Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 248 239 Don’t talk to believers, you will become unfortunate

Chapter 248 239. Don’t talk to believers, you will become unfortunate

Hades was silent.

In fact, regarding his own black domain, his biggest source of information at present is the figure king Trazin, followed by the empirical regulations he has summed up in his daily practice.

He knows how to feel the black field, how to shrink and expand the black field, and knows to what extent the black field can defeat which psychic species.

But when it comes to other things, regarding the principle of the Black Realm, it all depends on Trazin's mouth. Hades still has to wonder whether Trazin will lie to him.

According to Trazin, Hades itself is a warp black hole, slowly and inevitably leaking everything in the warp into a lawless world.

Devouring the warp and psychic energy would accelerate the expansion of the black hole, so the Emperor placed restrictions on it.

And this essence is manifested in the anti-psionic special attack in the physical world. Hades's daily attacks also confirm this.

But why does he still receive responses to others' prayers? ? ?

Hades thought about it. Regarding [Response], he needed more information and feedback, otherwise he would not be able to complete the inference.

And what if someone else is actually praying for someone other than Hades? The so-called response may not have been given by Hades.

In fact, in addition to the four vendors of the subspace, Nurgle, Khorne, Tzeentch and Slaanesh, there are also demons in the subspace who are in charge of other emotions or thoughts.

The thoughts and emotions of psionic species can create corresponding demons in the subspace, or they can be absorbed by existing demons.

Famous ones include the future Sapphire King, a demon born from the death of the Primarch Feinus Manus.

When the Primarch died, the violent emotional fluctuations between the Legion and Manus gave birth to this demon and gave it the special attributes of the Iron Hand.

So in fact, there are many and varied demons in the subspace, and they don't necessarily have to be the Four Vendors. Other demons will also respond to people's emotions and thoughts - as long as believers go there to pray.

Therefore, the power of their prayers cannot be ruled out. The end of the inflow is not Hades.

Although Hades has been feeling hairy everywhere lately.

He needs more information.

Hades spoke seriously,

"Kirkland, so-called [response], we still need accurate evidence, not your hypothesis."

"Sir! I will--"

"You! Don't pray here!"

Hades made a prejudgment and blocked the Sage's attempt. Kirkland squirmed twice and tried to express his dissatisfaction, but Hades decisively chose to ignore it.

Hades realized that it was useless to communicate with a fanatical believer. Even if he was asked to produce evidence, it might be processed. Hades looked at Mago, the Hades who was pretending to be an ostrich just now.

He has short black hair, golden eyes, and spots on his face that look like they have been corroded by chemical substances. These are the characteristics of the Garaspa people.

There were shallow burn scars on the side of her face. Based on her occupation, Hades suspected that she might have been burned by the high-temperature transport pipe in the Hades tank.

It is true that the Cerberus main gunner is easily burned by uncooled equipment during an emergency exit, but Hades does not intend to widen the width of the tank, and these hounds need to remain flexible.

To be honest, she was quite miserable. First she was suspected of being an Alpha by Hades, and then she was stalked by the Sage Kirkland.

Obviously, the conversation between Hades and Kirkland just now, and Kirkland's fierce words, frightened this mortal who had not had much contact with other Death Guards except for the technical sergeant.

But a frightened person is not suitable for interrogation. They will subconsciously follow the interrogator's words and instinctively obey and admit everything.

Hades cleared his throat and spoke as gently as possible,

"Margo of the 037th Regiment, don't be nervous. You were actually dragged down by Kirkland. Tell the truth and you can return to the regiment."

"I remember you. You were the dog who followed Captain Soslan in the gang-hopping battle No. 2. You were the group that went deepest into the opposing fleet. You did a great job."

"You, my lord, I saw you then."

"Yes, you were near the enemy's command room. I happened to behead the leader on the other side. You were trying to die with the enemy on the other side. Yes, I witnessed it."

"Brave and heroic actions only represent my personal opinion. You have proven your loyalty to the Death Guard and the Empire."

Hades nodded solemnly. He had always respected these souls who dared to rush forward and sacrifice.

The premise is that she didn't shout "For Hades" at that time, otherwise Hades would give her a wandering dagger.

