Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 338 Savior: Stellar Cannon, Level 1 Ready!

The ground shook slightly.

The screams and stench of the Tyranid swarms hit us.

The soldiers of the human and necron coalition were like isolated islands standing in the sea of ​​chitin. Fortunately, they were the most elite soldiers in their respective legions.

They were not afraid of any enemy!

"For Sanguinius!"

Dante, the old warrior, was always the bravest on the front line. He was the first to ignite the jump pack and smash into the swarm.

Slashing wildly.

Traveler Anraqir was more elegant. He raised his blade staff suddenly, and the dark green Gauss ray swept across the swarm in the area.

His offensive was so terrible that even a ray could not be suppressed and swept over here.

Passed by the feet of the savior.


He looked at the savior provocatively.

"This damn desire to win..."

Ron walked towards the swarm as if he had no protection. Arcs appeared between the mechanical gaps of the dark gold heavy armor, continuously increasing the amplitude of psychic energy.

That was the Savior Heavy Armor Psychic Edition, specially designed for continuous combat and dealing with large-scale enemies.


The terrible Tyranid executioner rushed over with sharp claws, almost blocking all retreat routes.

However, the next second.

They froze in mid-air.

Under the interference of psychic energy, the high-pressure blood flow impacted their brain tissue, causing them to scream miserably.

"Aliens, retreat!"

Ron looked at the swarm of insects in front of him, raised his hand and clenched it violently, accompanied by electric arcs, and the psychic high pressure surged instantly.

Pah pah pah!

The heads of almost all Tyranid insects in the field of vision burst, and chitinous pus and broken bones sprayed out.

The corpses of Tyranid creatures around him fell to the ground, but they were not stained with any stains.

The swarm of insects near Anraqir was also taken care of, and the splashing stinking pus almost splashed him, making him look a little embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Traveler, psychic attacks are always a little unstable..." Ron was full of apologies.

"It's okay, I'll be careful."

Anlaqir still tried to maintain his composure, but he was obviously at a disadvantage.

His body rippled slightly, cleaning up the foul-smelling pus, and then pouring his anger into the swarm.

A large number of swarms fell.

The three leaders temporarily blocked the swarm, giving the coalition soldiers a chance to deploy.


Under their leadership, the coalition soldiers charged towards the control spire, and what greeted the soldiers was a wall of flesh and blood composed of various chitinous creatures.

The Assault Centurion was equipped with a sharp drill and power blade, and was responsible for clearing the biological walls and tentacle roadblocks along the way with the heavy locust destroyer as the vanguard.

The Destroyer Centurion Armored Squad, the Dreadnought, and the heavy centipede-like Tomb Sentinel served as the coalition's defensive barrier.

Facing the impact of the swarm.

The destructive artillery fire, Gaussian decomposition beams and Tesla lightning wove a web of death.

Cleansing the Tyranid swarm in large quantities.

Then, the coalition's advance soon encountered fierce resistance from the Tyranids.

Countless plasma cannons and biological bombs attacked, and the firepower network formed by ion cannon worms and spore fortresses seriously slowed down the advance of the ground troops.


The Thunder Guards Sharp Knife Squad led by Carter and the assassins of the Death Mark dealt with some dangerous long-range Tyranid creatures.

And the Assault Centurion Armor destroyed the spore fortress.

Allowing the coalition to advance smoothly.

As the coalition went deeper.

Everyone soon encountered a truly powerful opponent, and several high-risk node creatures blocked the route of the marching team.

Ron mobilized psychic energy to resist the Tyranid psychic nest master in mid-air.

Dante met a mutant hive tyrant wielding a bone sword, while Anraqir fought fiercely with a giant poisonous python.

The high-intensity fierce battle caused a large area of ​​the surrounding buildings to collapse, and huge rocks fell into the lake-like digestion pool below, splashing sticky meat paste waves.

"We have to speed up!"

Ron's eyes were silver-white, and he pressed the psychic nest master to the ground and stuffed several hot melt bombs into its mouth to finish it off.

