Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 239 231 Jia Luo needs a vacation

Chapter 239 231. Jialuo needs a holiday

Garro held the hilt of the sword and waited silently for his prey to take the bait. Next to him was the "recruit leader" whom Hades and Vox had entrusted to lead—Antaeus.

It's time for the second batch of Barbarus' recruits to come out of the management. As for why Hades handed over Barbarus' soldiers to Jialuo, Jialuo thinks this has a certain political overtone.

Although Hades seemed to be acting foolishly when handing over the warrior to him, Gallo still believed that Hades had a deep meaning in what he did.

In daily interactions, Gallo has realized the unfathomable depth of Hades' thoughts.

Even Gallo's mission was arranged by Hades. Hades' explanation was that he needed to free Gallo from paperwork and give him a "holiday."

"Jialuo, I feel like you need to rest, really."

Hades stared at Gallo hesitantly, holding in his hand the document Gallo had recently approved.

Hades, a migrant worker who had been squeezed in the workplace, realized that Jialuo was reaching his limit, and those documents vaguely revealed murderous intent. He did not want Jialuo to kill an imperial official that day.

"Ran Dan is here just now. You go to the front line to help fight. By the way, you can help me train a new guy. Just think of it as a holiday."

Although Jialuo didn't understand the meaning of "holiday", it was the commander's order after all, and he had to carry it out.

In fact, Jia Luo had no idea about his previous job. Well, Jia Luo did think that life was too boring.

He's... He hasn't been on the battlefield for too long.

Sometimes, waiting and forbearance is a kind of pain, far worse than the pain caused by bullets and swords.

As the commander of a combat company, Jia Luo needs some passion. Before taking over the instructions of his former commander, he was just a soldier who liked to be at the front of the battle line.

And now, the opportunity has come.

The hull jolted violently, and the vibrations from the walls told Garo whether the ship was launching torpedoes or conducting a macro-cannon attack.

With his back against the wall, Jialuo could imagine those scorching dazzling lasers, the smooth and hard shell of the enemy ships, and the low neighing of the aliens.

The smoke of the battlefield always has a unique attraction, and Jia Luo's hand holding the hilt of the sword felt slightly itchy.

The mission of the Fourth Knight and its attached ships is to cut through the Randan fleet, completely cut the alien fleet from the waist, and then annihilate the rear tail.

This means that the ships will come under enemy fire, but it doesn't matter, they will tear them apart.

The words of the mortal captain rang out from the channel, with a slight distortion of the radio waves - [Lord Jia Luo, after ten standard Terra points, the enemy may start to join us. Do you want to lure the enemy? 】

[Pick them in. 】

Jialuo said in a low voice, stroking the hilt of the sword with his hand, feeling the shape of the hilt. The sword had not seen blood for too long, and Jialuo's hands were almost worn out from the calluses unique to holding a pen.

[Copy that, my lord. 】

Hades was right. In view of Ran Dan's alien characteristics, these guys would try to launch a targeted gang-hopping war against the command ship. In response, the Death Guard made special preparations to "welcome gang-hopping".

Rather than fighting in an unfamiliar environment on an enemy ship, it is a good idea to lure the enemy deeper. The Fourth Knight specially modified some cabins and the appearance of the hull——

This makes it look particularly suitable for being "jumped". It looks so fragile. It's like a lamb deliberately exposing its neck, teasing the gaze of the invader.

However, in the area where enemies are lured into gang attacks, numerous defensive measures have been installed and a number of Death Guards have been ambushed.

Enemies will never see the truth behind this fragile facade, and will only reap the wrath of the Death Guard when they arrive.

Outside the Fourth Knight, the Death Guard fleet was using light spears to clear the way and forcefully break through the enemy fleet. The engines were pushed to the highest speed, dancing the death tango with the opponent like a fighting skill.

Ran Dan's fleet is also gradually finding its rhythm. Small ships attract and resist the attack of the Death Guard. The queue changes, and a large ship targets them.