Some little secrets that glow green and are extraordinarily efficient.

But Hades suddenly realized that he probably shouldn't say this. Appropriate encouragement is effective and can arouse positive emotions, but excessive encouragement can make emotions go to the other extreme.

The problem is, Hades thought about it, and it seemed that in his position, except for Kirkland, a lunatic like Kirkland who didn't care about class and dared to scold the emperor before, most people would be happy because a high-class person is willing to talk to them. Crazy.

Sure enough, Margo trembled even more and seemed to be about to cry.

After all, people are social animals. When their sacrifices and determination are seen and encouraged, what could be more exciting than this?

Oh, maybe the identity of the person who witnessed and boasted is not ordinary.

Hades sighed in his heart. If this continues, he may not be able to complete the interrogation today.

He was worried about letting other gravekeepers come. If they made another shocking statement, Hades could be cremated directly.

"Margo, I hope you can calm down. There are a lot of things to do and time is tight. I believe you can adjust your mentality."

Hades smiled and tried to ease the atmosphere.

"Sometimes I get nervous. It's human nature. You don't have to put pressure on yourself for this feeling."

It was just comforting words. It's not like a space warrior who has transformed his spirit and body. Hades doesn't believe that this emotion can be controlled immediately.

Margo still lowered her head and said nothing---but surprisingly, Hades suddenly felt an absurd illusion. In this completely enclosed space, he suddenly felt a faint tremor, like a breeze.


Hades looked at Margo on the other side of the trial table with a sense of something. Bad thoughts emerged from the dim and blurred water surface. Could it be--

Margo was still the same as before, with gray fatigue, but no longer trembling. A deeper fatigue and weakness enveloped her.

No fuck.

The closer the distance, the clearer the senses, the clearer the hazy object, and the more targeted the path of thought, pointing directly to Hades.

The evidence is irrefutable, and now even Hades has to admit that he did feel the prayer. And he really responded to the other side - although he didn't know what he responded to.

Kirkland was interested in recording the changes in the room.

"Sorry, sir, but I'm completely calm now."

A weak voice sounded, Margo looked up, but still didn't dare to look at Hades, her eyes were cautiously staring at her reflection on the table,

"What were you doing just now?"

"Praying, Lord Hades [Pluto]."

"To me?"

"To you."

"I'm not a god."

"You are."

Hades felt a sense of powerlessness, the original religious oil man was crazy, Hades could still attribute this to the fragments of the void dragon, but the original believers of the imperial truth turned to believe in gods.

Hades decided to deceive, at least compared to Kirkland who already knew the lie, Margo was not polluted by the information,

"The imperial truth said that there are no gods in this world."

"I just happen to have abilities similar to those of the reverse psychic, and I am essentially just an ordinary human. I was born and I died, just like you."

Margo was silent, she seemed to be thinking about something, Hades just hoped that she would not be brainwashed by Kirkland.

Then the woman spoke cautiously,

"My Lord, forgive my shallowness, but I have read those books, and it is written in the books. If you are not a god..."

"Then you are the agent of God in the world."

Hades almost choked on a mouthful of blood. When he was expelled by the crowd because of the Black Domain, did he ever think that he would encounter such a weird scene in the future.

When did he need to prove that he was a human, such a weird topic.

"Why do you think I am a god? If it is the so-called prayer, I want to say that it is just a kind of... You can understand it as psychic power, witchcraft."

The untouchables are not in the public's field of vision. Hades directly said untouchables, and it is likely that he could not explain it clearly.

But the public has a high degree of understanding of witchcraft and psychics, especially in the Death Guard, a magical anti-psychic legion.

Margo said nothing, she looked at her reflection on the table.

For someone who climbed up from the bottom of Galaspar, the words attached to Hades' identity are of great weight, and she is certainly willing to believe it.

This lord is handsome, but he doesn't look like the gods wrapped in golden light or black gauze in the books. He doesn't have a plain linen cloak or an olive leaf laurel wreath that never fades.

But Margo still thinks Hades is a god, or at least he is not a human.

But why do I think so? If the lord says not to read the prayers that make her drowsy.

Finally, she grasped the key.

"My lord, in your conversation with the sage just now, including the conversation with me, I have been feeling a sense of disharmony."

