Chapter 153 145.Iron And Death

This is a jungle of steel and iron.

Black, gray, silver, as their footsteps spread, bright light spots streaked across the metal plane, calm and hard.

The only thing that breaks this oppressive whole is the Iron Warriors flag hanging on both sides of the corridor. The dazzling yellow and black stripes are intertwined, warning visitors.

The sound of the incense burner touching the armor was rustling, but it seemed so small among the dull footsteps.

The servitor opened the door for them.

Mortarion did not hesitate and strode in. Behind him, the Deathshroud silently followed their primarch.

The tall room is made of steel as far as the eye can see. There is not a single useless pattern or decoration. The minimalist and cold lines are straight. Countless dark screens are embedded in the walls, and dense information rushes through at a rapid speed.

In the center of the room, under the huge flag, the Lord of Steel stood there.


Mortarion thought the name silently in his mind, sizing up his brother.

The Lord of Steel was wrapped in thick silver-gray armor. The metal was like an extension of his body, shimmering in the white light of the room.

Countless cables protruded from his brain, connected between the armor, and exploded monstrously.

The first impression this brother gave to Mortarion was very similar to that of Faenus Manus. They both had a metallic texture, rational and cold.

But given that Mortarion had not gotten along well with Fainus before, Mortarion decided to lower his expectations again.

Malcador had mentioned Perturabo to Mortarion before, but the cunning mortal psyker said little about it.

"I care about the outside world and myself."

This was Makado's only comment.

Mortarion felt that this sentence was as if he had never said it. Malcador always liked to say some ambiguous words, and then let people think freely, and finally believed in the politician's words.

Regarding Perturabo and his legion, Mortarion did know some information in advance from Hades. Hades had previously been in contact with these warriors who liked to compare themselves to steel on Mars.

Mortarion thought of Hades's hesitant expression,

"As far as I know, the Iron Warriors are in awe of their father, but every time they mention him, their awe is a little tired and tired."

Mortarion blinked. Of course the scions needed to be in awe of their father, but tiredness?

Mortarion never intentionally tires his sons, they need to fear Mortarion, or perhaps fear him, but they will not feel tired.

The Death Guard is not a tiring place.

Neither is he.

Mortarion thought he did.

Then his brother must not care about his heir that much. Mortarion felt a little dissatisfied, but these emotions were quickly dispelled.

He does not care about the affairs of other legions. As long as they do not disturb the Death Guard, Mortarion will not easily lift his eyes from his own world.

Seeing Mortarion enter the room, his brother also came over from the strategic platform.


Mortarion's hoarse voice sounded, and he raised his hand first, wanting to express his sincerity.

He just wanted to beat up any alien at random, get away from trivial government documents, and Mortarion didn't care which legion he cooperated with.

As long as he was not working with Faenus or Vulkan, Mortarion tolerated subtle and unintentional malice towards others.

Perturabo looked at Mortarion entering the room. He deliberately chose a strategy room that he admired most to receive the brother from the agricultural planet.

This strategy room can display information from an entire star field at the same time, and the program set by Perturabo himself will allow this information to be presented on the screen in the most efficient manner.

Few other brothers are as precise and efficient as he is.

Perturabo looked at Mortarion who had just entered the door, hoping that his brother could understand all this.

But Perturabo soon realized that he could not see his brother clearly.

Mortarion covered everything about himself.

As previous assumptions faded from his brother, Perturabo realized how different Mortarion seemed compared to the other Primarchs he had known.

Mortarion was tall, and Perturabo was sure that only Vulkan and Magnus could reach this height.

But it wasn't Mortarion's height that concerned Perturabo.

His brother's respirator mask covered the lower half of his face, and his hood was pulled down extremely low, and the shadow covered the upper half of his face.

Countless incense burners were attached to Mortarion's armor, and the pungent poisonous gas slowly rose up, mixing with the white smoke, further obscuring Mortarion's already hidden face.

This made it impossible for Perturabo to see Mortarion's expression clearly.

Perturabo was briefly confused for a moment, the stench and pungent poisonous gas making him subconsciously dissatisfied.

