Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 309 Human Titanium Army: Join the great Greater Good, or die!

The Sanctuary of the Savior.

Ron adjusted a comfortable position on the bed and continued to read and recall the relevant information of the Tau people.

There was no worry at all.

If it was an alien invasion by the Necrons, Tyranids, Green Orcs or Eldar, he would still be worried and order the territory to be on full alert, or even launch a new war decree.

However, this time the territory encountered the Tau Empire.

If it was the Tau King, then there was nothing to worry about.

Until now, the Tau Empire is still an insignificant force in the Milky Way, with about 300 habitable planets and dozens of small colonies and outposts.

Such a scale is not only incomparable to the Human Empire, but even the Savior Territory is larger than the Tau Empire.

In fact, Ron did not have much resentment towards the Tau Empire.

Compared with those monsters in the Purgatory Galaxy, the Tau Empire is simply a pure little white flower.

Their rise was largely due to luck.

Ten thousand years ago.

The human empire is carrying out the Great Crusade under the leadership of the Great Emperor, visiting the alien neighbors in the galaxy one by one, and sending them gift packs of explosive bombs, light spears, and cyclone torpedoes.

There is no other way.

Humans are so fragile, and those aliens are too terrible and good at betrayal.

This makes humans have a bad impression of aliens, even to the point of hatred.

In order to protect themselves.

Under the leadership of the Emperor, humans have to eliminate those aliens, causing the galaxy's vicious alien races to be exterminated in large numbers.

The fleet of the Great Crusade killed all the way to the far eastern border of the galaxy.

Here, humans found a group of blue-skinned primitives who had just learned to use flint to light fires and wooden tools. They lived an idyllic life here.

They did not feel the horror of the galaxy at all.

Because the Tau people are born without psychic power and are almost isolated from the warp, their souls are almost invisible in the warp and have extremely high resistance to chaos.

This made them fortunately avoid the invasion of the warp.

For the human empire, aliens are aliens, even if they are still a group of primitive people, they are enough of a threat.

They may develop one day and become a deadly threat to humans.

Such examples are not uncommon in the galaxy.

The Eldar Eldar used to be the masters of the galaxy and the masters of the stars, and created a brilliant civilization.

When they were enjoying themselves at their peak, the human ancestors on Earth or ancient Terra were still naked monkeys.

In just tens of thousands of years.

Humans developed rapidly and became the new masters of the galaxy, while the Eldar were so excited that they even lost their bitter forks and could only wander around.

In the eyes of the human empire, the racial competition between the galaxies is so cruel that there is almost no possibility of easing. Any alien may be a new threat.

It must be strangled at the source!

Therefore, the expedition fleet issued an order to clear out the blue-skinned primitive aliens on this planet as a routine to make room for subsequent human colonization.

However, at the moment when the fleet arrived.

A subspace storm swept through the galaxy, just blocking the home planet of the Tau people, making it impossible for the fleet to approach, let alone attack.

Under the threat of the storm, the expedition fleet had to abandon the cleansing plan and return after recording relevant information.

The human empire marked this area as the "Chaos Occupied Area".

Due to various reasons, the cleansing plan for this alien was postponed indefinitely. After that, the empire experienced many rebellions, and the information about the Tau people almost disappeared in the dust of history.

The Tau people survived fortunately, and developed rapidly in the next few thousand years, and their technology continued to rise.

Moreover, under the thoughtful cleansing of the expedition fleet, the vicious aliens in the surrounding areas were basically wiped out, making the Tau people almost have no rivals in the novice period.

Dominate the entire area.

Today, the technology of the Tau Empire is extremely advanced. Under the leadership of the Ether Clan, they believe in the Supreme Good and are willing to absorb other races into their own.

Develop together.

It is considered a relatively civilized race.

The concept of the Greater Good is not very complicated. To put it simply:

The collective needs of the Tau Empire are above all individuals.

All supporters of the Greater Good adhere to this belief, work hard, fight bravely, and even sacrifice their lives for this great goal.

Under the guidance of the Greater Good, every action that benefits the collective, even the most insignificant contribution, deserves people's recognition and praise.

