Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 324 Meeting with Dante, the Death of the Blood Angels

Lysios star.

This is a beautiful planet that is always shrouded in drizzle, causing blue algae to grow everywhere on the always-moist surface.

There are approximately hundreds of millions of nomads living here.

They live a wandering life all over the planet on giant reptiles.

The main income of these nomads is to collect algae and make protein cakes.

Then trade with the Human Empire.

To the dissatisfaction of the Ecclesiarchy, the nomads here have too little faith in the Emperor.

to this end.

Mother Magda of the Order of the Holy Rosary led 10,000 nuns to preach here and established a mobile monastery to follow the nomads.

I vow to let the people here fully understand the greatness of the Emperor.

The Sisters tirelessly spread the teachings to the nomads while protecting them from the enemies of the Emperor.


The arrival of the Tyranid Hive Fleet Leviathan put an end to all this, causing the Sisters' mission to change.

They had to stop their tireless "persecution" of the nomads and join forces with the Imperial reinforcements and the nomads to resist the Tyranids.

Sister Magda had participated in the war with the Tyranids and had a deep understanding of the terror of the swarm.

She immediately ordered the defenses here to be further strengthened.

to cope with the coming impact.

However, hidden dangers still exist.

There are also some nomads wandering around, unaware of the upcoming crisis.

If they are not allowed to take refuge within the city's fortifications in time, these humans will soon become a source of biomass for the Tyranid Hives.

To save those nomads.

Magda personally led a group of nuns to find the nomad elders and persuaded them to lead the tribe to the city for refuge.

The elder agreed to this request.

The nomads ride on giant crawling mounts, surrounded by Sisters armored vehicles.

Heading towards the city.

Just when they were halfway there, the sky suddenly darkened.

This foreshadows the coming disaster.

The vanguard of Hive Fleet Leviathan arrived and sprayed Lysios with sporangia!

Unimaginable numbers of Tyranid sporangia were ejected into the planet's atmosphere.

Some of them are nearly microscopic in size, invisible to the naked eye, and can drift with clouds and mist.

Bringing huge disaster to the planet's ecology.

Others are bloated, chitin-covered organisms, their huge bodies filled with dormant Tyranids, or various acids and explosive gases.


This is just the first step.

After these sporangia are put into the planet, they will be integrated into the ecological environment, gradually changing the soil, water and even the air itself.

Allowing it to be digested and absorbed by the Hive Fleet.


Those node spores stationed deep into the ground will emit psychic resonance and strengthen the connection between the insect swarms.

The Tyranid swarms released to the surface have adapted to the environment and collected enough environmental and genetic characteristics.

After becoming stronger.

They will gather together and launch a fierce attack on the resistance forces on the surface with the force of insect tide.

at the same time.

The hive fleet in space will also create more advanced living weapons targeted at this planet.

Throw it into the planet continuously to destroy the enemy.

During this process.

If a challenge is encountered and the attack is frustrated, the Tyranid Hive will develop a more ferocious solution.

Until the resistance forces are completely defeated and the entire planet is swallowed up!


The defense array deployed by the Imperial reinforcements in the low-Earth orbit of Lysios was activated, and the artillery defense line of macro cannons and spear rays began to block the Tyranid spores.

Countless Tyranid spores were destroyed.


There are still many Tyranid spores that have successfully crossed the defense line.

Falling towards the surface of Lysios.

on the ground.

People saw a large number of sporangia falling from the sky, and wherever they passed, even the air turned a light yellow-green.

Mother Magda directed the nuns to use armored vehicles to set up a defense line.

After the nomads realized that the target of the aliens was themselves, they also used the automatic cannons on the huge crawling mounts to aim at the sky.

Bang bang bang——

Chains of intertwined bolt shells and cannonballs tilted a devastating rain of bullets toward the sky.

Many sporangia in the nearby airspace were shattered by the dense rain of bullets before they even hit the ground.

Some Sisters ignited their jump packs and leapt into the air, trying to use bolters and sticky mines to destroy the sporangia that passed through the anti-air fire net.


Some sporangia contain deadly dangers.

Those spore mine capsules exploded the moment the nuns approached.

With a huge impact, splatters of acid and shards of chitin tore the Sisters apart.

into pieces.

The fragments of their corpses fell to the ground along with the surviving sporangia.


The sporangia that landed on the ground opened the chamber, and a large number of terrifying bugs covered with chitin carapace poured out.

Pounce towards the defense line formed by the nuns...

at the same time.

On the other side of the flower star.

Similar scenes have already occurred.

Since Flower Star is a hive world, it has a large population.

With more high-quality biomass that Hive Fleet Leviathan likes, the Hive favors the planet more.

Several times more sporangia than Lysios were dropped on it.

The trouble is.

The governor of this planet is a paranoid and selfish guy.

