Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 316: Lightning Attack Titanium Star!

Bock Anjiamen world.


As soon as a remnant fleet of the Tau Empire jumped out of the shallow channel of the subspace, the broken ships were unable to withstand it and exploded due to the corrosion of the subspace energy.

Inside the bridge.

Yingyang looked at the green Bok'an star and breathed a sigh of relief:

"Finally escaped..."

This fleet would never have to venture into that abominable dimension again.

The Tau Empire's warp drive consumes more energy than the human warp drive, and can only support ships "floating" in the shallow depths of the warp.

The speed of super-light navigation is only one-third of that of humans.

This means that when they conduct space operations, they must mobilize their fleets and plan their voyages accurately.

Once a route planning error occurs, it will cost more to correct.

"Without a doubt, we have encountered a formidable enemy!"

Yingyang was still immersed in the previous space battle, as if he had been frightened in some way, and felt a little unwilling in his heart.

That human fleet came so quickly.

The fleet surrounded her like a prophet, and the precise and fierce firepower made it difficult for the fleet to resist.

The enemy's commander seemed to have insight into the movement trajectory of our fleet.

Every attack hits a weak point.

This has never happened!

However, that was not the real reason for the failure of this space battle.

The enemy fleet is indeed powerful.

But Shadowsun was leading one of the main fleets of the Tau Empire.

She has the ability to resist the enemy's surprise attack, and even if she fails in the end, it won't be so tragic!

The enemy ship's gunfire did cause damage to the main fleet at first, but she quickly held on and mobilized the fleet to organize the artillery defense line.

fought back.

But what happened next was beyond Yingyang's expectation.

The Ether Elder in another ship interfered with the command and forcibly ordered all warships to prioritize defending his ship to protect the safety of this noble being.

Such mobilization disrupted Yingyang's arrangement and allowed the enemy fleet to seize the opportunity and launch a fierce artillery advance.


It was a brutal massacre of battleships!

Yingyang, the legendary general, faced an unprecedented defeat. The main fleet he led was out of ten, and only a handful of ships were under the suicidal cover of the outer fleet.

Successfully escaped back to the home world.

"How did the enemy fleet discover our whereabouts?"

Yingyang frowned and thought.

This trip of the main fleet was extremely concealed and almost impossible to detect, and the time and place of the fleet's stay were known so accurately.

Thus launching a siege attack.

There is only one answer to the question.

That is, there is a traitor among them, someone betrays the Greater Good.

Provided the enemy with information about our main fleet!

Moreover, apart from herself, the only people who could know the trajectory of this level of fleet were the members and commanders of the Ether Parliament.

Thinking of this, Yingyang couldn't help but feel discouraged.

She had no right to doubt an ether without evidence.

What's more, there is no law within the Tau Empire to punish Ether.

Maybe the Ether Parliament can punish it, but if it is a high-level Ether.

At most, he would be reprimanded or transferred.

In this regard, Yingyang felt powerless.

Since the disaster in the unknown dimension caused by the Fourth Sky Expansion, many things in the Tau Empire have changed.

The Ether Council was more wary of generals like them.

Even more deadly is another thing.

During a war, Supreme Ether Anvar ordered Commander Orui to lead the troops to carry out a meaningless suicide mission.

As a result, Ou Rui disobeyed this ridiculous order and led his team to evacuate.

This caused an uproar within the Tau Empire.

Never before had any Tau dared to disobey the Aether's orders.


The commander Ou Rui disappeared.


Shadow Sun also secretly disobeyed Ether's orders. During the war, he refused an Ether's rescue order and allowed him to die on the swamp battlefield.

But she doesn't think there's anything wrong with it.

If he followed the ridiculous order to save the ether, it would put the entire army in extreme danger and cause the entire battle plan to fail.

Countless soldiers died.

It was a necessary sacrifice, and in the end she won a grand victory for the Greater Good.

“Since ordinary clans like us can sacrifice ourselves for the great Greater Good without hesitation.

Then Ether should also make some sacrifices, right? "

Yingyang thought secretly in his heart.

Of course, these words cannot be spoken.

In that war, although Ying Yang led the Tau Empire army to a complete victory.

However, due to the death of an Aether, she was subject to some investigation and reprimand.

Fortunately, the Ether Parliament found nothing through investigation.

After these events, ethers were arranged to supervise the armies of various high-ranking generals of the Tau Empire, and could even deprive those generals of their command rights when necessary.

However, this arrangement.

This further reduced the command efficiency of the Tau Empire fleet.

Just like this encounter with the human fleet, the interference of the ether elders caused the fleet to be defeated in a very short period of time!

"The beautiful illusions that our race has always had are being shattered, and the cruel truth of the galaxy is gradually approaching..."