They have been delayed in this area for too long.

Time is passing.

If we don't hurry up, it may lead to unpredictable consequences.

While talking.

Traveler Anlaqir also used a blade staff to deal with the poisonous python, and Dante climbed out of the digester with a sticky body, obviously dealing with the mutant hive tyrant at the bottom of the pool.

Three powerful warriors in the galaxy successfully dealt with their respective opponents.

At this time.

Good news came from Ron's communication channel that the detection team had found the specific location of the spire.

It was not far behind the digester.

This means that success is imminent and they are about to complete this mission.

But he didn't have time to celebrate.

Because his psychic sense vaguely sensed a more deadly breath!


A nearly 30-meter-tall behemoth rose from the collapsed ruins, and countless pieces of rubble fell from its chitinous carapace. The aftermath of its movement alone caused the ground to roar.

The momentum almost shocked all the warriors.


Ron couldn't help but swear after seeing the appearance of the Tyranid behemoth.

It was Tyranid's heavy biological titan-the Worm Titan!

The overall size and combat power of the Worm Titan were similar to those of the Imperial Titan, and it was a large symbiotic creature.

It can be said that it is assembled from the main body and many parasites.

The Bug Saint Titan's body is covered with razor-shaped claws, thorn tentacles and poisonous mist sacs, and its front claws are two long biochemical cannons.

These symbiote weapons are powered by the bioelectricity of the main body.

The terrifying biochemical cannon erupts highly corrosive maggot-like tissue that can melt through plastic steel, cement, flesh and bone in seconds.

Turns the victim into a puddle of goo.

And the defense is also very strong.

The thorn tentacles all over the body make it difficult for any melee attack to succeed. The poisonous spore clouds ejected by the poisonous mist sacs will also seriously interfere with the sight of those close to it, causing them to suffocate to death in the poisonous burning.

When fighting the Bug Saint Titan, only by using a large amount of super-heavy artillery fire to continuously bombard it can you have a chance to kill it!

Ron frowned: "This is troublesome..."

Since this was a surprise attack and the planet was already occupied by a swarm of insects, there were no conditions for deploying super-heavy vehicles and artillery fire.

What's more, the coalition forces have penetrated deep into the lower areas of the factory.

It is difficult to obtain effective support.


The Destroyer Centurion Armor and Dreadnought Mecha poured gravity waves, fragmentation missiles, reconnection bombs, and melt rays on the Bug Saint Titan, while the Heavy Locust Destroyer approached in mid-air and continuously fired particle rays and cluster lightning.

Distant death marks also mark the massive prey, which fires compressed lepton beams.


These attacks don't have much effect. Either they can't cause damage to its thick carapace, or they are reflected back by some kind of psychic shield.

Even the death mark's lepton beams can decompose nerves and organic matter.

It only caused some small wounds, killing the symbiotic organisms on its body, and almost no damage to its body.

Just like cancer that can kill humans, it is just a small tumor on whales.

This way.

Those heavy-duty Locust Destroyers closest to the ground were unlucky. Some warriors were hit by the reflected energy, burning and falling into the ruins.

Even more troublesome is that.

They were targeted by the Bug Saint Titans, and more heavy Locust Destroyers were attacked by biochemical cannons.

Turn into molten iron.

Such a behemoth completely dominated the entire battle.

The Insect Saint Titan was like an impenetrable living fortress, blocking the coalition forces and causing many casualties.

It's despairing.

"Let me do it, you might die there if you go!"

Ron grabbed Dante, who was about to rush forward, and then unleashed all his spiritual power to entangle the alien titan.

to divert its attention from the main force.

It would be best if they could be lured away so the coalition could move on to control the spire.


He was disappointed.

The Insect Saint Titan had no intention of moving and stood firmly beside the digestion tank.


Ron gradually became unable to bear it any longer. He turned to look at the travelers who were gathering their troops, and roared: "Arakil, use all your means, otherwise we will all die here!"

He knew very well that the traveler had a means of fending off the enemy - Star God fragments.