Before the Hive arrived, he took refuge in a luxurious underground shelter built with great effort.

I don't want to show up anymore.

Fortunately, the empire doesn't expect this guy to help with defense.

General Mellon personally led the Cadian Lightning Army and the Vostonian First Sons Armored Regiment to set up defenses on the surface here.

Taking advantage of the complex nature of the hive, the general gave up defending the main roads and instead chose to lay out fortifications in some narrow alleys and between buildings.


Place the Vostonian Sons Armored Regiment into some key area defenses.

The eldest sons of Vostonia come from a prosperous industrial world, and their ancestors once committed the unforgivable sin of rebellion.

In order to atone for their sins, every family on Vostonia must send their eldest son to serve in the Astra Militarum.

This is true even for the most noble aristocratic families.

Today, the eldest sons of Vostonia have been fighting for the empire for dozens of centuries.

All Vostonians regard joining the Firstborn as an honor.

These eldest sons placed the family's hopes on them.

Therefore, Vostonia spent resources to equip these eldest son regiments at almost no cost, which meant that they brought their own equipment to the war.

As a result, the Vostonian Firstborn became an anomaly among the Astra Militarum.

They have a strong will and the most luxurious equipment.

Belongs to the top force in the Astra Militarum.

When Vostonia's First Son Armored Regiment arrived at the corresponding defense area.

They used Leman Russ tanks and other armored forces to fill the entire defense zone.

Under the efforts of General Mellon, the Flower Star on the other side was transformed into a strong fortress full of fortifications.


When tens of thousands of sporangia passed through the fire network of anti-aircraft artillery batteries and anti-aircraft tanks, and fell from the sky.

People were surprised to find out.

They still underestimated the terror of the Tyranid swarm.

The Tyranid bugs released from those sporangia quickly attacked the defensive buildings.

The attack of the insect tide came so quickly that there was almost no room for maneuver.

In desperation.

General Mellon had no choice but to give the order to fire freely.

Boom boom boom——

Massive mine explosions.

But these minefields failed to stop the insect tide's attack.

When the insect tide reaches the defense zone.

Thousands of velociraptors were torn to pieces by the dense laser rays, and even larger tyranids fell under the attack of laser cannons and armor-piercing missiles.

But with the advantage of quantity.

The Tyranid insect tide still caused damage to the defense line, and many insects crossed the defense line and rushed towards the building where the soldiers were hiding.

The battle turned into a brutal encounter.

General Mellon and his troops carried out a difficult resistance in the important war zone of Flower Star on the other side.


Alos and several other planets have also suffered varying degrees of attacks.

The 11th Stormtroopers of the Capek Eagles, who escaped from Vitria, also arrived in the Hades Galaxy.

They vow to fight Leviathan and avenge their lost homeland!

The first battle in the Hades galaxy against the Tyranid craze continued in blood and fire...


A few days later.


Several blood-red battleships jumped out of the subspace. They were the fleet of the Blood Angels.

On the bridge of the Blood Angels' battle flagship, the Vengeful Blade.

An old warrior with gray hair stood proudly in front of the observing sky.

He wears golden, finely crafted power armor, with a scarlet blood droplet in the middle of the armor. No one can ignore his aura.

This warrior is Dante, the leader of the Blood Angels Chapter.

Dante has been fighting for the Empire for thousands of years, and his achievements and reputation have almost risen to the level of the former Primarch.

His achievements include:

Banish the Bloodthirsty Skarbrand, defeat the Pirate Lord, defeat Grakka the Bonecrusher, and more.

Parchment scrolls chronicling Dante's great exploits fill every corner of the Chapter's library.

And no one in the empire knew his name.


The old warrior was full of physical and mental fatigue, but he still shouldered the responsibility and led the sons of Sanguinius in battles.

Comes with bumps.

The Vengeful Blade slowly came to a stop.

Dante peered through the sky at his fleet.

In order to pass through the subspace blockade of the Tyranid Hive Shadow and reach the Hades system as quickly as possible, a large number of fleet navigators and astropaths paid the price with their lives.

But in his opinion, the sacrifices were worth it.

This chapter leader knows the truth of the death of lips and teeth. The Hades galaxy is the gateway to Baal, and it is necessary to help the people here resist the offensive of the Leviathan Hive Fleet before its fall.

Consume Leviathan's power.


As soon as possible, more living forces can be saved from the mouth of the Great Devourer.

"Fortunately, the savior delivered the information about Leviathan's attack in advance, allowing us to get here faster."

Dante thought silently.

This bought the Blood Angels precious time and prevented them from responding hastily.

"Sir, I may need to avoid it for a while..."

Suddenly, the delicate face of a Holy Blood Guard beside Dante became paler. He looked a little struggling, and his pupils shrank into cone shapes.


