Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 156 148 Perturabo is not happy today either

Chapter 156 148. Perturabo is not happy today either

In the Blood of Steel, there is a deathly silence at the moment, and the ticking of instruments can't help but sound, but the relatively noisy conversations in the past have now turned into quiet breathing.

Extremely ugly data, Perturabo was as silent as an extinct volcano at the moment, and the cooled and accumulated dark gray rocks coated his surface with an expressionless mask.

But everyone knows that under the thick rock shell is surging magma that is about to explode.

Although under the command of Perturabo, the Iron Warriors have greatly reduced the losses of ships, except for the cruise fleet that set off at the beginning, most of the ships lost since then were low-level and old types.

But this still cannot cover up his failure.

With the Primarch's astonishing insight, Perturabo understood that in his thousands of calculations, if the opposite ship did not pause for a moment at the end, Ironblood's ammunition would rain down at the last moment.

The Primarch was confident that Lady Glory's firepower would tear these ships apart, but what if

Realizing that his thoughts were slowly sliding towards the edge of this vortex, Perturabo felt that his breathing was becoming heavier. He managed to control his breathing, because he couldn't do this except for him. A person will always be happy to see his failure.

So he cannot show his failure.

A sudden communication request hit Perturabo's temple heavily, and a communication request from the Death Guard came unexpectedly.

it is as expected.

Perturabo laughed secretly in his heart. His brothers were always like this, stepping on each other's failed corpses to climb up. It seemed that they were harmonious on the surface, but in fact they were secretly sarcastic.

What's more, this primarch from an agricultural planet didn't even have the most basic surface manners. Perturabo could already imagine Mortarion's sullen expression in a vague country accent.

When he thought of what he was going to face next, anger and humiliation washed over Perturabo's soul like surging waves.

He cursed in a low voice. Perturabo wanted to smash something, tear something apart, tear off the ugly face on the other side, smash it, so that it would no longer exist in reality.

Just like when he smashed the statue.

A clownish clown thing.

At the last moment when the Death Guard's communication application was about to reach the end of the timeline, Perturabo, standing still, finally approved the application.

A stinging sound of electricity sounded, and an unstable figure unique to holographic projection appeared.

Perturabo hated these electric sounds, which represented instability, instability, accidents, changes, and fragility.


However, Mortarion's disgusting figure does not appear in the center of the picture, and his stinking poisonous gas is slowly lingering at the edge of the picture.

The figure of a Death Shroud is in the center of the screen. Unlike other Death Shrouds, one of his shoulder armors is engraved with the symbol of the Mechanicus, silently demonstrating his status as a technical sergeant.

Perturabo frowned, recognizing it as one of the death shrouds Mortarion had brought to Ironblood.

Except for the Iron Hands and Iron Warriors, in other legions, these space warriors who believe in the Mechanicus will not occupy an overly high position in the legion.

In the Hands of Steel, Faenus Manus allowed his men to embrace the Mechanicum, which allowed the legion to have good relations with the Martian Mechanicus.

Among the Iron Warriors, Perturabo despised the sages of the Mechanicus who had transformed themselves and shrunk their shoulders. Under Perturabo's instructions, the Iron Warriors had been working hard to develop the technology of their own legion in order to get rid of these small warriors. Human limitations on legions.

Although he himself is superficially friendly with many Mechanicus cults, compared to the orthodox Mechanicus sages, those "others" are more likely to attract Perturabo's favor.

After a brief aquila salute, the technical sergeant in the holographic projection spoke,

"Hello, Lord Commander of the Iron Warriors, I am Chief Deathshroud Hades."

The moment Hades spoke, Perturabo realized that the voice was the person who had previously communicated privately with Dantioch.

Perturabo's eyes narrowed. Anyone familiar with the original body knew that this was a dangerous signal.

On the other end of the communication line, Hades was walking on thin ice.

He tried to keep his voice calm and cold, like a machine... um... or a Necron.

After experiencing the attack by the Necron fleet just now, seeing that the Necrons did not immediately launch a second batch of attacks, Hades quickly took advantage of this short gap to contact the Iron Warriors to inquire and discuss the next plan.

Mortarion let Hades communicate without any burden. After all, he didn't want to see Perturabo or talk to him.

After witnessing the formation of ships led by Perturabo, Hades realized that Mortarion was a little depressed?

He wasn't sure. After all, it was almost impossible to see the expression on Mortarion's face, which was covered like an autistic person.

He could only judge based on the behavior of the original body. Mortarion did not ridicule or "praise" Perturabo immediately, so Hades assumed that Mortarion was in a normal mood now.

Of course, it was best not to let the two primarchs meet and talk again. Hades was sure that in the previous meeting, Mortarion was really considering whether to give Perturabo a scythe.

