Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 191 183 What, this is not the undead

Chapter 191 183. What, this is not the undead

"There are also changes to the Space Marine equipment."

Hades picked up a sickle that glowed slightly green

Mortarion looked at the scythe with "Fourteen" engraved on it and the emblem of the Death Guard speechlessly.

Except for the scythe being changed to fit the size of the Death Guard for better grip, the rest of the body remains unchanged at all.

Of course, Mortarion knew what this was. In the previous battle with the Necron, Mortarion had already known the power of these blades. These thin, mist-like blades could easily tear through heavy armor, allowing those aliens who were stiff to move. become more threatening.

"This is an ordinary sickle"

"I know what you want to say, don't explain it."

Mortarion spoke silently, choking back the words Hades had just spoken.

They looked at each other speechlessly, saying nothing.

Even Primarchs like Mortarion, who did not care much about the Empire, realized that what they were doing was strictly prohibited.

"Well, of course, this kind of weapon is also difficult to produce, so it may not be deployed by the entire army."

"I'm sure it's best not to deploy the whole army."

Mortarion spoke, and Hades nodded guiltily.


They are the ones who can tell something is wrong at a glance, but the only ones who use scythes are the Death Guards, so they can use "you don't know how to use scythes" to excuse them.

So Hades put down the scythe and picked up a dagger that glowed slightly with green light.

For the first time, Mortarion felt less tense.

"Should I be grateful that you finally stopped bringing out weapons painted green?"

"Haha, it's not that our regiment's paint is green."

Mortarion pointed at the green light rifle, green light sickle, and green light dagger that Hades had just taken out from the corner.

"I don't know whether to praise your scientific research ability or criticize you."

A hoarse voice sounded from under the breathing mask,

"If it can improve combat effectiveness, that's a good thing."

Hades said sternly,


Mortarion stared at the pile of weapons that exuded alien aura.

It would be easier to deal with issuing alien weapons to the mortal auxiliary army. After all, you can directly deny the connection, but if you issue such weapons to the legions directly under your own control.

"Have these weapons been tested by the Adeptus Mechanicus?"

"It's all in the final testing stage and will pass immediately."

The Mechanicus' definition of "innovation" is still relatively vague, and on the battlefield, some urgent transformations and "innovations" can be forgiven.

However, generally before entering large-scale assembly line production, these products will be deliberately shelved for a century or two to check their corrosion resistance and whether they are contaminated.

But there are exceptions, and there are many of them. After all, the Mechanicus focuses on a flexible bottom line.

The sages of Graai specifically helped Hades speed up this process, and among other things, at least the necromantic technology, Hades guaranteed that it would not be corrupted.

As for other changes, such as those simple-looking rocket launchers, the Gray Sages will conduct more rigorous anti-corrosion testing on them to avoid accidents during use.

Mortarion stared at Hades, but the original body still felt that the pile of green weapons did not look so pleasing to the eye, so Mortarion, who had been obsessed with the laboratory for many days, took the initiative to review these weapons. process.

Hades pointed to the pile of parchment in another room.

After three days of research, Mortarion decided to release the weapons.

After that, the Death Guard had a new custom. After every difficult battle, the company commanders of the Death Guard would personally select the individuals who performed the toughest in the battle and lead them into the technology of the Death Guard. Poisoned wine was drunk in the secret room and silent oaths were made.

And behind each of the Death Guards who stepped out of the technical chamber, there would be an ominous scythe wrapped in gray cloth, the Death Scythe of Souls.

The Death Guard who obtained this scythe always remained silent about the origin and true appearance of these weapons, and other Death Guards would not try to ask them the truth about these scythes. In battles with other legions, other legions The soldiers would only be curious about why these Death Guards were carrying an extra tattered scythe, but these white and green-painted warriors always remained silent about this.

Only when these warriors encounter the most difficult battle in their warrior careers, will they take off the scythe and untie the strips of cloth wrapped around it, soaked with the poison that is the characteristic of the original body. The sickle shaft emits a strange light, which can easily kill any creature that touches the sickle but is not a Death Guard.

Once this scythe is opened, there will be no survivors on the battlefield except the Death Guard and friendly forces.

Those other legionnaires who were lucky enough to have survived such a battle will vaguely remember that this scythe exuded an ominous iridescent green color.

The Death Guards will also issue a strange kind of revenant dagger to the mortal auxiliaries who are most closely connected with the legion. These daggers slightly added with alien technology shine with a strange light.

But not many people will pay attention to these mortals who don't like to be in the spotlight, so on some battlefields that require hand-to-hand combat, a strange green color will quietly pass through the space, giving his enemies a blow that they cannot defend against.

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