Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 171 163. Is this your decision, Hades?

On the wasteland of 106, Hades looked up into the distance, and saw the skeletons of the undead scattered on the ground. In the distance, Mortarion led a group of new recruits of the Death Guard to use these slow-moving undead skeletons. Practice.

There was constant noise in the communication channel. Hades initially tried to adjust the channel to hear what the noise was.

As a result, Hades discovered that these noises were all hymns of the Mechanicum, and Hades decisively blocked these channels.

After communicating with Mortarion, Hades learned that due to Mortarion's previous behavior, Perturabo had blacklisted the Death Guard, and the Iron Warriors simply withdrew from a large area of ​​the garrison. Let the Death Guard move in.

Hades originally wanted to contact the Iron Warriors, but after learning that Hades was alive, Perturabo directly asked the Iron Warriors to block all call requests from the Death Guard.

The other party refuses to communicate with you.

Looking at the ship group of the Iron Warriors, they are already about to retreat.

After all, the Necrons are already boundless grass. Even if they are armed with high-tech weapons, without the command of the Archon and the coordination of the underworld structure, these Necrons are just mobile stragglers.

But it was very suitable for training new recruits. Seeing that Hades was fine and Perturabo no longer needed to be sick, Mortarion quickly led the new recruits to seize this golden opportunity.

Hades originally planned to follow Mortarion to the front line for a walk, and throw away the tomb that he had arranged with the figure king. However, under the death gaze of the pharmacist Leo, Hades had no choice but to choose Watching the show in the rear, ahem, no, the rear is on standby.

He was not the only one waiting at the rear.

Hades blinked and looked around him, one on the left and one on the right, a Vox and a Gallo.

Hmm. Compared to before, Vox exudes a mature aura.

It is said that Vox and Gallo came here on their own initiative. Don’t they still have jobs on the Endurance?

In addition to Hades who was confused, Vox felt a sense of vicissitudes in his heart as he looked at the legion commander in front of him who was caring for the new recruits.

It turns out that when he was in southern Barbarus, there were no negative comments about Mortarion.

But now, after experiencing Galaspa's overtime package, Woakes just wants to vomit blood.

It turns out that Karastifon had been helping Mortarion manage this part of the government affairs on Barbarus?

After joining the legion, it was senior Hades and the former legion commander Barasin who helped take care of this.

Thinking back to those days of arguing with imperial officials in the dark and reviewing and approving various documents, Vox felt that this was not the same as the legion life he imagined.

It was the support order from Senior Hades that saved Vox from suffering. Vox had already thought about how to thank and praise Senior Hades, but after the Legion arrived, he learned that Senior Hades might Sad news that he has been killed.

The legion commander also became irritable and gloomy. In desperation, Vox and Jia Luo had to act carefully and not disturb the legion commander's actions as much as possible.

But now, Vox looked at Mortarion in front of him, who was obviously in a good mood, and fell into deep thought.

Mortarion rushed to the forefront of the battle line, but he was not killing the enemy, but observing the movements of the new Death Guard recruits. From time to time, the original body would sprint, wave his hand, and pull out a Death Guard from the pile of undead, and then another Throw the hapless recruit behind the lines.

Vox glanced at Hades who was watching the battle. He was given the mission to communicate with senior Hades by Gallo.

After not seeing him for a while, it felt like Senior Hades had obviously grown taller, and his aura was even sharper, completely unlike what Vox had seen during training.

While the original body was away, Gallo, who was in charge of most of the affairs of the Death Guard, stood aside without saying a word, as if he just came to see these new recruits.

"Senior Hades?"

Vox carefully opened the communication channel with Hades.

"Well, what's wrong?"

A familiar voice came, and Vox was inexplicably relieved.

"It's okay, it's just that we haven't seen each other for a long time."

"Indeed, a lot of things happened later."

Hades sighed,

Vox hesitated for a moment and then said,

"Senior, do you know what Calastyphon is all about?"

Hades paused for a moment, and then opened the communication channel with Gaara.

"Half-fallen, but the fallen part has been plucked out."

"Is it related to the wanted pharmacist?"

Hades nodded silently.

"We were definitely negligent."

Unexpectedly, Jialuo's voice sounded on the channel, and Vox consciously fell silent.

"Pharmacist Laton was originally a person who had a close relationship with the mourners. Now the new leader of the mourners, the lamp holder Ugo, is very concerned about this matter and feels that he has not managed the mourners well."

Hades looked into the distance. Fernando was killed in the Battle of Galaspa.

"Ugo? I remember him."

Jialuo's calm voice continued,

"Indeed, you had fought with him in a duel cage before, and he felt that you would be prejudiced against him, and he was quite uneasy about it."

Hades was speechless,

"That won't happen."

"I tried to persuade him, but the effect was not very good. You should go back and talk to him alone."

Hades thought for a moment,


So the three of them became quiet again, but after a while, Jia Luo's voice came from the channel again,



"Are you trying to build a Death Guard?"

"Is there any soldier who doesn't want to build his own legion?"

Hades laughed dumbly,

"No, ordinary warriors don't think about this."

Gallo turned his head and stared at Hades,

"Originally I thought that taking down Galaspa was an order from the legion commander, but later I found out that was not the case."

"It's your decision."

Hades took a deep breath,

"Yes, I decided."

"The Death Guard needs more recruitment sites and more military and logistical support."

Gallo was still staring at Hades, but he did not speak. After a long time, a low response came from the channel.

"I see."

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