Chapter 192 184. Biowetware

"She doesn't look like she's going to wake up, my lord."

"And there's not much hope of treatment."

Under the densely packed tubes, a vaguely half-human figure was barely discernible, and on the bloody face, some white hair was knotted in blood clots.

Sage Kirkland skillfully made the necessary inspections on the broken body, and reported to Hades on one side. On the other side, Hades was dismantling the knight mecha that had removed the driver.

Compared with the complete knight mecha, the mecha they found on Planet 373 was too simple. The upper part of the mecha could still operate according to normal physics, but the lower body of this mecha was purely made of nano. It is the product of the forced operation of Kuu's spiritual energy.

However, what Hades was interested in was not the outer frame design of this mecha, but the control system of this mecha. The driver of this knight was not in the cab, but was inserted into the machine as if he was atonement. At the top of the armor, the knight is controlled by pipes.

Hades checked it with the Black Domain. This mecha has no machine soul. There are traces of corrosion on the lower part of the mecha, but the upper part is very clean. This must be due to the ability of the untouchable.

Regarding the matter of the mecha's mecha soul, Hades consulted the sages of Graai, and received affirmative answers from the sages, that is, the mecha's soul is an indispensable part of the operation of a mecha.

Then Hades thought, has he become specialized in knights and titans?

However, this does not explain the current situation, that is why this simple knight can still operate without a machine soul.

Hades stared at the knight in front of him, lost in thought——

"My lord, I have a possible theory."

Sage Kirkland's cheerful voice sounded, and he was experimenting on the untouchables. This was a return to his old profession.

Kirkland held up the densely packed tubes that were originally inserted into the girl's waist. In the disassembly just now, in order to remove the white-haired girl for necessary examination and possible treatment, Kirkland Sage cut off these tubes that were growing with the girl's body. of tubes.

The cross-section of the tube was filled with dried and rotten flesh and blood.

"She used her brain cells as circuits and laid them into this mecha to replace the control of ordinary machine spirits over the mecha."

Hades turned his attention back to the mecha, not looking at the woman who was already a blur. Indeed, during the inspection, he saw a lot of dried flesh and blood tissue, but Hades subconsciously regarded these as the Nurgle faction. of natural products.

Hades thought for a moment,

"This idea is possible, and this mecha is also relatively simple, which reduces the computing power. However, I am afraid that the computing power of the human brain still cannot support this mecha."

"My lord, the activity of these cells is far beyond that of ordinary cells."

Hades turned his head suddenly and looked at Kirkland who was slowly checking over there.

He strode over and once again covered the area with the diluted black domain. Unsurprisingly, the woman was not corrupted. In other words, these cells did not grow because of Nurgle's curse.

Hades looked at Sage Kirkland, who became even more excited because of the darkness. As long as he was around the untouchable, Kirkland would become particularly happy.

Hades looked at the body that could almost be called a corpse again. In fact, she was supposed to be dead, but she had been in the stasis field for a long time, leaving her last breath.

Out of Hades's personal wishes, Hades originally thought about whether he could save an untouchable person or give her a clean death.

Hades sighed softly,

".What's your suggestion?"

"Made into biological wetware, my lord, an untouchable person, and the computing power of a single cell is amazing."

"But generally, machines that require biological wet parts will have organic souls, and those that are inaccessible will cause the machine soul to reject such existences."

Hades suddenly realized it, and he spoke slowly,

"But we can create a machine without a machine soul that provides the computing power."

They all looked at the brain tissue in the tube.

Moreover, the untouchable is far less susceptible to corrosion than the machine soul.

137 tests,

【Hello? 】

Ribo blinked in confusion, a blur enveloped her,

Can't move, can't see.


【Hello? 】

The same message was shouted out, but not in the form of a voice. The airwaves flickered, the tissue slowly surged,

【? 】

Ribo's consciousness gradually became clearer, and she felt as if she was slowly sinking in the dark and lightless sea.

【Where am I? 】

[Death Guard, Hades' personal laboratory. 】

The being on the opposite side replied to her. Ribo blinked hard, trying to see something clearly, but found that he seemed to have lost the ability to control his eyelids.

【.I don’t quite understand. 】

There was no answer to her message, and a new question was asked.

【What do you remember? 】

Her thoughts were rising and falling, the warm candlelight in the black stone church, the low-pitched prayers of the believers, the priest smiling and stroking her head. Then there was anger and roaring.

