population are being recorded in the account. Who wouldn't be confused by this?

A month later.

With the efforts of a large number of transport ships, construction machinery, and engineering personnel, basically everything that could be moved away from this broken planet was removed, and even a lot of minerals on the surface were removed.

The massive shipwrecks in space were also cleared away by the greenskins and the logistics department.

Ron carefully checked the condition of the curtain and found that it was completely restored, then led the guards back to the Dream.

Prepare to return to receive the Charaton area.

But before setting off.

At the suggestion of the Ministry of Military Affairs, he stayed here for one more day and made up for a simple celebration ceremony for the savior fleet.

That night.

The starry sky is filled with fireworks exploded by plasma cannons.

Inside the battleship, the soldiers fell into a sea of ​​joy, celebrating the victory and enjoying food and wine.

Inside the Sanctuary of Our Savior.

Ron was in the miniature garden, looking at the plasma fireworks in the sky, and smiled.


He opened a bottle of Garden World Reda's specialty sparkling wine sent by Ya Rui and enjoyed this rare moment.

No need to open champagne at halftime.

Now, finally, we can pop the champagne to celebrate.

After a night.

The Dream slowly started up, entered the subspace jump with the fleet, and left here.

Soon after.

Whoosh whoosh——

An imperial fleet broke away from the short-range jump and came to this area.

After long meetings and wrangling.

The High Lords responded to the Primarch's call and struggled to organize a fleet to come to support.

Since the area near Charadon was unwilling to withdraw military forces to participate in the support, this fleet only had about 60 large warships and affiliated battle groups.

They knew very well that this fleet could not directly resist the Chaos fleet.

They seemed a little cautious.

In fact, this fleet that traveled day and night could arrive earlier.

But after detecting traces of plasma cannons in this area, they stayed for several hours to organize the battle formation so that they could be deployed to the battlefield as soon as possible.

Therefore, some time was delayed.

Fleet flagship, inside the bridge.

"After arriving, each battle group will search for enemy ships as quickly as possible and fire freely!"

The moment the support fleet arrived, the fleet commander roared and issued orders, nervously waiting for the arrival of the war.

However, the next moment.

The communication channel became quiet, no sound came, and no warships opened fire.


A commander asked: "Sir, are we in the right place?"

"What are you talking about, the coordinates are correct!"

The fleet commander checked the coordinate area angrily and confirmed that they were not wrong and had successfully arrived at the target area.

? ? ?

He looked at the target airspace, his face full of confusion.

In the fleet commander's field of vision, he only saw the airspace that was so clean that it was scary and a bare planet.

After a while.

The fleet channel received a public message from the Savior Fleet to the entire Chaladon region:

The great Primarch, the Savior, has led the fleet to defeat the invasion of Chaos. The Chaladon region will usher in a long-term peace. Next, the Savior will patrol the entire region and rescue various planets.

Make it prosperous again!


Holy Terra.

After weeks of twists and turns, the news that the Savior, Primarch Roen had recaptured the Chaladon region finally reached the hands of the high lords.

Regent Guilliman also sent a communication from the front line to celebrate the good news, and at the same time announced that the Chaladon region would be handed over to Primarch Roen for management, and he would be exempted from tithes.

This made the high lords somewhat dissatisfied.

The Chaladon region is one of the important mining areas of the empire. Even if it is abandoned, it cannot be handed over so easily.

What's more, some of them have plans in the area.

This affects their interests.

For this reason.

Some high lords held a private meeting to try to stop all this.

They believe.

Some planetary governors and forging generals will not agree to accept the rule of the primarch.

Although the regent's decree is not easy to disobey, if the local forging world and planetary governor have strong resistance, and they have their support.

I believe that the primarch will retreat and release the ruling power of some planets.

At least he can't occupy the entire Charadon area.

However, just when those high lords were excitedly discussing response strategies and inciting resistance in private meetings.

New news came.

All planets in the Charadon area collectively requested to be ruled by the savior.

After repeated requests, the savior agreed to their request, officially settled in the Charadon area, and gave them shelter.

? ? ?

In a private meeting.

Those high lords fell into silence, and the previous heated discussion seemed like a joke.

Such sudden news almost stunned them.

So fast? They haven't made a move yet.

Is it over?

For a moment, the high lords became calm and stopped talking about it.

Since the matter has been settled, they have to give up.

Anyway, the Charadon area is similar to the polluted ruins, and it will take a lot of resources to restore it.

They want to see how the Primarch will restore that area!


Forge World.

Steel Sphere.

This is a world almost entirely made of metal, full of piston collisions, glowing furnaces and layers of industrial waste.

In the invasion of Chaos, the core area of ​​the forge world was almost completely polluted.

It was full of untreatable tumors.

In the remaining defense zone.

The local forge general led the technical priests and looked forward to the arrival of the guests.

Accompanied by the landing ship landing.

A dark, mechanical prosthetic, and imposing being stepped on the land of this planet.

"Master Caul..."

The forge general and others immediately greeted him.

The atmosphere was warm.

They, the technical priests, have long admired Master Kaul in the Mechanical Forum.

The other party is also the leader of the Mechanical Goddess Group, which alone deserves all the respect of the oil men.