And those few arrogant, selfish, and harmful individuals will be despised by everyone.

Under the guidance of this more civilized thought, the cities in the main planet of the Tau Empire have developed very well, and are basically neat and orderly.

In addition to residential buildings, many exquisite sculptures and beautiful parks have been established to allow the people to live in a good environment.

And there is also a guarantee of safety. The domes and energy barriers in those residential areas can protect the people of the Tau Empire from the harm of the harsh environment or the attacks of alien races.

In the Tau Empire, almost all Tau people believe in the Greater Good.

They hope to convey this great and bright idea to the intelligent alien races in the galaxy, even the barbaric and backward alien civilizations.

They firmly believe that the Greater Good can unite all civilizations.

It is the lifelong obligation and mission of the Tau to spread the Greater Good. They believe that it is not enough to passively wait for other races in the darkness to seek enlightenment.

Therefore, the Tau Empire has never stopped expanding outwards. They continue to expand their territory and establish new colonial systems.

Whenever the Tau Empire discovers a foreign civilization.

They will first send diplomats to visit the local area, conduct friendly negotiations and lobbying, and show those aliens the benefits of the Greater Good and the incomparable power of the Tau Empire.

If the local aliens are willing to accept the Greater Good, the Tau Empire will immediately begin to colonize the area, provide various materials and technical assistance, and assign new labor tasks to the local residents.

Let every resource and strength be dedicated to the great and bright path of goodness.

However, not all alien civilizations are willing to accept the teachings of the Tau.

For those inferior elements who are ignorant, stubborn, backward, and resistant, the Tau Empire will send a powerful army to baptize them with artillery fire.

They do not reject the use of force, which is also a way to spread their faith.

But compared to other races in the galaxy, the Tau Empire is relatively civilized. They are not keen on meaningless massacre and destruction after conquering a new civilized world.

They will show mercy and strive to preserve the resources and population of the civilized world so that it can continue to contribute to the greater good.

In the view of the Tau Empire, there is nothing wrong with those who are short-sighted, and the strong should show mercy and give them a chance to repent.

Therefore, they would force the captives to undergo re-education and then rebuild the cities that collapsed in the war.

Making it an outpost of the Tau Empire.

Gradually, the Tau Empire rapidly expanded its territory to surrounding galaxies. In the process, it encountered almost no decent opponents and never experienced the crisis of destruction.

The biggest crisis among them is the human empire.

In 742.M41, the Human Empire launched an expedition in order to regain a certain sector that was separated from Terra's rule due to the warp.

However, when the expedition fleet passed through the Gulf of Damocles, it discovered that many imperial worlds there had turned to an alien race called the Tau.

When the news was reported, it caused an uproar.

The Human Empire could not allow and would never tolerate such a thing, so it immediately summoned an army to attack in the area.

The offensive went very smoothly at first. The expedition fleet defeated the Tau Empire fleet in the Gulf of Damocles and advanced all the way.

Until five months later.

The expedition fleet arrives at the homeland of the Tau Empire.

However, due to underestimating the enemy and various reasons, the expedition fleet suffered heavy losses and suffered serious losses.

This failure made the human empire even more angry, and it further increased the scale of the expedition fleet, sending a large number of reinforcement fleets and possessing multiple levels of battleships.

They are ready to destroy the Tau Empire in one fell swoop!

The Tau Empire knew nothing about this and instead organized more warships to try to fight.

However, before the Empire could deploy a fleet of reinforcements and let the Tau experience the thrill of annihilation, the Tyranid appeared in the galaxy and wreaked havoc on the human planet.

to this end.

The expeditionary force had to suspend its plan to attack the Tau Empire and return with reinforcements to resist the Tyranid invasion.

But from the perspective of the Tau Empire, this was because the Human Empire was afraid of the strength of the Tau army after its defeat and had to retreat.

In this way, the Tau Empire once again won.

They defeated the armies of the Human Empire!

This makes the Tau more confident.

Believing that their race, and the Greater Good, have taken their place in the galaxy.

Now, after hundreds of years of development, the Tau Empire has made a further leap in strength and has become even more powerful.

