Chapter 109 99. Give me a drink!

They had been on their way and now it was getting dark.

The darkness pressed over, endless, rich and oppressive, like a lightless drop of liquid on a rainy night.

And people seem so small in this wilderness.

So Hades followed the emperor to a stop, and a fire rose in the wasteland. The flames peeled off and reappeared, dispelling a small piece of darkness.

Just this little light shone dimly on them, reflecting their faces.

The two of them sat there bored, Hades staring blankly at the burning fire, waiting for dawn to continue on their way.

But the child's laughter rang out from the darkness.

Suddenly hearing the laughter of a child in the uninhabited wasteland, Hades was shocked.

"Why are there children here?!"

He looked at the Emperor, but the Emperor ignored him completely. The Emperor looked nervous, drew his sword, and stood up.

"Get away! Get away! Damn guys, get out of here!"

The emperor's voice spread far away, but was quickly swallowed up by the darkness without making any sound.

The mule snorted, stamped his feet, and leaned away from the fire.

"No, what happened?"

Hades also stood up hastily, but unfortunately he was unarmed.

But Hades thinks he shouldn't face a child with a weapon?

But while Hades was thinking, the children appeared.

Their strange, dirty figures emerged from the darkness, jumping back and forth on the edge of darkness and light.

"Join us."

they said,

"Get away! Get away!"

The Emperor held his sword and made a gesture of lunging forward,

"I'm human, you shits, get out of here!"

"Why don't you join us?"

"We promised you everything."

"There's obviously no one on the top step, why don't you take another step up?"

Said a child with a cunning glint in his eyes. He was thin but agile.

"You should face your own desires, hypocritical lord."

said a beautiful child.

"Everything is meaningless in the end, and struggling is very tiring."

"You shouldn't be so weak!"

"Crawl! You shits!"

Hades felt that they were all talking crazy, but fortunately none of them paid attention to Hades. He was like a piece of darkness, forgotten together.

So he continued to stand aside and watch calmly.

The Emperor couldn't stand the chirping of the children anymore, so he scooped up mud from the ground, balled it up, and threw it at the guys.

The mud fell accurately on the fat guy, and the cry immediately started.

So the remaining children dragged him away making a fuss.

Before leaving, the child glanced in the direction of Hades.

Then he hid in the darkness again.

Hades walked hesitantly to the Emperor;

"What are they?"

"That's what you see."

Hmm. Children?

"You hate children?"

The emperor snorted,

Oh, you don't make a good father by hating your children.

Hades thought inexplicably.

"Then what are they talking about, asking you to join them?"

The emperor's nose twitched, as if he had heard news that disgusted him.

"Never possible."

"People don't keep company with insects."


The Emperor seemed interested in talking, and they sat down again around the fire.

The orange firelight reflected on the emperor's face. He held a branch in his hand and used it to stir the firewood underneath.

His face was golden, and in a trance, Hades seemed to see the golden crown on his head.

"Even though they promised me everything."

"But what is everything about children? They are just little things made of clay."

"They might be fun, but they're not even remotely useful for survival."

"They got me wrong."

The Emperor casually picked up some small branches, broke them, and threw them into the fire.

He looked at the twigs that were burning themselves up in the fire and continued,

"Live, and live so that you can raise the sword of revenge against the enemy as you please."

"Nothing else makes sense."

The branches gradually turned to ashes in the fire, so the emperor filled in more firewood.

Hades blinked and helped the Emperor throw firewood into the fire.

So the fire became strong again.

The Emperor glanced at him.

"What about you? What do you want to do?"


What does he want to do?

Hades originally wanted to say alive, but it seemed that the word "alive" did not stir up any waves in his heart, as if he had seen too much life and death.

Just as he wouldn't lament the leaves on the street.


Hades suddenly felt hungry again.

Open a restaurant?

He suddenly remembered that someone had said this to him a long time ago.

At that time, nothing had happened, and he had not yet walked here one step at a time.

They were all still there then.

“Create an environment where everyone can sit down, eat, and chat together?”

The emperor glanced at him again, his dark brown eyes being dyed golden by the firelight from time to time.

"Then you might as well give your enemy a knife."