Very good cooperation. Ran Dan's fleet is also cutting up the fleet around the Fourth Knight, so let's lure them in——

[Sir, this is a psychic jump gang. The landing point is Y-2 area. It is expected to arrive in three minutes. 】

【receive. 】

Jialuo raised his hand and gestured, instructing the Death Guards to follow the planned tactical layout.

They quickly deployed in the designated area, and Jialuo watched the thin frost climb up the wall, and strange fluctuations flashed in the space.

In the darkness, Garro's battle goggles flashed a red light.

When the alien warriors arrived at their destination, the first thing to welcome them was the battle company commander's sword.

The small and dark bottom warehouse often does not have much defense and guards, and its complex structure will also provide convenience for intruders. However, what Ran Dan did not expect was that it was already densely populated with troops.

This will be the coffin where they are buried.

Broken limbs and screams splashed out in this small cabin. The human butchers never made a sound, they just silently raised their butcher knives.

Jialuo wielded his heavy sword and violently tore apart the enemy's armor. He shuttled among the enemy groups, opening and closing.

Flesh, bones, and bone residue were splashed on his helmet along with the blood, and his mind was buzzing with the spiritual attack of the alien race before death.

My thoughts were indeed affected, but it was not unbearable. I stood firmly at the origin of my heart, and those disturbances were just the aftermath of the ebbing tide.

Under the helmet, Jialuo's eyes were unblinking, staring at these unfortunate advance troops.

Shadows were reflected on the wall, and blood spattered randomly, warm and charming.

Do they still want to resist?

The gun roughly poked into the alien's ridiculous head, and the organ that should be the eyeball burst out——

"Bang!" Jia Luo fired a clean shot, then he flicked the gun casually, and drops of fishy mucus fell down.

He looked around, stumps were everywhere, internal organs and body fluids were mixed together, and they were trampled on the ground to make it sticky. The whole cabin felt like a huge ball of flesh and blood had just exploded.

After searching around, Jia Luo found no living individuals. He looked up with some disappointment, and then saw his comrades who seemed a little stiff?

Affected by Ran Dan's mental attack? ! Garro once again tightened his grip on his sword, this time able to use the hilt.

【Lord Gaara? 】

A cautious voice came from the channel.

Oh, everyone is fine.

Gaara put away his sword disappointedly, not happily.

He took a deep breath, [What's wrong, An Tai? 】

An Tai was stunned for a moment. Although there were some arrangements for soldiers to fight in close combat in the plan, Captain Jialuo basically controlled the whole situation by himself just now.

Is this the strength of a combat company commander? An Tai was amazed that before this, he had only trained with Captain Walkers, and Walkers was already the most skilled person he had ever seen in combat.

Unexpectedly, Captain Gallo's skills were even more superb. Antaeus respected this veteran of Terra more and more in his heart. He was also grateful to Commander Hades who transferred him to Gallo's staff.

Although Lord Hades was very busy, he didn't say much to him.

[Sir, the captain just asked whether to jump to the other side of the gang. The conditions have been met and you can join the gang. 】

【Jump. 】

Jialuo gave the order after thinking about it. He was indeed a little impatient just now, and even forgot that he still needed to bring a new soldier.

Jia Luo glanced at An Tai apologetically, but the blood-spattered helmet did not convey his apology.

The gang-hopping battle went extremely smoothly. The fourth knight successfully crashed into the enemy's main command area. The impact angle of the stainless steel was extremely sharp. Now the enemy had to stop the engine and concentrate on dealing with them.

Led by the Fourth Knight, the Death Guard fleet completely cut through Ran Dan's fleet, and the fleet in the middle and rear were forced to stagnate in this star field to entangle them.

The front fleet moved towards the No. 3 mineral star in a semi-driven and semi-offensive manner. In order to attract the Ran Dans, Hardest specially parked the main command ship Reaper of Death on the No. 3 mineral star.

After the fleet was cut apart, another wave of torpedo bombardments from the Death Guard arrived unexpectedly, further consolidating their current results.

The war entered the second stage, and Hades watched everything with relief. What he didn't know was that an uninvited guest was about to arrive.

It seems that the college entrance examination scores are announced today. I wish all the college entrance examination students a golden list.

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