Chapter 186 178.After the Rain

A week later.

"I never thought that Barbarus's sun would be purple."

Mortarion stood thoughtfully on a land of nothing and looked upwards. There, the sun with only a blurry white disk in front of Barbarus was so clear for the first time.

Perhaps due to atmospheric refraction, the edge of this clear white circle is lavender, mixed with some rose red.

Strange, Mortarion thought.

Compared with the desolate Barbarus, the sun in Barbarus is so luxurious, or full of unrealistic romance.

It's a pity that Karas can't see all this.

Mortarion chewed this fact slowly, just like the emperor who descended from the sky tore apart Barbarus's occlusion, completely changing the direction of the story. Burying the cold and fearless Karas also made the original story fall into chaos. Broken.

Mortarion stared at the sun, and the primarch continued to stare at the sun without realizing that he was like a scarecrow watching over the wasteland.

He could do nothing else, it was like this every time, and Mortarion knew it.

But he can grant death, which is the only thing Mortarion is expert at.

Mortarion knew that he could not let his old friend die in a ridiculous trial. He could not swing his scythe. His scythe was pointed at the tyrant, not his old friend.

Karas will die in a grand enough war, he will die in a war of liberation, he will die in a war to overthrow tyranny, Mortarion promised Karas this.

This is the only thing he can guarantee.

When the Primarch encountered a war that would tear an entire Legion apart, he would awaken Karas.

but not now.

Hades ignored the original body. As a technical sergeant, he and the pharmacist Leo personally presided over the entire process of Karas being installed into the Dreadnought. By the way, more than one monitoring system and suicide program were installed on the Dreadnought.

Calastiphon watched all this in silence.

Hades patted the Contemptor Dreadnought next to him. It was a standard model in the Great Crusade and had the unique white and green paint of the Death Guard.

"I mean well. After all, we were old friends."

Hades said,

"This Dreadnought has a suicide program. When you are awake, you can choose to die at any time."

Karas glanced at Hades and said in a dry voice,

"Thank you."

Hades rolled his eyes,

"But I don't suggest you die now, otherwise I can't fool Mortarion with the failure of the implantation operation."

"You can pick the next time you wake up."

Karastifon smiled bitterly, how did he get to this point in the end?

If he wasn't so greedy, he would still reach this point in the end.

Karas pursed his lips, and before falling into that long sleep, he finally chose to speak. This was completely unnecessary, but perhaps Karas wanted to see Hades' entanglement in a wicked way,

"Hades, do you hate me?"

Hades was silent for a long time, and then the dead soul spoke,

"Don't hate."

"Then why?"

Calastiphon swore that this was the first time he had seen such a gloomy Hades, like a skeleton that had just crawled out of the grave, staring monotonously at the world, cursing and cursing the world.


"I can't afford to bet."

What can't you afford to gamble on?

Karas felt confused, but the injected medicine gradually took effect, and the increasingly heavy sleepiness prevented his thoughts from going deeper.

"But if there is still time and opportunity after everything is over, I will come to see you again."

Hades didn't realize his voice had gone hoarse.

Hades knew that this was a complete lie, and how could they still survive after everything was over.

In the end, there is a high probability that the original body will survive and continue to live with his brothers who he thinks are like shit.

But what if, this is how the lie called hope comes about.

Karas looked at Hades, his vision began to blur. The pharmacist, like his medicine, had never been merciful.

This was the second pledge Karas had received, the first being Mortarion's.

Hades glanced at Karas one last time;

"If you still believe, live first."

But what Karas doesn't know is that this is actually a curse, a curse from the dead.

He handed him the key but did not point out the exit.

Hades closed the door to the Dreadnought, and everything fell into darkness.

On Barbarus, except for Mortarion who was standing aside in a daze, Hades was squatting on the ground in a standard old farmer's half-squatting method, holding up a lump of soil, and testing the transformation results of the Mechanicus——

Surveys showed that the land was quite fertile.

Hades clapped his hands with satisfaction and shook the soil on the ground. Then he stood up and looked at the sky of Barbarus. After the atmospheric modification, the sky of Barbarus showed a light blue mixed with green.

