Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 235 227 Hello, alien, your natural disaster is coming (End)

Chapter 235 227. Hello, alien, your natural disaster is coming (End)

The good news is that Hades has been contacted, but the bad news is that Mortarion has no signal.

On the Endurance, Jialuo stood silently, countless data flowed from the command board, and based on the latest trends on the battlefield, Jialuo carefully mobilized the legion.

Except for micro-managed monsters like Perturabo, commanding most legions is a complicated and cumbersome process. The leader of the legion needs to cooperate well with the mortal crew.

And now, the crew members told Garro Mortarion that the signal over there was broken——

[Endurance, this is Hades, requesting air force support, the main city can be defended. 】

Jialuo took a deep breath and signaled to the mortal crew with his eyes that he understood.

[Endurance has received it. When we insist on half a standard, we can open the first gap. 】

[I can also turn on the air defense of the Mechanicum here, and the air defense zone map has been uploaded. 】

[Received by Endurance. 】

Normally, this kind of conversation would end here, but maybe because Hades was more relaxed, the Death Guard, who always liked a lively atmosphere, said one more thing.

【Gaara? Why are you in charge, where's Mortarion? 】


Jia Luo did not want the situation here to distract Hades, who was still on the main battlefield, but concealment was also taboo.

[Rust spread to the armor of some troops, and the legion commander led the Zero Company to check the situation. 】

[The Death Guard has blocked the infected troops. 】

There was a rare moment of silence on the other end of the channel, but Hades's voice sounded again, with the noisy frequency of radio waves and briskness.

[Ah haha, luckily I kept them. 】

[Garro, contact the lamp holder Ugo, and listen carefully. If he says that he feels the subspace fluctuations and chaos on the Endurance, then immediately take the fleet away from Rust Prime. 】

Currently, Rust Prime is still the weakest place due to war and killing.

[Use fire as much as possible, wear respirators, and send determined veterans first. 】

Jialuo was stunned. He wanted to ask something, but found that he had nothing to say.

【Hades you.】

[Sooner or later, the day will come when subspace creatures are no longer special beings. At least for now, the Endurance is still our home field. 】

This was a lie. Hades was actually panicking, but no matter how panicked he could not return to the Endurance immediately, he had no choice but to trust.

Sooner or later the day will come when, if not the Death Guard, the tentacles of the Warp will reach in.

md, fight early and enjoy early, fight late and adapt later. The Great Rebellion in the original book still has scenes of the mortal auxiliary army fighting demons. If you scare them in the front, you should fight later.

Gaara exhaled,

【knew. 】

[Jia Luo, keep in touch with me at any time. If something goes wrong, report it to me immediately. 】

[Jia Luo received it. 】

A makeshift team of mixed Undertaker's were assembled and dispatched to the third containment zone, where the signal had disappeared.

"Sir, the signal is down."

Mortarion glanced at the pharmacist Leo behind him, then named the three people and asked them to go back and report the situation.

"Try to reconnect."

The sound of people's footsteps echoed in the corridor for a long time. The empty and dark tall corridor seemed to be a standard scene that often appears in horror movies.

A Glory Queen, what does that mean?

This means that there will be countless secret rooms and plank roads on this ship. The dark parts of the ship are the best places to hide evil and evil. Even the actual owner of the ship——

The legion cannot fully understand a Glory Queen, just like humans can never understand the cockroach nest in their own kitchen.

The isolation rooms assigned to pharmacists are usually located in the most remote corners of the ship to prevent the leakage of contaminants.

[Sir, it is indeed a subspace fluctuation. 】

The Kirkland sage who often followed Hades spoke with unquestionable certainty.

Mortarion took a deep breath and tightened his grip on the scythe.

[You were the sage who was in danger with Hades. 】

[Yes, sir, we faced the devil head-on. 】

Mortarion looked at the deep corridor in front of him. At the edge of the limit that could be seen with the naked eye, there was a faint fluorescence.

[What did you feel when you saw the devil for the first time? 】

[Panic, shock, my lord, without hesitation I have felt the greatest fear of my life. 】

[My world view has collapsed, sir, and the things that made up the creed in my life have been shattered. 】

Mortarion held the scythe and continued to move forward without paying any attention to the sage behind him.