Yingyang thought pessimistically.

As the Tau Empire expanded, she became increasingly aware of the horrors of the galaxy.

The legendary general has realized that their race is not a strong one, but more like a cub that has just stepped out of the nest.

And surrounded by terrible hungry wolves.

Humanity is one of them.

What's even more cruel is.

The constant victory has made her compatriots still immersed in the glory and dreams of the past, and they did not notice the coming danger at all.

Little did they know that the Milky Way had already opened its bloody mouth to their ethnic group!

Shadow Sun believes in the Greater Good and that it can guide his people to survive in the galaxy.

But here's the thing.

The existence of the ether has seriously affected the development of the race, and they equate themselves with the Greater Good.

Controlling everything.

The long-term respect and pampering has led to the arrogance and incompetence of most ethers, and they are simply unable to lead the group to survive in this cruel world.

"Perhaps, the vision is right..."

Shadowsun thought of the traitor to the Tau Empire, another legendary Tau general, Farsight.

Vision also has a brilliant record, and has further predicted the horrors and threats of mankind. He is so dedicated to the higher good without any regard for his own life.

Willing to give everything for it.

However, because vision repeatedly disobeyed the discipline of ether.

This led to the Ethers deciding to let the legendary general die on the battlefield to avoid having to find excuses to deal with him later.

To this end, the ethers issued him a suicidal combat order.


Just when Yuan Yuan accepted the combat order and prepared to rush to the battlefield.

An accident happened.

He seemed to have noticed something. Not only did he disobey the order, he also cut into pieces those who issued the order.

Call them devils.

After Yuan Yuan did all this, he led his troops to defect.

A new home was built.

The ethers called the homeland established by the traitors the "Farsighted Enclave" and designated it as a restricted area.

At the same time, all traces of General Farsight were wiped from the Tau Empire.

Yingyang still remembers the early warning Yuan Yuan gave him.

The traitor claimed that the Ether clan, as a ruling class, had evil intentions and was woefully self-deceitful, and that they could not lead their people to survive in the galaxy.

The Tau Empire is but a small splash in the galaxy.

It doesn't matter at all.

Only by realizing this can their race rise and stand tall in the galaxy.

At the same time, the traitor revealed a crazy secret.

He told Yingyang.

There was a terrible creature called a demon in that unknown dimension. During that disaster, they had come to the homeland of the Tau.

He saw with his own eyes the signs of demons in the ether.

That’s why I killed them!

When he recalled this incident, Yingyang's body couldn't help but tremble.

She didn't want to go any further on this issue, and she didn't dare to imagine what a terrifying reality it would be if all of this was true!

Yingyang suppressed his emotions and turned his attention back to the command system.

The human fleet has appeared outside the homeland.

She must warn home worlds everywhere to strengthen their defenses, report any threats immediately, and mobilize fleets to support them.


The holographic projection appeared in front of Yingyang without any consent.

Elder Ether was furious: "Why didn't you respond to my order before? Do you want to ignore the safety of an Ether?"


The ether elder was still angry that Yingyang had not dispatched a fleet in time to protect his ship.

"Sorry, the command system at that time was in a state of chaos and it was too late to issue orders..."

Yingyang found a reason to explain.

She was busy arranging some defenses for the outer world, and didn't want to continue to tangle with this guy.

"Hmph, for the sake of the greater good, I will temporarily forgive you this time!"

Elder Aether did not pursue the matter further, but raised a more difficult question.

He looked at Yingyang and issued an order:

"Hurry up and call the fleets from everywhere to gather here. We will annihilate the barbarian fleet here!"

That human fleet almost caused a noble ether to lose his life, and he fled in a panic, revealing such an embarrassing scene.

They must be eradicated to wash away these shames!

Now, he is already in the safe area of ​​his home world, and there are many fleets in the surrounding star systems that can be mobilized.

As long as you attract the opponent, you can easily destroy them!

Yingyang was shocked by this ridiculous instruction:

"This is not a wise choice. We should wait for more support to arrive instead of mobilizing the garrison forces of our home world!"

"Are you questioning the wisdom of an Aether?"

The blue pupils of the Ether Elder narrowed sharply, and the anger spread visibly: "This is an order, not a discussion. Do you want me to relieve you of your command according to the regulations of the Ether Parliament?"

Yingyang suddenly clenched his fists.

At this moment, she kind of wanted to kill this idiot like Yuan Yuan did.


After the last lesson, the ethers pay more attention to their own safety and generally stay on their own spaceships.

"Your Excellency Elder..."

Yingyang forced out a smile and tried to persuade him to prevent this guy from causing the situation to become even more uncontrollable.

