Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 155 147 Give the Necron a little shock

Chapter 155 147. Give the Necron a little shock

In the vast and deep void, the shining yellow light reflected by 106 fills the space.

Closer, closer.

The sickle-shaped spacecraft of the Necrons still followed the established trajectory, gliding slowly towards the main fleet of the Iron Warriors. Their steady speed was like a time bomb with stable readings next to Perturabo.

The cruiser sent by the Iron Warriors is getting faster and faster, the plasma engine is pushed to the maximum, and the sapphire blue tail flames are swaying.

Soon, the Necron spacecraft entered the attack range of the Iron Warriors' cruiser, but the Iron Warriors did not attack first. Instead, they adjusted the formation of the spacecraft group, forming a vague encirclement situation directly ahead.

But these sickle ships did not try to retreat as Perturabo thought.

Were you given a fatal order to move forward?

In the previous combat profile analysis, these robot-like aliens seemed to be like robots, never retreating, tireless, and never stopping.

And their superiors have absolute control over them. Once the order is given, no subordinate will disobey, even if these undead armed with the most basic weapons will face the next round of artillery bombardment from the Iron Warriors.

Thinking of this, Perturabo's eyes became dim and it was difficult to distinguish the qualities displayed by these aliens.

Perturabo pulled back his thoughts in time. This was a dangerous thought.

He was standing silently on the deck of Steel Blood, and the data line beside his head was transmitting information from the front cruiser in real time, so that the legion commander could issue the latest orders immediately.

On the ground of 106, at the edge of Mine No. 03, it was reported that an aircraft on the opposite side was discovered. In response, Perturabo dispatched its own artillery support, and then dispatched flying units such as Storm Bird.

There's nothing to worry about, let's show that bumpkin the art of real combat instead of just piling his soldiers on the battlefield.

[Fire. 】

The order was issued and accurately transmitted to the leading cruiser fleet. In an instant, a giant net formed by torpedoes tightly surrounded the Necromancer fleet, and the light dragged by the flames was dazzling.

It was over, or there was something about the opponent's fleet defense that could make him sigh.

Perturabo turned his attention to the troops on the ground, where the Stormbirds' loss rate was somewhat higher—

[Sceelite requesting emergency communication——]

[The Red Copper is requesting emergency communication——]

[Cinsha is requesting emergency communication——]


In just a split second, no less than dozens of emergency communication requests came from the Pioneer cruiser!

Perturabo hurriedly focused his thoughts on the cruiser's message beam, but after calling frantically, there was deathly silence on the other side.

The expressions of the people busy around the original body also became distorted.

Bad thoughts flashed past like the flash of a bolt. Perturabo spent a tenth of a millisecond calming himself down. He knew that he had no emotions and was steely inside and out.

He opened the information beam of the main fleet. Due to Perturabo's trust in various sensors and his disdain for naked-eye observation, he believed that the Blood of Steel did not need to install an observation window. Therefore, the legion commander could not directly look through the window. Observe the battlefield.

The signal from the Bird Servant made his expression change.

In the star field where the two ships came into contact, the screen was full of red warning symbols, the screen was full of gray failure symbols, and there was not a single blue light point that represented normality.

Real-time footage was transmitted, and the fleets of the undead were still moving exactly according to their straight trajectory, but - their speed soared to a level that frightened all humans!

The steel fragments exploded, and the bright red and sapphire blue intertwined, but it was no longer the torpedo explosion scene that Perturabo was familiar with. Countless cruiser fragments, large and small, floated in the air relying on inertia. It was the mechanical self-destruction on them. The cry of time.

The Cinnabar cruiser at the forefront was torn apart by the Necron fleet, and now, the Necron fleet is rushing straight towards the cluster where the Iron Blood is located! ! !

【spread! spread! ΣFormation! ! ! 】

Compared to the anger and annoyance of being embarrassed in front of the Death Guard, Perturabo, who was familiar with the fleet data, realized at this moment what they were facing? ! Unbelievable surprise and fear slowly crept up.

Hades stood in front of the porthole, staring at the sea ahead on the left.

There, there are constant bright explosions blooming.

The explosion of torpedoes and the ignition of light spears, light is the only thing penetrating the dark void.

But in that gorgeous and bright light group, the Necron's bright green light rushed out like a racing motorcycle, flying smoothly out of the Iron Warriors' attack range.

Too fast, really too fast.

The fleet of Necrons has reached the limit of Hades' cognition. Even if it maintains a considerable distance from the main battle zone, these Necrons' sickle-shaped ships can still fly from the observation window at very short speeds. While sliding to the other side of the observation window, countless cruisers were torn to pieces by the Necron.

The entire Iron Warriors originally dense group of ships immediately dispersed.

But Hades didn't speak. When the Necron and Iron Warriors first started fighting, the message to Mortarion to come and watch the battle had been sent.

But there is a high probability that Mortarion, who is training with the Death Guard, will ignore this message. In order to get the legion commander to come over, Hades specially recorded a scene of the Necrons tearing apart the Iron Warriors cruiser.

In addition, Hades has kept all fleets in a loose state, ready to respond to the enemy and escape at any time.

But to be honest, after seeing the performance of the Necron ships, Hades was no longer sure whether the small Barbarus fleet led by the Death Guard could cope with the enemy.

Hades pursed his lips unconsciously, and above his electronic left eye that was flashing red light, the camera began to record, and the behavioral tracks of both parties were immediately transmitted to the left brain for analysis.

