Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 337 Savior: It seems someone wants to kill me?

The bridge of the Dream.

The savior's emergency war meeting is in progress.

There are many virtual projected portraits in mid-air.

These include:

Necron Overlord Anrakil, Zarathusa and the important warriors under his command, Dante and the Blood Angel Captain, as well as core members of the Savior Armed Forces such as Bucket, Prue, Duke, and Ari.

These individuals will work together to travel to various planets to activate the Grand Prism to defend against the Leviathan Hive Fleet.


The atmosphere was a bit tense.

Many people frowned because they got bad news: the Leviathan Hive Fleet has accelerated again and will arrive sooner than expected!

That meant that the time left for the coalition forces to fight was once again compressed.

Not far behind the savior, Taco received the emergency adjustment plan from the Ministry of Military Affairs and used communication equipment to send it to the persons in charge of each combat mission.

Everyone read the plan in silence, making the atmosphere even more gloomy.

"I believe everyone has seen the plan. We only have three days left..."

Ron looked at everyone: "No matter what, we must activate the Grand Prism during this period, otherwise the Leviathan Hive Fleet's offensive will destroy our only chance to counterattack!

By then no one will be able to stop the Great Devourer, and the Hades system and the nearby tomb worlds will be destroyed, followed by the Baal system, the Charaton region, and more.

Countless planets and creatures will be turned into solution and become the nutrition of the Tyranid swarm...

However, hope remains.

The future of our homeland and countless lives lies in our hands.

We will fight side by side until we complete our mission and give those damn bugs a fatal blow..."

The savior’s eyes became extremely serious:

"Remember, it's three days and the battle can begin!"

The words just fell.

The screams of Tyranid swarms came from the many virtual projection figures, and these troops had already arrived on the battlefield.

before the projection goes out.

These human and Necron warriors gave leaders such as Ron, Dante and Anrakil a firm look.

They will fight to the end!

Lysios star.

Sister Magda led the nomads to fight their way through the Tyranid swarm and arduously returned to the cathedral's defense lines.


The scene in front of her shocked her: "Emperor, is this a miracle?"


The cathedral's defenses were transformed.

The original simple defensive buildings were replaced by thick defensive walls filled with forts. Several Holy Titans and more vehicle armors guarded here.

A Flesh Tearer covered in blood walked over, alerting Magda and the Battle Sisters.

These Flesh Tearers are notorious for their brutality and bloodlust in warfare, both against enemies and allies alike.

They may go crazy at any time and do things that harm their allies, and there are even rumors that the Flesh Tearers brutally slaughtered an entire human planet.

This has also resulted in the Flesh Tearers being constantly under investigation by the Inquisition.

The Flesh Tearer took off his helmet, and it turned out to be Gabriel Seth, the Chapter Leader of the Flesh Tearers.

He obviously knew what the nuns were worried about, and his attitude was gentle:

"Your Majesty the Great Sister, you don't have to worry. The cruel Black Fury curse that plagued the Flesh Tearers has almost disappeared. We will not hurt anyone anymore."

The flesh-tearer warrior known for his cruelty smiled with tears in his eyes: "Thanks to the messenger sent by the savior, Lord Maya, for lifting that terrible curse for us!"

While talking.

He looked at the several figures walking over, his eyes full of gratitude and respect.

Not long ago, the Flesh Tearers were on the verge of losing control under the Tyranids' offensive. It was the omnipotent elixir brought by Maya that saved him and his brothers!

Magda saw Maya, the great nun of the Erth Church. She had blond hair and wore dark gold power armor. Her eyes were full of perseverance and compassion.

So holy.

"This is a sister with a strong and steadfast faith..." she thought.

That is also inevitable.

After the Savior's territory became wealthy, the armor and weapons of the Sisters of the Ethnic Church were replaced by the top models.

Not even the Sisters of the Imperial Church could compare.

"Sister Maya, may the Emperor's light always shine upon us."

Mother Magda sent her greeting.

Maya responded: "Sisters, under the light of the golden sun and the Savior, may we gather strength!"


The State Church of Erth and its Sisters have also become an important force that cannot be ignored in the order of the State Church.

"Sir Seth..."

Maya looked at the Flesh Tearers Chapter Leader:

"As I said before, the sins of the past will not disappear. Maybe you should make more changes to change people's views on you and wash away that shame.

If you have time in the future, you need to continue to listen to our sermons. "

"As you wish, my brother and I are willing to listen to the word of the Savior..." Seth replied with respect.

? ? ?