She closed the "miracle", Ribo suddenly remembered.

She committed a sin that is difficult to wash away.

Then she was deceived, used, rotted, rotted, rotted. She watched the people who supported her rot in the cold underground, but their souls were still trapped in their bodies.

The last thing I remember is the flames of war and the robot in a red robe.

She hates, she regrets.

[I remember I saw the red-robed robots at last. They successfully stopped me.] Reibo was silent for a moment. [Thank them.] Hades stared at the characters jumping on the screen, which proved that she still had memories, the ability to think independently, and personality. [Those people were the Mechanicus Skitarii, not robots.] [.] Reibo was silent. Were those metal beings alive? This shocked her a little, but Reibo realized in an instant that she had no position to feel uncomfortable with these people. She was a sinner who harmed the entire planet. Even though she had a perfect human body, she eventually pushed the entire civilization into the abyss. [No matter what, I thank them for stopping me.] Reibo continued to ask, [Where am I, why am I still alive? Sorry, I am confused by the words you mentioned.] Death Guard, Mechanicus, what are these? [We are humans from the Empire. We discovered your planet during a planetary survey. After eliminating the corruption on your planet, we found and took you and your mecha away. 】

【Have all of you rested in peace? 】

Rui Bo spoke hastily, anxiously waiting for the answer. Only after a long process of decay would one realize that death is the final mercy and forgiveness.

She had hoped countless times to serve her sentence in hell in exchange for everyone's rest. She had begged the demon named Corruptor countless times in a low voice, just hoping that everyone would die.

【Please rest assured that except for you, all humans on your planet are dead, and they are dead without the influence of the subspace. 】

This is like the sound of nature.

Everyone is dead, so good, really so good.

Rui Bo wanted to cry, but she couldn't cry anymore.

Everyone is finally dead.

【Why am I still alive? 】

Hades looked at the characters on the screen, and then looked at the cell tissue in the culture dish.

Now these cell tissues are asking him why she is still alive.

Hades took a deep breath and continued to talk to the consciousness on the other side of the screen,

【Strictly speaking, you are dead. Your body has undergone super-intensive inhuman transformation, so it has collapsed in advance. 】

【We have preserved your brain tissue out of necessity. 】

The other side of the screen fell into a long silence, and Hades patiently waited for the answer.

They could certainly remove the area that produces consciousness and only keep the parts that calculate, but in the operation of some machines, consciousness is as indispensable as computing power.

Kirkland's suggestion is to brainwash directly. The Mechanicus has a complete plan for this, which can wash anyone into a madman of the God of All Machines.

Hades stared at Kirkland who had been praising the God of All Machines. Did the sage realize what he was saying?

But out of selfishness, Hades chose to try to negotiate first,

【So what do you need me to do? 】

Hades breathed a sigh of relief,

【I'm glad to see that you think so. Let me introduce myself again. I am Hades of the Death Guard, and the Death Guard is a war legion under the Empire. 】

【I am Ruibo. 】

【. There is no need to introduce in the past. 】

This line of characters reveals great sadness, and sadness overflows from the screen, while Hades continues to type.

[We woke you up because we wanted to use you to control some machines to fight against the creatures in the subspace. ]

Reibo was stunned, and a trace of angry flames lit up in the sea of ​​sadness and self-blame that drowned her.

[Are you talking about those demons? ]

[Yes. ]

If Reibo still had a body, she would probably be kneeling on the ground screaming, pulling her hair frantically with both hands, blood, flesh, hair, mixed with tears splashing together.

[I agree, I agree!!! ]

[I agree!!! ]

The screen was filled with exclamation marks and characters,

[Thank you for giving me the opportunity to atone for my sins, I want to kill them! Kill them! ]

She begged the demons on the opposite side countless times, but in return she only received ironic comfort and eternal pain.

[Kill!!! ]

Hades looked at the screen full of kill words and fell into silence.

Kirkland came over and looked at the screen full of kill words with interest.

"My Lord, your decision is correct."

Yesterday's chapter was blocked, inexplicably, I didn't make any changes, and it was released again, but it is indeed possible to be blocked recently, please be mentally prepared in advance.

Today is 520, if you have a partner, don't read the novel, go and accompany your partner.

If you don't have a partner, then just read the novel.

There is one more update today, wait for me to code.

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