Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 148 140 My hometown I have never met!

Chapter 148 140. My hometown I have never met before...!

In Hades's temporary office, countless papers and folders filled the bookshelf, and two or three white lamps were dutifully lighting up.

On the simple reception table, little Herrera was holding a literacy book and chewing on it, which was chosen for her by her brother Hader.

A huge jet black scythe was placed next to the desk.

Hades sat on his desk, looking at the statistical tables, and couldn't stop tapping his hands on the table.

Machado was able to use the waste to make him happy.

You people who engage in politics have dirty hearts.

To his surprise, most of these down-and-out nobles had failed in political activities. Their political opponents were obviously more willing to see them digging mud on a strange planet than to execute them.

Of course, some people really committed crimes. Hades took a look and found that some were derelict in their duties, some were embezzling and accepting bribes, and some were not paying taxes on time.

Let's keep it for now. After all, there is really no one else at the moment. Let them briefly teach the basics of literacy to children, but the cultivation of moral character must not rely on these people.

Ask him to assign a few tomb guards to watch over these people first.

The Death Guard still had to recruit people from elsewhere, but how. Hades felt a headache, he leaned back helplessly, and then directly covered the document on his face.

When I watched Hammer before, I just thought it was all about war. Now when I watch Hammer, I realize it’s all about logistics.

The space warriors of the legion only account for a small part. Behind the legion is a huge logistics system composed of mortals and the Mechanicus.

Hades suddenly understood Robert Guilliman. The empire would really fail without him.

Why don't you go back and make friends with the Ultramarines and see if you can glean some farming experience from them.

But in fact, the current Robert Guilliman's evaluation among his brothers seems to be quite average?

Cunning politicians, people who fight with abacus.

Hmm. There is no way to go directly to the Ultramarines now, and if they come up to pick people up, they will probably be in the dark.

No, Hades, you still have to fend for yourself.

Hades sat up suddenly from his chair and began to draft a call for recruitment of administrative talents.

He was about to cry while writing.

Why didn't Hades go directly to Macragge? He went to Barbarus, a hellish place like this.

Those who wake up as Guilliman cubs, or angel cubs, must have saved Terra in their previous life, right?

If he were in Macragge, he would be an Ultramarine stationed in 500 worlds at this moment, and he could paddle happily on the planet where he was stationed.

You can also have a boss who understands people's words, doesn't mince words, and thinks about the future of his children.

Why did he come to Barbarus? !

Macragge’s hometown that he has never seen before!

Of course, complaints are complaints. Hades can't just paint his armor blue and run away happily now. He still has to put his head down and work.

At present, the current work progress of the Death Guard is still good.

The first batch of infrastructure construction on the Barbarus Star Ring is about to be completed, and the Barbarus people can move in directly.

On the planet, the originally fragmented farmland was reorganized and large-scale agricultural machines ordered by the Mechanical Cult roared on the farmland.

In the human settlements of Barbarus, only the necessary strong laborers will be left to ensure agricultural output.

As for Galaspari in the distance, thanks to the unremitting efforts of Gallo, Vox, and other Death Guards, it has been cleared and cleaned.

Because it is an entire hive system and the planetary defenses in the system are very solid, even if Mortarion directly destroyed the local productivity, the huge potential contained in Garaspa still attracted many Mechanicus fleets.

Compared to the Barbarus Galaxy, the Galaspa Galaxy is extremely rich.

A huge population, an assembly line that can be used immediately after repair, and two mining planets that have been mined

On the other hand, Barbarus, haha.

To be honest, the planet Barbarus is mainly because of the emergence of the original body Mortarion, otherwise this planet would really have nothing and nothing.

The environmental transformation of the planet Galaspa is underway. The giant spacecraft hovers over the polluted plains of Galaspa and begins to reconstruct the local ecology.

After the system of the plain is restructured, the Death Guard can set up other buildings on it, and Hades plans to set up some military schools there.

The original nest city began to be rebuilt according to the negotiations between Hades, Mortarion and the Mechanical Magus.

Move the population to the upper and middle nests, and restructure the bottom nest to divide it into countless industrial parks.

The products produced by Galaspa have also begun to find other nearby galaxies to prepare for future commercial trade.

Of course, most of the Galaspar system is in charge of Mortarion, Garro, and Vox. Hades is mainly responsible for the construction of Barbarus and has negotiated with the Mechanicus.

Although Mortarion really didn't want to do these paperwork, it didn't mean that he couldn't do it. In the face of the gray reality, everyone had to be recruited to do administrative work.

Hades once again strengthened his desire to have good dealings with the Ultramarines.

It's a pity that the Ultramarines can't directly send some people to the Death Guard.

A communication interrupted Hades's writing. He looked up and saw, oh, it was news from the Mechanicus.

Mechanical Sage Druidmans logically told Hades that he could send some people to follow and transport the black stone.

Generally, no one is trying to transport this kind of stone, and the waterway from Barbarus to Graai is also very smooth, so there is no problem.

The other side probably wants the Death Guard to show some favor, and watch the collection and transportation of black stones to reassure Legion Party A.

Hades blinked, okay

Just send a few veterans, and then take the recruits who performed well out for a walk. Anyway, those recruits have been training for a while, and Barbarus is quite busy here, and most of the veterans are busy.

Anyway, it’s just a roundabout trip back, this time with the escort of the Adeptus Mechanicus, so there’s no problem.

Hades thought for a while, opened the communication channel, and prepared to ask the veterans to bring some new people over.

Greai No. 106 Ore Star.

[The Sage issued a new order, requiring Team 3 to abandon the current mining mission and go to mine the black stone mine in the hilly area. ]

A foundryman said to his colleagues, a crimson robe was draped on his body, and a white gear badge in the shape of a half sunrise was printed on the crimson fabric.

Different from the crimson scarlet of Mars, and the half-wheel sunrise gear, this is the symbol of Graai.

And his colleagues responded with a wave of wisdom,

[What is the required mineral production? ]

[The sage only said that the more the better, and it’s okay to collect it cleanly. ]

The caster got stuck on the rarely encountered command. At the same time, he recalled the geological activities in the recent period.

[Perhaps we can directly place explosives in these places, and then use geological activities to leak out the black stone mines originally on the lower two floors. ]

The black stone mine is not like any other ore encountered by the foundry, which needs to be purified. Of course, the black stone here is very pure and can be used directly.

But according to previous detections, most of the black stone mines are deep underground.

If it is a large-scale collection, it will be more troublesome to mine now because large-scale mining machines are not in their area.

It's better to just explode the top two layers.

[good idea. ]

His colleagues happily accepted his offer of men, and they began arranging the servitors to plant the bombs.

Thanks for subscribing and happy reading :-)

to be continued

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