Those body fragments that once existed as transcendent beings are one of the most powerful destructive weapons of the Necron. Different fragments have different terrifying powers.

The fragment of the Star God in the traveler's hand is called Nyadra Zasa the Burner, and it is extremely suitable for use in such a flesh-and-blood combat environment.

"Your Majesty the Savior, please hold on a little longer, my support will be here soon!"

Anrakil obviously understood the critical nature of the situation.

He had to release the secret weapon, the afterimage of the ancient god of the material world, the terrifying weapon named Nyadra Zasa the Burner!

at the same time.

In the low-Earth orbit of the Fodia star, a burning meteor quickly fell to the surface from high altitude.

Ron didn't listen to Anrakil's words, and when he heard the roar in the upper area, he quickly left the area where the Insect Saint Titan was.

There was no hesitation.


The Burner's Star God fragments broke through the layers of obstacles and hit the ground near the Insect Saint Titan.

A strong pulse of fire spread around it, incinerating everything around it, whether it was building ruins or Tyranid creatures.

Only the remaining ashes prove their existence.

Although he had known about it for a long time, Ron was still shocked when he truly saw the power of the Star God fragments.

Fortunately, he avoided it in advance.

Otherwise, you will definitely be affected by this thing.

The Insect Saint Titan was unfortunately affected by the flames, and many of its tentacles were reduced to ashes in the flames.

It roared and turned around, concentrating all its living weapons and firing at the flames, but the biological fire was evaporated the moment it came into contact with the flames.

In the flames.

A humanoid fireman several meters tall appears, that is the Burner!

The Burner did not hesitate to rush towards the Insect Titan under the pouring biological fire, and the opponent also raised all its segmental claws to deal with it.

That is the confrontation between the pinnacle of physical laws and the power of insect nest evolution!

The fierce confrontation between the two sides resulted in an air explosion, with flames and acid flying.

All the coalition soldiers were shocked by the battle between these two terrible monsters, and they retreated further.

To avoid being affected.

Soon, the battle between the Burning Man and the Insect Saint Titan was decided.

The Burner blasted a hole in the Insect Titan's thick carapace, and then burrowed in, penetrating deep into its flesh and blood.

Every part of the Insect Saint Titan's body was ignited. It was wailing but could not do anything to extinguish this special flame.

Visible to the naked eye.

Its body heated up and expanded in the fiery red, almost turning into a ball shape, and finally exploded with a loud bang.

The remnants of the hot acid spread over almost the entire surrounding area.

After all this is done.

The Burning Man condensed again and floated in mid-air, as if waiting for new orders.

Anrakir looked at this terrifying thing and seemed to be hesitating.

See this.

Ron was secretly wary.

The Star God Shard is so terrifying. It can move freely, deploy flexibly, and can destroy super heavy units.

It can bring fatal harm to him and his troops!

Just as he was preparing to mobilize special response forces.


More new terrifying Tyranid monsters appeared at the rear of the coalition forces, and Anrakil had no choice but to move the Burners away to resist these pursuers.

This also made Ron feel a little relieved.

Sure enough, such a terrifying weapon would be too dangerous in the hands of the Necron, so it was safer in his own hands.

He quietly sent out a secret communication, determined to find an opportunity to get this thing!


Ron and Anrakil continued to receive new news.

That's good news. The troops from the other planets have completed their missions and successfully processed the various components of the magnificent prism.

Only one piece of the puzzle remains, the control spire.

This means.

As long as you can enter the control tower, you can activate the terrifying weapon that can destroy the galaxy at any time!

But there's also bad news.

Hive Fleet Leviathan will arrive in the airspace near the Grand Prism in an hour.

If you fail to activate it during this period, you will miss this opportunity forever!

Ron and Anrakil looked at each other, led the troops to rush towards the area controlling the spire, and began the final charge.

They passed through the insect swarm and reached the gate that controlled the spire.


Next comes the trouble.