They are ambitious and have begun a new round of expansion, preparing to spread the great and bright Supreme Good to the entire galaxy.

Become the new ruler of the galaxy!


In this comparison, although the Tau Empire is not very powerful, it is civilized enough. Compared with others, the Human Empire is like a barbarian..."

Ron summarized the information about the Tau Empire and couldn't help but sigh.

Of course, that's compared to the Empire.

The territory of his savior is quite civilized, and is somewhat similar in philosophy to the Tau Empire.

Although there is no greater good in the territory.

But it also believes in collectivism to a certain extent. Everyone works hard, fights heroically, and even sacrifices their lives for the great savior.

Moreover, every contribution of the people under the savior will be rewarded accordingly and receive the blessing they deserve.

But only for humans.

Ron thought about it.

This Tau Empire is simply the alien version of the savior of the galaxy. It has a high degree of overlap with him in terms of business, and now the territories between the two sides are relatively close.

This is likely to create a direct competitive relationship.

Now, the self-confident Tau Empire has begun to leave the novice village, and may come to his territory and ask the planets in the territory to join the Greater Good.

There is a high probability that a certain degree of friction will occur.

"I hope there won't be any war..."

Ron frowned slightly.

He has no ill feelings towards the Tau Empire. They are civilized people and they are not a threat to him in such a big place.

The territory currently does not have much desire to attack civilized aliens, and will not take the initiative to start a war unless necessary.

What's more, the territory itself has an affiliated alien race, and the Ethnic Church is also trying hard to preach to the aliens.

The main reason why the territory can tolerate aliens is that Ron, the savior, directly controls the aliens with faith and can highly influence their thoughts and loyalty.

Not too worried about betrayal.

For Ron, the Milky Way is becoming more and more dangerous now. Ordinary people in the territory may not be able to feel it, but in fact, the vast majority of the human civilized world is.

They are all in dire straits.

Just look at the previous encounters in the Charaton region.

Humanity can almost be said to have entered the final era and is on the verge of destruction.

Any existence that can enhance strength should be fought for as much as possible. Survive first, and then discuss whether it is alien or not.


In any case, human beings are the absolute subjects and will not coexist with aliens. Potential threats should be eliminated as much as possible.

Ron thought about strategies to deal with the Tau Empire.

To be honest, the territory had just experienced a war and it was time for good farming. There was a lot of land waiting for reconstruction and development.

According to the plan of the Ministry of the Interior, the Charaton area is officially returned to the territory itself, rather than a subsidiary territory.

Therefore, the reconstruction specifications are based on local standards, such as psychic networks, sacred towers, related supporting infrastructure, educational institutions, food supplies, etc.

Everything has to be arranged.

In this case, as long as the Tau Empire doesn't fool around in front of them, just let them go.

He didn't really want to start another war.

Ron thought for a while and sent a strategy for dealing with the Tau Empire to the Ministry of the Interior.

Let them try to make contact first to see if they can get along well with each other and conduct some exchanges and trade. As long as the other party does not invade their territory, they will not take the lead in launching a war.

After processing the Tau Empire's files.

He began to look through the documents related to the large-scale development plan of the Charaton area again and plan his next itinerary.

Although Bayev and others almost shouldered most of the government affairs for themselves.

However, he still has to appear in some inspection scenes, so as to consolidate the faith of the Savior to a greater extent.

Soon, several more itineraries were added to Ron's daily list.

One of them is highlighted.

That is Ormus, an important reconstruction pilot planet in the Charaton region's large-scale development plan. This planet is almost in extreme suffering, and its reconstruction and recovery work will become a typical case.

It is also a window to hundreds of civilized planets in the Charaton region.

By then, the people in charge of almost most planets will come to observe and communicate.

That is a big learning experience for the person in charge.

They will work hard to learn the relevant concepts of the Savior, and at the same time, they can communicate with the Savior at close range, and talk about the difficulties, changes, and assistance needed on their own planet.

Moreover, the relevant changes on this planet will also be transmitted to all parts of the Charaton region, letting those people know that they believe in the savior.

What a wonderful life will come.

After Ron finished dealing with this, he put away the tablet and pulled the blanket up to cover his stomach.

