Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 325 The cure for blood thirst, Centurion Armor!

The explosive Messianic music still continues, so unbridled.

It seemed that he was not worried at all about attracting the terrifying swarm of insects.

After hearing the careless greeting, Feisier tried his best to suppress the symptoms of blood thirst and looked up.

Try to see as clearly as possible.

The blurred vision briefly recovered, and the Blood Angel finally saw everything clearly, but the picture in his eyes was so weird.

On the ground not far away.

The seven to eight meter long, ferocious snake-shaped node creature fell to the ground, twitching from time to time.


Several bloated warriors wearing dark green armor squatted on the ground and cut the insect flesh, causing the node creature to keep letting out a weak wail.

One of the soldiers was instructing: "Don't kill this guy, otherwise the meat will be difficult to process and the taste will be bad!"

The golden Imperial Sky Eagle on the armor of these warriors shows that they are also members of the Empire.

A battle brother like him.

Next to these soldiers is a set of novel simple stoves, and some soldiers are cutting meat very skillfully.


The fire suddenly burst into flames.

Several soldiers were busy in front of the stoves, some were grilling meat, some were frying meatloaf, and some were making soup.

They keep adding all kinds of condiments and side dishes very quickly.

Like a skilled chef.

Yes, they are more like chefs, and they are leisurely cooking insect meat on a battlefield full of insect swarms!

Even more amazing.

There seemed to be a lot of Tyranid creatures around. They were just wandering around, but showed no signs of attacking.

As if he was afraid of something.

"What the hell is going on?!"

Feisir was almost shouting in his heart.

The scene in front of him was obviously beyond the warrior's imagination.

The most eye-catching among these people is a tall and even fat warrior.

He was the one calling himself just now.


The soldier was wearing a pink apron with a fruit pattern on it. He was holding a round pot and concentrating on stir-frying the insect meat.

The flame exploded from the pot and flew several meters high.

The alluring aroma overflows.

The big bucket added the spices that the savior had sent to the wok not long ago, and then picked up a pinch of salt and sprinkled it gently, and then turned the spoon a few times.

This way.

A delicious stir-fried insect meat is complete.

“Progress again!

I have to let the Savior have a taste later..."

The big bucket poured the insect meat into the plate and stacked it, wiped his hands on his apron, and then walked towards the Blood Angel warrior who looked a little dazed not far away.

His attitude is enthusiastic:

"My name is Big Bucket.

We are the Sons of Man Chapter, warriors of the Savior. If you need anything, please ask! "

It has been a few days since Datong led the elite soldiers to the flower star on the other side.

these days.

They are hunting those Tyranid node creatures everywhere, trying their best to weaken the power of the insect swarms before they gather in large numbers.

at the same time.

Waiting for the arrival of the main force.

After each battle, they would replenish energy and consumed fat on the spot.

In order to better prepare for the next battle.

It can be regarded as the group rules of the Children of Man.


Fischer reacted.

It was the latest returning primarch of the Imperium, a savior as powerful as his great genetic father Sanguinius.

It seems.

The warrior in front of him is the genetic descendant of the savior, a being who can be trusted.

Thinking of this, Feisier lowered his guard a little.

He replied weakly:

"We are the sons of Sanguinius. My battle brother is seriously injured and is in urgent need of some healing potion..."


They need a lot of fresh human blood, which can not only relieve blood thirst, but also recover from injuries faster.

But he couldn't make such an abrupt request.

To the Blood Angels, that was an unspeakable stain and shame.


After saying these words, Fisl was under the influence of blood thirst.

Almost lost my mind.

His cone-shaped pupils stared at the fat warrior walking over, his hidden fangs slightly exposed.


This Blood Angel craves the blood of the opponent!

"Healing potion?"

Hear the words.

Datong walked over and rummaged for something in his pocket:

"Just in time, we just got a batch of treatment medicines, and they are expensive and high-end goods. They are guaranteed to be able to cure your brother's injuries..."

Feisier lowered his head slightly to hide his abnormality. He could no longer hear clearly what the big barrel was saying.

The Blood Angel subconsciously estimated the distance between the two sides, his mind filled with the smell of blood rushing in the opponent's arteries.

When the vat approached.

Fisser raised his head suddenly, trying to launch an attack to get the delicious blood from the fat warrior.

At this moment, he was stunned.

That was awe-inspiring in terms of momentum.

Fisser looked at the fat warrior and felt that a prehistoric wild beast was standing in front of him.

The aura exuded by the other party.

More terrifying than the Tyranid creatures that attacked him!

He instinctively realized that he was no match for the other party, whose strength far exceeded that of his company commander Karan!

That's inevitable.

As the chapter leader of the Sons of Man, Da Tong had been fighting Tyranid bugs for thousands of years during the days when he disappeared. He had to deal with countless terrifying large Tyranid creatures.

Datong looked at the extremely pale and struggling Rasl and felt something was wrong.

"Brother, your face looks ugly. Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

But he soon realized that the blood thirst in the Blood Angel might have broken out.

