Chapter 149 141. Barbarus cub

After a while.

Hades scratched his head, the screams of the children came one after another.

Oh, it's not dangerous, he is now in the first full-boarding school built in the Star Ring.

Hades stood at the entrance of the school. The school was built with bright bone white as the main color, elegant moss green as the embellishment, and simple Barbarus proverbs as the pattern, surrounding the skull in the middle. This is the overall architectural style of this school.

Perhaps if a Blood Angel, Ultramarine, or Emperor's Child came here, they would definitely say that this place is too depressing, dull, lacking a sense of sacredness or something.

But in fact, Hades, who has no aesthetic art cells, directly took the design plan of the Death Guard.

If Hades was asked to think of the school template himself, he could only think of the school that was like a prison in his previous life.

Hades still remembers the weird scene when the mechanical sage in charge of the school came to ask him what he wanted, and they stared at each other.

Forget it, as long as it can be used, it is a success!

At present, this school accommodates 4,000 children of different ages, and recruits 800 Barbarus to manage their daily life. At the same time, each daily teacher is equipped with four mechanical servants.

In terms of cultural education, there are 100 "high-educated talents" selected by Hades. Hades carefully selected these 100 people from a bunch of downtrodden nobles and planned to test the waters first.

In terms of physical fitness, Hades hired 800 mortal auxiliary soldiers from the Death Guard. Some veterans are already very old, or their old illnesses make it impossible for them to continue to stay in the army. Hades simply let them stay in the school.

However, this inspired Hades. He could let these veterans watch over the nobles. It happened that they all spoke Gothic, and the Barbarus mainly couldn't understand the high Gothic language of those nobles.

Generally, the mortal auxiliary soldiers who followed the army were also very loyal to the legion and the original body.

Today, Hades, who was out to fish, no, inspect, decided to go to the school.

It has been more than a month since the school started operating.

But. Through the gate, listening to the screams and laughter of the children, Hades felt bad.

It is worth mentioning that due to the strange age composition of Tobabarus, all the children here are under twelve years old, and those over twelve years old have entered the ranks of adults.

Throwing a bunch of kids into a place that is ten thousand times better than their previous environment, providing sufficient food and drinking water, and not requiring them to work.

Before, these children were at best a few children in the small village making a fuss, and the poisonous gas of Babarus could not make them shout or do too much physical exercise that consumes oxygen.

Everyone who has dealt with Babarus people will say that Babarus people are silent and not active, like a dead tree.

But what they don't know is that these are habits developed from being in the poisonous gas environment of Babarus for a long time.

It is obviously unwise to talk too much and move around when there is poisonous gas.

But now, everything is different.

No poison gas, plenty of food, no need to work.

A bunch of kids.

Just one month, enough for them to release their nature.

Hades suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Listening to the screams coming from the other side of the door, Hades took a breath and signaled the servitors to open the door.

What just came into his eyes was a group of Babarus kids jumping around on the large playground.

The children screamed, laughed, or were silent, flipping up and down from the various physical training props on the playground. Hades was stunned to see a child jumping directly from a five-meter-high climbing pole.

On the other side, a group of children were holding guns that could shoot wooden bolts and shooting at the children who were climbing and playing on obstacles.


Some children were shot down!

Hades watched those children fall to the ground, and then instantly got up and chased the children who had just shot them.

Next to the fighting children, the mortal veterans shouted in the poor, strangely accented Barbarus language,

"Run! Coward!"

"Shoot him! Shoot him!"

"Hold your gun butt! Little bastard!"

Far away, in an area set up to spray poison gas, a bunch of children were wrestling inside.


Hades did just tell the "teachers" to teach physical fitness and literacy, to focus on cultivating children's loyalty to the Empire and the Legion, and then not to have death or disability.

For the rest, Hades let them play freely.

But now.

This is a little different from the school Hades imagined.

How to say it, there is a kind of.wild beauty.

In Hades's only remaining stereotype, schools in the Warhammer world should all be like aristocratic colleges?

But it is obvious that the Death Guard seems to have pioneered a.more wild way of education.

Hades stood alone and messy at the gate of the school.

A sharp-eyed child saw Hades at the gate. The little boy climbed to the top of the obstacle and shouted in the direction of Hades, "Ah!!!" "It's the adult of the Death Guard!" The sharp shout directly attracted the attention of everyone on the playground to Hades. Some children froze in place, while others stood at attention awkwardly and saluted with the Sky Eagle, but more of them ran towards Hades at the same time - Ahhhhh!

Watching a group of human cubs less than the height of his knees running toward him, Hades felt fear for the first time in his life.

Is it too late for him to leave now?

In the distance, those mortal veterans shouted at the top of their lungs,

"Salute! Salute, sir!"

The children immediately surrounded Hades, looking at Hades curiously.

Because they are still young and the Death Guard's image in Barbarus is relatively friendly to the people, these children are not afraid of the Space Marines at all.

Even some of their elders are Death Guards.

But they are curious.

Some children also tried to rush to Hades, but Hades had to grab one with one hand. The shoulder armor was also occupied by children, and there were also a bunch of children sitting on the Seiko backpack.

"Sir, why are you older than other adults?"

“Eat more, eat more.”

While Hades was coaxing the children on the three floors inside and three outside, he slowly rubbed his feet and tried to move.

Seeing that Hades was unable to cope, the veterans also stepped forward, and after receiving Hades's signal for help, they began to drive away the children.

The children stood reluctantly on the periphery, looking at Hades.

After Hades briefly exchanged greetings with the "physical education teacher", the mortal veterans, Hades continued to the teaching area.

This time he came here mainly to check whether the "talents" sent by Machado were working.


But when Hades entered the teaching area, the noise did not diminish at all.

Hades walked to the central control room and began to check the monitoring.

In the largest classroom, Fowler was teaching Gothic to the students.

"The word means [tax evasion]!"

Fowler, who was originally smiling, was now extremely haggard. He looked at the group of brats in the audience who couldn't control them at all, and shouted at the top of his lungs.

That's it, the children who are still willing to learn are already running around on the playground.

[tax evasion! ]

In the audience, the children who were still listening read loudly together.

Hades was just a hair away from being able to hold his nerve.

He blinked and decided to look at the next room. The people in the next room were all Barbarus adults. Most of the nobles stayed here as if they were taking refuge, teaching these hired Barbarians how to read.

Well, it is indeed better to teach adults how to read first.

When get out of class was over, Hades called Fowler out.

Looking at Fowler who was almost going crazy from torture, Hades was speechless.

"How have your recent classes been?"

"Fortunately, sir, everything is under control."

Fowler said weakly, but he still managed a greasy smile dutifully,

"We plan to teach adults how to read first, and then let them teach themselves."

In fact, only Lord Barbarus can control Barbarus' son.

Compared to the veterans who were in charge of physical fitness and beat up the children when they saw them unhappy, nobles like them were the ones who encountered the real natural enemies.

The other party acts illogically and doesn't understand what you are saying.

Fowler mentally coughed up blood.

Hades was silent for a moment,

"Can you control these children?"

Fowler forced a wry smile.

"My lord, if you can, please hire some more Barbarus."

Thanks for subscribing and happy reading^0^

Thursday night update, enough stuff

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