Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 234 226 Hello, alien, your natural disaster is coming (6)

Chapter 234 226. Hello, aliens, your natural disaster is coming (VI)

Rust is the scar of metal.

Hades raised his hand and fired a gun, and the wandering figure in the distance immediately fell down, groaning before dying, but soon fell silent.

The battlefield was in a mess, with the bodies of the Mechanicus warriors and the aliens piled together, blood seeping out, and then drowned by layers of rust.

They were entering the corner where the rust eroded the most, just because the alien army here was the weakest.

The alien army did not immediately pour in from here in large numbers, for no other reason, the rust prevented them from entering, and these slow-witted aliens finally realized that something was wrong with Just.

Compared to the human empire they were facing, other things that they did not understand entered this area, and the haze shrouded this place, and the rust slaughtered everything indiscriminately.

At present, the main army of Memanik is trying to bypass the rust-stricken areas near the main city, and the self-destructive Mechanic has obviously given up these areas.

A blank area without enemies or friends appeared on the map, which looked particularly funny.

This reminded Hades of those muddy battlefields. In the later period when both sides were exhausted and logistics were scarce, plague and disease were the real gods of death.

In a sense, Hades needed to thank the subspace characteristics of these rusts -

He opened the way, and the rusty yellow traces withered under his feet. The Death Guard could still turn a blind eye to this, but the sages pushed each other and stepped carefully on the road opened by Hades.

The closer they got to the main city, the more obvious the harsh radio waves in the channel became, and some intermittent information came out.

[Rust-proof. Sage Della blew up the oil tank of the west factory, and the road on the west side was completely blocked, and the spread of rust was controlled. ]

[Sage Lan En used his crusaders to pull the rust to the battlefield on the east side. Withdraw the troops on the east side. ]

[The other side is using fire to stop them! 】

Hades listened silently to the last words of these sages. The chaotic radio waves were mixed with the last rationality. People who were forced into a desperate situation began to use the plague.

Even if the price was the death of both sides.

The aliens also began to consciously prevent the spread of the plague. Their armies avoided the hardest-hit areas as much as possible and used fire to eliminate the plague.

The situation was extremely chaotic. If the Memaniks did not capture the main city as soon as possible, they would end up with nothing due to the outbreak of the disease.

The Mechanicus was a dying patient. Even if there was only one breath left, they wanted to spit the saliva with infectious bacteria on the faces of the aliens.

If there was no intervention from the Death Guard, Hades could imagine the hellish scene on this battlefield.

War is like this. In the end, even the most advanced forces will roll in the mud and fight hand-to-hand. This is why Chaos in the subspace always wins and never loses.

Hades seemed to hear the mockery of the gods.

No, it won't be like this.

According to the intelligence provided by the sages accompanying the team, Hades successfully learned the latest situation now-

The western side of the city, where the rust is the most serious, has fallen. A small team of aliens has entered the main city, but there is no news of them in the chaotic main city at present, and it seems that they have been eliminated.

This is also the battle line that Hades and his team entered.

The battlefields on the east and north sides are the most intense and the least corroded by rust.

But the Mechanicus has begun to completely destroy the eastern front with rust, and people decided to concentrate their forces on the pass on the north side-where the defense works are the most complete.

The south side has fallen, but the Mechanicus has detonated a chemical plant there, and the diffuse radiation and toxic gases directly blocked the battle line.

Compared with the battle line that is still resisting, the inside of the main city is in chaos. The sages destroyed the machines and committed suicide in despair. The radio waves before dying completely disrupted the communication, and the temporary great sage could not be contacted.

Hades pondered for a moment,

[Go to the eastern front and let those sages stop spreading the rust plague. 】

Hades stopped, turned his head, and shouted at the sages hanging next to the Death Guard team,

"Who is the most senior among you? I need him to assist me in giving orders to other Mechanicus!"

Hades, who was like a god, spoke, and this team that seemed to be picking up scraps instantly caused a commotion. From Hades's perspective, an unconscious person floated over the red river.

Staring at the sage who was obviously unconscious due to the strength of the black domain, Hades was silent and silently put away the black domain.

"My lord, she is the commander-in-chief of the western front, please wait a moment."

Suddenly without the black domain, the sages were obviously much more active, and Hades watched them repair the sage with a wrench on the left and a screw on the right.

One sage was electrocuting the unconscious sage, and the other sage was using the physical face-slapping method to wake her up.

Hades was a little silent, and he had to command the Death Guards to continue their rapid march.

Finally, with the unremitting efforts of the sages, the sage woke up.

"My Lord!"

The sage said as he broke away from the support of the people around him and bowed his head directly-


Hades picked her up with one hand, "I need to give orders to the people on other fronts through you, do you understand?"

