Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 315: Titanium Empire: All-out war with the Saviors, destroy them!

When the Tau Empire mission ship took off and left in a hurry.

Inside the temporary residence of the Savior.

Ron received the latest documents from the Ministry of Military Affairs.

They and the Weapons Research Institute analyzed the relevant information and trophies sent back by Volady's Third Fleet, and found that the Tau Empire's bipedal humanoid war machine was very powerful.

Moreover, there is a high probability that it can be applied to humans.

"The Tau Empire's individual combat uniform?"

Ron glanced at it and knew what the Military Affairs Department was talking about.

He had also been a little bit greedy for the Tau Empire's battle suit technology before, but he was not sure whether those technologies could be applied to humans.

After all, the differences in genes and physiological systems between different races are even greater than the differences between humans and bananas. Appropriating them is extremely difficult and takes a long time.

In this case, it is better to study a set from scratch.

In fact, humans also have individual armor that mortals can use, which is force feedback power armor.

But that thing is very expensive and cannot be installed in large quantities.

Moreover, there is no neural connection system. To exert its power, it depends on the individual strength of the user.

Proper elite high-end equipment.

In this way, for a large number of tens of millions of soldiers.

The effect is relatively small.

In fact, Ron gritted his teeth and invested heavily in equipping some elite soldiers with force feedback power armor.

It’s not that it’s unaffordable.

But doing so is a pure loss of blood.

Such a force of mortal powered armor cannot withstand a high-intensity war if its individual strength is not sufficient.

Still a big piece of death.

It is estimated that within a few battles, the territory will go bankrupt.

It's better to just use light armor and use melted weapons to kill one of them, which is a bloody gain.

This is also how the Krieg Death Troops fight.

They have almost no heavy armor equipment, but with their fearless spirit and melted weapons, they can even kill high-level units.

Of course, this is just a helpless move.

In Ron's opinion.

If a unit like the Krieg Death Corps could be equipped with good neural connection individual armor and related equipment.

Then you are not allowed to take off?

Therefore, related mortal individual armor projects still need to be studied.

The territory's current mortal individual armor project is based on powered armor technology.

The main research direction is how to reduce the cost and make it have neural connection functions that can be used by mortals.


Progress on this project has been slow.

Ron continued to flip through the document about the Tau Empire's individual combat uniforms, and was quite pleasantly surprised.

The report in the file is displayed.

The average physical and neurological strength of the Tau is far lower than that of humans, which is why they use a large number of assistants as forwards.

However, various types of individual combat uniforms exist.

This gave them greater strength and firepower, allowing them to easily defeat human warriors.

With enough numbers, the T'au Empire's battlesuit squads can even fight against Space Marines.

More importantly, the Tau Empire was able to produce so many battle suits with only the territory of a few star systems.

That is enough to prove that the manufacturing cost of combat uniforms will not be too high.

At least within the tolerance of the Savior's territory.


Ron took a breath:

"The Tau people have weak physiques, but they are so powerful when wearing combat uniforms. If our elite storm troopers are equipped with them, wouldn't they be able to kill indiscriminately?"

At the end of the document, the Ministry of Military Affairs gave its conclusion.

If the Weapons Research Institute can develop individual combat armor for humans based on the Tau Empire's combat suit technology.

It will greatly enhance the armed strength of the Storm Army.

Such a suitable and precious technology, we must not miss it!

"It seems that the Ministry of Military Affairs has sharpened its sword..."

As soon as Ron crossed out the document about combat uniforms, he saw a series of combat plans against the Tau Empire, as well as arrangements for the mobilization of the redemption fleet.

This discovery.

It made everyone in the Military Affairs Department very excited, excited, and even a little impulsive.

Originally, the Ministry of Military Affairs did not have much desire for war regarding the fact that the Tau Empire was the first to send a fleet to provoke.

The most you can do is beat those aliens back and teach them a lesson.

They felt that there was not much value in spending a lot of money to capture the few planets in the Tau Empire.

Those places are full of aliens and alien buildings, and they are centralized forces. Before reaching the core area, the planets along the way will have to be washed with blood, and the entire planet may have to be burned with glass.

Rebuilding back is also a big problem.

It's thankless.

Moreover, the killing was too heavy, which did not fit the glorious image of the savior.


Those guys were eager to put a knife to the Tau Empire's neck and ask them to hand over all their precious skills.

Kill any alien who dares to stop him!

Ron couldn't help but sigh:

"What a waste of such good technology it would be if it fell into the hands of the Tau Empire. It is not allowed to be borrowed for use..."

He had no objection at all to the Ministry of War's combat plan against the Tau Empire and the idea of ​​capturing battle suits and related technology.

In this matter, the Tau Empire took the lead in dispatching its fleet to provoke.