However, Elder Aether interrupted her:

"There is no room for negotiation on this matter. I have exposed the coordinates of the fleet. The enemy fleet will arrive soon. Hurry up and mobilize the fleet to set up an encirclement..."

He firmly believed that his judgment was correct.

The fleets that those home worlds can mobilize are several times that of the enemy, which is enough to completely destroy the enemy fleet that comes!

"This is a wrong decision..."

Yingyang closed her eyes in despair, realizing that things were irreversible.

Things went as expected.

The etheric elder directly bypassed the general's command system and sent support instructions to the surrounding homeworld guard fleets.

As a very important person in the Ether Parliament, no one dares to disobey his orders!


Those worlds responded to the order and sent fleets one after another, preparing to strangle the human fleet.

Somewhere in the airspace.

In the void, the wreckage of the Tau Empire's warships floated everywhere.

A huge fleet crashed through the burning wreckage and sailed forward slowly.

That was the Redemption Third Fleet.

Conqueror-class battleship, bridge.

Volradi looked at the restrained Aether Commander with a smile on his face.

He patted the other party's shoulder:

"Brother Vaan, your information is correct. It helped us find the main fleet of the Tau Empire. You have performed well. We will let you go soon..."

The fleet he encountered this time was much stronger than the pirates, and he was able to escape under the full attack of the fleet.

That must be the main force.

Ether Commander Vaan stood there blankly, completely confused.

What did he do?

Due to his wrong judgment, General Yingyang's fleet was almost completely annihilated.

That is one of the main fleets of the Tau Empire!

In this regard, Waan fell into deep regret.

The human commander named Voladi was so cunning that he even doubted whether the other party had a fleet hidden somewhere.


The detection device issues a prompt.

A red punctuation point appeared on the star map projection in mid-air.

The scout immediately reported: "Sir, we have found the location of the escaping fleet!"

"Hey, you found it so quickly?"

A sneer curled up at the corner of Volady's mouth.

Wa An looked at the solitary and eye-catching dot in the star map, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

His heart was shouting crazily:

"Idiot, extremely stupid, which idiot made the decision?!"

In fact, he knew in his heart that this was definitely not a decision made by General Yingyang, but rather by one of his idiot compatriots.

Those wastes occupy noble bloodlines and are born to occupy high positions. They gain more rights without working hard.

Not like myself.

Even though he has noble blood, he has been working hard to understand the local defense system, important areas, and fleet composition and command.

Become the best among commanders.

He dreams of leaving his own story in the history of the Tau Empire just like those legendary generals.

Unfortunately, bad luck...

After Waan saw the punctuation point and the area where the punctuation point was located, he immediately knew what the other party wanted to do.

The high probability is to mobilize the fleet and then set a trap to wait for Volady's fleet to crash into it.

Then carry out encirclement and suppression!

But such a decision is extremely dangerous and will put other worlds into crisis, especially some special worlds.

For example, the world of Keltu Family.

That would put the entire Tau Empire into crisis!


Wa An restrained his emotions and tried his best not to reveal anything strange.

Although there is little hope.

But he was still looking forward to it in his heart, hoping that Volradi could order the fleet to die there.


Volradi pinched his chin as if hesitating.

Then, he pointed at the punctuation point and looked at Wa'an, asking a question that caught the other person off guard:

"Do you think this place looks like a trap?"

Wa An tried his best to control his voice:

"I have no idea."

Volradi took out a huge bolt pistol and played with it in his hand: "You know, and you must answer..."

"I don't see it."

The sound of a bolt pistol being loaded came, and a deep voice came: "I'll give you another chance to answer!"

Waan broke into a cold sweat and answered hesitantly:

"I...it looks like a trap..."

"correct answer!"

Volady withdrew his bolt pistol and smiled: "You're quite honest, brother..."

Any commander with a brain would understand that it was a trap, and he would have just used a loudspeaker to shout, "There is a trap here, come quickly!"

I just don’t know which idiot set it up, it’s really puzzling.


Voladi asked another question that made Waan break into a cold sweat: "Guess where I will attack next?"

He pointed to a location in the star map projection that represented the home world of the Tau Empire:

"What do you think of this place?"

The moment he saw the location pointed by the other party, Waan's heart almost stopped beating.

That is the world of Keltu’s family!

Volradi looked at the silent Ether Commander and immediately smiled and said: "Then we'll fight here."

"It's over!"

Vaan closed his eyes in despair.

Volady patted the other party's shoulder and said gratefully:

"Good brother, thanks to you, we have mastered so much intelligence about the Tau Empire..."

The Ether Commander vomited too much intelligence during the continuous interrogation for several days.

Let Voladi have a deep understanding of the important areas and defense system of the Tau Empire.