Magda was a little confused when she saw this scene.

This sister preached to one of the most difficult beings among the Space Marines, the Flesh Tearers, and seemed to get them to obey?


These flesh-tearing people were so friendly in helping the nomads that it was surprising.

In fact.

Maya taught nothing more than the theory of atonement such as good deeds will be rewarded and turning back. The modified version of the state religion that Ron made himself was more civilized and scientific.

It gave people more psychological comfort.

Moreover, there was also the influence of the little sun on faith.

These were much better than the cruel atonement theories of the empire, and there was no need to use any automatic whipping device to atone.

Who would have thought that some priests or believers would be equipped with some SM whipping devices, whipping their bodies all the time, creating pain to remind themselves of their faith or atonement.

What's more terrifying is that some atoneers have to pay a huge price.

For example, the perverted thing of whipping the servitor.

For those who have committed serious sins, the state religion will remove their limbs and some organs, replace them with electric whips or cutting claws, chemical syringes, nerve glands, and fill their eyes with colored glass.

The head will also be cut in half and a requiem helmet will be worn.

In this way, the sinners will be able to enjoy 24-hour high-intensity pulse infusion, and their heads will be filled with the Emperor's sacred images, hymns, and saints' quotes.

At the same time, his body will always be excited and extremely painful due to chemical injections.

These tortures will make the tortured person live a life worse than death and turn him into a violent living machine.

Such a perverted thing may be the work of Slaanesh. It can only be said that the empire is the soil of chaos.

In addition.

After those believers and warriors make mistakes, they will also have many self-redemption packages to choose from.

Although it is not as exaggerated as whipping the servitors, it is also a torture to the body, mind and soul.

The reason why Chaos has become more rampant after humans entered the 41st millennium is probably related to the deviation of human beliefs. Under the guidance of the state religion, humans have become more extreme.

It has created too many extreme emotions, giving the Chaos Evil God more power.

Those believers who tortured themselves extremely may not have given as much faith to the Emperor as to the evil god.

Moreover, extreme emotions also provide more breeding ground for corruption.

After discovering this tendency, Ron reformed the State Religion of Ers, and guided the relevant beliefs in a civilized and friendly direction without subverting the doctrine.

Today's State Religion of Ers can be called truth, goodness and beauty. While serving the golden sun and the savior, it guides people to a better future.

During the period of resisting the Tyranid insect tide, these flesh tearers went to listen to Maya's sermons several times to relieve their spiritual fatigue and pain.

Now they have completely accepted the doctrines of the State Religion of Ers and the guidance of the savior.

They have gained peace of mind.

They are also willing to help and save more people in the next life.

Change people's views on them and gain the salvation of their souls.

Maya also came forward with the medical nuns to treat the wounds of the sisters and nomads of the Empire State Religion.


Sister Magda heard the voices of the nomads.

"Emperor, in the name of the Emperor, we are willing to accept the gift of the great savior!"

Some nomads knelt in front of Maya, holding the newly obtained Holy Scripture of the Savior, and stiffly said the few prayers they knew.

At this moment.

Magda felt frustrated. She had been leading the nuns to preach here.

For this reason.

She also built a mobile monastery and tirelessly spread the doctrine to the nomads.

Try to make them realize the greatness of the Emperor.

But over the years, there have been few results.

Those nomads have no interest in learning about the deeds of the great Emperor, nor are they willing to worship any Emperor.

However, Maya, the sister, had just arrived here and educated these barbaric and stubborn nomads.

Let them voluntarily kneel at the feet of the Emperor!

This is simply a miracle, and it seems that they are incompetent and unworthy of the Emperor's faith.

The elder sister couldn't figure out how the other party did it.

In fact.

Maya's method is very simple.

She told the nomads that this place would soon be eaten up by Tyranids.

They would lose their homes.


The merciful savior was willing to give them salvation, as long as they believed in the Golden Sun, that is, the God Emperor and the savior.

They could go to the new pasture planet to live.

The environment there was better, the algae was richer, and the savior's territory would buy their meringues at a higher price.

After hearing this, these nomads who had lost everything were grateful and immediately believed in the savior.

In general.

Maya activated the money power of the savior's territory to attract believers, which is also the savior's usual means of absorbing faith.

That is to give people hope and a better life.

Not only providing shelter, without difficult obligations, but also spending a lot of money, who wouldn't love such a savior?

Once people accept the savior's doctrine, they will naturally be subtly influenced.

The faith gradually deepened.

Eventually became a true believer or even a fanatic believer.

