Chapter 193 185. Luxurious enough

In the most secret technical workshop of the Death Guard Endurance, dim black stones and alien metals shining with unknown light filled the entire room.

A tall frame stands in the center of the room. At first glance, it looks like an unfinished Knight Errant, but if you look closely, you will find that this mecha is slightly different from an ordinary Knight Errant.

There is no sacred engine oil and slightly fine decorations, and the joints also show different styles. Under the metal shells of some important parts, some slightly shining metals with different lusters lie quietly in between.

Yes, Hades used some necromancy technology to ensure that the key parts of these mechas have a self-healing function.

Under conditions of similar strength, most of the materials of this mecha were replaced with black stones. Complex petri dishes were embedded in the deepest parts of these black stones. In the petri dishes, flesh and blood twisted from time to time.

The Knight Errant is a general model of the Imperial Knight mecha, equipped by most knight families. Compared to other models, the Knight Errant is better at melee assaults. It is equipped with melta cannons and chainswords. Its main focus is A melee joy.

Hades has further enhanced its speed, allowing it to approach the enemy more quickly.

Although this mecha looks very similar to the Knight Errant in appearance, the technology used inside it can be said to be completely different. The reason for this is that Hades wants to take advantage of the untouchables currently in the Death Guard team. .

This mecha has no machine soul and is not very selective about its operator. Moreover, it is wet-ware-assisted, so it will not do much damage to the driver.

But the driver must be untouchable.

Yes, in Hades's design, the pilot of this Knight will be an untouchable person in the Death Guard.

This will be an anti-psionic knight mecha. As for its positioning on the battlefield,

One is to punish the enemy's powerful psychic units, and the other is to appear as Hades's escort or vanguard.

Using knights as a bodyguard, Hades also felt that this was too luxurious. This was a treatment that only Titans had. But the problem is that if you really encounter the enemy's powerful psychic units, these untouchables alone The anti-psionic field probably couldn't be suppressed, and Hades would have to do it himself.

But Hades's current black field is a group damage, focusing on one enemy and not distinguishing between friends and foes. He can't kill all the magicians on the opposite side with a large-scale black field and let his own team also send it.

Hades can't show the opponent a thousand-mile rider every time. He can, but this would be too life-threatening.

Therefore, Hades needs a team that is safe and sound within the scope of his black domain. Obviously, the composition of this team can only be untouchable.

Unlike the special case of Hades, the untouchables usually cannot be transformed into space warriors. After being confirmed by the pharmacist Leo, Hades's own seeds cannot transform the untouchables. Hades can only look at the newly transformed The gene seeds he took out were in a daze.

Leo thoughtfully helped Hades refrigerate his gene-seed.

"Unfortunately, it seems that your gene seed is only suitable for normal people. Later I will choose a talkative recruit to use your gene seed."

So how to improve the strength of the untouchables? The Death Guard is not as wealthy as the Empire and can spend a lot of money and a long period of time to cultivate Sisters of Silence.

And even if these untouchables were trained to the strength of Sisters of Silence and allowed to fight with Hades, Hades would not have to carry the entire team by himself. It would be better to let him ride thousands of miles alone.

So it's very embarrassing. As an outsider with a strong supermodel, Hades currently has no corresponding untouchable teammates to support him.

But now, Hades has taken out his own modified version of the Knight Errant. These mechas with inorganic souls, controlled by untouchables, will become a beautiful sight on the anti-psionic battlefield.

Hades thoughtfully added a stand on the knight's head so that he could hang on the knight's head to reach his destination.

Of course, he can also choose to drive a motorcycle or something, with multiple options, convenient and fast.

Hades closed the last piece of armor with peace of mind, and the first prototype of the mecha named the Wandering Knight appeared.

The huge knight is completely black, with a small amount of green dotted on the joints and edges of the fuselage. The Death Guard's simple aesthetic means there are no unnecessary carvings on it.

Kirkland and Jin were circling around the mecha crazily. It was obvious that Kirkland Sage always wanted to knock on this mecha, but Sage still resisted this idea very well.

Hades has already negotiated with the sages of Graier. These mechas that belong directly to the Death Guard will be named under Graier's name to prevent censorship.

Generally, knights will have a knight family and its corresponding family emblem. Hades made up these on the spot. Two black sickles dripping blood intertwined to form a pattern, which served as the family emblem of this "family", and this family also They were directly named the Wandering Soul Family.

The next step is to select some suitable people to operate the mecha. The untouchables were directly left to the care of the tombkeepers by Hades. I don’t know how Garro manages these people.

Of course, Hades did not forget to cry poverty to Malcador one more time, trying to recruit more untouchables. With the Black Tower as a result, he at least seemed more confident in crying poverty with Malcador.

But what he didn't know was.

A few weeks later, in the palace, Malcador casually threw away the letter from the Death Guard in his hand.

"More efficient than I thought."

"Then don't let the White Scars go for reinforcements. Send the Death Guard and the Moon Wolves."

Originally, the White Scars' Stormseers would be the backbone of the battle, but now that the Death Guard has an anti-psionic team, let them be.

Makado thought.

Thanks for subscribing and happy reading.

The timeline here has been slightly adjusted, because there is also a time conflict in this timeline in the original work, so I'm very sorry.

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