The Blood Angels' Curse of Bloodthirst is as well-known as their exploits, at least among Space Marine circles.


Fisser finally lost his mind and rushed towards the vat with his fangs exposed.

The Blood Angels in this state are extremely terrifying and can even exert stronger attack power.


What he encountered were vats.

For the barrel that has been fighting bugs in the desert of Danus for nearly a thousand years.

Responding to sudden attacks has become instinctive.

A black shadow flashed.

The big palm of the barrel grabbed Feisl's neck and pressed him against the huge collapsed marble wall next to him.


Under the impact of huge force.

The Blood Angel's back hit the marble wall hard, making a roar and causing spiderweb-like cracks to appear on the wall.

Datong held down Feisier, who was vomiting blood and struggling, and apologized slightly: "I'm sorry, I hit you a little harder. Just hold on and I'll cure you right away!"


He punched the opponent again.


Taking advantage of the Blood Angel's dizzy moment.

He did not hesitate to insert the dark golden potion in his hand, which looked very valuable at first sight, into the artery of the opponent's neck.


A potion mixed with the spiritual energy of the small sun was injected into Feisir's body.


The Blood Angel's pupils dilated and his whole body twitched.

To this.

Da Tong didn't have the slightest worry.

Because what was just injected into the other party was a panacea, according to the savior.

This potion can cure almost any disease or injury.

Just a little more expensive.

Such a potion is worth as much as a fully armed Space Marine.


This is only an estimate of resource investment. In any case, the lives of soldiers are more precious.

not to mention.

Datong has been a little rich recently. The Savior has given him a lot of things, including many panaceas like this.

It was enough for him to groan.

Wait for Feisier's convulsions to subside.

Da Tong let go of the opponent, then turned around and injected the panacea into another Blood Angel warrior lying unconscious on the ground.

Feisier knelt on the ground, breathing heavily.


He found that his body became extremely relaxed, and the wounds on his body and the old injuries in the past were all recovering, more than ten times faster than his own recovery speed!

What's more.

He no longer has the uncontrollable and ever-present thirst for human blood as before!

Although blood thirst has not completely disappeared, it has reached the point where it is almost undetectable.

He could easily suppress this cursed desire.

Feisier was ecstatic in his heart and tears kept falling:

"The curse is cured...

There is a solution to the curse that has plagued the Sons of Sanguinius for countless centuries. My brothers are saved! "

He almost crawled to the big barrel:

"Brother, do you still have the potion just now? The Son of Sanguinius needs your help. We need that potion to cure the curse, no matter what the cost!"

To find a cure for the curse.

The Blood Angels have been searching hard for countless centuries and have suffered many hardships. Their Chapter Master is constantly suffering from blood thirst.


Hope finally appears!

It is difficult for any Blood Angel to maintain the elegance of the past and long for such salvation.

The big bucket helped Feisl up:

"There are still a lot of these potions. Our savior has a way to make potions, but I can't make the decision on this matter. Maybe you can ask your Lord Dante to ask the savior..."

Hear the words.

Feisier also reacted and regained his composure, but there was still uncontrollable joy on his face.


There is hope for the sons of Sanguinius.

He couldn't wait to tell his brothers the news.


Another Blood Angel also woke up.

Like Fesl, he also fell into endless joy.

But the two Blood Angels soon realized that they had to survive to deliver the news.

Good thing.

They have the help of their brothers, the Sons of Man, and are no longer alone.


The vat invited the two Blood Angel brothers to dine together and enjoy the delicious insect meat.

Although Feisier was a little resistant.

but accepted the zeal of the brothers, sons of men.

Available after tasting.

He was surprised to find that these insect meats were more delicious than expected and could replenish energy and physical strength very well.


The two Blood Angel brothers started feasting.

Seeing this, the warriors of the Sons of Man were also quite proud. The popularity of the delicacies they cooked was as glorious as winning a battle.

in conversation.

Datong learned that Feisir's company commander Karaen was looking for traces of him in the governor's palace.

And it is very likely that it was attacked by a Tyranid swarm.

Therefore, he decided to lead a team to rescue these brothers.

But the situation quickly changed.


The roar of Tyranid creatures came.

It can be seen through the electronic eyepiece that new node creatures have appeared.

It summons hordes of bugs.

The ground was a frenzy of chitin, while the sky was filled with ferocious flying insects, large and small.

It's surging towards this side.

Fissl found to his despair that the swarm's numbers far exceeded their firepower.

Not something they can handle.

He looked at the vat:

"Your Excellency Datong, the scale of this insect swarm is too great for us to resist. Perhaps we should retreat immediately!"

Even though the Blood Angel wanted to save the company commander, the situation in front of him obviously didn't allow it.

If you go there by force.

They will all be sacrificed before they reach the palace.

not to mention.

He is not qualified to ask these brothers to make unnecessary sacrifices with him.


However, Fisl discovered that the brothers of the Sons of Man had no intention of retreating and were still packing their equipment in an orderly manner.

"Don't worry."