This Holy Blood Guardian is suffering from blood thirst.

He urgently needs to drink bottled human blood called "Kalash" to relieve this symptom.

Dante raised his hand slightly.

After getting permission, the Blood Guard member immediately turned around and walked towards a secret room on the bridge.

He had to avoid the Chapter Master to drink blood. ‘

Looking at the figure of the Blood Guard, Dante frowned on his old face and sighed slightly.

That was the curse that the Blood Angels had to face. The genetic defects and psychic curses in the body had troubled the Chapter for thousands of years.

These curses transformed the noble Son of Sanguinius into a bloodthirsty and brutal monster, which has always been an indelible stain in the history of the Chapter.

In fact.

Dante's old age also came from this.

The Chapter Master should have the same elegant figure and delicate, white face as other Sons of Sanguinius, like the most noble aristocrats.

But he refused.

All these years.

He has been resisting the thirst for blood by example, and never touched a drop of blood.

This also caused Dante to be exhausted physically and mentally, and became old.

But he never gave up resistance.

As long as he was still alive, he would continue, and then seek a way to redeem the Blood Angels.

Until he found a way to contain or even cure the tragic curse.


A hint of blood wafted in.

Even with the isolation of the secret room, Dante still smelled it, and the bloodthirsty desire to touch the soul surged in his heart.

But he still suppressed it calmly.

Without showing any abnormality.

Such resistance was the easiest for him.

If he was in a bloody battlefield with blood all over the ground, it would be a real challenge.


This chapter leader carried it every time, without taking even a drop of human blood.

After analyzing the situation in the Hades Galaxy, Dante decided to divide his troops into three groups:

The Flesh Tearers went to Lysios to assist the Battle Sisters and Nomads, the Second Company went to Eros to search for the remaining resistance forces of the Empire, and he himself led the team to the other side of the flower star to help General Melon resist the insect tide.


"My Lord!"

Before setting off, the Chief Holy Blood Priest Cobreau suddenly rushed over.

He said:

"According to the latest research, the Hades Galaxy hides a secret that is vital to us..."

According to Cobreau's description.

The blood of the Vraks family, which once ruled this galaxy, hides the secret that can cure the blood thirst and black anger that have plagued the Blood Angels for many thousands of years.

The last descendant of his family is the governor of the star Bianhua.

Now, under the attack of the Tyranid Zerg, he has disappeared.

But there is no doubt that before the planet falls completely.

The governor should not die, but hide in a corner.

They must bring him back to the Blade of Vengeance before he is found and devoured by the Zerg swarm for further research.

After listening to the words of the Chief Holy Blood Priest, Dante's eyes were full of expectations.

He even wanted to find the governor himself, but the responsibility on his shoulders made him give up this idea.

That is the private matter of the regiment.

As the commander of the regiment, he must give priority to resisting the enemy of the Empire, Leviathan, so as not to cause the fall of the most important Bianhua Star war zone at present, resulting in the death of countless humans.

That would also allow Leviathan to grab more biomass and become stronger.

What's more.

If he could resist the Tyranids, he could better protect the hidden governor.

Dante cast his eyes on the first captain of the Blood Angels, Karaen, who was one of his most trusted warriors.

"Karaen, this secret mission is left to you."

The old face of the war captain was full of seriousness: "This matter is related to the future fate of the Blood Angels. The blood of the Flax family must be brought back!"

Cobreau added beside him:

"Even if we can't bring back a living person, we must find his blood sample."

"My lord, I will bring him back..."

Karaen put his right fist against his chest and bowed his head slightly: "No matter where he hides, no matter what kind of enemy he faces, I will complete the mission, otherwise I will never return to the team!"

After the first captain made a vow, he turned and retreated.

He will select the most elite warriors to form a team to complete this mission with him!


Karaen selected thirty Blood Angel veterans who had fought with Tyrannus.


They used the teleportation array to reach the surface of the star Higanbana.


Dante and others also dispersed, each leading their own warriors to the corresponding war zone to complete their mission.


A few hours later.

Airspace near the Blade of Vengeance.

Subspace fluctuations.

The Dream rushed out of the channel, then braked urgently to slow down, and sent a message to the Blade of Vengeance as soon as possible.

To avoid any misunderstanding.

In the navigation room.


Ron's body was covered with tiny psychic arcs.

He took off the navigation helmet covered with cables and sighed: "It's not easy..."

The shadow of the Tyrannus hive covered this area, almost blocking the subspace, making navigation extremely dangerous and difficult.

In order to avoid too many casualties.

Ron, the savior, had to go on the field himself, using psychic energy and the positioning of the little sun to assist navigation.

In order to get there quickly.

He even managed to race a ship in the subspace, which was a testament to his skill and courage.

Fortunately, the Dream was strong enough.

