Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 152 144 The first to reinforce is our Fourth Legion!

Chapter 152 144. The first to receive reinforcements is our Fourth Army Corps!

The Death Guard were not the first legion to arrive on Planet 106.

The cry for help from the Graai Mechanicus echoed in the subspace. In the nearby star field, the fleet of the Iron Warriors of the Fourth Legion received the cry for help and responded to it.

The Blood of Steel took her huge fleet and silently jumped to the Mandeville Point in this star field. The blue plasma engine roared, and the Lord of Steel and his warriors set their sights on this planet.

The war has begun to spread.

The earth cracked, and the black and green underworld structures emerged from the loess. Countless scarabs dragged the stumps of the undead warriors and threw them into the green fluorescence again, while countless undead warriors emerged from the underworld structures. Time appears again.

Mining Areas 02 and 03 have all fallen, and the 15 large and small camps originally used for mining have been occupied by Necron warriors. With the help of the connections between the camps, the Necron troops are launching an attack on the main mining area No. 01.

Before the reinforcements arrived, the Mechanicum's Forgemasters and Skitarii stood firmly on the main mining area 01, dragging the Necron infantry at the junction of mining area 01 and mining area 03.

Here, the shallow mines previously dug for detection and exploration provide an excellent bunker for the Mechanicus guarding here. It is relying on the familiarity and utilization of the terrain here that the Skitarii can barely hold on. The army of the spirit is here.

The excavator previously deployed and abandoned in the mine tunnel was dug out by the Skitarii. The heavy machinery originally used to dig the mine tunnel was now dragged to the surface by the Skitarii and used as a bunker.

The explosives originally arranged in the mine tunnels became a weapon for the Rangers to thwart the Scarabs. These insects that tried to dig out from the ground and attack them were now covered up by the loess amidst the roar of the explosives.

Above the ground, artillery roared. With the firepower originally deployed in the main mining area, whenever the Necron troops began to gather in large numbers, the skitarii hiding in the mine tunnels would call for a new round of fire support.

The earth is trembling, the fire is burning, and they stand guard here on the gray and cold wasteland.

However, under the intensive fire bombing, there are still undead units emerging from the smoke. The snake-shaped metal body flexibly passes through the battlefield made up by the gun pits, and directly drills into the mine tunnel. On the harvesting knife, fluorescent Flashing, the flesh and metal of the Skitarii spattered with the flash of swords.

Encountering similar warriors from the enemy for the first time, Graier's sages had to abandon part of the mine trenches where the initial defense line had been laid out, and directly called for firepower to strike accurately at this area.

After that, whenever the large bird servants detect the emergence of similar creatures, the Greai skitarii closest to these enemy units will rush directly to the battlefield with fire support from their own side.

"Body of Steel, Mind of Steel!"

The people from Graai have a warlike fanaticism. Compared with the slogans they often shout, the extremely small winning rate under logical operation cannot make them retreat a step. The only thing that can make the Graai warriors retreat is It is a binary retreat code that directly controls their system and is constantly released by the mechanical sage.

But now, their sage orders them to attack!

Countless rangers wielded arc hammers, trying to fight with the snake-shaped destroyer in front of them. The ranger who had just stepped forward was torn into pieces in a moment, while the people behind him were accurately replaced by the calculation of the logic system. The position of predecessors.

The Rangers with a huge disparity in strength were naturally no match for the Destroyer, not to mention the fact that there were countless scarabs tearing apart the shells of the Ranger squad that rushed out.

But their goal has been achieved.

The originally high-speed maneuvering Serpentine Destroyers had to fight with a group of thirty Skitarii squads. Electric pulses and waves faithfully transmitted their precise coordinates at the moment to the fire camp behind.

The shells roared through the cold wind of Planet 106, accurately hitting the Skitarii and Destroyers.

In an instant, the flames exploded and the smoke dissipated, revealing a huge crater. Only a few scarabs tried to move on the edge of the crater, and pieces of metal and flesh were scattered around and stained yellow by the loess.

Relying on this strategy, Graier successfully defended his 01 main mining area before reinforcements arrived.

But at this moment, the skitarii on the ground had already suffered heavy losses, and the ammunition in the rear began to run out, while the undead troops were still tirelessly rushing to the front in waves.

Finally, due to the reduction of the Skitarii, a reduced team failed to intercept the Serpentine Destroyer. The undead successfully rushed into the nearest mine tunnel and took down the wise man who was responsible for resisting the scarabs and the frontline caller. or killed.

The battle lines began to collapse.