Although with his physique, he didn't have any discomfort living in a sub-zero environment, the habit in his genes at this moment was still retained.

For the descendants of Yan and Huang, no matter how hot it is, you have to cover your stomach. At worst, you have to turn on the air conditioner. Even if you don't have a quilt, you still have to cover your stomach with your hands.

Focus on a healthy sleep.

The environmental mimicry system continues to operate.

Along with the rustling wind and the chirping of insects, Ron fell into a deep sleep, but he soon fell into a dream and had in-depth communication with Slaanesh.

This time the dream plot is:

The savior accidentally broke into the Tau Empire and encountered round after round of physical siege from a collective of Tau beauties. He struggled to resist under the terrifying instruments of torture and temptation.


In deep sleep.

Ron cursed in a daze: "You stupid Slaanesh, did you rise to the occasion like this?"


The far eastern frontier of the empire.

The civilized world of mankind, Carlo.

Inside the Royal Auditorium.

Ribbons flutter between the giant windows, and the dome overhead is covered with patterns depicting many angels of wisdom, most of whom are wielding swords or carrying locked books of the Holy Book.

The planetary governor is located on the throne, with a row of uniformed guards below.

His authority knocked lightly, looked at the guard captain, and said in a low voice, "In the name of the emperor, who is here?"

The captain of the guard solemnly replied:

"His Majesty's captain of the bodyguard!"

"What's the purpose of this visit?"

"With your permission, I have brought a delegation from the Tau Empire..."

They asked and answered questions in a precise manner, following the etiquette and procedures that have always been prescribed by this planet.

In the central area of ​​the auditorium, inside the Tau Empire's mission, the head of the mission, Water Caste diplomat Shadow Liu, looked at all this and felt a little ridiculous.

In her younger years, such routine diplomatic behavior would have only irritated and frustrated her.

But now she knows that allowing ignorant people to indulge in their own pedantic traditions is the best way to ensure their peaceful integration into the Tau Empire.

"Human beings are really a stupid, ignorant, and barbaric race."

Shadow Liu thought to himself and couldn't help but sigh: "Their political structure is so decadent and backward. I really can't imagine how they developed to this point in the galaxy..."

Fortunately, they were lucky enough to be guided by the Tau Empire and the Greater Good.

Suddenly, the voice of the captain of the guard appeared, containing authority: "You are allowed to come forward."

Shadow Stream led the envoy forward. She looked up and saw the governor sitting on the throne and his wives. They were all wearing layers of more gorgeous clothes.

In contrast.

The white robe worn by Yingliu is simple but elegant, more elegant, and it is obviously a more advanced textile technology.

More importantly, she has a more noble decoration.

That is the Greater Good.

Yingliu stepped forward with calm and elegant steps. This is a kind of exquisite beauty, but not ostentatious.

She bowed deeply to the Governor:


The governor said seriously:

"You are not allowed to speak to us without permission!"

Hearing this, Shadow Liu fell into silence, waiting for the other party's instructions.

The governor tapped his scepter lightly and looked at the captain of the guard.

The captain of the guard immediately straightened his back.

While speaking with great enthusiasm, he pointed his hand at the person being introduced: "Your Majesty, please allow me to introduce you. This is the special envoy of the Tau Empire, His Excellency Shadow Stream..."

Then he looked at a Kroot, a bird-shaped beastman and a human assistant: "And Hoxha and Leswin."

This is generally the configuration of a Tau Empire mission.

A Water Caste diplomat, a Kroot, and an assistant of the same species as the person being communicated to, if they can be found.

This is the idea that the Tau Empire wants to express. They hope that all races can cooperate and work together.

After the introduction.

The Governor tapped his scepter three times.

The captain of the guard looked at the Tau Empire envoy: "After His Majesty asks the question, you can speak freely."

Shadow Liu nodded, expressing understanding.

For these occasions, she has a certain degree of patience, if the other party's attitude is not too bad.

Finally, the governor raised his head and looked down at the shadow flow:

"You led the delegation here, what are your intentions?"

"We are here to give His Majesty an opportunity."

