Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 238 230 Ran Dan, how do you feel about being swallowed!

Chapter 238 230. Ran Dan, how do you feel about being swallowed!

The first wave was to blow up, blow him up.

Backed by an entire forge world that is gradually resuming production, Hades said that the most indispensable thing for the Death Guard now is ammunition, not to mention the current enthusiasm for production of the sages.

Hades felt that if he didn't use this ammunition, he would be sorry for the crazy enthusiasm of the sages.

Of course, what greets Ran Dan's fleet are torpedoes. There are tens of thousands of torpedoes. There is no need to hide them. The welcome ceremony will naturally be lively.

The torpedo array drew beautiful tail flames in the void. The void could not conduct sound, otherwise the whole area would be filled with the deafening roar, which was the roar when facing the alien race.

Hades watched the reaction of the torpedoes and the enemy fleet in silence, his left eye glowing red, and the scene of Perturabo leading the Iron Warriors fleet seemed to begin to overlap before his eyes.

As expected by Hades, the enemy's first fleet seemed to have no intention of resisting. Yes, they were decoys, responsible for attracting firepower for the arrival of the main fleet.

Just like what the Death Guard did back then, Hades sneered and watched the small ships that escaped in all directions turn into shining fireworks outside the portholes.

Those small ships had a messy appearance and strange models. Hades even recognized the empire's navy in them. They were probably all other races controlled by Ran Dan.

At the same time, the enemy's main ship group also began to appear. They seemed to think that the first wave of firepower had passed and these abandoned ships had completed their mission of covering.

Hades showed a kind smile and issued the second stage of instructions——

The second wave was still bombing, it was bombing.

Repeat, the Death Guard now have a lot of ammo, a lot.

Hades hoped that this "many" could leave a deep impression on Ran Dan's mind.

The space station deployed in the Broken Star Belt near Mandeville Point immediately started a second round of torpedo launches. The number of ammunition that was no less than or even exceeded the first round of torpedoes roared into the sky and was pointed directly at the alien race.

These airborne torpedoes obviously gave the opponent a big surprise. Interceptors and small ships were sent out to snipe the torpedo fleet of the Death Guard.

Hades silently counted seconds in his mind. Ran Dan's reaction was a bit slow. Compared to legions that responded quickly, such as the Iron Warriors, Ran Dan's fleet response was not really excellent.

Hades was not sure whether this was their usual reaction speed, or the reaction speed when they were panicked after seeing the Death Guard gift package.

But no matter what, Hades will use these detailed data in subsequent commands.

Brilliant explosions shone in the sky, matching the rippling green waves during the subspace voyage. It was gorgeous and colorful. Lady Death officially appeared on the stage. Different from the usual plain clothes and blood stains, she was now in full splendor, with shiny colorful pieces falling on her. Skirt, every time it shines, a ship falls.

Most of the torpedoes were intercepted, but there were still torpedoes that faithfully reached the other shore. The fragments broke apart with the explosion, and the fluctuations of perspective appeared in the breach, which was the spurt of air inside the ship.

The ship fragments floated silently and slowly. Hades knew that it had an extremely high speed and would further disrupt the enemy's pace.

Some small gray dots hang on large pieces of building materials and are thrown into the universe along with the spurts of air.

Nothing but life.

The least valuable thing is life! Hades tightly controlled the rhythm of the battlefield and commanded nearby space defense stations to join in this close-range explosion. Their suicidal attacks would further tear apart the ranks of the Randan fleet. The dominance of the war must rest with the Death Guard. On hand.

Under the path of the torpedoes ahead, these defense stations, which had been shattered in the previous battle of Memanik and mended and patched by the Death Guard, rushed forward.

Most of the people who maintain the defense station are servitors, but there are still the necessary crews on board to take charge of the command to maximize the power of the suicide attack.

Only life knows how to maximize destruction before death, and dying will bring about the deepest anger.

Those space stations rushed into the enemy fleet with determination and never looked back. Most of them stopped at the periphery of the enemy fleet, but there were still some space stations that successfully broke through, staggering but firmly ramming into those marked with key points. fleet.

Hades looked silently at the defense stations that rushed into Ran Dan's queue, and the explosions that were far more dazzling than the torpedoes were spread out——

These space stations have already been filled with explosives.

Hades blinked. The commander put his mind on observing the changes in the Ran Dan fleet. He no longer cared about the sporadic space stations that had not exploded. One or two existences could not shake the entire field, especially in On the chessboard with the galaxy as the chessboard.

As for mourning, that happened after the war.

During the war, any emotion and emotion will become the soil in which one is buried. There is no time to grieve and no energy to express emotion.

Ran Dan, who was speeding around trying to open up the battlefield, obviously took this move forcefully. Now Hades could tell that the enemy's rhythm was out of order, and the Death Guard successfully divided the fleet that was originally a whole into two parts.

The leading troops seemed hesitant to turn back, but if they paused, the attack would fail, and those who failed to capture the battle would be expelled.

So they can't stop.

But they didn't stop. Hades looked at Ran Dan's wound with satisfaction. The fleet became dragged behind the waist, revealing an ugly large wound. The Death Guard's scythe could easily Hook in and rip out their intestines.

If you want to enter the territory of the Death Guard, you need to pay enough blood.

The second act ends perfectly with the explosion of the last space station, and the third act opens with the roar of the Death Guard fleet.

Even if there is sufficient ammunition, the number of Death Guard ships on this front is really insufficient. If the opponent realizes this and stretches the front, the Death Guard will fall into a long battle of fleet attrition.

Therefore, Hades and the Death Guard will serve as shepherds, driving away the ships concentrated on Ran Dan and not giving them a chance to disperse.

A large part of the alien fleet will be driven to the vicinity of Mineral Star No. 3, and the planetary defense will cooperate with the fleet to destroy the enemy. Another group of fleets will be driven to the gravel belt and slowly cleared.

Even the huge ammunition depot cannot support a full field of ammunition to expel, so this means that ships must be sent to lure and drive Randan away.

The Death Guard and Ran Dan must dance together and fight at close quarters. The time has come to test the quality of the engine and the speed of the captain.

During this period, there will inevitably be jump gangs and anti-jump gangs, but as long as it conforms to the overall strategy, Hades is willing to let these warriors decide their own plans.

Just as Mortarion believed in Hades, Hades also believed in the Death Guard and the crew of the Death Guard. These ships with strong names of death culture would be his best swords.

The fourth horseman, my Lady of Death, is Depression. They sigh and raise their sickles, death accompanies them, and Pluto blesses you.

May your military fortune be prosperous.

Hades silently counted the beats of the war. When it arrived, he raised his eyes and heard the news that the first ship had successfully jumped.

Turning around, the scenery outside the observation window remained the same.

Immediately afterwards, news that induced the opponent to join the gang or destroyed the enemy ship appeared in front of Hades like a sprouting seedling.

Hades smiled with satisfaction.

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