But Mortarion's proactive greeting interrupted Perturabo, who naturally extended his hand and they shook hands.

"Commander of the Fourth Legion, Lord of Olympia, Perturabo."

"Commander of the Fourteenth Legion, Lord of Barbarus, Mortarion."

The two of them let go of their hands in a tacit understanding and shook hands briefly. It seemed that neither party liked this kind of welcome.

"The Fourteenth Legion received a distress signal from the Forge World of Graai and came here."

Mortarion spoke, his eyes moving to the chess pieces on the strategy table.

"But it seems you have already started."

The Lord of Death's voice was very light, like a breeze blowing through the farmland, and Perturabo could not hear any emotion from it.

But he was satisfied with Mortarion's words. Yes, it was "Forge World" instead of "Iron Warriors".

"Yes, the Iron Warriors have already started this battle."

Perturabo tried his best to make his voice sound nonchalant. In fact, he really didn't care about this small war. If it weren't for Mortarion's request to meet, Perturabo would not have stayed here for too long.

He turned sideways and led Mortarion to the strategic table, where the battlefield of Planet 106 was reproduced in real time by these small chess pieces.

The Iron Warriors' long-range heavy weapons troops have been pushed to Mining Area 02, which provides sufficient firepower support for the Iron Warriors fighting on the front line of Area 03.

The Storm Bird flew over from a low altitude, and under the coordinated attack of the ground troops, it passed through the enemy's air defense area and vented artillery fire on the heavy firepower equipment on the opposite side.

On the front line of the battle with the Necron infantry, the Predator tanks were advancing in coordination with the Iron Warriors, and the fire support from the rear made the advancement of the front line as smooth as loading bullets.

To Perturabo's regret, the other side has not yet deployed some high-powered aircraft, and their air forces are only scarab swarms, which makes the sky area on this three-dimensional map a little empty.

He also couldn't better demonstrate his superb ability to control the battlefield.

Perturabo looked at the strategic table, but his mind was not here. Beside him, the pungent poison gas made him dissatisfied, but he still stood here patiently waiting.

Look at this exquisite battle situation, a three-dimensional mobile battlefield is far from what people who only fight land battles on agricultural planets can do.

However, Mortarion stood there like a dead tree, without any reaction.

Compared with Perturabo, Mortarion stared at the map, and he regretfully found that it seemed that this war did not require the participation of the Death Guard.

Seeing that Mortarion still said nothing, Perturabo crossed his arms.

Mortarion was still trying to find a war zone where the Death Guard could intervene.

Perturabo walked a few steps along the strategic table.

Mortarion was still staring at the strategic table in thought.

Perturabo stopped again.

Mortarion still stood still.

In the room, Hades, standing in the death shroud, saw this scene, and his hair was about to explode.

This wave is going to be sent.

Perturabo is different from Finus and Vulcan. This guy probably can't tolerate a "low-level" person intervening in his "high-level" conversation.

Although Hades had tactfully scolded Perturabo several times in front of Mortarion before, intending to lower Mortarion's previous imagination of Perturabo so that Mortarion could prepare in advance.

As long as expectations are not high, the reality will not be too cruel.

But obviously, Mortarion, who was obsessed with "finally not having to approve official documents", didn't listen much.

The Tridents on the other side were not feeling well either. They were Perturabo's military advisors in the Legion and often accompanied the Primarch. Some of them had already realized that something was wrong.

For a moment, there was no other sound in the room except the sound of Perturabo's movements and the hissing of Mortarion through the breathing mask.

Except for Mortarion, everyone felt a huge sense of oppression.

Mortarion blinked. Perhaps he could let the Death Guard land on the back of the No. 03 mining area, and then form a pincer attack with the Iron Warriors on the front line, tearing the opposite front line on both sides.

The premise is that the Iron Warriors must provide the Death Guard with a short-term air superiority in this area and suppress the enemy's rear firepower, otherwise the Death Guard's landing will become difficult.

Mortarion simply estimated the Iron Warriors' troops, and then was relieved to find that they could provide air superiority for the Death Guard.

