Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 150 142 Hey, dead spirit, get up

Chapter 150 142. Hey, necromancer, get up.

Planet No. 106 is currently a mining star belonging to the forge world of Graai.

As an edge planet, its large smeared earth is dry, cold, and has frequent sandstorms.

But it is not as barren as it seems on the surface. On the contrary, this planet is quite rich in minerals.

106 can produce a rare metal for Graiae, which is extremely malleable and is therefore one of the precious mineral stars in this forge world.

Heavy mining machines roar on this planet day and night, warning lights flash, dust and sand rise, and ores roll.

But before that, 106 was not actually its name.

Winmas, this is the name given to it by the Ithacas dynasty.

The banished eldest son sleeps here.

"Welcome, members of the Death Guard."

The crimson-robed Forger bowed deeply and saluted the Space Marine in front of him.


Morag returned the gesture simply.

Behind Death Guard Morag are four of the Death Guard's finest recruits.

Antaeus, Pasteur, Lena, Fleming.

Originally, this was a simple transportation mission, and the Death Guard only needed to show their faces.

With the tacit understanding between the Death Guard and Graiae, they needed to watch the loading and transportation of this batch of black stones to prove that there was "no problem" with Graiae's shipment.

"Sorry, everyone from the Death Guard, regarding the mining of black stone, it may still take a standard Terran week."

"You can first go to the area responsible for mining black stone and wait to watch the mining process."

"The good news is that regarding the black stone mining in Area 03, the blasting points are ready. If you go now, you can just catch up with the first batch of blasting construction."

Because their mission here was the Black Stone, it was inconvenient for Morag to stay in other mining areas of the Mechanicus, so he directly agreed to go.

So they are standing here now.

03 At the edge of the mining area, a tall inspection platform stands, with an exposed frame made of brown-red metal and filled with sand and dust.

Morag and the new Death Guard recruits he led stood above in silence, watching the two forgers in front of them busy coming and going.

"Ten seconds countdown."

The servitor on the side made a hoarse sound, and in the distance, those crimson dots were moving slowly.


Lena tried to move forward quietly. This was a big scene of blowing up an entire area. He had never seen this on Barbarus.

He checked his profile photo and decided to take the video of this scene back to Io to see. Io was selected to become a pharmacist and was undergoing training, which is why Io is not here now.


An Tai looked at the scene in front of him. The reality of standing on an alien planet made him feel very unreal.


Pasteur was in a daze.


Fleming tried to make his stance more dignified.


Morag automatically ignored the small movements of the recruits behind him and chose to look at the wasteland in the distance.


Caster 78, who is responsible for mining, is calculating the results of this blast for the last time. According to previous detections, this blast can coincide with a crustal movement. Their blast will make this earthquake more violent.

The ground began to shake, a sign of an earthquake.


Wemmath, a fringe planet belonging to the Necron Iseius dynasty, is unimportant and insignificant.

But it is a good place to exile these noble families.


His master may have paid too much attention to etiquette. As the eldest son of a dynasty, he separated from his younger brother and watched Otyx be expelled and exiled by the greedy king Unas.

As the plates move, the mountains in the distance begin to tilt.


His king, Gaseros, was eventually expelled and exiled here by the greedy Unas.

And he, Nas, a soldier who rose from the civilian class because of his loyalty, is sleeping in the tomb as the king's consul.

Inside the explosive, heat began to build up.


He went from the top of the dynasty's indestructible pyramid to the bottom.

The huge loess exploded, splashing up a waterfall thousands of meters high. There were continuous explosions, and the yellow waterfalls exploded layer by layer. The earth trembled and the sky shook.

A crack opened straight up in the originally continuous wasteland, and the movement of the tectonic plates caused this crack to expand in an unstoppable trend.

[Severe changes, accept it. 】

The consciousness of the tomb group followed the original regulations and strictly implemented the established procedures, and the bright green color suddenly appeared.

He woke up.

Nass tried to blink, but his thread quickly reminded him that he himself had been without eyelids for a long time.

"Hey, there's something crawling out of that crack!"

Lena yelled in the private communication channel,

"what is that?"

"Green bug?"

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