Hades shrugged.

"Isn't that what I want to do?"

"If it has already been realized, it is not called wanting."

"Short-sighted and superficial."

muttered the Emperor.

"I never said I was a wise man."

Hades said,

"I'm an unlucky guy."


The emperor nodded,

"But who isn't?"

Yeah, who isn’t?

Hades stared at the flame, it was too small, even though it was burning hard, even though it had eaten so much firewood, it was still too small.

The rest is endless night.

Hades didn't know when he fell asleep. He only knew that he was blown up by the morning wind.

He forced himself to open his eyes. It was dawn and the Emperor was packing his bags.


The Emperor got on the mule, and Hades naturally followed.

So they hit the road again.

Go, go, go, go.

They have traveled a long time and experienced a lot.

They went through the puddle, but the Emperor separated the water, although Hades saw no need to separate the shallow puddle.

They went through the abyss, but the Emperor kicked the mule directly, and Hades grabbed the mule's tail and followed them across.

The air is getting thinner and colder.

Finally, they arrived.

This is a wilderness full of rich green grass, and a cow is grazing leisurely on it.

Some bright green and red cracks crawled on the cow's pattern.

Not far away, many stacks of hay that had only been chewed once or twice were thrown carelessly on the ground.

The Emperor got off his mule, drew his sword, and stared closely at the cow.

"You must avoid its attacks."


"This is."

Hades racked his brains and thought for a while,

"Is this a dragon?"


The emperor ignored him and rushed forward!

The cow also rushed towards the Emperor, directly facing the Emperor's sword.


However, the bull that was fighting the Emperor suddenly looked at Hades and spat at him.

But the spit rushed towards Hades at an alarming speed!

Hades quickly dodged.

The Emperor took advantage of the cow's distraction and stabbed the cow with his sword.

Gurgling black liquid gushes from the cow's wound.

They dripped to the ground without making a sound.

Seeing the liquid gushing out, the emperor pressed the cow tightly.

The cow was still mooing.

"Come here! Come here quickly!"

"Come here, Hades!"

Hades hurried over and was smeared in the face with black liquid by the Emperor.

"Drink it, hurry up!"

"Drink as much as you can, quickly!"

What is this all about? ? ?

But Hades still complied with it in a daze. He hid outside the range of the cow's struggle, desperately picked up the dark liquid with his hands, and then swallowed it.

The liquid tasted weird and stuck in his throat, and Hades felt like his insides were burning.

He was still drinking desperately, as if he had given himself an order: as long as he couldn't die from drinking, he would drink to death.

He is burning.


When Hades finally felt that he was dying, his vision began to blur, and he looked forward——

The emperor was wearing golden power armor, and the sword in his hand was engraved with gorgeous patterns. His spiritual energy was fluctuating rapidly, and he was suppressing the dragon.

A huge, incomprehensible, sparkling dragon.

Its huge tentacles cover the sky and the sun, the luster of the metal changes all the time, and all the laws of the universe bloom on it.

It's bleeding.

Hades looked down at his hands, which were covered in dragon's blood.

He passed out.

When he opened his eyes again, Hades felt a chill on his back.

Malcador looked at him with his head turned upside down.

Ah, I'm not awake yet, he thought.

"Get up, don't sleep!"

Malcador struck Hades on the calf with his stick.

? !

Hades opened his eyes again, and he found that they were now on the Tarsis Plateau.


"What's the matter?"

Hades struggled to hold himself up,

Makhado glanced at him and said,

"You gain knowledge, that's all."

"What knowledge?"

Hades felt that his mind was still empty.

Makhado rolled his eyes at him,

"You know how to drive a tank, but what if you haven't seen what a tank is?"

Hades blinked, confused.

Malcador stopped paying attention to him and walked towards the distance, seemingly calling the swarm of insects in Collier Jersey.

Hades stared blankly at Malcador's back.

The setting sun stretched over the plateau, stretching Malcador's figure far and wide.

Malcador followed the light and walked away.

Hades was left alone in the darkness.

He felt sleepy, so Hades closed his eyes and lay peacefully in the darkness.

It's as if he was originally darkness.

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