If it was an ordinary warship or merchant ship, it would have fallen apart long ago.


The hull of the ship shook slightly, as if it had hit something.

? ? ?

"What's going on?"

Ron quickly checked the monitoring equipment and found that the Dream had not stopped and slightly scratched the Vengeance Blade.

Several extremely obvious scratches were left on its outer armor.


He took a breath: "Wait a minute, that guy Dante won't let me pay, right?"

Ron didn't think too much about it.

He just wanted to find Dante quickly.

The Ministry of Military Affairs has formulated a detailed strategy and planned a rough time for the Savior Armed Forces to join forces with the Imperial Army and the Blood Angels on Lysios, Flower Star and other planets.

Defend the Tyranid Hive's vanguard and gain time to evacuate.


He, the savior, went with Dante to dig out the Necrons and activate the Grand Prism with the help of these aliens.

Once you're almost done evacuating.

They will activate the Grand Prism to ignite the gas planet and attack the entire Leviathan Tyranid Hive Fleet.

If they can't all be wiped out.

All active forces will retreat to Baal before the remaining Hive Fleet arrives.


Put more effort into fighting the final battle with Leviathan.

Ron even planned it.

In case the situation is unfavorable.

You can ask that good half-brother from the subspace, the bloodthirsty maniac, to come out and work for free to help fight against the swarm of insects.

Maybe we can even discuss and learn from each other.

In Ron's opinion.

The plan given by the Ministry of Military Affairs is quite complete. If there are no big surprises in the process, the success rate is still quite high.

Everything is ready now.

The only thing left was to find Dante and persuade him to cooperate with this battle plan.

However, news came from the Revenge Blade.

Ron's eyesight went dark.

He missed again. Dante, the leader of the Blood Angels Chapter, had already led the Blood Angels to the other side of the flower star to resist the swarm of insects.

Good thing.

The planet is right next to it.

Ron looked through the dome at the flower star on the other side.

The planet is in shambles.

Several huge capillary spiers extend from the surface to the huge Tyranid battleship outside the atmosphere, constantly sucking nutrients from the planet to support these ugly living creatures.

Track light scans show that some areas have been covered in chitin.

Fortunately, this is still the early days.

When the planet is covered with capillary spiers, the surface is completely covered by a chitin ocean.

That is true despair.

Ron arranged his dark gold armor, protected by Carter and dozens of Thunder Guards.

Go to the teleport room.

He is preparing to go to the surface of the flower star on the other side.

Ron looked at the latest information received on the data board. The first wave of support from the territory had already been sent to various war zones.

It will probably arrive within the next two days.


He determined the location of this transmission.

Ron frowned slightly:

"Dante is at the Flower Star on the other side. It shouldn't be lost now. The big barrel happens to be there too. I'll meet him by the way and ask him to accompany me to dig up the Necrons."

After all, there is also a tomb of the Undead Dynasty.

It's safer to have more people.


The light of the teleportation array flashed.

The figures of Ron, Carter and others disappeared from the transfer room...


On the surface of the Flower Star on the other side, the capital is Fuyadi.

A large number of buildings have been destroyed by the war, and there are traces of fighting everywhere.

The roaring of cannons, the sizzling of laser ions and the screeching of Tyranid bugs indicate.

There are still Imperial troops fighting stubbornly nearby.


One of the Blood Angels thrust the power sword into the Genestealer's chest, but the opponent's death struggle still cut through his armor, leaving several wounds.

But he didn't care at all.

He drew out his power sword again and hacked to death several Tyranid creatures that rushed towards them for a sneak attack.

After doing all this, Feisier, a soldier from the first company, held on to the broken wall to take a breath, and then went to help up his unconscious comrade.

Move forward cautiously.

Under the attack of a large number of genetic Tyranid swarms, Fisl lost contact with the company commander Karan.


They were the only two warriors left here.

Feisir's blood bottle was damaged in the battle, and he suffered from blood thirst, which made him unable to help but look at his unconscious teammates.

Even more troublesome is that.

There is also a Tyranid Node creature hidden here.

In his blood-thirsty state, he had no possibility of resisting.

Feisl supported his teammates and kept his footsteps as low as possible to avoid disturbing those damn bugs.


Step by step towards the possible safety defense line.

After walking for a while, his vision became increasingly blurry.

Maybe, I am going to die here.

The Blood Angel warrior thought so.


The intense and sacred sacred music coming from a distance made Feisir suddenly wake up.

He looked up.

I saw a strange picture.

The huge Tyranid node creature fell to the ground, and a group of warriors were surrounding it, cutting something.

There is also a stove-like appliance next to it...

"Move quickly. After replenishing energy, we will go to the next place!"

Said a carefree voice.


The voice shouted to this side: "Hey brother, do you want to come and eat something?"

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