Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 151 143 Shake people! Shake people quickly!

Chapter 151 143. Shake people! Shake people quickly!

At first they thought it was some undiscovered native species.

Dense swarms of insects emerged from the cracks and swarmed aimlessly into the wasteland.

The first servitor that encountered them didn't even send a brief alarm, and silently turned into a pile of metal sludge rich in iron and carbon.

"Looks like we encountered some native creatures."

Founder 78 said that this situation is very common, and it is probably some underground creatures in this area.

Skitarii rangers appeared in formation from a simple base not far away, arcs of electricity flashing on their rifles.

"Body of Steel, Mind of Steel!"

Greai's rangers chanted their slogans, bullets rained down, and the insect swarm began to disperse, and the number was significantly reduced.

"Something's wrong."

Morag frowned and whispered.

"Prepare to retreat."

He said to the Death Guards behind him that the observation platform they were currently on was a temporary and crude one, close to the front.

"Forger, something is wrong here."

Morag stepped forward and pointed to the Forger,

"They're down there."

Before Morag finished speaking, some Tomb Scarabs emerged from the underground of the Skitarii column, buzzing towards the nearest Rangers!

For a while, the safari army fought with a large number of scarabs, but the number of safari troops trapped in the swarm was obviously decreasing.

Forger 78's annunciator flashed.

The fire suddenly started, and the continuous artillery fire roared from a distance, tearing through the sky and falling accurately on this battlefield!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The smoke cleared and the ground was in chaos.

Another group of rangers ran out of the camp. They shouted "Steel Body, Iron Will", stepped over the corpses of the previous group of skitarii, and began to clean up the surviving bugs in an orderly manner.


Founder 78 said without raising his head, and then continued to deploy the mining machines that would be used next.

Morag frowned. Years of experience in the war told him that things would not end like this.

A beam of green lightning confirmed his suspicion.

Brutal green lightning flashed out from the crack and directly hit a skitarii. The bright green flash screamed on the crimson body of the ranger, and his body disintegrated as if being torn into pieces.

Forger 78 suddenly raised his head and stared at the battlefield.

This is not something that natural creatures can evolve, and the Skitarii's report has also reached 78's mind at this moment. Those scarabs are all made of metal!

"Tara, Tara"

Metal footsteps sounded.

A dark gray skeleton emerged from the shadow of the crack. Its whole body was covered with round and straight green lines, shiny and shiny, with some rust and mud stuck to its body.

The thin face was dull and rigid.

A long cylindrical long-range weapon was held in its hand, and green energy was violently moving inside.

Perhaps at the scene, only 78, who was a member of the Mechanicus, could realize what this metal body meant.

Those barbarians of Barbarus will not understand what this is.

78 opened his mouth unconsciously and then closed it.

[Alpha Level Alert, Mining Area No. 03. 】

[Repeat again, Alpha level alert, Mine No. 03. 】

[Call, contact the sage of the forging world. 】

In the shadows, more and more metal skeletons appeared. Except for the rust and the mud stuck to them, they were exactly the same.

The dead emerged from their graves, mechanically taking up arms in defense of their lords.

Another round of artillery fire streaked across the horizon, and 78 once again called for artillery support.

Even though the opponent's metal body interests Forger 78, it is obvious that the opponent's combat power is not very strong.

It seemed like he didn't need help. 78 hesitated to call back the alarm, but he didn't do it after all.

This saved their lives.

Under the ground, the core of the ancient tomb of Dazang is slowly burning, and the undead warriors who have passed the resurrection protocol stand up again.

They were soldiers who had just been "killed" in a firefight with the Skitarii.

After going through the resurrection protocol, their remaining thoughts were transmitted back again, and then they were "resurrected".

But not all soldiers can stand up again after falling. During the long period of time they were asleep, little by little deviations accumulated. The system made an error. It was not serious, but it could not be accurate every time.

The consciousness of the tomb is thinking.

Realizing that existing armies were unable to withstand the invasion, resuscitation protocols were passed and more units were awakened from their slumber.

Hades sat at his desk, calculating Barbarus's total share of the Death Guard's supply.

An urgent transmission from Morag interrupted his calculations.

What's wrong?

Hades muttered, he was almost done, and it felt uncomfortable to be interrupted.

