Chapter 236 228. Executioner

"Mortarion, what happened?" "Hades, give me your explanation."

During the war break, on the Endurance, the two people who asked questions at the same time looked at each other.

Mortarion was gloomy and silent, and pointed out the porthole. The mechanical mages in ragged clothes were crying and shouting prayers, and were kneeling to the cabins on the Endurance.

They seemed to be shouting some nonsense about being immediately subordinated to the Death Guard.

Okay, okay, he said it first, he said it first, Hades coughed awkwardly, "I saved them, they may have misjudged my ability."

Mortarion turned around and glanced at the oil guys crying for their fathers and mothers.

"A certain misjudgment?"

Ahem, don't ask him. Hades doesn't know why he is so popular among the oil guys. Could it be the small fragments of the void dragon he ate?

"I uh. That's it. It must be a misjudgment!"

"Because I have an exorcism effect on subspace, when I rescued them before, the scene of me exorcising rust may have shocked them."

Hades crossed his arms and nodded convinced, yes, that's it.

"Ahem. So, Mortarion, what did you encounter?"

Mortarion was silent this time. The original body reviewed the previous scene and spoke cautiously,

"Rustless, that traitor tried to interfere with us in some way, but of course he failed. Traitors are doomed to fail."

"Interfering with you, how?"

"Some kind of psychic illusion, a trivial trick."

Mortarion waved his hand carelessly,

"The troops you trained are very good, and the anti-psionic effect exceeded my expectations."

Just when Hades was about to show his standard weak laugh and say arrogantly, "Of course!", an emergency communication from Gallo interrupted his pretense.

In previous battles, Hades successfully defended Rust's main city and opened a transportation channel between the Death Guard and the main city.

During this process, Hades felt that he had provoked something, but the other party did not show up, so Hades did not know what he had provoked.

Mortarion, who returned to command, forced the alien army into a corner of the star field. Coupled with the ground defense of the Mechanicum that was gradually recaptured by the Death Guard, the destruction of the aliens was only a matter of time.

[Lord Legion Commander, Sir Commander, we have received an emergency communication from the Dark Angels of the First Legion. 】

Under the hood, Mortarion raised his eyebrows. He still remembered Leon Jonson's face that made him unhappy.

Yes, yes, he certainly wasn't a war junkie, the Death Guard just had to watch from the sidelines as Leon Jonson and his heirs fought.

The Death Guard has arrived at their location. It is slightly different from the message conveyed by the First Legion. This place is not "safe"——

There are some "tiny" xenos here, as well as some warp malice.

Haha, Mortarion laughed dryly in his heart, and he vowed not to contain any positive emotions.

[Come on, open the communication, Jia Luo, let us take a look at the First Legion that dominates the battlefield. Where do they want us to applaud? 】

The figure of the lion appeared in the communication. He was no longer as majestic as before. He was very tired and exhausted, but he still tried to declare his status with his fangs.

The fluorescent light of the command board reflected on Leon Jonson's armor, and the Lion held his sword silently.

Mortarion knew that the Dark Angels were bleeding, Randan was tearing apart the First Legion, and the pain of the offspring would eventually be fed back to the original body. The large number of sacrifices made the lion become restless.

Mortarion said nothing.

[A branch of Randan fled towards Rust deployed by the Death Guard. 】

[You need to stop them and destroy them. 】

Mortarion blinked and said nothing.

[You are about to meet them, and the dark angels who are following this alien race will also share the alien race's war. 】

【ah. 】

Mortarion spoke dryly, interrupting Leon Jonson's words,

[In other words——]

[Ahem. 】

Hades coughed twice in the private channel and said quickly in a low voice,

[Mortarion, we are still comrades in arms, so there is no need to be quick to talk. 】

Mortarion smacked his lips in disappointment. Why didn't Leon Jonson have a close friend who could remind him to shut up?

Mortarion could only change his words stiffly,

[In other words - the Death Guard will need to face two alien armies next? 】

This lion that had been living in its own territory finally showed surprise. Leon frowned and stared at Mortarion dissatisfied.

【Two? 】

[Just was attacked by another alien, and the Death Guard rescued them. 】

[Mortarion, I hope you understand that it is a forging world and will not fall easily. 】

[Are you questioning your brother? 】

Before Hades could stop him, Mortarion spoke directly and asked sharply.

Hades screamed silently, "Wait a minute, it's the third Randan War now. At this time, it's not appropriate to mention words like "questioning brothers"! !

But the words have been said, Hades can't just jump out and say "stop, stop, stop", right?

He could only watch the confrontation between the two original bodies in a cold sweat.

The Pale Lord opened his hand happily, and following the original body's actions, the general combat picture of the Death Guard was also transmitted to the First Legion.

Of course, part of it is concealed, but this is a rough summary, and there is no need for Leon Jonson to see the whole picture.

Finally, Leon Jonson was silent for a moment. The ruined city and air defense facilities in the video confirmed Mortarion's words.

The lion's eyes were fixed on the defiant Mortarion, his other "brother."

Brother, for Leon, it is an indifferent word, an insignificant word.

Lions in the jungle do not need so-called blood relatives. Some people may indulge in this meaningless connection, but he is definitely not one of them.

Leon looked at Mortarion, the "brother."

Thin and inconspicuous, this was Mortarion's first impression on Leon. Compared with other primarchs, Mortarion was too dim.

Does he know what he just said?

The timing of this question is a bit coincidental.

The lion silently tapped his sword. It was impossible for the primarch who had been on the outside to know the truth on the battlefield. Blood gurgled from the inside, but it was well hidden by them.

According to the information obtained by Leon, this "brother" should not have had contact with the [non-existent legion], and the intentional blockade had already begun.

Then Mortarion's words were simply a provocation.

The lion held his sword and spoke again, solemnly and without any hesitation,

[I hope you understand what you are saying, Mortarion. 】

[Of course I understand. 】

The Lion King raised his eyebrows.

Stupid guy, there is no need to talk anymore. Many matters on the battlefield are still waiting for the lion to deal with. Rumors are everywhere, and the mysterious last brother brings news about the [Warmaster].

[The enemy's movements have been notified to the Death Guard. Guard here. If reinforcements are needed, there is a Space Wolf garrison in the nearby star field. 】

Communication was disconnected.

"Fuck! Mortarion! What did you just say?!"

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