When the coalition forces broke through the gate and entered the spire, they saw only a maze of twisted passage corridors, claustrophobic rooms, and flesh-stained ruins.

Ron frowned as he looked at these complex structures.

Even more troublesome is that.

Anrakir led the undead troops to step in first, but has disappeared.


The war has reached a critical juncture.

Whoever reaches the control room first will gain more advantages and master the timing of weapon activation.


The Necrons have more advantages in controlling machinery and finding roads, not to mention that this is the heritage of their race.

But whatever.

He must reach the control room as soon as possible, lest his fate be in the hands of others!

Ron immediately released the special black servo skull and led his troops along the path it pointed out.

Head towards the control room.

other side.

Anrakil waved his hand contemptuously and opened the mechanical doors one after another.

These primitive human machines are nothing compared to his complex thinking structure!


He and his warriors easily eliminated the remaining insect swarms and an injured winged tyrant.


The undead overlord appeared in front of the control room door and walked in easily.

He has completely dominated the situation.

Anrakil looked at the ancient grand prism relay control center and activated it with just a thought and gesture.

Under the exertion of his will, the control core buzzed and moved.

Begin to adjust the power of the Grand Prism until it is at its strongest amplitude.


A single thought from him can activate that terrifying weapon, destroying the gaseous planet Eros, causing its huge burst of energy to engulf the nearby Leviathan Devourer.

The remaining energy is enough to wipe out most of the life on the surface of the Hades galaxy planet that has no time to escape to the back.

"It's finally here..."


When the traveler heard something, he turned around and walked out in a happy mood.


Ron and Dante teamed up to break into the control room area.

As soon as they arrived, they saw Anrakil coming out of the control room.

"Your Majesty the Savior.

You are a step too late, I have completed the mission of the coalition..." Anrakil still maintained his elegance, but his tone became less friendly.

In an instant.

The Necron trap was activated, and the deadly ray struck Dante.

Now that the coalition's mission is completed.

Then both sides are complete enemies, and there is no need to have any scruples!

Ron was already on guard.

He suddenly used his psychic powers to pull Dante over, preventing him from being hit by the unknown ray.

Little did I know.

This happened to fall into the traveler's trap, and a mechanical cage wrapped with green light fell from the dimensional dimension.

Locking him and Dante inside.

Necron technology is always hard to guard against.

"Damn metal aliens, you really can't be trusted!"

Dante raised the Ax of Immortality and slashed at the cage, but he couldn't shake it.

"I'm sorry, Lord Savior and his followers, your existence is a huge threat to the dead."

Anrakil enjoyed a moment of joy of victory: "So I have to ask you, and the soldiers under your command, to die here!"

He bowed slightly:

"The Grand Prism has been activated. I wish you good luck, if you can survive the attack of the Death Mark..."


The teleportation light flashed, and the traveler returned to the tomb ship through teleportation.

The terrifying impact caused by the Grand Prism could arrive at any time, and he didn't want to risk staying in this damn place to avoid suffering a sad fate.

Bang bang bang——


Dante was still slashing at the cage, making a huge noise.


A more deadly danger has quietly arrived.

More than a dozen Death Mark assassins appeared from the void in vague shapes.

They marked their prey and raised their nerve crushing guns to aim at Ron and Dante in the cage.

These top assassins in the galaxy are assassinating the prey in the cage, and they will never miss it no matter what.


Ron's eyes widened, trying to remind Dante and making dodge movements.


All this is in vain.

The two men's movements seemed to be predicted, and the green, silent compressed lepton beam hit them accurately.


Ron and Dante's bodies emitted black smoke, made a slight sound, and then fell down.

Lost any breath of life.

The nerves in their brains and bodies have been burned away.

Just in case.

The Death Marks fired another shot, declaring the two targets dead, and then activated the teleportation device to leave.

at the same time.

The rest of the Necron troops also activated the teleportation devices and left this dangerous place. This planet was about to face death!

In a cage outside the control room.

The bodies of the two soldiers lay quietly on the cold ground.