Although the Necrons' ships were like cold water thrown into hot oil, causing the Iron Warriors' ships to scatter instantly, Hades discovered that the Iron Warriors did not scatter randomly.

On the contrary, the Iron Warriors' ship group is reorganizing, and its seemingly chaotic scene is to reduce its own losses.

Just like a school of sardines in the ocean, they are dense and huge. When the shark rushes into the school of fish, it immediately disperses, hiding every fish in the huge school of fish.

In Hades's understanding of empire and calculation, perhaps the irregular model of calculating several points on a two-dimensional plane can also be solved with computer violence.

But if it is a three-dimensional space and the number of ships owned by an entire legion, the amount of calculation and difficulty will explode exponentially——

And this was all calculated by Perturabo? !

Hades gritted his teeth and took a breath.

The Iron Warriors' fleet of ships did not stop moving. They changed their formations in space as much as possible. After realizing that the damage that torpedoes could do to the Necron ships was extremely limited, Perturabo began to control the ships. The ships fired at those ships at the maximum distance of the light spear.

At the same time, Perturabo began to predict the trajectory of the ships on the opposite side, and deployed small ships with maximum firepower on their possible routes in advance. Under the cover of their own firepower and formation, these front-reinforced ships rushed straight towards the death The weak point of the spirit ship.

The Necrons broke into the inner circle, where the larger battleships began to rain down their cannon fire.

Dazzled and overwhelmed, Hades's right eye was completely unable to keep up with the rhythm of the Iron Warriors ship.

Most of the spaceships are painted in the dark gray color of the Iron Warriors, but under the countless formation changes and on the metal shell, the explosions and firelights intersect, giving people an illusory and ethereal feeling.

In this hazy halo, a grain of bright green went out.

? !

In the Death Guard command room, it seemed as if the breath had been silenced.

There were hurried footsteps in the corridor, which was too loud, but no one cared about it anymore.

Mortarion's gaze passed through the door and glanced directly at the observation window directly in front.

The original body was stunned.

Compared to those mortals who couldn't understand, and Hades who needed the help of his electronic left brain to see clearly, Mortarion instantly saw Perturabo's command.


In front of the porthole, Hades looked against the light in disbelief at the halos that were still flickering, but the fall of one star still could not dim the entire star cluster. The undead fleet was about to destroy the Blood of Steel. , the Iron Warriors' Glory Queen has been included in their attack range!

The gauss weapons on those Necron ships began to shine brighter, and the muzzles that could be loaded with the fragments of the dead star began to take aim.

The Iron Warrior's ship became even crazier, and a few more green grains went out. The Blood of Steel dragged her graceful body, held up her skirt, and ran backwards. The shield embellished her skirt with sparkling jewels.

But within the layers of skirts, countless death weapons were staring at these undead ships that looked like ants compared to her.

Seeing both sides will——

At 0879, on the Necron Elegy-class attack ship, the Necron warriors were working silently.

As low-level thinking, this group of undead warriors attacking the ship had no independent consciousness.

After the tomb consciousness on the ground detected that the fleet group above No. 106 belonged to the same enemy as the army attacking them on the ground, at the same time, the number and size of this fleet met the minimum expulsion required by the regulations (actually it was the Iron Warriors force, Plus some of the Death Guard ships)

They were sent to drive away the enemies from space.

The deep Necron nobles need to sleep quietly, and these alien races that come to disturb need to be expelled, and no one can disturb the Necron's sleep.

After all, forced early awakening will cause unpredictable damage to higher-level thinking, and the consciousness that has been worn out over a long period of time can no longer bear this.

The largest target enemy ship on the opposite side entered the Necron ship range. The programmed Necron warriors followed the established behavior and conducted a detailed data scan of the enemy ship before the first attack——

# ¥%……\u0026amp;amp;***\u0026amp;amp;%¥? !

A vague message that was familiar and frightening to the few undead came——

Not long ago, there was an extremely small amount of Star God fragment fluctuations on this ship.

? ? ? ? ! ! ! !

Alpha-level alarms instantly erupted from the attack ship! These radio waves flashing with crazy information were directly transmitted to the tomb consciousness on the ground of 106. The information was too beyond the norm, coupled with the wear and tear of the tomb, and for a while, the entire tomb consciousness had an extremely short window period - —

[Protocol error, warning, stuck, stuck, stuck]

In the battle area of ​​Mine No. 03, the Iron Warriors watched the densely packed undead warriors begin to lag. At this moment, the dead undead would not pass the resurrection protocol.

Above the sky, the necromantic aircraft that originally seemed to have entered no man's land began to fall——

On the planet, the attack ship that was about to sail into the core area of ​​the Iron Warriors suddenly stopped.

And Perturabo directly seized this opportunity. In a very short period of time, those undead ships were immediately torn into pieces!

The culprit who caused all this was still staring at the porthole with a puzzled look on his face.

Although the Iron Warriors' defeat of the enemy is worthy of celebration, in Hades's left-brain simulation, this result would not be the result anyway.

Those undead ships seemed to have suddenly stopped.

what happened?

[In the deepest part of Tomb No. 106, it opened its eyes. 】

——This is the first time the Necrons have intercepted Hades’ information——

【■■■ Above, its eyes looked over with interest. 】

Thanks for subscribing and happy reading (_)

finish exam! Great!

There will be an update tomorrow, (or tonight), I’m very sorry for stopping the update ()

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