After all, there are really few gods in the galaxy who can provide such blessings and conditions.

Since the transport fleet had already evacuated.

Maya could only let these nomads take refuge on the Sisters' ships.

The Tyranids' more violent attack was about to arrive, and the next battle was not something they could participate in.

Not long after.

Batches of Thunderhawk gunboats arrived.

Pru led the war angels to support Lesios and brought the instructions of the Savior.

Many worlds in the Hades Galaxy rely on the power of the Grand Prism.

This place is no exception.

Of course, other planets use huge relay stations to transmit the energy of the Grand Prism to factories and urban areas.

The use of Lesios is relatively simple.

That is to use the towering solar sails on the ancient huge crawler vehicle, the Helios type, to collect energy and provide energy for the nomads.

These crawlers are important operating links between the Grand Prism and Eros, and exist as relay arrays.


Under the destruction of the Tyranid insect tide, the only Helios type crawler vehicle left is the last one located in the cathedral.

Pru told Maya, Seth and Magda that they must protect this only remaining Helios type at all costs, otherwise the beam from the Grand Prism.

Will never reach the gas planet called Eros.

The instructions given by the Savior are to protect the Helios planet at all costs, even if everything is sacrificed!


Under Pru's organization, the War Angels, Flesh Tearers and Battle Sisters built a new defense array.

To welcome the final war of Lysios...

At the same time.

The Grave Technicians, the Dead Legion and the Blood Angels also arrived above Tartarus.

The Grand Prism, an ancient energy collection platform the size of an asteroid with eight huge lenses, is floating above the red planet.


The goal of the coalition soldiers is not the interior of the Grand Prism, but the control room located in the surface ruins.


Under the resistance of the Savior's support forces, the planet did not fall completely.

They only need to teleport to the surface and meet up with the support forces.

Then find the control room buried for countless years in the ruins and activate it.

The mission can be completed.

When the coalition soldiers went to the surface of Tartarus.

The defenders on the refining platform of the gas planet Eros were under tremendous pressure.

The Tyranid Hive was reinforced again, making the defense line shaky.

But the Savior Armed Forces and Blood Angels warriors who were responsible for guarding the refining platform were still resisting, not letting the Zerg cross the defense line.


Support is about to arrive.

The green tomb fleet appears.

The overlord of the Mevret Dynasty, Zarathusa, led his fleet to arrive here.

The huge group of heavy fighters of the Scythe of Destruction cleared the Tyranid troops in the air, and the overlord himself led the royal guards to teleport down and clear the Zerg entrenched in the transport pipeline.

They need to open a transmission channel to the core of Eros.

The coalition of humans and space dead spirits is fighting hard, trying to activate the ancient energy weapon platform called the Grand Prism...


Inside the bridge of the Dream.

The projections of many figures gradually extinguished, leaving only the three leaders of Ron, Dante, and Anraqiel.

Ron looked at the two people:

"Okay, now it's our turn to fight..."

They will work together to take down the most difficult battlefield - the industrial zone of the star Ferdia, and seize the last piece of the puzzle of the grand prism, the spire control room at the bottom of the industrial zone.

The spire was originally on the ground, but under the erosion of countless centuries.

It has sunk into the ground.

A new industrial zone was built around the ancient spire machinery, and it prospered.


All this was destroyed.

This planet was the first area to be reached by the Tyranid Vanguard Hive, and it fell before the armed support of the Savior arrived.

The Tyranid swarm completely occupied this place.

Ron had to lead the elite warriors to join forces with the Necrons to attack.


The coalition's battle against the star Ferdia began.

The belly compartment of the Dream opened, and a large number of heavy fighters and Thunderhawk gunboats rushed to the surface of the planet. At the same time, the traveler Anlaqir and the Blood Angels also sent their elite troops.

In the gray-yellow sky.

The air forces of the Tyranid swarm spread everywhere, like a dark cloud after another.

The Thunderhawk gunships forcibly broke into these black clouds, and the heavy artillery and space warriors on the ships dealt with countless claws and fangs.

The sky of Ferdia has evolved into a battle field between flesh monsters and mechanical weapons.

In addition to heavy fighters, Thunderhawk gunships, and Storm Crow gunships, there are also many Necromancer Destruction Scythe fighters.

They will jointly open up a road to the surface.

On the gunship platform.

"These damn bugs are so terrible..."

Ron, wearing dark gold heavy armor, casually crushed a gargoyle that pounced on him and smashed it out fiercely.