Faced with Mortarion's emotion about the lavender sun, Hades did not expect that Barbarus's sky would be like this.

“There’s always something we can’t think of.”

The matter of Karas has come to an end for the time being. Perhaps the story of Karas will continue when the Death Guard encounters a large battlefield one day, but now, this "old friend" has no choice but to sleep for the time being.

Hades blinked and stopped thinking.

There are many things that are useless if you think about them, and you will be confused, so it is better not to think about them.

If you can do it, just do it. If you can't do it, just pull it off. If you can't do it, there's nothing he can do. Just be sad for a while.

Time is still flowing, a lot of things are still waiting, and there is not much time left for sighs.

The completion of Barbarus' transformation made Hades feel quite good. He looked at the large area of ​​soil in front of him. As long as he ignored the red-robed sages blocked by the Death Guard in the distance, large areas of fertile land lay here. , waiting for construction, waiting for sowing.

Generally speaking, the legion's home star has an extraordinary political status, and whether to attach importance to the home star and whether to build the home star depends on the legion's own plan.

There are legions that have a strong legion culture and are willing to build their home planet, such as the Ultramarines. Robert Guilliman's Macragge is a beautiful pearl in the Five Hundred Worlds. The mountains and azure lakes, towns and tall castles condense it. The brilliant culture of the Ultramarines;

Another example is Baal of the Blood Angels. Although this was originally a planet full of radiation, under the management of Sanguinius, it was carved into a church of beauty and art. Countless exquisite angel statues lowered their gazes in the church. It is the gathering of Blood Angels faith.

Of course, some legions' home planets just let nature take its course and just do what they want. Barbarus in the original novel falls into this category.

There are also some legion home planets that have been deliberately forgotten, or are not very good.

This is because there are some problems with the Legion's supervision of the home planet.

As for the Death Guard's home planet?

In the planet construction plan given by the Mechanicus, Barbarus's position is actually quite clear, as an agricultural planet or a garden planet.

If you choose to become an agricultural planet, then the sky of Barbarus will once again be covered with poisonous gas, but this time the poisonous gas will be the exhaust gas from the fertilizer factory, and specially improved crops will be planted on every inch of Barbarus. On the land, tall agricultural machines roar, continuously delivering ready-made food to other planets.

Hades and Mortarion decisively rejected this option.

And if it becomes a garden planet, it means building Barbarus into a quite livable planet. You can even describe the empire's current garden planet as a paradise, which is not an exaggeration.

The greatest significance of the Garden Planet is its political nature. Important officials of the empire and politicians from nearby galaxies will come here to vacation and conduct some cooperation between planets or commercial activities.

The biggest disadvantage of becoming a garden planet is that it cannot host too many people. The original planet residents will be moved to cities below the surface to avoid hindering the "scenic value" of pollution caused by overpopulation.

But Barbarus has no such concerns. The population of Barbarus has been so small that even if they are all moved to Barbarus, they will be disliked by the mechanical sages because there are too few maintenance personnel.

As a planet, the most important thing about Barbarus is its political and cultural status.

Then continue to use this point and make use of your strengths and avoid your weaknesses.

In Hades's vision, Barbarus would become a garden planet, relying on the influence of the Legion to use Barbarus as a stage to attract politicians from planets near the Storm Star Field to negotiate with Legion and other planets. Cooperation treaties, mutual benefit and mutual assistance, etc.

This is similar to a super loose confederation. The Death Guard is the largest one, and under the control of the Death Guard, various planets conduct loose trade and the like.

This has no direct benefit to the Death Guard, but the planet near Barbarus has become wealthy, which is also good for the Death Guard.

My neighbors have food and I have guns. Tonight, ahem, no, no, the Death Guard will take a reasonable commission. After all, the Death Guard provides a platform for politicians to talk together. Barbarus.

The arrival of these dignitaries in Barbarus will also indirectly improve the cultural quality of the planet's per capita. After all, if Barbarians want to engage in related service industries, they will also need to learn High Gothic.

Hades felt despair when he thought of teachers teaching "tax evasion" in schools, but the good news is that so far, the moral education of these teachers has not polluted the students.