【Then what? 】

【.Lord Hades brings truth and hope. 】

Mortarion raised his eyebrows.

【What's the meaning? 】

[In front of the most blasphemous creature, Master Hades did not have any fear. Even the most sophisticated instruments could not measure the tiny changes in emotional hormones. 】

[He told us and taught us that the devil is not terrible. 】

"Yes," Mortarion said, his voice echoing in the empty corridors.

"Demons are just subspace creatures. They carry concepts that any sane creature would be disgusted with, but we can still expel them."

"Bullets and blades, they are not invincible. When the physical body is broken, they will no longer be able to continue screaming."

The knights behind the team roared, seeming to agree with Mortarion's words.

".As long as we can hold on to the mental walls."

As long as they hold on to the high walls of their minds, their fall will always begin with a wavering.

Mortarion whispered, his thin voice swallowed up by the breathing behind the mask.

".Ignorance will be our greatest disadvantage, but why does he stick to the truth of the empire?"

On those pages filled with proverbs, the laurels of science and humanity shine brightly. If he had not witnessed the deepest nightmare with his own eyes, Mortarion would be the strongest supporter of the truth in the empire.

But it's all lies.

Demons exist, gods exist, the Warp has power, and psykers are not as docile as they appear.

Mortarion once tried to replace the words "demon" or "god" with "warp creature", but even so, he could not explain the truth of the Empire.

In the end, Mortarion had no choice but to attribute these to the power of language and thought. Perhaps when people know the existence of demons, they will have the possibility of going crazy, just like they once did.

But Kirkland's words just now made Mortarion realize that he faced the devil, but he was not crazy.

Does this mean that the power of words and thoughts is not as great as Mortarion imagined?

Mortarion thought, but the warp events he had experienced so far were still too few for the Primarch to conclude an absolute logic.

In the end, Mortarion temporarily attributed the incident to Hades's presence at the time.

"grown ups."

The salutes of the two pharmacists on duty brought Mortarion back from his thoughts. Leo stepped forward to check on the two, and at the same time there was a burst of noise on the channel.

【.Sir, it’s normal. 】

Mortarion remained silent and motioned for the apothecary to lead them over.

Inside the observation window, rusty yellow patches covered the ground, making the cabin made of alloy even more inconvenient.

In the outermost isolation room, pharmacists were busy dispensing medicines, and the ventilation ducts roared. They wanted to fill the place with inert gas.

Relying on chemicals and inert gas, the pharmacists were able to suppress these rust stains here.

Mortarion frowned, and the Primarch saw the rust spilling out of the corridor.


"Legion Commander, we have currently controlled the rust in this area, but due to the rapid growth of these rusts, the fourteen isolation rooms inside have been infected."

"Currently, the isolation chamber inside has been completely filled with helium, and the growth of these rust stains has been temporarily suppressed."

It was precisely because of the astonishing speed of these rust stains that this innocuous news reached the original body.

The Primarch doesn't mind his own business, especially not during war.

[Sir, it’s psychic energy. 】

[Can you suppress it? 】

【Can. 】

Mortarion raised his hand and motioned for the apothecaries to step back. Deathshroud and the Untouchables opened the way, while the two knights followed behind.

The knight is still too big, and if this kind of space is to be used, be prepared to destroy the entire cabin.

Mortarion called the knights over, which also had the effect of suppressing psychic energy. He did not intend to let them take the lead in the battle. The wandering knights had also fought against Hades several times and were more experienced than them.

The Primarch was keenly aware that when the Untouchables entered the area, the rust immediately began to wither.

The pharmacists also noticed it and rushed forward despite the oppressive and nauseating atmosphere to disinfect the rust.

Things seemed to become simple and smooth. As the team of untouchables passed by, the rust faded one by one, leaving only dried tears.

But as they went deeper, the rust began to become thicker and softer, and these bright yellow things became vibrant, like some kind of unknown slime mold.

Finally, they arrived at the central room, where several "corpses" lay, which were the original source of armor infection.

The entire room seemed to have been swallowed by slime mold, and rust was crawling like mycelium. In the center of the room, a human figure was twisted and entangled by fungus——

"Good day, Lord Mortarion."

Mortarion raised his hand and shot at the piece of hyphae that was gradually forming. It was no use. Those things seemed not to be physically harmed.