Although Mortarion was unhappy that another legion provided him with air superiority, he knew that if the Death Guard came first, they would definitely be able to easily take over the air superiority of this area, and it would take less time than his brother.

His brother spent part of his time repairing the trenches, which was obviously unnecessary.

"Can the Iron Warriors gain air superiority in this place?"

Mortarion pointed to the position on the strategic table,

Perturabo was stunned for a moment, but then he raised his voice and said loudly,

Mortarion was questioning his ability, a man who had just commanded a battle, questioning him?

"Can't you see the results of the Iron Warriors here? Air superiority is obviously already in the bag, or you can't understand the definition of air superiority?"

When Perturabo began to roar, Mortarion frowned, not understanding why his brother suddenly became angry.

He even deliberately avoided directly raising the topic of sending the Death Guard down, because he knew that "offering help" was not widely recognized among the legions.

But when Perturabo finished the second half of his sentence, Mortarion's confusion instantly turned into anger.

"What do you mean?"

Mortarion's words hissed out like the core of a venomous snake, and he clenched his sickle, Silence.

"Perhaps the three-dimensional battlefield is still a little difficult for you to understand."

Perturabo stared at Mortarion indifferently. He shouldn't expect a person from the agricultural world to understand his wisdom.

Hearing Perturabo's taunt, Mortarion laughed dryly twice, but his laughter sounded more like a leper's cough to outsiders.

Mortarion didn't understand why Perturabo suddenly started attacking him, but Mortarion accepted it quickly. Rather, Mortarion accepted that everyone could attack him.

"It seems that my wise brother obviously wants to show off his complicated knowledge, but I can't understand your complicated vocabulary."

Mortarion deliberately gave his words a Barbarusian accent, making his voice muffled, fast, and vulgar.

"But if you understand the battlefield so well, then why didn't you follow him?"

"Instead, here, next to a brother who doesn't understand three-dimensional battlefields."

They all know who that "he" is.

Mortarion hoped that his attack had hit home, for in his dealings with Malcador, Malcador often commented on the Primarch's attitude of being too valuing the Emperor.

Mortarion didn't care what the impostor said, but he also realized that his brothers didn't.

Perturabo roared angrily,

"What do you know, you who have just joined the empire? Each of his battles just randomly selects nearby legions, and the Iron Warriors are given other more difficult and glorious tasks by him, which you people are completely unable to understand."

Mortarion realized that his attack had worked. Ha, another child who cared too much about his father.

He decided to continue the attack, using what little knowledge he had of the other Primarchs and the Legion.

"Really? Does Horus Luperkar's legion happen to be near the Emperor's army every time?"

Before Mortarion finished speaking, Perturabo opposite him suddenly became like a piece of metal again.

"go out."

Perturabo said firmly,


Mortari paused and glanced at his scythe.

Hades, who saw Mortarion's actions, was completely going crazy. He hoped that there was something that could end this ridiculous dispute quickly, or could he say something——

The alarm went off.

On the map, from the back of Planet 106, a fleet of shining green spaceships suddenly appeared in the void. The sickle-shaped group of black spaceships were flying towards the Iron Warriors fleet parked near the asteroid belt No. 106. !

The tomb system on the ground recognized the size of the Iron Warriors and Death Guards, further activating the sleeping undead army.

Perturabo glanced at the ships. They were far smaller in number than the Iron Warriors and were not worth mentioning.

[Mortarion? 】

Taking advantage of the brief silence between the two, Hades quickly opened the private call channel.

[Go back quickly and let the Death Guard ships evacuate behind the Iron Warriors ships! 】

Let the Iron Warriors' fleet attract a wave of firepower first. It seems that Perturabo is not aware of the superiority of the Necron fleet!

A sudden alarm and Hades' nervous words interrupted Mortarion's anger.

Mortarion was silent for a moment.

The Death Guard's ships were indeed recently replenished, and they had already lost some of them in Galaspa.

Mortarion was unwilling to lose his ship in this situation, in front of Perturabo.

【Walk. 】

Mortarion glanced at Perturabo and turned to leave.

They had nothing left to talk about.

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