"I understand, my Lord!" The sage quickly opened the communication. Hades, who saved the remnants of the Western Front, already had an unshakable position in her heart.

Look at the road they came from. The withered black rust paved a road in the wasteland, like an axe that split the huge waves.

[.It’s me, Lan En, ER1. The support has arrived. It’s the Death Guard Legion. Now, I will immediately hand over the command to the adults of the Death Guard. Repeat, hand over the command, the highest order. 】

[QOP, is your brain corroded by rust and going crazy? ? ? 】

Hades unceremoniously joined the airwaves;

[Lan, ER1, I am Hades, the commander of the Death Guard. The Death Guard has now regained control of two-thirds of the Rust galaxy. 】

[In the name of Legion Commander Mortarion, I lead the seventh company of the Death Guard to support you in your battle to protect the main city. 】

A neighing sound sounded from the other end of the channel, like a mocking——

[Wait a minute, your radio wave location? Are you on the western battlefield? It's all rusty, how do you send out radio waves? ! 】

[I can stop the spread of rust. 】

The other side was silent. In a battle where every second counts, this was really a long silence.

[QOP, I swear in the name of the God of All Opportunities, what that guy just said is true. 】

[It’s absolutely true, he. This lord, he can, he can! 】

[Repeat, you two, hand over command, and the Death Guard will join your battle. 】

[The aliens have not yet launched a large-scale attack, all because the Death Guard fleet is dragging them over the planet to replenish their troops. 】

Hades took a deep breath,

[I myself am a Forging Master and fully understand the combat methods of the Mechanicus. We can understand your determination to defend the main city to the death. 】

[It is precisely because of this understanding that we will break the front line in advance and provide support. 】


[The key to command has been sent to you, Lord Hades. 】

[The temporary great sage in the main city has been unable to be contacted. ER1 and I are just the last support. This Death Guard commander, I hope you and your army can succeed. 】

【We will. 】

Hades spoke, [First thing, Lan En, stop spreading rust. We will go to the east front to support immediately. Until then, hold on. 】

While wrangling with the sages, Hades was not idle. He began to broadcast a signal to the city that reinforcements had arrived, and ordered the sages not to destroy the machines anymore.

The wrath of the Death Guard descends on the battlefield.

Silent warriors joined the battle, and coupled with the firepower of the Skitarii, these highly mobile warriors successfully held back and wiped out the enemy army.

Under the cover of the Seventh Company, Hades opened the Black Domain and successfully formed a one-man show on the vast battlefield. All around Hades, rust and life withered together.

The rust that had gradually begun to dominate the entire battle began to fade, and the tide receded, revealing the bones beneath the water.

At this time, the mechanical sages who were doubtful at first were speechless. This was by no means something that ordinary people could do. Only the powerful psychics in ancient books could have such great power.

But Hades was not a psyker, and unlike the psykers despised by the Mechanicum, his power did not bring chaos.

On the contrary, he allowed chaos and disorder to subside.

No matter what, except for those crazy sages who were tortured by rust on the Western Front, after Hades showed his extremely high personal ability, the rest of the sages did surrender.

The alien attack was temporarily repelled. Hades was walking in the trenches, arranging the next affairs. The eastern and northern fronts could be defended, and the eastern front entrance, which was used to handle large vehicles, would become the next strategic point.

Sage Lan En followed Hades. After seeing Hades' ability, the extremely tired sage seemed to finally have something to rely on and rambled on about the entire battle.

The alien attack was sudden and without warning. These Memanik aliens directly tore through the galaxy's defenses with firepower far exceeding Rust's.

The space station responsible for defense was directly destroyed by a huge amount of ammunition. Then, because of the original great sage's pride, the defensive laser array on the planet was aimed at the wrong target, which directly led to the fall of Rust.

The original Titans and Knights of the Mechanicus were dispatched, and corresponding heavy vehicles were also sent from the opposite side, but their numbers far exceeded them. As a last resort, the Mechanicus chose to exchange blood and replace as many heavy vehicles as possible on the opposite side.

The vehicle platform landed on the opposite side was also blown up. Later, the Death Guard fleet hindered their ability to rebuild the platform, and the opposite side had to fight them with the initially deployed light infantry.

At first, they could rely on the city's original defenses to repel the enemy, but as the rust spread, these weapon defenses more or less malfunctioned.

Without the cover of heavy firepower, the city began to fall.

The battle line slowly collapsed, and the temporary great sage, who had not received news of reinforcements for a long time, finally chose to give up.

Despair and chaos eroded people's hearts like rust, and defeat was certain.

The Great Sage ordered the factories on the southern front to be blown up, and the soldiers on the southern side returned to the city to destroy them, while the Great Sage himself went to the World Forge in the center of the city.