The original body turned sideways and waved. The roar of the giant chain sword sounded from behind the team, and a faint light floated on the body of the wandering knight.

[Copy that, my lord! ! ! 】

The wandering spirit directly violently breaks through the room and slams into the mycelium with a buzz. This is very useful. Even if the knight seems to be fighting with the air, its own existence has already severely damaged the opponent.

After seeing that the room was stable, Mortarion signaled the Deathshrouds to bring the untouchables in to stabilize the physical barriers in this area.

As if encountering a natural enemy, the rust all over the room quickly faded away, and the vein-like network climbed back to the four corners of the room, and suddenly——

Burst open!

The hazy yellow mist suddenly filled the entire space, and a twisted human figure loomed in the mist.

"Sir, you should face your true destiny instead of just running away."

"Resisting the gods will only make you and your heirs suffer an even more unbearable end."

The dim light shined on Mortarion's armor, which looked like a corpse, pale, weak, and stiff.

Mortarion fired silently into the mist.

It's useless, it just disturbs the fog.

The sage hiding behind the team poked his head out.

[Sir, that will subside on its own. 】


Still determined, the Primarch tried to strike the shadows in the mist with shot after shot.

"You shouldn't struggle, you certainly won't die, but the price of every struggle will be the Death Guard itself."

"The fate of you and the Death Guard has been decided. Didn't you have the slightest awareness in your contact with the other Primarchs?"

"Only you, only you come to that vibrant planet, that is the most fertile breeding ground He has chosen for you!"

"Shut up!"

The original body's eyes burst out with ruthlessness, staring straight at the figure and scolding,

"That was my trial! I defeated it and changed it! Barbarus was never your territory, it was mine! The Death Guard's!"

"The scum hiding behind the subspace, the villain who only knows how to play witchcraft! How could there be a traitor like you in the Death Guard!"

"Wrong, wrong, wrong, sir. You are the traitor, the one who betrays fate, the one who betrays everything,"

The voice interjected briskly. For this conversation, he borrowed some of the psychic power in this star field that should have been allocated to another person. Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to hold on with so many untouchables present.

Even a simple projection would be difficult to perform stably in front of so many untouchable people.

"Only the cursed passers-by can avoid the consequences of correcting fate, but how can people who are already in the fate have a good ending?"

"Your struggles will only bring misfortune to others—"


Mortarion roared, his knuckles turning pale as he tightened his grip on his weapon.

"Everything I do is my destiny. There is no need to abandon it or change it!"

"Everything I do is my fate!"


Sensing the anger of the original body, the tall knight roared in the room like a prisoner beast, and the threshold of anti-psionic energy reached its peak at this moment.

The weak spiritual energy finally drifted away with the mist, and at the last moment——

In a moment of time, a glimpse of fate, Mortarion saw it. He saw [Destiny], [Future], [Lies] and [Truth] reflected in the dim amber pupils.

He stood alone in the chaotic sky, with no one around him.

No Death Guard, nothing.

Time seemed frozen in eternity.

"Hiss—" The sickle in the original body's hand scratched a scar on the ground.

Mortarion was in a daze for a moment, and then he stood on the Endurance again, the dim light shining down on him making him dizzy.

People looked at him in awe.

The primarch felt the looks on him, mixed with something that Mortarion hated, that made him sick.

Mortarion took a deep breath, his mouth filled with bitterness.

No, it can't be like this

That was a lie, that was an illusion. Mortarion had seen a lot. He should have been fearless, but he was already fearless.

No, he couldn't do this. He was used to all this and had accepted the gloomy future. The war was still going on and the Death Guard needed his leadership.

Hades is still fighting on Rust, Garro is also commanding the legions, and every Death Guard and Hellhound hunting team is bleeding. He can't, he can't be disturbed in a place like this.

Perhaps this itself was the enemy's tactic and he needed to adapt as soon as possible.

Mortarion turned around silently, making sure that there was nothing strange about him.

".It seems that your anti-psychic strength does not meet my expectations."

He spoke again, returning to reality.

Now people no longer looked at him that way, they bowed their heads obediently.

The crisis resolved, Mortarion strode out of the room, his gray cloak rustling behind him.

Great! Finished coding!

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