The movements of the Necrons are still unclear, and the Death Guard hidden on the satellite of No. 106 Mineral Star are unable to detect the situation on No. 106. The person in charge of the war is still the Iron Warriors.

What Hades didn't know was that after the "pause" just now, no new undead soldiers emerged from No. 106. The undead soldiers originally standing on the ground were quickly attacked by the steel warriors who reacted. wipe out.

For a moment, the entire battlefield became extremely quiet.

Except for the occasional sound of additional gunshots from the Iron Warriors and the sound of metal rubbing against the corpse of the undead, there was no other sound at the moment.

After the ship battle, Perturabo did not let the Iron Warriors continue to advance. Instead, he began to deploy mid- and high-altitude defenses, as well as trenches, and more trenches.

The reconnaissance team was released to use the short gap to detect the enemy's situation.

These occupied part of Perturabo's thinking, and his current thinking and computing power were put into communicating with the Death Guard.

Looking at Hades opposite, he didn't intend to speak.

Is this an insult? Mortarion used his subordinates to consult with him, a clear offense.

Although in some cases, the Primarch did turn to his trusted heirs to do the deliberations between the Legions.

But Perturabo still speculated on Mortarion's slow, slow malice, which was like a bubbling swamp that made Perturabo sick.

He wouldn't speak first, wouldn't give his opponent a chance to insult him, and Perturabo hated that they weren't there so he could walk up to the bold Death Guard, stand threateningly in front of him, and listen to this The arrogant words of the Death Guard.

"Currently, I am entrusted by Legion Commander Mortarion to be responsible for communicating with your legion."

Hades spoke in a humble voice, but Perturabo could not hear any fluctuations in his voice.

"The war is urgent, please forgive me for omitting the pleasantries."

Of course, you still have to praise, and Hades knows this.

"I was really impressed by the naval battle that the Iron Warriors just performed. Such detailed and massive command is really breathtaking."

"It's hard to imagine that such a complicated and grand battlefield can have such meticulous operations."

"I don't think most mortals are aware of the subtlety of this operation."

Perturabo crossed his arms and stared across.

It was just a compliment from an ordinary Space Marine. As a primarch, he had heard it too many times. He deserved it and it was unnecessary.

"As the commander-in-chief of this battle, in such a wonderful battle, you must have a far better understanding of the enemy's situation than the Death Guard. Therefore, the Death Guard hopes to share information with the Iron Warriors and discuss the next steps. Tactics.”

Although Hades felt that Mortarion was quite unhappy when he said this, in a sense, regardless of Hades who knew the spoilers, the Death Guard did know very little about this alien species. .

This was the truth, the truth without sarcasm or malice, so Mortarion did not refute it.

On the opposite side, Perturabo still had his arms folded. He turned his thoughts away and went to deploy the trenches on Ground 106.

He "watched" his heirs rushing through the dusty mining area, their metal armor dimmed by the yellow sand.

Then Perturabo looked again at the Death Guard projection opposite him, painted in white and green, like those fragile and easily broken plants.

"For the next battle, the Death Guard needs to listen to me."

Perturabo delivered his verdict and then shut down the communication,

At the other end, Perturabo's projected figure disappeared after a crackling sound of electricity.

Hades was convinced that Mortarion had directly cursed Barbarus, and Mortarion now most likely wanted to give Perturabo the unfinished scythe.

Of course, Hades also wanted to curse.

Although according to reality, because they participated in too few battles (the legion was not qualified enough and Mortarion returned late) and the main fleet did not arrive, the Death Guard was likely to play an auxiliary position in the next battle.

But what Perturabo said was quite unpleasant.

Less than a second later, however, the Death Guard received a stream of information from the Iron Warriors.

The complex and detailed data are well organized, marking the intelligence of the Necron.

Numbers and High Gothic leap across the screen of the Death Guard, calculating the image of an alien race.

Not only that, the topographic map of No. 106 and the cross-section of the trench under repair were also sent over.

The information that followed was indeed unexpected by Hades. He put aside his useless emotions for the time being and began to carefully study the information.

He blinked in surprise.

This means that the Death Guard will most likely have to fight a ground battle.

After all, the Death Guard's current fleet is indeed unable to fight the Necron ships, but above the ground, the Death Guard has great strength.

The data transmitted by the Iron Warriors has not stopped yet.

A red dot at the rear of the 106 mining area map was marked by Perturabo.

Hades inquired doubtfully,

Fuck, it’s Morag and the others.

These Death Guards were placed in the rear by the Iron Warriors, staying with the Forgers of Graai.

If Perturabo hadn't reminded him, Hades almost forgot that there were still several Death Guard recruits on No. 106.

Mortarion, who was originally quiet, coughed awkwardly.

Hades bet he forgot too.

This somewhat dilutes their anger.

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Today’s update 3.2k——

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