The last bite of meat was stuffed into the vat:

"Our support will arrive soon. This bug can't stop us. The rescue plan continues!"

The words just fell.

Feisier noticed something and looked towards the sky.

Many burning sparks fell towards their area.

Dong dong dong——

More than twenty airdrop pods accurately landed around this temporary camp.

The dust cleared.

Those mechanical airdrop pods opened around, revealing huge heavy armors one after another.

The momentum is overwhelming.

"Centurion armor?"

Feisl swallowed and recognized what these armors were at a glance.

These heavy-duty exoskeleton armors, designed for use by Space Marines, are close to the size and combat effectiveness of Dreadnoughts.

And more flexible.

It can make Space Marines stare into the hail of bullets and exert as much power as a heavy battle tank.

Most of this batch of Centurion armor is the Destroyer model, which allows the Space Marine to transform into a humanoid tank and control multiple heavy weapons to shoot at the enemy at the same time.

The pair of heavy bolters, the tornado bolt array, and the fragmentation missiles are powerful weapons for harvesting a large number of light creatures.

The laser cannons and Krathi missiles on the shoulders are deadly weapons against armored units.

What's more.

These Destroyer Centurions are also equipped with rare gravity cannons, capable of crushing enemy heavy units with gravity waves!

Not only that.

The Destroyer Centurion is also equipped with an omnidirectional lens to better coordinate mutual fire strikes.

Once these Destroyer Centurions form a squad, they will give the enemy a wall of firepower that they can't withstand and destroy!

Feisier looked at these centurion armors in a daze.

Their entire company cannot afford so many Centurion armors, so only in some important battles will a squad of 5-10 Destroyer Centurions appear.

This little-known Chapter of the Sons of Man.

He easily took out so many Centurion armors, one for each person in the team.

It is enough to prove its rich heritage.

Fisser looked at those centurion armors with envy.

Unfortunately, he is not qualified to control these powerful weapons of war, only the most determined veterans.

Only then can the violent machine spirit within it be tamed.

Otherwise, just making a neural connection with it can damage the Space Marine who does not have enough willpower.

Fischer tried it once.

The violent pain made it difficult for him to even control the Centurion armor and walk.


Are these sons of humanity in front of me all Centurion Drivers?

He looked at the Sons of Man warriors with a hint of admiration in his eyes.


Da Tong stepped onto the ramp of the airdrop machinery cabin, entered the battle suit from the back of the Centurion armor with his hands on his shoulders, and put on a special helmet that matched it to connect to the nervous system of the armor.


With the help of a robotic arm, the Centurion armor is sealed.


A large amount of gas was ejected and smoke and dust were raised.

Boom, boom, boom!

Heavy footsteps sounded, and a Destroyer Centurion stepped out, overlooking Feisir.

The electronic sound of the vat came out:

"Brother, I almost forgot to tell you that I have also arranged Centurion armor for you, go and get dressed..."

Feisir was a little ashamed: "Thank you for your generosity, but it's a pity that I can't control the machine spirit in it."

"The machine souls in our armor have been trained by the Mechanical Goddess of the Erth Mechanicus. They are very well-behaved..."

Datong said carelessly: "As long as your nerves are strong enough, you can open any of these Centurion armors. If you really don't understand, just use the semi-automatic mode for assistance!"


The vast majority of Space Marines have been trained to pilot Centurion armor, and the only thing that hinders them from piloting is the violent machine spirits.


These words surprised Fesir.

He selected a Destroyer Centurion, doubtfully stepped onto the gangway, entered the Centurion armor, and connected with it neurologically.


He was pleasantly surprised to find that those violent machine spirits did not reject him in any way.

On the contrary, it is gentle.

With the help of neural connections, Fisl quickly adapted to driving the Centurion Armor.


All other soldiers are also dressed.

More than twenty large-scale armors stood in the camp, facing the approaching insect tide.


Several Assault Centurions led the way and used siege drills to knock down the retaining wall.

Through the gap.

A dark, roaring swarm of insects appeared in front of all the soldiers.

"Brothers, follow me to crush these stink bugs!"

Big Barrel took the lead and jumped out of the gap first, slamming into the swarm of insects.

The next second.

He opened fire.

Bolt rain, tornado bolt array, and fragmentation missiles poured out, making a gap in the swarm of insects.


Other soldiers followed.

These Destroyer Centurion armors formed a team and stepped into the swarm of insects with a sharp arrow-like formation.

Then they were submerged.

But soon, the fierce flames that broke out scattered the surrounding insects.

The chitinous torrent surged.

Fesel was surrounded by heavy insects, but he no longer had any fear.

Because he was surrounded by his fighting brothers!

He controlled the Destroyer Centurion Armor and harvested the lives of the Zerg with his fighting brothers.

The Blood Angel suddenly realized.

He had not experienced such a hearty, dominant, and without too much sacrifice and pain in a long time.

"It's great..."

Fesel thought so.

Under the leadership of the barrel, these warriors stepped on the corpses of the Zerg and headed towards the distant palace...

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