Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 237 229 Electronic Cricket Fighting is Prohibited

Chapter 237 229. Prohibition of Electronic Cricket Fighting

"What am I talking about?"

A suspicious voice sounded, and a faint threat roared across the room. Mortarion turned his head and stared at Hades, his questioning eyes unclear.

Fuck, he was so anxious, Hades almost choked on what he just said.

No, no, no, it’s not okay to be irrational at this time! Hades quickly changed the subject,

"Why did you provoke him? The Death Guard may cooperate with the First Legion in the future."

At this point in time, Mortarion's words of trusting brothers sounded to Hades' ears like he was digging a hole for himself, or was he telling the executioner Lion King Leon, even if he changed to another original body?

The Lord of Death uttered a great mocking cry,

"Huh? Is this called provocation? If this kind of language can be called provocation, then the Death Guard has been provoked countless times."

This sentence is indeed true to a certain extent. The meeting with Perturabo and Leon Jonson was indeed not a wonderful meeting.

Hades paused for a moment, "You have to. You at least have to"

Mortarion watched Hades' performance quietly. The original body really did not think that his words to Leon could be called offensive——

In contrast to what Leon Jonson said to him.

"Although they are unreasonable, since the Death Guard has begun to prepare for a rainy day, they cannot give the other side any leverage!"

Hades gave a knowing blow! Outstanding effect! Mortarion fell into thinking!

Seeing Mortarion's silence, Hades touched his nose with a guilty conscience, ahem, if nothing else, the sentence pattern of "Although others are not good, but you are what you are" always reminded him of bad things. .

And this is equivalent to scolding Lion King Leon secretly, but considering the lion's previous attitude towards them, this scolding is not wrong.

After a long time, Mortarion nodded slowly,

"It's an unpleasant reality for me, but it's true."

At least in the face of accepting unpleasant reality, Mortarion is extremely resistant. After all, this unlucky original body has not experienced many things that have gone well for him.

But he was still very unhappy and dissatisfied. When he thought of those ugly "brothers" and their arrogant and ugly demeanor, Mortarion wanted to shoot him directly.

But the reality remains.

We will still have contact with them in the future. We will even fight with them. Perhaps it is a feasible plan to make the Death Guard less noticeable and not arouse the suspicion of other original bodies.——

Mortarion still wanted to fight Perturabo or Leon Jonson. The Primarch despised those pretentious and superior guys.

"So... can you not say anything that might make them suspicious?"

Seeing Mortarion thinking, Hades spoke cautiously, and the resentment of being "unhappy" and "wanting to fight" in Mortarion almost overflowed.

Mortarion let out a long sigh,

"Then you shouldn't stop me, Hades, and let me point out Leon's command errors, so that the topic will not turn to those weak and dangerous provocations."

The corner of Hades's mouth twitched, and he didn't stop you, and then it became an offline 1v1 Mortal Kombat between you and Leon Jonson, right?

For creatures like the original body, except for those who have good tutors or high talents, the rest are irritable old men who refuse to obey anyone, and they usually choke on each other.

A classic joke is that all Primarchs think they can beat 80% of their brothers.

Hades swallowed silently, and said that if there were real-person fights offline now, how many could Mortarion do?

Ahem, no, I went astray. Although from the perspective of having fun, Hades is still looking forward to watching a 1v1 match between the original bodies. It feels like fighting crickets.

"Mortarion, I personally suggest that it is better to be careful when coming into contact with other legions."

Mortarion waved his hand, "Got it."

He should regard those words of "brothers" as the last comfort brought by ignorance, Mortarion thought with complex and pity.

Rust was in shambles, but the war continued.

Memanik was driven to a corner, and the scythe slowly passed through the alien's throat. This would be a slightly long killing, and the Death Guard still had to guard against the opponent's death.

But on the other side, Rust's shattered factory began to work breathlessly, and guns and ammunition were continuously flowing down the assembly line.

With the help of the Rust Mechanicus, the Death Guard built and reactivated the planetary defenses closest to Mandeville Point in the system.

The defensive space stations that were originally shattered by the aliens were dragged out of the planetary belt. Even though they could no longer perform their original functions, they could still slow down the alien fleets.

The No. 3 mineral star closest to Mandeville Point has been reorganized. Thanks to the deliberate preservation of the Memanics, the defensive laser array here can still be used.

The Legion Master is still fighting fiercely in the battle against Memanik. In the face of these enemies that can destroy the entire galaxy, the Death Guard cannot be underestimated.

In fact, the U.S. fleet battle was far more difficult to deal with than their ground battle. The aliens' strange technology and formation also made Mortarion's gang-hopping plans fail repeatedly.

As a last resort, Mortarion had no choice but to be patient and break through the opposing fleet lineup bit by bit. During this period, the mortal crew on the Endurance complained repeatedly because they had to face Mortarion's personal questioning.

On the other side of the galaxy, there was a defensive array deployed by the commander. The Astropaths in the Death Guard were whispering uneasily. Through their reactions, Hades knew that Ran Dan's fleet was coming soon.

Although when Hades approached them and asked about the situation, the astropaths were obviously more uneasy.

Hades silently and slightly embarrassed ignored this small detail.

Although Lion King Leon's attitude was quite unfavorable, the information from the Dark Angel was still accurate. Through the information from the First Legion, Hades roughly estimated the number of this alien fleet.

Hmm. The number is not small, but the good news is that their resources are not very sufficient. It seems that the battle in the last galaxy consumed a lot of them——

So they desperately need Rust's resources, and the Death Guard will face them head on, scythes in hand.

According to the information of the Dark Legion, the Randan alien is a tall but stooped humanoid. Each individual can control the mind of creatures to varying degrees.

The higher the level within Ran Dan, the stronger his mind control ability. A powerful Lord Ran Dan can even control a small army by himself.

During battle, these powerful aliens can also attack the enemy's mind at the same time. Only a strong will can resist Ran Dan's mental attack, and the loser will become a new slave at Ran Dan's feet.

According to Dark Angel's personal experience, ordinary Space Marines will not be controlled by Ran Dan, nor will a determined mortal. However, if a Space Marine's emotional or physical state is unstable, he will also be controlled.

The individual combat power is strong, and the fleet as a whole lacks ammunition. Ran Dan's battle plan is already obvious. They will not try to fight a fleet battle with the Death Guard.

They will get as close as possible to the Death Guard, replacing the fighting between ships with the roar of swords and guns between warriors.

As a defender, the best plan is naturally to engage in a fleet battle, using Rust's production capacity to kite the opposing fleet to death.

But unfortunately, there are currently not many ships that Hades can deploy.

The reason is that in the galaxy, Mortarion is leading the Death Guard fleet to encircle the Meimanics. Compared to Ran Dan, the Meimanics are better at fleet battles.

Therefore, the Death Guard had to dedicate most of their fleet to encircle Memanik.

Although the Death Guard currently occupies most of the entire galaxy, if Ran Dan arrives, the Death Guard will face a situation of being attacked from the back and front. Neither of the two fronts can collapse.

The defeat of any one of them would bring disastrous consequences to the Death Guard.

But Hades believed that Mortarion would not be defeated, just as Mortarion believed that Hades could stop Ran Dan's fleet.

The dry wind blew by, and on Mineral Planet No. 3, the sensor array stared at the sky. They stared silently at the starry sky and the imperceptible subspace ripples.

Finally, a ripple flashed next to Juste Mandeville.

Hades, who was taking a nap, opened his eyes and stared at the command board on the Reaper of Death, with a torrent of warnings burying the screen.

Ran Dan, here we come.

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