Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 172 164 Don’t kneel to me? !

Chapter 172 164. Don’t kneel to me? !

Broken walls, craters and bullets litter the ground, and violent scars are all over this battlefield.

After following the large army and watching Mortarion lead the team to see monsters for a few days, when the pharmacist Leo stopped paying much attention to Hades, Hades decisively asked for a small team and returned to the underworld structure group at that time. , ready to dig out what the figure king Trazin promised him.

Hades led the team to avoid the Mechanicus personnel and approached the underworld structure group. He stood in front of a black stone and looked thoughtfully at the lightning pit in front of him.

The scenes of losing control in the past few days seemed to be right in front of him. Hades asked the Death Guards who were following him to wait aside. He needed to recall.

Hades held the sickle in one hand, stretched out one hand, and stared at his hand in a daze.

At that time, it seemed that I could briefly use the energy of the void dragon?

Thunderous green cuts through the black and white space, and the gods who control the laws of physics once glide across the water of reality for a moment.

The Void Dragon can control the black stone, and he can probably use this power? Hades listened carefully, these stones were resonating with him.

But how can I use this power?

Hades looked at his hands, trying to imagine that he was the kind of mage who rubbed light balls with his bare hands, and how he felt when there was a flow of air on his hands.

Hades tried to hold it in for a long time, during which he tried various qigong and mental techniques, but to no avail.

Uh. Should he ask the think tank? But this kind of power is completely different from psychic energy.

Forget it, try again. The Death Guards waiting there to dig their graves will become impatient.

However, Hades just raised his feet and was about to leave——

[grown ups! ! ! ]

From a broken wall next to the underworld structure, a forger wearing a blood-red robe appeared directly!

The hymn rang out, the incense filled the air, and the forger of Greai kowtowed directly to Hades!

Damn it!

Caster, what are you doing? ?

Although he is a Space Marine, and Hades is also an elite boss monster in the Death Guard, generally speaking, he does have a relatively high status.

But you don’t have to kneel down directly? ! Moreover, the posture of this caster is not an ordinary kneeling ceremony! Is it the kind with religious significance? !

Hades had quick eyesight and quick hands, and quickly helped the forger up. Although the forger looked ugly, he was very strong. Hades almost failed to help him up.


Hades looked at the forger from Graai in silence. This sudden incident made him not sure whether to say, "Donor, you have recognized the wrong person" or, "Donor, you don't need to give this gift."

But there was only one thing he forgot about, and that was to cut off the casting master's communication channel.

[Praise be to Om Messiah! ]

The caster's ecstatic voice burst out from the communication channel, and for a moment, no less than ten red figures appeared in Hades' line of sight——

All of them are oil guys who are shouting hymns and playing hymns.

They were all the casters who had witnessed the phantom of Hades that day, and they were also considered to be the group that believed in the doctrine.

Where is this fuss coming from? ! Hades felt like his hair was about to explode.

Hades watched helplessly as a group of oil guys suddenly appeared in the plains. When these casters saw him, they immediately knelt down and prepared to kowtow.

"No kneeling."

Although Hades kept supporting the forger, his voice was calm and low, as if he had mastered everything.

But Hades was screaming in his heart, which one is this? ! Hades, who was frantically analyzing the current situation, could only tell everyone not to kneel.

Compared to Hades who was screaming wildly, the casters over there were ecstatic.

The agent of God was so magnanimous that he even supported the first believer who found him, and his calm words of wisdom gave him direct orders.

The casters who were kneeling and were about to kneel all stood up one after another, looking at the Lord curiously and piously.

It stands to reason that Om Messiah Adam is that Great Lord of the Empire, the god who comes to earth when Mars rains rain.

But Mars does not have absolute jurisdiction over other forge worlds. The major forge worlds are actually independent of Mars.

Not only the casting system, but also the belief.

Compared with the Mechanicus on Mars, the beliefs of other forging worlds are also diverse, but of course the general doctrines and core will not change.

But the sky is high and the Emperor is far away. The miracle of the Emperor's arrival on Mars, traveling through layers of time and space across the galaxy, is no longer as shocking as it was on Mars.