But the roar from the sky interrupted the attack of the undead troops.

The space warehouse of the Iron Warriors burst through the air, tearing apart the air at high speed and directly igniting the dense swarm of scarabs in the sky. The steel set foot on this land along with the burning flames.

Reinforcements have arrived.

Huge warriors with metallic luster rushed out of the drop pods, their yellow and black striped shoulder armor marking their identities.

The battle situation turned around in an instant, and the battle line that had begun to collapse even began to advance slowly at this moment. The Iron Warriors with skilled combat experience jumped into the temporarily recaptured mine trenches and began to perform simple defensive treatments.

Nass stood on the pyramid-shaped underworld structure. He stood on the second level, because the top of the first level belonged to the king.

It is the archon responsible for guarding and driving away those who disturb the tomb. This is its mission.

It is also true that when the shallow tomb is disturbed, it is awakened.

According to the memory in his own thread, Nas began to expel those lowly alien races.

Currently, one-fifth of the undead warriors in the shallow tombs have been awakened by the system. According to Nass's estimation, this is enough to wipe out the aliens on the planet.

And with the power of Nas, he can awaken all the troops in the shallow tomb.

Although many slaves were destroyed by foreign artillery fire on the battlefield, this was of no importance to Nas.

They can stand up and walk again, and the existence of resurrection protocols has made death scarce.

Although not all the thoughts of the undead will be transmitted back to the underworld structure intact, under the wear and tear of time, the system is not always accurate and intact.

But this damage has also been included in the scope of Nas' thinking and can be expelled, its conclusion is.

Nath is unlike other Necron Archons, who generally like to rush to the front lines to show their loyalty to their king.

Nass knew his king believed in him, and it didn't have to.

Its king has been sleeping for a long time. When Nas woke up three times before, the king was still in the deepest sleep.

Nass understood the king's grief. As the eldest son of a large dynasty, he was expelled to a wild planet on the edge and demoted to a lord. Even the nobles on this planet were no longer lowly subordinates to the king, but Became the same level.

The king's power is also restricted to this planet.

The king didn't want to wake up, and Nas knew it.

Therefore, it will serve as its most loyal guardian and drive away anyone who disturbs the dream.

Perturabo stared expressionlessly at the representative of the Graai sages in front of him.

The Lord of Steel sat on his throne, with dense and thick cables hanging from the ceiling, connecting his throne. Next to the throne made of fine steel, on the dim black screen, battlefield data flowed crazily.

"You said you also called for additional reinforcements?"

A low voice echoed in the empty room.

"Yes, my lord."

The mechanical sage in front of him was trying hard to shrink himself to the smallest size, but at the same time, he kept his words calm.

After the No. 106 mine star was attacked, a distress message was immediately issued to the nearby star field.

So the Fourth Corps received a call for help.

However, the information previously sent to the Graai Forge World was not retracted. After judging the situation of Mineral Star No. 106 and having other political plans, the sages of the main world called the Fourteenth Legion to increase the number of Death Guards. member.

To the surprise of the sages, the Death Guard, who were originally busy building their home planet, were particularly active in asking for help.

Maybe it's because the Death Guard needs 106 minerals?

Now, the Lord of Death will arrive here first with his Barbarus fleet, and the Death Guard's main fleet in Galaspa has also begun to call back.

This means that Perturabo will receive "reinforcements" from another brother.

"No reinforcements needed here."

Perturabo's voice was like pieces of metal rubbing together, and his deep eyes stared at the opposite side like a machine, without any emotion.

"You think the Fourth Army needs reinforcements?"

"The death wars we have fought are far more numerous than the parts on your body."

"And you think I need reinforcements? A legion that has just fought a battle to help me?"

Perturabo stood up slowly, the huge armor creaking, and the metal wrapped around him, full of power.

His face was aflame with the rage of forging steel.

Perturabo stepped down from his throne and strode angrily to the wise man. He reached out a hand and took the wise man's shoulder.

The harsh sound of metal deformation sounded, and electric sparks lit up faintly,

"That's why I dislike you so much."

Perturabo disliked most of the sages of the Mechanicus. Their attitude towards technology was like armyworms in the mire, which made Perturabo sick.

Although Perturabo and the Fourth Legion would befriend a small number of Magos and Forge Worlds, his attitude towards most Magi was hatred.

"get out!"

"After I defend this planet for you, get out!"

Perturabo pushed the sage away violently, and the sage from Graea was thrown out, staggering on the ground struggling, trying to get up.

Perturabo looked at the sage coldly, but he quickly lost interest. He turned around and strode back to his throne.