If nothing unexpected happens, they will be burned to ashes by the flames that sweep across the Hades galaxy.


Two more compressed lepton beams hit the body.

Even when evacuating in a doomsday environment, Death Mark still remains cautious.

They left a death mark hidden in the dimensional dimension to observe the corpse, and did not leave completely until they made a last-minute shot.

After the death mark left.

A slight sigh came: "You are really the sixth child. Fortunately, I am more tolerant..."

Within the mechanical cage.

The corpses on the ground shattered with the phantom, revealing Ron and Dante again.

The situation just now was extremely critical.

Almost no one can escape the death mark's sniper attack in such an environment.

Except Ron.

Because he is an all-powerful and terrifying psyker, a god-like being.

The psykers in this world are nearly omnipotent.

Powerful psykers can even tear apart Titans with their bare hands and even cause more horrific damage, and some psychic powers are even weirder.

It's like magic.

Such as affecting the minds of an entire army, creating phantoms, summoning demons, and even a green-skinned psychic kid who can turn an entire squad of Space Marines into frogs.

This is how terrifying psykers and wizards are, and how difficult they are to guard against.

Ron had just used psychic energy to influence the Death Mark's mind and create a phantom, causing the Death Mark to aim elsewhere, thereby evading the assassination.

But the risk of doing this is still quite high.

He wouldn't do it if he didn't have to. The high-intensity psychic operation caused some slight damage to his body.

"Why am I alive again? The great Lord Sanguinius was talking to me just now..."

Dante was confused.

The savior just asked him to relax his mind and not make any resistance. After he did so, he seemed to be beaten to death by the mark of death.

I just didn't expect that he would come back to life so quickly.

This chapter leader is somewhat used to this. He has been on the verge of death too many times and has been resurrected too many times.


Dante became nervous, and he smashed the mechanical cage again: "We have to get out quickly and organize the soldiers to retreat, otherwise I'm afraid we will really die here!"


The Grand Prism has been activated, and this planet is on the verge of destruction at any time!

The cage's counterattack caused his armored hands to shatter and the tiger's mouth to be filled with blood. He could accept death, but he could not accept the soldiers dying with him.

Dante turned his head and said anxiously:

"Sir Savior, come and help, why don't you say anything!" He found that the Savior was motionless, and when he raised his hand to pull the other party, it seemed as if it was broken in the air.

"Wait a minute, I'm busy, I'll get you out later..."

Ron's slightly weak voice came from the control room.


After the first wave of Death Mark attacks, he hid in the control room.

Keep as low a profile as possible.

In case the traveler knew that he had escaped from the cage and was not dead, he called in a new attack.

will make the situation even more unfavorable.


What's more.

He had to slow down the explosion of the Grand Prism a little to give the warriors time to evacuate.

In the control room.

Ron looked at the control core nervously.

At this moment, a black servo skull was attached to the control core, and it made a smart voice: "Father, I have completely controlled the control core..."

He breathed a sigh of relief, touched the head of the servo skull, and praised: "Little Ling is really reliable!"

Fortunately, there is the assistance of the Mechanical Goddess, otherwise it would be troublesome.

The premature explosion of the Grand Prism will inevitably lead to a large number of our soldiers having no time to evacuate.

The casualties were heavy.

Fortunately, at the moment when the traveler Anlaqir betrayed, the warriors of the Savior Armed Forces and the Blood Angels began to evacuate according to the emergency plan.


The launch right of the Grand Prism is in his hands, and he only needs to wait for the opportunity to launch it.

A few minutes later.

Ron received the report that the evacuation was completed, and the Leviathan Hive Fleet just arrived at the best attack area!


He gave the order to attack.


In space, the massive stellar energy gathered by the magnificent prism shot out, and a terrifying pillar of fire tens of kilometers wide quickly reached the planet, tearing apart any insect swarms along the way.

This attack will pass through several planets and eventually reach the gas planet Eros.

Outside the control room.

The moment before the pillar of fire arrived, the faint light of the teleportation portal appeared...

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