Therefore, some of the Mechanicus in other forge worlds believe in Mars or the Empire's propaganda, while others only have general beliefs, and the relevant belief education is not popular at all.

Therefore, the beliefs about the Mechanicus are just like the layout of the internal cables of the body by the oil man himself. They are all kinds of strange and have their own characteristics.

But no matter how strange it is, people in the Mechanicus still generally believe in one thing, and that is - the agent of the God of All Machines will perform miracles.

Obviously, the forgers regarded Hades's explosion before his death as a miracle from the gods.

If we trace the origin, the original birth of the Mechanicus itself came from the dream of the Void Dragon. The truth they spoke of was actually the law governed by the Void Dragon, and Hades was force-fed a mouthful of Void Dragon by the Emperor.

If we really look into it, Hades can really be called the pseudo-ohm messiah to a certain extent.

And after experiencing the psychological impact of a bunch of people suddenly coming out to kneel on you, Hades also changed his mind.

He thought of his last memories before he fell into coma. Could it be that these forgers saw his ability to use the Void Dragon?

Hmm. But now Hades most likely won’t be able to recreate that scene.

But looking at the forgemen who were looking at them piously, it happened that the Death Guard still lacked a forging world with close cooperation.

Hades took a breath. Even if he couldn't do this, he had to keep pretending.

And he didn’t lie! In a sense, he is the representative of the God of All Machines (the Void Dragon) (take a bite).

Hades looked at the forger he was supporting, and after making sure that he wouldn't kneel anymore, he let go of his hand.

"Why did you come to me?"

Now the caster was shocked. He didn't think much about it. When he saw someone using a miracle, he went up and knelt down. Did he need a reason?

This is what the great sages teach.

But now God asked him, and the engine of logic whirled, and he stammered,

"Under your inspiration, we believers hope to seek the truth in the world."

A slight gasp sounded from the other casters who were waiting eagerly. They marveled at the boldness and straightforwardness of their colleagues, and at the same time were curious about God's response.

Hades was silent, and he suddenly remembered that he was not good at pretending to be a stickman.

Hades began to try hard to remember how the aunt at the market came to preach and the theology courses on Mars.

For a moment, the only sound in the entire clearing was the rattling sound of the gears of the forgers.

Hades took a deep breath and said as solemnly as possible,

"I'm very pleased to know that you are so persistent in pursuing the truth."

"But unfortunately, I only have part of His power, and the world is declining, truth is dusty, and chaos is watching, so I need to hide myself from the world and cannot guide you directly."

What Hades said was true, he didn't lie! No!

The solemn and deep voice echoed, and all the casters listened in silence.

God said He was weak, but in front of everyone's eyes was the shadow that seemed to break through the sky, and the feeling wrapped in the echo of knowledge.

So, is this also weak?

How powerful should a real god be? !

People were immersed in the teachings just now, the engine recorded responsibly, and dismantled and decomposed each word. The forgers tacitly began to try to decipher this passage, hoping that they could unlock more wealth.

Seeing that there was no sound again, Hades was so embarrassed that he almost broke into a cold sweat. Damn it, don't tell him that he was found out, then he would be completely dead.

In the end, it was the forger in front of Hades who broke the silence, and Hades thanked him from the bottom of his heart,

"Sir, please allow me to be disrespectful."

Hades nodded, even as he acquiesced,

"Are you hiding in the Fourteenth Legion now?"

Hades was stunned for a moment, but nodded.

The caster lowered his head heavily, as if making a strange salute.

"Then, please let us think about what we can do for your legion."

Hades was ecstatic, and he was hooked!

On the opposite side, the Forgemaster's engine was also racing wildly. In fact, the Forgemaster could not reach the top management level that decided to connect the Forge World to the Legion.

But the Founder knew that his superiors were already discussing whether to cooperate with a legion.

Greai originally wanted to cooperate with the Iron Warriors, who were also good at mechanics, but Perturabo's attitude towards the Great Sage made Greai's intention come to nothing.

Some sages proposed the Death Guard, but others suggested waiting.

But looking at Hades, the Forger knew that his opportunity for promotion had come.

God, forgive me for my disrespectful thoughts.

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One more update!

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