Then we will give a just counterattack, and by the way, we will advance to the enemy's homeland, ask the enemy to apologize, cede territory to pay compensation, and hand over all our technology.

No problem, right?

According to the plan of the Ministry of Military Affairs.

After the savior mission to the Tau Empire returns and brings back more information about the enemy, further counterattack plans will be officially launched.

Moreover, he seriously doubted that the Tau Empire also had plans to attack us.

As for the specific amount of force invested, it depends on the results of Volradi's battle to redeem the Third Fleet.

After all, the territory is fighting on multiple fronts and has too many places to defend.

The military strength is not that rich.

Ron briefly flipped through the battle plan document.

It contains some targeted battleship layouts, gun configurations for fighting against the Tau Empire, and advancement plans. There are a lot of them.

He glanced at it for a few times and then turned it off.

This kind of mental work should be left to the Ministry of Military Affairs.

His savior just had to decide whether to fight or not.

How to fight and what kind of troops to send.

That is something that the Ministry of Military Affairs should consider.

not to mention.

I am not the regent, so I have to do everything myself, even the artillery deployment of the fleet!

It's so painful and tiring.

Ron thought for a while and made another plan for the future.

When the war situation on Lao Ji's frontline calms down a bit, he will send someone over to see if he can get a territorial system for him and retrain him on the way.

Reduce the burden on him.

Lest the old gene die young due to overwork.

Ron doesn't dare to send anyone over now.

The war is at an anxious time, and Lao Ji's command system is operating at full capacity. Any slight change may lead to a major collapse.

After Ron noted this down, he collected the data pad and turned around to go out.

He also had to hold a meeting for the leaders of various planets in the Charadon region to improve the ideological consciousness of these people.

As for the Tau Empire, let the Ministry of Military Affairs deal with it.

Anyway, they are much more professional than me.

Unless the Ministry of Military Affairs' war plan against the Tau Empire fails, he, the savior, will come out to stabilize people's hearts and call on his subjects to fight to the death.

Then, he personally led the army to the expedition.


In the banquet hall.

The exchanges between the Savior Mission and the reception staff of the Tau Empire are still continuing.

The material richness of the Savior's territory shocked Shadow Stream, Leswen and others, and also made them show off.

It became a joke.

After a brief moment of embarrassment, Shadowstream changed the topic and directed the discussion to the social system.

Describes the superiority and glorious prospects of the Greater Good for Aleman and others.

"As you can see, under the guidance of the Supreme Being, each clan of the Tau Empire performed its duties and created a splendid civilization..."

Shadow Stream kept talking.

From time to time, she compares the human system with the system, and the projection behind her shows the civilization and achievements of the Tau Empire.


Aleman and others listened to such a beautiful, heaven-like description, but they looked at each other and felt more and more something was wrong.

According to the description of Shadow Stream.

The Ether clan divides the Tau people into five major castes, each caste has its corresponding type of work and life path.

The Earth family is responsible for science and technology.

The Fire caste is physically strong as a warrior.

The Shui clan is a businessman, civil servant, and diplomat.

Most Feng castes are excellent pilots.

Ether is responsible for management and guidance of other clan members.

Each clan has its own domain, and all of them strive to fulfill their duties and contribute to the Greater Good.

Build a better society.

At first glance, these look quite harmonious and beautiful.

But in fact, this is the blood system.

The entire Tau Empire society attaches great importance to blood and origin. The moment each clan is born, his position is determined.

Those who are officials should be officials, and those who sweep the streets should work hard to sweep the streets throughout their lives.

That is also contributing to the Greater Good.

What's even scarier is.

The Tau Empire has almost no concept of personal property. Everything belongs to the collective, and it is a complete collective rationing system.

Moreover, free love and arranged marriage are prohibited.

Objects are allocated strictly according to genetic information and related conditions.

Whoever gets assigned is who.

Cross-caste marriages or interbreeding with other species.

It is one of the most serious crimes, the kind that cannot be forgiven.

That means.

Ethers will always be Brahmins. They can enjoy the best distribution of materials, be assigned the most suitable wives within the same caste, and be managers when their children are born.

The same goes for some businessmen, scientists, and pilots.

The resources, lineage, knowledge and power they can allocate will continue to be passed down.

But those are only a few.

The vast majority of the Tau people are doing the most ordinary jobs.

The resources they can allocate are very few, and even their targets are of the same class and similar in all aspects.

This is the consequence.

After their children are born, the jobs they can be assigned will be similar to their own.

Those who sweep the streets will continue to sweep the streets for life after life.

What's even scarier is.

Within the society of the Tau Empire, or under the influence of faith and re-education.

Everyone accepted it.

Contributing to the great higher good is a joy.

Without personal property, the chances of getting any closer are slim.

There is a high probability that you will only be able to do the work assigned to you.