Moreover, if other planets see that Barbarus and the Death Guard are so naughty and want to send their children to the Death Guard, in this regard, they should sign a few agreements with Barbarus, and the recruits must pass all the inspections, and their personal moral, intellectual, physical, and artistic abilities Good and negotiable.

The reputation of the 30k Legion is still very good. Thanks to the propaganda of the Empire, the Space Marines and their original bodies have been portrayed as glorious and heroic, fighting to regain the lost territory.

Therefore, many people also want to join the legion. On the one hand, it is a personal choice. On the other hand, for those families that control an entire planet, it is definitely not a wrong choice to be friends with an armed force of the empire.

And since you have family members in the Death Guard, you will continue to cooperate with the Death Guard in other aspects. This is a matter of course.

Some people may say that this is not an empire, why are they doing this in private? Do you want to.

This is wrong. Look at the Extreme Starfield and the Five Hundred Worlds of Macragge. Did the Empire say anything?

Although Robert Guilliman is often suspected by other Primarchs because of this, after all, Macragge's Five Hundred Worlds does seem to be quite ambitious.

The Death Guard will not learn from Macragge. After all, Guilliman's subspace projection may really be a quantum computer, but Mortarion's is definitely not.

If the Death Guard really has direct jurisdiction over so many planets, even if they train all the current members of the Death Guard to become politicians, it won't be enough.

Therefore, the Death Guard will not do this. They only need to seize the most important planet construction. The rest is a matter of mutual benefit and mutual assistance if the willing ones take the bait.

The pace of the Great Crusade is still going on, and war is the main theme of the Legion. Therefore, the Death Guard cannot always devote themselves to the minutiae of politics. It is also a good choice to use the Death Guard's home planet of Barbarus to develop logistics in disguise. .

The Death Guard has not received many war orders recently. It is still because of the Battle of Galaspar. The Death Guard directly gnawed an entire large galaxy at a rapid speed, and Mortarion's brutal war style directly caused the high-level officials of nearby galaxies to surrender. Well, after all, the Death Guard hanged all the management of Garaspa, and also smashed Garaspa's main nest.

As long as they surrender to the empire before the war begins, these senior officials can still enjoy their old age in peace.

Perhaps it has to be said that the Emperor who sent the Death Guard to the vicinity of the Galasper System really understood to some extent what legion was suitable for what situation, and how to capture as many resources as possible in the shortest time.

Although the Death Guard suffered heavy losses

So as of now, the Death Guard's progress in the Empire's war missions is considered acceptable, and it has not reached the level of being warned by the Emperor.

Hades counted the time, and by the time the Death Guard had finished building the logistics supply line, the empire's new war edict would come out.

He looked at Barbarus' dreamy sky and thought about the arrangements ahead.

Beside Hades, Mortarion stared into the distance and breathed a sigh.

Those noisy Greai oilmen attracted Mortarion's attention. Although Mortarion had some modest gratitude to these sages for being so dedicated in transforming Barbarus, these sages were in a sense It's really noisy.

They chanted the binary prayers of the Mechanicum and praised the miracles of the God of All Machines.

"Those mechanical sages have been moving this way."

Mortarion said affirmatively, and then Hades beside him began to cough crazily, as if he was choking,

"The Space Marine's body structure prevents them from choking."

Mortarion once again said with certainty,

Hades was silent. After a while, he slowly spoke,

"I accidentally gave them a Mechanicum skill before, and they seemed shocked by it, and"

Hades paused;

"Maybe I learned some good things on Mars before, and they were jealous of that."

Mortarion looked at the sages in red robes silently. He thought of Karas, who had ignored him in the first place.

"If this bothers you, say something."

"The Death Guard are not threatened by a Forge World."

Hades breathed a sigh of relief, he was finally fooled.

In a sense, what he said was entirely true.

"No, no, no, it won't affect it."

"In fact, that might be a good thing."

The Death Guard has always been positioned as a heavy infantry resistance force, so it is very reasonable for them to ask Greerdo for some tanks or something.

The Death Guard can't really win by just smashing infantry on the battlefield.

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