It's most likely that you're having trouble with the local oil man, are you arguing?

Then he started reading this text message -

Dark gray skull outcrop

Damn it! Undead!

Hades almost trembled with fear.

I asked you to dig some black stone mines. How did you dig out the Necron? !

The Necrons can be considered one of the overlords of the galaxy.

Their history dates back to the earliest times, when the Milky Way was quite peaceful.

The Necrons at that time did not have this name, nor did they look like this. They were a race called "Necrontyr", not a metal body, but a body of flesh and blood.

The Necrontyr developed vast and detailed materialistic technology, and their civilization flourished across the galaxy.

But the life span of each Necrontyr is quite short, and the short life of an individual is pitiful when placed in front of the prosperity of the race.

The society of the Necrontyr is not as fast-developing as their technology. The Necrontyr has a clear class consciousness, and at the top of the social pyramid, the intrigues between dynasties never stop.

In order to divert internal conflicts and out of jealousy, the Necrontyr poured the flames of war on the then overlord of the galaxy——

Ancient Sage.

The holy war in heaven was started, the war was raging, and the galaxy was trembling. The originally huge galaxy was just a small pebble in this giant war. Countless resources were invested in this grand galactic war.

For the Necrontyr, the outcome of the war was tragic. They were no match for the Old Saints. With no other options available, King Silence, the leader of the Necrontyr at that time, listened to the deception of the Star God Deceiver and transformed the entire race into a more powerful and immortal one. The metal body of the Necron.

However, the Necrons who abandoned death were also abandoned by life. The entire race was stagnated, without death or rebirth. They were just a set of programmed thoughts, and their souls had long been swallowed by the Star God.

Realizing that they had been deceived by the Star Gods, the Necrons relied on powerful technology to tear apart and imprison the Star Gods, and at the same time used the power of the Star Gods to fight against the Old Ones.

When the trembling of the stars gradually subsides, when the smoke of war gradually dims.

Both sides in the battle that tore the galaxy apart and roiled the Warp were gone.

The Old Ones disappeared, and the Necrontyr became Necron.

The Necrons were disheartened when they realized that their race would no longer continue, so they built sleeping tombs on various planets and put the entire race into hibernation, hoping to wait until an era without other alien races to reestablish the Necrontyr rule.

All in all, it is a very nb race that has been dormant, and now the oil guy who Hades is ready to cooperate with has blown people up.

Generally speaking, dormant Necron are not disturbed by human activities. They may usually be disturbed by the geological activities of a planet.

So how many explosives did these mechanical priests have buried?

Hades looked hopeless.

During the Great Crusade in 30k, the empire encountered several small Necron dynasties, and the legions were all destroyed as ordinary aliens, without causing too many fluctuations.

So now most departments in the empire have no impression of the Necron.

But Hades does.

The corner of Hades' mouth twitched. He hoped that the Necrons who came out this time were a small dynasty, and it was best that not all of them were awakened.

Or better yet, a dynasty that has fallen asleep.

After a long period of time, these races driven by similar code programs will report various errors.

It would be okay if we encountered such undead, Hades mused, the Death Guard and a Mechanicum of the Forge World would be enough.

But if it is a large dynasty, then retreat, or call the emperor directly.

In fact, the best way to deal with Necron is the Extermination Order.

But given that the ownership of that planet belongs to the forge world of Graai, Hades is not sure whether these mechanical sages are willing to give up a mineral star.

Hades pondered for a moment. In fact, what he had received so far was a personal communication from Morag. Graea did not send a request for help to the Death Guard.

But just relying on the Mechanicum's garrison in that area would be a bit confusing if it were a small dynasty.

There is a high probability that the Graai Mechanicus will ask the Death Guard for help after this, because this star field currently only has the Death Guard's Barbarus garrison.

Hades paused.

He pulled out a map marked with subspace routes and began to write a transfer order, asking Garaspa's main force to leave some necessary troops and transfer the rest back to him.

As for the reason, just write the supply fleet and Mortarion will agree.

At the same time, Hades changed the mission given to Morag. The Death Guard team's main goal now was to focus on the scale of the enemy emerging from Forge World 106.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens.

Sure enough, when the main fleet of Garaspa was less than halfway through the regulations, the Death Guard received a request for help from the Forge World of Graai.

The war breaks out.

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