Even if you want to change to another job, you, a Tu caste worker, want to do some small business, or open a tool shop?

That's a felony.

Once such behavior is detected, they will be sent for re-education.

Or even disappear forever!

As for the other races that joined the Tau Empire, it was even worse. They were always inferior to the Tau.

There is no opportunity to participate in management.

After Aleman figured out the hidden problem, she saw Shadow Stream who was smiling and telling all this.

I just feel a chill in my back.

Before her mission to the Tau Empire, she read some of the remaining remaining Tau documents that could be found in her realm.

One of the incomplete files of the Cult of Mechanicus proposed an idea.

That is, the ether uses a special kind of pheromone to control the thinking of the Tau people.

Now, with the deepening of contact.

She felt more and more that this was most likely true.

This is a world ruled by the Ether clan, full of oppression, deception and confusion.

The Tau Empire is not as beautiful as they advertise. The citizens here have almost no chance to choose their own life path and have been living in illusions created by the ether!

Of course, this is also relative.

If it were the planet Urth that had not been redeemed by the savior more than fifty years ago, it would definitely feel that everything in the Tau Empire was very beautiful.

The mere allocation of work, accommodation and food is enough to make people crazy about it.


Aleman's group of children were almost all born after the Savior regained the planet Erth.

I never went hungry at all.

They were lucky enough to encounter an era of abundant material resources and rapid development of society as a whole.


After Ron regained the planet Erth, he initially implemented the citizen hierarchy and collective rationing system to distribute relevant materials according to the citizen hierarchy.

It's a bit similar to the Tau Empire.

But he established an additional system of professional representatives.

No matter what your position or job is, as long as you do well in the same position and are recognized, you can be promoted to a high-level citizen.

It is equivalent to giving a way to be promoted from the bottom and releasing many high-level positions in disguise.

All of this is controlled by the Spiritual Network, which almost eliminates the possibility of any human intervention.

in subsequent developments.

Ron implemented education for all with the help of Zhongsi Academy and its affiliated institutions.

Any gifted child can receive a good education and develop their talents.

This also increases social class mobility in disguise.

more importantly.

After the material conditions further improve and the social environment allows.

Ron introduced a part of the market economy and further promoted the vitality of social and economic development.

Of course, that's limited to some ordinary industries.

Those industries or fields that affect the development of the territory are still firmly controlled by the Ministry of Interior and other agencies.


Although the Savior's Territory is under totalitarian rule, the social environment is actually very free.

Liquidity is also strong.

Moreover, the Savior Territory has been in a period of rapid development over the years. There are constantly new places that need to be developed and managed, and a large number of jobs have been released.

The living standards of citizens in the territory are like riding on a rocket.

If there are no accidents.

This development trend is expected to continue for many centuries, until there are no more areas in the galaxy that can be recovered and rebuilt.

will come to a standstill.

That way.

I am afraid that the development of the savior territory may stagnate and fall into internal competition for resources.

Various contradictions will continue to arise.

Unless the territory is willing to continue to expand outwards and begin to move towards areas outside the galaxy.

But that will be a long time later, whether human civilization can survive the coming disaster.

It’s still unknown.

Although Aleman had studied the past of the Savior’s Territory in history class, he didn’t have much impression of it.

Just think of it as part of history.

What she saw was the beautiful appearance of the Savior's territory now, and she dedicated herself to it.

Live up to the expectations of the savior.

However, when she saw the true appearance of the Tau Empire, she would only feel terrible.

She doesn't want to live in such a world.

Even if it is already a relatively beautiful existence in the galaxy.

In the cruel purgatory galaxy, living in a beautiful fantasy may not be a bad thing.

Shadow Stream noticed something strange about Aleman and others.

"Don't you think this kind of society is wonderful?"

She frowned and asked:

"According to our research, under the guidance of the Greater Good, this is already the most civilized and beautiful society in the galaxy.

Compared with the system of your human empire.

Even more so..."

Aleman did not refute, much less disparage the Greater Good.

She knew that those were the fanatical beliefs of these people, and exposing them would only put the mission in danger.


As head of the Redeemer Mission.

It is necessary for me to let these Tau people know what a beautiful world the great savior has created.

With the help of projection.

Aleman describes the social conditions, institutions, citizens' lives, etc. in the Savior's territory.

The banquet scene fell into silence.

"No way...this is fake!"

Looking at the world in the projection, Shadow Liu desperately told himself in his heart that those were just human scams, and it was impossible for the human empire to create such a system and world!

However, she couldn't convince herself.

Clearly, it was a more civilized world.

Lesven felt even more resentful and regretful.

He hated why the Savior did not come to his world, so that their world needed to serve the aliens in order to have a chance to survive!

However, more Tau people were indifferent to this.