Shadow Stream's voice was light and elegant: "An opportunity that many humans accept with joy, are grateful for, and rejoice in, an opportunity to join the Greater Good.

It has brought hope to many worlds and lifted people out of misery..."


The governor's face became gloomy, and his words were no longer so polite: "Is the opportunity you are talking about about allowing us humans to surrender to the rule of aliens?"

"His Majesty."

Lesven, the human assistant of the Tau Empire, stepped forward.

Although his attitude was respectful, there was still a hint of superiority in his tone: "That is not conquest, but integration. The Tau are willing to accept other races to join and enjoy their technology and culture.

This is the case for my hometown. After being integrated into the Tau Empire, it achieved further development, escaped from poverty and hardship, and gained long-term protection. "

There was a hint of fanaticism in Leswin's tone:

"That is a higher level of civilization. Maybe you can't imagine that the Tau civilization is so advanced that it is beyond the reach of humans. Even the air of their planet is like this..."


The Governor waved his hand to interrupt Lesven's words, stared at him and asked: "You just abandoned the Emperor's faith and joined the alien camp. Are you still human?"

"Of course I'm human!"

As if he was humiliated, Lesven suddenly rolled up his sleeves, showing off the Imperial double-headed eagle tattoo on his arm and the wrapped metal Imperial cross:

"There is no doubt that I am still human, and the Tau have never interfered with our beliefs..."

Of course, he selectively did not say that his faith in the Emperor was close to nothing. He only kept these to show his identity in front of the Tau people.

So as not to be looked down upon by them.

The shadow stream said:

"Your Majesty, as you can see, we will not let anyone give up their beliefs. Leswen joined us because they see the prospect of prosperity in the Greater Good and the hope for the future development of mankind."

"Yes, we have become more prosperous and happy after integrating into the Tau Empire."

Lesven described and shared this beauty as much as possible: "Your Majesty, you should join us and join a higher level of civilization. That is the path that humans should follow, and under the protection of the Tau garrison.

This world can also have long-lasting peace. "

The governor was furious: "You are all traitors to mankind, just like you, you have become a spineless lackey!

For the sake of safety, you betrayed humanity and betrayed your loyalty to the Emperor. This is absolutely disgusting! "

His emotions became more and more agitated, and the gem scepter shattered under the strong impact: "What nonsense is the Greatest Good? What you do is just for temporary stability.

Just selling the future of mankind to aliens.

If the price of peace is to serve as a lackey for aliens, then we would rather not need this hypocritical peace! "

"Your Majesty, please pay attention to your wording..."

Lesven's expression became serious, and with the Tau people behind him, he became extremely confident: "You should know that peace is extremely precious, and you should also know how terrifying the Tau Empire is.

The extremely powerful warriors they have! "

He pointed to the bird-shaped Kroot Hoxha: "The Kroot have played an extremely important role in defeating the orks, the zerg, and any heretic and traitor armies known to your majesty, and are almost unmatched.

And they are just the vanguard of our Tau Empire. Even the human alliance of our Tau Empire is not something your troops can resist! "

The legendary general of the Tau Empire, Shadow Sun of the Fire Caste, once led an army to defeat a Tyranid squadron and a group of orc clans. This has always been a record they are proud of.

What Leswen said was obviously a veiled threat.

"The humble and pitiful running dog, barking here after being given a few bones by his master."

The Governor looked at Lesven, spat, and then pointed to the land at his feet: "You know, this land was once filled with aliens.

Those ugly existences enslaved my ancestors and treated them as slaves and blood food.

After hundreds of years of blood and tear struggle, my ancestors defeated the aliens, obtained the land on which they lived, built cities belonging to humans, and thrived. "

He stared at Lessvin: "Now, you want aliens to set foot on this land again. My ancestors don't agree, I don't agree, and my people don't agree either.

What is the difference between what you call the Greater Good, apart from the nicer name, and conquest?

Alien lackeys, get out of here with your higher good, we humans will never succumb to the aliens! "

The governor had just finished speaking.

Everyone in the auditorium looked at the Tau Empire envoy with indifference in their eyes.

"Pedantry, stubbornness, and utter stupidity..."

Lesven showed a hint of ridicule, these people who do not understand current affairs will always surrender under the fire of their Tau Empire.