He looked down at the surface of the planet through the gap in the black clouds, and the scene he saw was shocking.

The only small piece of ocean on this planet has disappeared, and the hive has digested the ocean near the industrial zone and the vegetation and creatures on the ground.

Only the earthy yellow earth and the swarm of insects are left.

Compared with the drastic changes of the planet.

He was more worried about the situation in the industrial area.

Ron looked at the industrial area and saw that the entire engineering area was covered with thick chitin.

This place had long been transformed by the Hive Fleet into a core chitin processing plant. The huge capillary spires soared into the sky, continuously providing nutrients to the Hive.

In order to protect this important area.

The Hive Mind has heavily guarded the area, building many biological defense walls and terrifying tentacles all over the area.

Even more troublesome is that.

In such a narrow and overlapping combat environment, it is impossible to deploy super-heavy vehicles such as the Redemption Titan and the Imperial Knight.

Making the war more difficult.

The only way now is to cooperate with the Necrons and lead an elite team to break through the heavy defenses built by the Tyranid Hive.

Race your way into the spire control room!

The battle in the Hades Galaxy has progressed so far, and this is the first time that humans have turned to defense and siege, taking the initiative to break through the core area of ​​Tyranid.

This is more difficult than simple defense and will inevitably involve a bloody battle.

But they have no way out and can only fight to the end!

After approaching the ground.

Ron jumped up and stepped hard on the ground with his composite ceramic boots.


Dante also landed hard.


Ron sensed a threat, something vaguely targeting him from an unknown dimension.

He reacted quickly.

That was the Death Mark, the assassin force of the Necrons.

The head of the Death Mark warrior has the iconic huge, green one-eye, which can freely travel through the space dimension with the help of ancient technology.

Deliver deadly attacks from all angles.

Its unique weapon, the nerve-shattering gun, can fire compressed lepton beams composed of subatomic particles to destroy the nerve and synaptic tissue of any organic matter.

Few escape their assassination.

"That fellow Traveler will never die if he wants to kill me..."

Ron understood that it was a special team arranged by the travelers, possibly to hunt node creatures, and more likely to be ready to launch backstabbing at any time.

He gave Dante a cryptic look.

Ask the other person to be more careful.


The traveler Anrakir led the royal guards and stepped gently out of the portal and came to the savior gracefully.

This made Ron a little jealous.

The teleportation technology of these metal ribs is obviously more advanced than that of humans, and they can teleport in places with such dense Tyranid shadows.

Human beings are always at a disadvantage when facing this ancient race.

Currently, the Savior's Territory does not have the relevant teleportation technology, nor does it have the dimensional technology to welcome death, so it is unable to make targeted resistance against it.

All we can do is be more vigilant and pay more attention.

But that's only temporary.

He has already arranged some back-ups, and will soon be able to take away the skills of the Metal Spare Ribs.

This battle may face the dual dangers of Tyranid swarms and Necrons.

Fortunately, there are more people on the Savior's side.

Not at too much of a disadvantage.

But we can't let down our guard, lest we fall under the Necron's plot.

"Your Majesty the Savior, what are you thinking about?"

Anrakil is quite proud. He has arranged many death mark troops to target these human warriors.

Keep the battle situation under your control.

Whether it is humans who break the contract first, or they want to eliminate the threat.

All are invincible.

The traveler is already thinking about how to let the threatening savior die here after activating the Grand Prism.

He is confident that he can do it all.

"I was just wondering when my troops would arrive..."

Ron spoke.

Countless streams of fire fell along the cleared airspace, which were airdrop pods one after another.

Boom, boom, boom.

The airdrop pod crashed to the ground.

Carter led the heavily armored Thunder Guards to step out and stood faintly behind the Savior, Anrakil and the royal guards.

This makes the traveler feel even more threatened, knowing how powerful these warriors are.

Immediately afterwards.

The rest of the Necron troops, Sons of Man warriors, and Blood Angel warriors also arrived one after another.


at the same time.

An overwhelming swarm of Tyranids began to gather and surge towards this side.


"Your Excellency Traveler, we may have a very hard time next. I hope you can hold on..."

Ron pulled out the "Glory" power sword, and the blue light glowed slightly.

at the same time.

Next to him, Dante followed the Savior and ignited the decomposition field of the Ax of Eternity.

The Anrakil blade staff shines with a dark green light.

He smiled coldly: "That's what I want to say. I hope you won't fall under the insect tide!"

The three of them assumed a fighting stance and faced the surging black swarm of insects in front of the team...

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