"He is going to activate the self-destruction process of the world's furnace."

"Lord Hades, Lord from the Death Guard, allow me to make an excessive request."

Lan En trembled and tried to grab Hades, but Hades was not the kind of person who liked to hang a piece of cloth behind him when he had nothing to do, so Lan En's mechanical limbs retracted awkwardly.

"Please go and stop the Great Sage. I tried to communicate with him, but all my applications were rejected."

"If the World Forge is destroyed, the aftermath of its reactor explosion will destroy the entire city."

Hades was shocked,

"No one of you stopped him for such an important matter? Or asked him to act later?!"

Or tell me in advance? He was only there to defend the city, but his hometown was bombed when he turned around? ? ?

The sage behind him shrank,

"Before you arrived, our circuits were not stable. The rust may have affected our thinking."

Hades took a deep breath, calm down, be calm, there is indeed chaos in the subspace here, and their souls and minds may indeed be affected to a certain extent.

"Give me a detailed map of how to get there, and the keys to your power."

"Now, immediately, immediately."

Hades' voice came with a hint of anger.

In the furnace, the fiery red liquid puffed with bubbles, and the steaming heat rose. The body of the great sage hung on the steamer, badly damaged.

"God, if you still insist on giving up on us, where will we go?!"

"Did Rust's fate really come to naught under the iron cavalry of the alien race? Turns out thousands of years of hard work are so worthless?"

The great sage La screamed desperately, trying to get the slightest omen or miracle, but there was nothing. Except for increasingly chaotic thoughts, there was nothing here.

Hope it's not here.

Finally, La despaired. A muffled thumping sound seemed to come from the corridor. He must have been hallucinating, but at this moment, the alien army might have entered the main city.

The sage stood in front of the console and began to enter the key tremblingly.

As if the sage's pain was enough to attract the supreme being, above the furnace, the corpse of the great sage began to twist.

It's time for Him to appear. These ignorant oil guys don't understand real machinery at all. Machinery is composed of transactions, pain and souls of order.

They don't understand the power of the Plague Heart at all, and will only stupidly regard it as an ordinary mechanical core.

And it is these people who can't learn and think at all, who form the industrial cornerstone of a stupid empire. Every time he thinks about this, Vashtor can't help laughing.

But what makes Vashtor dissatisfied is that the pharmacist named Raton is not on Rust Prime at the moment. After hastily completing the agreement, the pharmacist disappeared.

Even if the pharmacist had great respect for Him, that was all.

The despair and pain were not enough, and people's emotions even began to calm down. Being in a place where the barriers to the physical universe were originally thicker was not good news.

But it is enough for His incarnation to appear here, and with just a little unnecessary trick, these foolish and loyal people who have been deceived by lies for thousands of years will kneel down and worship.

Praise Him loudly! The Lord of all furnaces, the God of machines, the creator of machines, here comes His power!

The sage's corpse began to twist, the cables squirmed out of the core, the metal blocks creaked, and the electric current crackled to form his power. The radio waves in the hall were chaotic, and blasphemous marks appeared on every screen.

Ra looked at all this in panic. The sage was at a loss as to what to do. He shouted the name of the gods, and the hissing sound of electricity sounded blasphemously——

"My followers—"


"Stop it!!!"

The locked door was suddenly opened, and Hades strode into the hall. Behind him were countless alien corpses.

The black domain quickly enveloped the entire space like a thick fog. Because he was worried that he would not be able to catch up with the self-destruction operation, Hades simply controlled the black domain to a concentration just enough to cause coma.

As soon as the black domain entered, the signs of subspace in the room immediately disappeared, and the electric current and magnetic field began to operate according to the rules of physics again.

Hades held the obituary and walked cautiously to Sage Ra. He could feel the strong subspace atmosphere here just now, but because the black realm devoured it too quickly, he did not see the truth about the murderer.

And this doesn't quite resemble how Nurgle made him feel? As for other gods, they don’t look alike, either?

Hades felt like a giant surge of metallic vapor.

The only thing in the hall was the bright liquid fuel of the furnace, and the corpse of the sage dangling on the furnace.

By the way the corpse was shaking, Hades was convinced that the fallen sage Ra had done something to whip the corpse.

Hades checked in silence for a week, confirming that the self-destruction program had not been activated, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and took back the black domain——

"External cursed person, you will be judged by the rules sooner or later!!!"

A violent roar erupted from the great sage's corpse!

Hades was startled and immediately opened the Black Domain, and the world returned to silence.

Only the corpse of the wise man is still hanging around.

Ah, this?

Which subspace creature is this?

Hades took a breath and hissed, did he miss something?

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