What's more.

Master Kaul came here this time with precious creations to clean up the pollution in their core area.

After a brief greeting.

The sacred urn bomb carried by Kaul exploded in the most polluted core area, and the sacred sun that followed cleared all the pollutants at a very fast speed.



The Sanctuary of the Savior, the miniature garden.

Ron was handling government affairs at his desk in the garden.

These days, he received weird congratulations from the high lords, who secretly paid attention to the governance of the Chalaton area and asked if he needed to intervene and help.

But he refused them all in a tough tone.

Ron had long expected that those high lords would not let him get the Chalaton area so easily.


While fighting the Dark Lord, the rear area had already started the recovery operation.

Those forge worlds were the easiest to deal with. Cawl recovered them in the name of the Mechanical Goddess without any difficulties.

As for some state religion worlds.

They were handled by the State Religion of Ers. Bishop Doni visited them one by one with the edict of the Pope of the State Religion.

There were no twists and turns in the middle.

As for the remaining planets, they were to appeal to their emotions and reason, and to use force to deter them while spending a lot of money and materials.

After this set.

Most of the planetary governors chose to surrender, and quite a few of them took the initiative.

Nowadays, the galaxy is full of crises, and it is extremely fortunate to be blessed by a powerful existence.

As for those guys who have disputes with the top leaders of the empire and refuse to obey.

They have been sent to labor reform.

It is just right to support newcomers and make management more convenient.

The rude behavior of the Primarch Roan caused the high lords with related interests to protest, and even shouted for the Inquisition to take care of it or use administrative means.

But after he implicitly stated that he was ready to lead the troops to make a pilgrimage to Holy Terra.

Those high lords immediately stopped their efforts.

The last time the Primarch made a pilgrimage was the Regent.

That person not only killed several high lords, but also occupied the supreme power of the Empire, causing them to bleed heavily.

Now, the new Primarch wants to make a pilgrimage to Holy Terra again. Will they be skinned again?

After this news came out.

The attitude of the high lords became kind, and they asked about their well-being.

They almost begged, hoping that the new Primarch could eat and drink well and stay in Charadon.

It would be best if he never came to Holy Terra.

In this way, Roan took over the Charadon area safely, but it would take more time to restore it.

Moreover, with the substantial expansion of the territory, the security issues of the territory have become more serious!

Today's territory has bordered many dangerous areas, and even found more traces of Necrons, Tyranids and greenskins.

Greenskins are better.

But the Necrons and the Tyranids, these two top races, are simply not something that the territory can fully fight against.

Especially the Tyranids.

Now, it is only their vanguards that are wreaking havoc in the galaxy.

If their main force arrives, it is estimated that even if other races in the galaxy join in, it will be difficult to deal with it.

"It's not easy..."

Ron sighed.

After stepping onto the galactic stage from a small area, his pressure has become greater.

There is an urgent need to develop a stronger force.

He included many development plans in the charter and improved them step by step.

But at present.

His most important thing is to manage the Chaladon area well.

Ron closed the file, stood up and walked out.

Under the arrangement of the Ministry of the Interior, he needs to conduct a patrol activity for several years, patrolling the planets in the Chaladon area one by one to monitor the local recovery situation.

At the same time, let the people truly see the existence of the savior.

That means that in the days to come.

He will be very busy...



The Sanctuary of the Savior.

After Ron finished washing up, he collapsed on the soft big bed. He raised his hand and pressed a button to put the room into rest mode.

The environmental mimicry system started to work.

On the dome.

The mood lights gradually dimmed, as if night fell, slowly swallowing up the noise and light in the room.

Instead, there were dots of starlight.

Under the quiet starry sky.

The breeze blew gently, and it gently brushed the leaves of the garden outside the glass, making a rustling sound.

At the same time, there were the chirping of insects, one after another.

These natural whispers made people stay away from the hustle and bustle.

Soon, Ron became drowsy.

The high-intensity work for many days made him a little tired, and now he just wanted to have a good sleep and rest.


The data board in Ron's hand sounded an alarm, which made him shudder.

Because it was a high-level intrusion alarm.

Could it be that the Chaos Demon invaded on a large scale again?

However, just after he nervously opened the file, he found that the file was attached with an icon of a long-faced skeleton mutation.

That symbol represents aliens.

"Hiss~ Alien invasion?!"

Ron sat up suddenly, became sober instantly, and his scalp was numb.

More trouble!

If it was a Chaos invasion, the territory at least had weapons to restrain Chaos demons, but facing an alien invasion, the territory did not have many means of restraint.

It could only be a head-on confrontation.

He continued to flip through the documents, praying silently in his heart: "God Emperor bless, don't let it be a top race like Necrons, Tyranids, or Green Orcs..."

Ron really didn't want to encounter these terrible alien races.

That means that the territory that just ended the war has to start a large-scale battle again, and it will bleed heavily!

In the file, a circle-like key symbol appeared.

Then there were some related photos.

In the photos, there were savage, vulture-like beastmen, some blue-skinned humanoids, and various weapons and equipment.

Seeing this.

He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and lay back down:

"It turned out to be Titanium King, then it's okay..."

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