He looked respectfully at Shadow Stream, asking for advice.

Shadow Liu sighed slightly. It was obvious that it would be difficult to continue the negotiation. The governor's family's past experience made his attitude tougher than expected.

Moreover, the other party's dismissive attitude towards the Greater Good also made her lose her patience.

Perhaps we can only let the powerful artillery fire of the Tau Empire conquer the opponent.

Shadow Liu looked at Lai Siwen and nodded slightly.

After receiving permission from the Water Caste diplomat, Lesven looked directly at the Governor, with an irrefutable authority and intimidation: "Your Majesty, we will give you another chance to choose.

Join the Great, Light, Greater Good, or die under fire..."

This was already a naked threat and a final warning. If he refused again, the planet would be bombarded by artillery fire from the Tau Empire's Fire Caste army.

Ignorant, stubborn, backward and resisting inferior elements will all be baptized by artillery fire!

Even in the face of such threats, the Governor still did not surrender.

He looked at Leswen, his eyes full of contempt and disgust: "Sorry, I refuse to associate with any aliens!"

If we surrender when faced with the threat of aliens and heretics, then the humans on this planet would not have to fight in the first place, and would just continue to be enslaved by those ugly aliens and become blood food.

How could they give up the freedom they had fought so hard for so easily?

The tragic experiences of our ancestors have been circulating on this planet, serving as a warning to people.

No one wants to be a slave to an alien anymore.

If he, the governor, dares to take the lead in being a dog for the aliens, his officials, soldiers and brave subjects will be the first to tear him apart!

Shadow Liu sighed slightly.

She saluted gracefully and spoke in a condescending tone:

"Unfortunately, Your Majesty, you rejected our proposal and missed a good opportunity to join the Greater Good. Perhaps the Fire Family's army will make you and this planet change this idea..."

The governor waved his hand: "You can get out!"

Shadow Stream is not angry. The strong will not be easily angered by the weak. They are just ignorant people who do not understand the higher good.

She turned around and led the Tau Empire delegation away, feeling that the governor had been sentenced to death in her heart.

After the delegation left, silence returned to the auditorium.

The governor sat back on the throne tiredly.

The current situation is a bit too bad. The world has lost contact with the empire and there is no way to get corresponding support.

That means they need to fight alone.

Fortunately, they still have the emperor's faith and blessing, and they have the will to die rather than surrender.

The governor raised his head, his eyes burning with fighting intent.

He looked at the people in the auditorium:

"Everyone, after more than three hundred years, aliens will set foot on our land again. What do you think we should do?"

The captain of the guard and the people roared: "For the freedom of mankind, we will fight to the death!"

These were the only words left by the governor's ancestor, the hero who formed the resistance, before he died in battle.

Afterwards, his brothers and the resistance army, relying on these words and the spirit of staying behind, went through decades of struggle before finally driving out the aliens.

"Yes, we will fight to the death for human freedom..."

murmured the Governor.

Subsequently, he issued a comprehensive war order, calling on the people of the entire planet to resist the coming alien army.

For a while.

Carlo's troops and people took action.

They built defense lines one after another and dug deep trenches in the city. They vowed to resist the aliens.

Until the last drop of blood is shed in our homeland!

A few days later.

Royal Hall.

On the throne, the Governor is wearing armor and fully armed. He is always ready to lead his bodyguards to fight to the death with the incoming aliens!

But there was deep worry in his eyes.

The alien force called the Tau Empire was so powerful that he had no chance of winning, and those requests for support were sent out.

Still no response.

Perhaps, we can only fight to the death and live up to the glory of our ancestors...

Suddenly, the chief guard came forward, saluted and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, another delegation wants to see you..."

At this moment, the governor didn't care about those damn cumbersome etiquette, he said irritably: "Just say it, if it's the delegation of the Tau Empire, let them go!"

The chief guard was a little excited:

"It's not the Tau Empire, they are the Imperials.

Those people claim to be the great savior, the primarch Roan's redemption messengers, and have been visiting those planets that are in distress and need rescue.

They asked if we need assistance in supplies or weapons..."

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