Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 108 98 Don Quixote, but the Emperor Slays the Dragon

Chapter 108 98. Don Quixote, but the Emperor slays the dragon

Hades felt a chill on his back, and he opened his eyes unhappily.

The blue sky reflected in his black eyes, with white clouds above.

His mind was a little confused and he couldn't remember anything. He blinked unconsciously and was stung by the bright blue sky, leaving physiological tears.

So tired, he thought.

So Hades planned to close his eyes and continue sleeping.

However, something wet interrupted his sleep plan.

A mule moved up and down, licking Hades' face with its mouth, and its rough tongue directly made Hades jump.

"Hey, get started! Get started!"

Hades had to stand up and push away the mule that was licking him frantically with both hands.

He stood up from the field, feeling even colder behind him.

Where am I?

Hades thought.

Next to him is a beautiful big river, sparkling.

Then he is now standing on the ridge of the field. The rice fields are growing lushly, and in the distance, some brown-skinned people are farming.

The water is flowing, the rice seedlings are growing, people are farming, and the mules are still trying to lick his face.

He was the only one standing here mindlessly, with nothing in his mind.

Hades decided to follow his feelings first.

He looked at the mule. It was pitifully thin, scrawny and looked a little lame.

But it had a bridle on it, which proved that it had an owner.

So Hades took the mule, and the mule was very obedient and followed Hades leisurely.

Find its owner first?

Hades looked into the mule's big eyes and decided.

He started walking along the field bank.

The farmers in the field looked at him from time to time, with strange expressions in their eyes, but they only looked at him from a distance before lowering their heads and plowing again.

When Hades led the mule to the end of the road, a mud house stood here with a straw roof.

Simple, but just right.

An ordinary middle-aged man was standing in front of the house. He tied up his long hair and adjusted his clothes.

He was wearing linen clothes and a simple, thin light gray armor. He was holding a very ordinary sword with nothing on it.

Hades suddenly felt that he should give him the mule.

"Are you the owner of this mule?"

he asks.

The middle-aged man glanced at him, and then unceremoniously grabbed the mule's reins from Hades.


He said,

"But now it's mine."

"Hey, you, why are you like this?"

Hades was anxious. He couldn't just throw away someone else's mule.

The middle-aged man glanced at Hades with a conceited and strange expression.

"Do you know whose it originally belonged to?"

".Well. Well. I don't know."

Hades was stopped by his question and hesitated.

"That's fine. I need a mule, and no one wants this mule. It's mine."

"What do you need a mule for?"

Hades watched the middle-aged man skillfully mount the skinny mule,

"Go and slay the dragon."

The man spoke calmly, as if he was just riding a mule for a walk around the village entrance.

He kicked the mule's feet, and the mule reluctantly made a sound, shook its head, and began to walk slowly, limping and turning.

Slay the dragon? !

ha? ? ?

Hades hurried to follow. The mule moved very slowly, so he could still keep up with them on foot.

"Wait, slaying a dragon?!"

The middle-aged man riding a mule glanced at him condescendingly.


Hades's mind was completely confused, all this was nothing.

He looked into the distance and saw the blue sky, rice fields, and farmers. There were no traces of smoke or dragons anywhere.

This is probably a lunatic.

he thinks.

But Hades was very curious. He decided to follow this madman for a while. What if he really saw a dragon?

So he followed the man riding the mule leisurely. The madman looked very serious and kept a straight face.

The surrounding villagers saw them, and they greeted the man kindly, but after seeing Hades, they smiled and left again.

Hades blinked, what happened to him?

He looked at his hands, which were rough and pale, as if they had been soaked in something highly corrosive.

Corrosive. What is corrosive gas?

Hades suddenly remembered.

He's not from here.

But after thinking for a long time, he couldn't remember where he was from, so he simply gave up on this idea.

He looked at the farmers leaving with a smile,

Well, they probably laughed at themselves because their skin color was different from those of those bronzed people.

So he regarded himself as a passerby who was busy on his way and ignored those people.

The clouds drifted past, and the village was quickly left behind by them.

I am bored.

Hades yawned. The road looked the same no matter what, and it was not interesting.

However, when they came to the first crossroad, there stood an old man.

Well, he's standing, but... uh... he's upside down.

The old man was floating there strangely upside down, still wearing a cloak. The cloak was also anti-gravity and refused to fall off.

Such an abnormal situation occurs,

Hades blinked, he now somewhat believed that this madman wanted to slay the dragon.

The man got off the mule, walked over and squatted in front of the old man.

"Makado, where should we go?"

"Your Majesty, where is it?"

The old man, oh, now Hades knew that his name was Malcador, pointed in a direction that was not a road at all.

"Okay, thank you."

The man who was called Your Majesty thanked him and got on the mule again, left the road, and started walking towards the direction where no one went.

"Oh, wait for me."

Hades hurriedly followed, but looked back from time to time to look at the old man who was lying upside down.

"Why is he upside down?"

Hades asked,

The man named Your Majesty looked at Hades with a strange expression, and said matter-of-factly,

"He is not from here, so he is upside down and different from this world."

"Then I'm not from here either."

Hades answered fluently.

The man gave Hades a strange look,

"Take a good look at yourself again."


An unpleasant thought suddenly flashed through Hades' mind.

Slowly, he reached his hand behind his back and touched——

No clothes behind him? ! !

His clothes were only on the front, but he was naked on the back! !

Hades suddenly wanted to find a place to bury himself.

He might as well be upside down!

As if he sensed Hades' desire to die, the man comforted him in a rare move.

"There's no one behind you, so it's okay if you're completely naked."

no! ! !

But in the wilderness, the ground was full of grass and there were no trees. Hades really couldn't find anything to cover himself. He had no choice but to walk half-naked and half-followed by the man.

Although it was uncomfortable at first, he got used to it and forgot about it.

"You are. What is your name?"

he asks,

"They all call me Emperor."

said the Emperor.

strange title

"I feel weird."

Hades told the truth,

"I don't like it either, but they all call me that, and over time, I get used to it."

"Are you really going to slay the dragon?"

Hades asked again.

But obviously the Emperor would not waste his time on the same issue twice. He just remained silent and acquiesced to this statement.

Hades scratched his head,

"Then maybe I shouldn't follow you. If I encounter a dragon, I won't be able to run away."

"You have nowhere else to go."

The Emperor said sharply.

write novel, no future.

everyday, is deadline.


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