They believed that the Savior's territory was too free and full of spiritual filth, and could not be compared with the great Greater Good at all.

In the end, the banquet ended in a dull atmosphere.

Shadow arranged for the Savior's delegation to rest.

According to the original arrangement, they would also arrange for them to visit some landscapes and relics in the next trip.

Let the Savior's delegation fully experience the history of the Tau Empire.

Learn how the Ether ended the war between the Tau people, thereby guiding and creating this glorious civilization.

However, she no longer had the superiority she had before, and she didn't have much time to show it all.

Shadow felt that she had betrayed the Greater Good and could no longer recognize it as the greatest, perfect and civilized existence.

More importantly.

She vaguely realized that the Savior's territory was much stronger than she had imagined, and the Tau Empire launched a war against it.

is a very wrong thing!

This terrible conjecture was verified after Xiyu returned in panic.

They agreed.

Under the soft veil of the Savior, there is a hideous truth that is enough to destroy the Tau Empire.

"For the sake of the Greater Good, we must stop this war..."

Xiyu took Yingliu's hand and said almost beggingly.

"I will accompany you!"

Yingliu nodded, and it was the same idea. She found that she almost stopped mentioning the Greater Good.


Elemental Council Hall.

The throne was full of representatives of various races.

The Supreme Ether held a new war meeting and issued an order for a full-scale war.

This made Yingliu and Xiyu even more desperate.

They had clearly submitted the relevant information of the Savior's territory, why did the Supreme Ether still choose war?

Yingliu couldn't restrain himself.

She took the opportunity to stand up and asked, "Sir Supreme Ether, have you read the information we submitted?"

"Brave child..."

The Supreme Ether looked deep and said slowly:

"Yes, I have read the information you sent. The Savior is indeed very powerful. This is one of the reasons why I launched a full-scale war."

After the Ether Conference read the information uploaded by Shadow Stream and others, they knew the excellence of the Savior civilization and agreed that the Savior's ideas would greatly affect the great Great Good itself.

For the Ether Clan, this is an extremely terrible thing.

The Savior's ideas are more perfect, and they are blocking the door.

If it is not eliminated, the Great Good has almost no possibility of development.

Such a huge threat and civilization can only be eliminated by war, and at all costs!

Xiyu stood up in a state of collapse:

"But can we really win? Haven't you seen the terrible war machines of the Savior? That is a destructive force!"

She retained a glimmer of hope:

"I have seen the Savior. Perhaps we have the possibility of peace..."

The diplomat's remarks caused an uproar in the conference hall.

No Tau people have ever dared to talk to the Supreme Ether so directly, or even refute his decision.

"Child, you are wrong"

The Supreme Ether remained calm.

He shook his head:

"There is absolutely no possibility of peace between the Tau Empire and the Savior. The Savior has attacked our fleet, and we must fight back."

The Supreme Ether raised his hand slightly.

The picture of the Savior's territory recorded and uploaded by Xiyu appeared in the conference hall.

He said slowly:

"What you see is the Savior's territory. They may be powerful, but we have defeated too many enemies under the guidance of the Greater Good.

This time is no exception..."

The Supreme Ether looked at the clan representatives.

He spoke of a war of complete extermination in a calm tone:

"The Savior rejected our goodwill and launched an attack. We need to completely destroy them without leaving any traces, all for the great Greater Good..."

The clan representatives looked at the picture of the Savior's territory.

It was a barbaric and backward world with many ugly war machines.

They responded to the order of the Supreme Aether:

"For the great Greater Good, destroy the Savior!"

Shadow Stream was in it and just felt crazy.

She couldn't understand why they were going to fight a war with no chance of winning, and why the Supreme Aether wanted to completely exterminate a civilized world.

Little did they know that they were the same in the past.

Shadow Stream suddenly reacted and thought of a terrible thing.

That picture was wrong.

I don't know when, the picture recorded and uploaded on their storage was replaced with a completely different clip.

Just when she wanted to remind them out loud.

Xiyu's crazy shouting has appeared:

"That's fake. The savior world I saw is not what is in the picture. Those war machines are more numerous and more terrifying than in the picture!"

However, the struggle of the two diplomats is useless.

The Supreme Ether maintained a calm and peaceful attitude and left gracefully.

After the meeting.

Shadow Stream and Xiyu were also arrested by the Ether Guards as antisocial lunatics and locked in a cell to await re-education.

The Savior Mission was also delayed for reasons to prevent them from leaving early and leaking the news.

Just as the Tau Empire mobilized its fleets everywhere and prepared for a full-scale war.

Somewhere in the airspace.

Flames were burning in the void, and a large number of Tau Empire ship wreckages were scattered everywhere, obviously suffering from a very terrible attack.

Not far away.

It was a huge, terrifying ship shadow like a behemoth...

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