Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 187 179nmd, stop praying to me!

Chapter 187 179.nmd, stop praying to me!

Hades announced that he ranked the current scene among the top three scenes that made him want to die the most.

Even if Hades once beat up a bunch of envious technical sergeants on Mars without hesitation, even if he was watched by others on the Death Guard and ate up all the Death Guard's food quota for the day, Hades was not as good as he is now. .want to die.

Hades is currently on the foundry satellite surrounding Barbarus. The Gray sages invited him to come here to see the future production of equipment and other matters. They also told Hades that there "happened" to be a "one" here. Small” completion ceremony hopes he will attend.

When he thought of negotiating for future equipment, Hades came unsuspecting——

Looking back now, Hades wanted to strangle his naive self to death.

The towering top of the church outlines the myth. The history that has been sung to this day merges into a new branch here. The servo skeletons circle and dance hymns. Deep in the church, the figure of the Titan is looming.

The binary hymn is revolving around Hades, the sage wearing a red robe slowly steps out, the holy fragrance of engine oil soaks into every gear here, and the details reveal luxury.

The sages happily invited Hades to sit at the "VIP" seat. But whose VIP seat is in the front and center of the TMD venue? !

Not only that, behind the seat where Hades is sitting is a huge statue of the god. Unlike the traditional shape of the God of All Machines, this sculpture is carved to look like it is covered with a layer of black cloth, vaguely The edges and corners penetrate the stone, and a feeling of depression and depression comes over your face.

The corner of Hades's mouth twitched. He took back his previous promise to Mortarion. Run, run, help!

And the most terrible thing is not only that.

Before Hades completely handed over the Blackstone technology to the Sisters of Silence, Charon and Darkfa promised him that they would always watch over his safety to ensure the completion of their mission.

That is to say

Hades is now accompanied by a Custodes and Sisters of Silence, ahhhhhhhhhhh!

No, these sages, can’t you see such a huge golden forbidden army beside him? ! Or are you really big-hearted?

You don’t really think they are ordinary security personnel, do you?

Wait, there seems to be space for two people to stand on both sides of the VIP seat. Isn't that what he thought? !

Hades felt that Sister Silence Blackfa already wanted to execute him on the spot. Blackfa's hand moved to the handle of the gun and slowly held the pistol.

As for the Imperial Guard Charon, because he was wearing a helmet, Hades could not judge Charon's attitude at all, but Charon seemed to have stopped the nun's black magic move.

Hades was in a trance, as if he saw heaven waving to him.

No, you have to run!

Hades braked suddenly, and the sages following him stopped for no apparent reason, while the sage who was pulling Hades to his seat in front of him almost staggered.

Although this sage was very energetic, Hades had the tonnage here after all, so he successfully did not let the sage who led the way drag him away.


"What are you doing?"

A low, hoarse voice sounded, which was incompatible with the high-pitched hymns in the church.

"A ceremony, my lord, to consecrate this newly constructed forged satellite."

".I suddenly remembered that I had something to do. The commander of the Death Guard asked me to go back. Forgive me that I may have to miss this ceremony."

This is a lie.

Barbarus, which has entered the reconstruction stage, needs a lot of vegetation to be repaired, and the Death Guard also needs a lot of biochemical weapons, so Mortarion, who is good at biochemical research, happily talked with the biological sage druid in charge of Barbarus. I went to play for a while, but no one paid any attention to me recently.

Unlike other primarchs, Mortarion has gone very far in biochemical research, which is manifested in the preparation of different types of poison gases, poisons, and explosives.

So Mortarion didn't look for Hades at all, but Hades now had to use an excuse that was not subjective to his decision to escape.

And in the eyes of this group of Gray sages, although Hades is a proxy, he is still working in the Death Guard system after all. If Hades is punished by the legion because they violated the order of the legion commander , for the sages, it would be a sin to let the gods misfortune on behalf of others.

If he was really pressed into that seat, he might be close to death, Hades thought as he was dying.

Sure enough, after hearing what Hades said, the mechanical sage turned his head cautiously. At the same time, Hades also felt that the radio wave section of this space became lively in an instant - these sages began to discuss.

The language of binary and radio waves is more efficient than the backward vocal cords. After waiting patiently for 3.6 milliseconds, the guiding sage spoke.

"Do you really want to leave, my lord?"

Hades smiled. Look at the Imperial Guard Charon and the Sister Blackfa who are with him now. Do you believe it or not that if he didn't leave, he would most likely die here.

In other words, even if he gets out from here, there is a high probability that someone will die.

Hades looked at the towering church dome, and the tiny skeleton angels looked at him from the ceiling. Hades accepted the fact that he might die today.

But Hades's desire to survive still forced him to say the next words.

"I'm leaving."

"Sir, for a foundry satellite, the completion ceremony is of great significance. It is a ceremony to pray for the wisdom of the God of All Machines to bless this place."

Sages with outstanding scientific research achievements in the forging world will be invited to participate in such ceremonies as much as possible, because the smarter the sages and the more outstanding scientific research achievements, the more they will be considered to have accepted the wisdom of the God of All Machines. man of.

However, in fact, the more outstanding the scientific research results are, the less the sages believe in the teachings of the Mechanicum. However, whenever there is such a ceremony, they will happily go there. After all, this is a good scene to gain prestige and reputation in front of those low-level sages.

Generally speaking, most of the lower-level sages believe deeply in the Mechanicum. It is not known whether they are low-level sages because they believe in the religion, or whether they believe in the religion because they are low-level sages.

After all, the teachings of the Mechanicus are not innovative, but rather rigid dogmas. If one really wants to fully abide by the doctrinal codes of the Mechanicus, those scientific research results that require a little "innovation" will probably never be developed.

Therefore, generally smart high-level sages never say that they have "invented" something. They will say that they have been favored by the God of All Machines and restored things according to their original structure.

There are many sages who talk about doctrines but conduct quite bold experiments behind their backs.

For these unconventional sages, there is even a tacit understanding within the Mechanicus. If you don't tell me, I won't tell you. Everyone is in harmony, but there are a few high-level sages who are fanatical believers.

Most of the low-level sages still follow the teachings.

After all, from another perspective, the teachings of the Mechanicus can protect knowledge from contamination to a certain extent.

Most of the people participating in the completion ceremony today were low-level sages. After all, high-level sages would not easily leave their own casting world to accompany a legion's casting satellite.

For low-level sages, teachings can make them stay, while for high-level sages, benefits should be used to motivate them.

The sage who believed deeply in the doctrine looked at Hades who wanted to leave.

"The guidance of the God of All Machines will bring destiny guidance to this forged satellite,"

"So you can't be absent."

There is one more update, please wait for me to code it

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