"It is this sense of disharmony that makes me feel that you are not the person I saw."

"I have been looking for what brought me disharmony, and now I finally found it."

Hades raised his eyebrows, "What is it, Margo?"

What is it, can't he change it?

Margo took a deep breath and said with a trembling voice,

"My lord, you think of yourself as a human like me."

Hades blinked, huh? Otherwise, he thinks he is a human, that's not nonsense.

"Yes, that's it."

Hades nodded.

A sly smile appeared on Margo's lips. She had found her evidence.

"That's it, sir, that's it."

"You only care that you are a human being, but you don't care about what I said before. In fact, no adult will allow me to compare them with myself."

Margo slowly, biting the words word by word,

"God doesn't care about class, only people care."

God is equal. He looks at the misery of all things in the world without ridicule.

Only God has such a flawless quality. Even those adults will be arrogant.

If it were someone else, Margo would be torn to pieces after she said that just now.

"In the conversation you just had, you always put yourself on an equal footing with me."

"And the attitude towards me is no different from the attitude towards the sage."

Kirkland, who was tied up beside him, made an electronic sound that was half admiration and half defiance.

"The commander of a legion, my lord, has been talking to me on an equal footing just now, with a mortal auxiliary at the lowest level."

Hades is stuck,

"This is just a quality and not a basis for your judgment."

"You are still trying to convince me, sir, can you find another adult like you?"

"I'll repeat what I just said to him."

In fact, Hades had already started brainstorming in his mind, but he realized that no such person existed in the Death Guard, not even Vox.

Hades thought for a while, maybe the Barbarus people could do it, but the Galaspa people probably couldn't.

Hades took a deep breath. He felt that he could not explain himself. Even if he started to pretend to be angry now, the Hades would not believe it.

"You can't define the concept of a god yourself and then apply it to things that fit this concept. Maybe I am a special case."

"What if you can also answer the prayers of believers?"

Margo said quickly,

"You have the name of an ancient god. You look at everything in the world equally. You can answer the prayers of believers and expel the pollution of alien races."

Margot glanced at Kirkland, who quickly took her words,

"You can also understand the machine of silence, expel the rules of chaos, change the landscape of the planet, and control the power that symbolizes death——"

Margot spoke,

"Are you just a special psychic with high moral character? Or are you a god?"

"You have the power, knowledge, and character that are in line with a god. You have the corresponding authority. If it is not a god, how can we call such an existence?"

It's over.

Hades slowly realized that even jumping into the Yellow River would not wash him away.

Although there is no Yellow River in Terra, there is no sea.

And is he really that strong?

The two men were too immersed in their logic to extricate themselves, although Hades could not point out the flaws in their language.

Because just looking at their descriptors, this kind of person would be called a saint even in Hades's simple understanding——

But the premise is just to look at their adjectives! No, Hades is definitely not like that! These two people deified him!

slander! This is slander!

Hades knew that he was not a god.

He is human.

He wants to keep his citizenship!

But he obviously couldn't refute these two men.

After a long silence, Hades spoke slowly,

"Last warning, I am human, put away your dangerous thoughts."

Kirkland's joyful voice sounded, with a cheerful tingling sound,

"Yes, my lord, of course you are human."

Kirkland had already expressed his attitude, and Margot followed the sage and spoke,

"Yes, my lord, if you say yes, you are."

"I regret my previous offense, my lord."

Margo lowered her head, then raised it again, her eyes sparkling,

"Lord Hades [Pluto], I have completely understood that you are far more perfect than I imagined."

What do you understand? ! Don't understand blindly!

What should he say? Can we win back this city?

Even if this is the case, as long as they are not allowed to preach, there should be no impact, right?

Let him think about it, this is so weird. Hades always has a plan for how to deal with the invasion of Chaos, but he does not have a plan for himself to be called a god.

Hades kept a straight face,

"I don't think you repent."

"It seems that you need punishment. I think the dungeon on the Endurance is suitable for you."

Margo and Kirkland looked at each other and watched Hades flee.

A strange revolutionary friendship was established between two people with huge differences in identity.

"I said He is humble."

"Yes, Sage."

"And He won't actually punish us."

"I trust your word, sage."

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