The defense system of the Tau Empire is somewhat unusual. They will only leave a small number of garrisons in the home world as a temporary defense and reconnaissance force.

Once the foreign enemy invades.

The task of these garrisons is to delay time as much as possible, then observe the invaders and send intelligence.

The real defense forces and fleets of the Tau Empire will be stationed in one of the homeland.

After receiving the invasion alarm, they will set out from the home base to resist the enemy.

After the battle, they will return.

That is actually the famous strategy used by Frederick the Great, but the actual effect is: "Trying to take care of both ends, but in the end, they failed to take care of either side."

Voladi made an attack plan for this defense system.

He asked the Redemption Third Fleet to split up, and a small part of the fleet took the lead in attacking another important home world to draw out the real defense forces of the Tau Empire.

Delay time as much as possible.

And he led a large force to attack the home world of Keltu in the Tau Empire.

There is a special passage called Naimya Atoll, which can directly reach the mainland of the Tau Empire.

Under normal circumstances.

There should be many defenders there, and it is not so easy to take it down.

But looking at the traps set by the enemy, it is very likely that the defenders there will be mobilized to ambush him.

Whether the defenders are there or not, it is not bad to take a look.

Anyway, it is not a loss.

Yes, Voladi wants to lead the fleet to attack the mainland of the Tau Empire.

Such a good opportunity, if he doesn't try it.

He would be sorry for his conscience!

Voladi has discovered that the mobility of the Tau Empire fleet is worse than that of our fleet.

He can just use this opportunity to create a time difference and use the special passage of Naimya Atoll to reach the core area of ​​the Tau Empire's mainland.

"Our Redemption Third Fleet Commander Voladi is about to strike the Tau Star!"

Voladi was quite excited, and he had no fear of breaking into the enemy's lair.

When he was a child.

I have watched many stories about the Savior raiding the enemy's lair and beheading the evil leader.

For example, "Savior's Revenge: Raid on the Evil Laboratory", "Savior, Jedi Kills the Chicken Thief Chief", "Savior: Bloody Battle in the Palace of Mattila", etc.

He was excited after watching them.

What's more.

In the previous extreme training.

Voladi faced sieges of enemy ships several times or even dozens of times, and had long been trained to break through the siege.

According to Vian's intelligence, after luring out a part of the Tau Empire's native defense forces.

Voladi is confident that he can fight a wave in the Tau Empire's homeland, and then break through the heavy siege with minimal losses and run away.

Since he took office as the fleet commander, he has fought space pirates, human smuggling black ships, alien wandering fleets, etc., and there is no record to be seen.

This time.

He wants to create his own brilliant record!

After the fleet used as bait leaves.

Voladi issued a new order:

"Everyone prepares to jump, the target is the star system where the Tau Empire's Keltuo home world is located!"


The entire fleet entered the subspace channel and headed for Keltuo's home world.


Keltuo's home world.


Whoosh whoosh whoosh--

A huge fleet hurriedly jumped in and stayed in the airspace.

That was the fleet of the Tau Empire.


Under the attraction of gravity, the wreckage of a warship fell into Keltuo, making a violent and dazzling explosion.

In the bridge.

"No... What kind of mistake did we make..."

Yingyang looked at this scene with a desperate look.

She was late!

After the Ether Elder transferred the surrounding garrisons to the Bockan home world, he waited for a long time.

There was no enemy arrival.

After Yingyang realized the crisis, he immediately alerted other home worlds.

Sure enough.

One home world was attacked by the human fleet.

Fortunately, the homeland defense fleet arrived in time, shot down several enemy ships, and drove them out of the galaxy defense line.

Defended the safety of that important home world.


Yingyang was keenly aware of the crisis.

She had a terrible idea.

That small human fleet was just a bait, and the enemy might have a more terrible conspiracy.


Yingyang thought of the Naimya Atoll Channel, and disobeyed orders and led the personal guard fleet directly to the Kaiertu home world.

Wanted to stop the enemy's conspiracy.

However, it was too late.

Yingyang looked at the airspace outside the dome.

There were burning ship wreckages everywhere in front of him, and a large number of Fire Clan warriors died helplessly in the cold space.

A human fleet destroyed Kaiertu's defenders at a very fast speed!

Not far away.

The Naimya Atoll Channel was creating a constant gravitational force, sucking in the ship wreckage.

There was no doubt.

That human fleet had entered the Naimya Atoll Channel!

Yingyang didn't bother to ask why, and asked why humans knew the secret of Keltuo.

"Enemy attack!!!"

She connected to the mainland communication as quickly as possible, and shouted almost heartbreakingly:

"The human fleet passed through the Nemya Atoll and is about to arrive at the mainland!"

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