The data from 106 is still flowing, but Perturabo believes that everything is under his control. The heavy artillery and storm birds of the Fourth Army are being transported towards 106 in an orderly manner.

Perturabo is very curious about his enemies. These aliens with metal bodies may be good news that can make him less painful at the moment.

But the bad news has overwhelmed him.

He is here, leading his army, in an unimportant corner, guarding an unimportant planet for an unimportant forging world.

He was even looked down upon by these short-sighted Mechanicus!

How dare they call another legion to reinforce him, a fledgling legion. The Fourteenth Legion has not even reported a glorious record.

In other corners of the universe, the Emperor led those ignorant and arrogant legions in other battles. Several legions participated, but he and his legions were left out in the cold once again!

Perturabo stared silently at the strategic data board in front of him. To others, he looked like he was meditating on the situation on the battlefield.

The Battle of Randan is about to begin. The first legion, the second legion, and the sixth legion. Lion King Ryan's arrogant face seems to still be echoing in front of Perturabo. Among the original bodies, the topic and competition about the Warmaster have long started. closed the curtain.

Perturabo knew that he could compete for the Warmaster, and that his abilities were far above them. Compared with his brothers who paid attention to so-called customs and personal glory, Perturabo knew that only precise calculations and iron will can win the battle. It's the Empire, that's what the Emperor needs.

But those arrogant guys relied on their exaggerated actions to attract the attention that should have belonged to him.

So he was left out, isolated, and forgotten on the muddy, dirty battlefield, while his brothers stood in the square and accepted the cheers of the people of the empire.

Fury burned and crackled in Perturabo's chest.

A briefing interrupted his train of thought.

[Sir, Mortarion, commander of the 14th Legion and Death Guard Legion, requests to meet with you. 】

Perturabo snorted.

poor guy.

Perturabo had not met his brother before, but such news spread quickly among Primarchs.

In the previous chat with Magnus, (Perturabo did not dislike this wise man, Magnus was one of the few people who understood Perturabo's wisdom), Magnus once mentioned Mota Rhian, he was a Primarch from an agricultural planet, but - short-sighted.

Magnus commented ruefully that he had heard that the new brother was extremely averse to psychic powers.

"It's not his fault that the planet he's on may not be able to support his understanding of the wonders of the Warp and psionics."

The red giant spoke in his library,

"I hope that meeting him in the future will allow Mortarion to truly understand psionics."

Perturabo took a sip of tea, whatever, he wasn't as kind as Magnus.

As a brother from an agricultural planet, there is a high probability that he will not understand and appreciate Perturabo.

Some rumors after the event also confirmed Perturabo's conjecture. The first battle of the Fourteenth Legion was not widely publicized. On the contrary, Fenus and Vulkan who went to judge left there in silence.

Although Perturabo did not think that Fernus and Vulkan could make any objective and fair judgment. Fernus was too rigid and Vulkan was too emotional, but in his heart Perturabo also silently Give this new brother a cross.

The Death Guard symbol danced across Perturabo's communications board, and Perturabo glanced at it.

Forget it, let him greet his brother and teach this brother from the agricultural world the art of war.

(Help take a look at the author’s words)

Hmm... The volume split was a huge failure, so I decided to throw all of this into one volume, but in fact there is still a tail of the plot in the first volume.

Then about the undead... The author has worked very hard to look through the information, but as for combat power, that is, the electronic cricket cricket... well... maybe I still write it idealistically. (You see Krieg fighting the Necrons, the Minotaurs fighting the Necrons, etc... But the author is currently referring to the book about the Greenskins fighting the Necrons. The Necrons are currently the ceiling in the background, but the fight against him... Try benchmarking 30k, feel...?



For example, what is the approximate conversion ratio between the Necromancer's Calamity and the Empire's Stormbird?

What is the approximate speed change ratio between Necron Warriors and Space Marines?

The lord’s current combat strength is...? (The one I found is the Chapter Commander, which is almost the company commander of the 30k Legion)

Before the Necrons fought against the Empire, it was a bunch of 40k mortal legions, war groups, and a bunch of Imperial Navy.

But when the empire's combat power is converted to 30k, it seems that it is not as exaggerated as four or five large legions?

There are also a lot of combat power conversion links...so any book friends who are familiar with the undead are willing to learn a little bit about it! ! !

Just watch it for fun, don't take it too seriously...but I have given you some opinions, and if I can change them, I will try my best to change them.





Kawen stuck to the point of breaking my heart

Electronic teasing crickets are hard to explode

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