Chapter 249 240. Enlightenment

The Death Guard fleet that docked in the Just Star system naturally adjusted the rhythm on board to the time of Just Star Prime.

So now is the early morning time on the Endurance.

The empty cafeteria is dim, and the sense of emptiness and alienation is filled on the neat rows of steel tables. On the other side of the line of sight, the white light in the corridor dimly dyes a corner of the ground.

Hades shrugged, waiting for his midnight snack.

Why did things turn out like this?

Originally, he was commanding the battle well. Whether it was Meimanik, the sudden Nurgle believers, Randan, or the dark angels behind Randan, Hades thought he handled it well.

This wave of teammates was also powerful, and the rhythm was also brought up.

But why, why did it turn out like this?

Obviously, he had done his best, why was he slandered as a god?

The porridge came up, and only this little white porridge was slightly warm, warming his heart that was hurt by Kirkland and Margo.

They actually called Hades a non-human.

What's even more infuriating is that Hades can't argue with them.

He's almost being fooled.

To make an inappropriate analogy, Hades now feels frustrated that he lost the battle, and the price of failure is his human status.

No, he is a human.

Let's put those two fanatics aside for now and let Hades sort out his logic.

No matter how he thinks, he is a human. Hades has seen the pharmacist's physical examination report. He has everything a human should have.

Well, on a physiological level, he is a human.

His attitude is also easy to explain. He is not a native of this cesspool. The concept of equality is easy to explain, although he can't say it.

Well, on a mental level, he is also a human.

The only thing that is hard to explain is... Hades was silent, his Black Domain -

What on earth is this thing?

Hades is a pragmatist. His attitude towards the Black Domain is more about practice and application, and he has an empirical style.

Anyway, a lot of human development is to first know how to use this thing, and then go back to supplement the theory. How can primitive humans who can use fire know what oxidation reaction is.

At first, Hades simply classified himself as an untouchable with a strange style. After all, he was really weak on Barbarus, and the black domain was just so-so.

But later. Hades recalled that his black domain was indeed a bit supermodel, and if explained according to Trazyn's theory.

Hades tried to imagine a black hole in his imagination.

According to the previous subspace voyage, Hades imagined the subspace as an ocean with various colored water currents.

According to his previous intelligence. Hades himself is a big hole in the ocean, or a crack, pumping these water out of this world.

Well. Because he is a traverser, his projection in this world is a crack, which seems to make sense.

But why does it only have this effect on the subspace?

Hades recalled what Trazyn said, and the King of Figures emphasized that Hades was from the physical world.

In other words, he was actually more like a filter paper? Filtering out the subspace and leaving the physical world?

Hades could also vaguely feel that he had a better compatibility with [physical rules]. After he swallowed a little Void Dragon fragment, this feeling became more obvious.

Hades added a membrane to the black hole in his imagination, and the physical universe could not pass through this membrane.

According to reason, and Hades's own feelings about the black domain, if there is no restriction, the black domain should be irreversibly expanding slowly-

The cracks squeezed by the water pressure will become larger and larger.

But now it should be the Emperor who gave him psychic power and ruthless life, so Hades can feel that he is [restricted].

If you think this way, Hades can also understand what he is.

But. What the hell is it that there is a response to prayer?

Since he was already a black hole, Hades did not think that he had the concept and authority like the so-called [Subspace God], and could respond to believers and gain power from their prayers.

Moreover, the oil guys prayed for so long, but Hades did not feel anything. If he had followed the perception in the interrogation room just now, Hades should have been able to detect something long ago.

Hmm. Hades was silent.

Wait, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have never asked others about his subspace image?

In theory, as long as they are astropaths and psykers, they can see the subspace, right?

Hades remembered the last time he went to find the astropaths of the Endurance, the astropaths looked scared.

Decided, he would do an experiment!

Hades stood up and asked him to quickly settle his personal affairs, otherwise the official documents would be endless!

On Hades's command board, the official document approvals from the Death Guard were beeping non-stop.

One thing that all psykers should understand is that if you don't become a psyker of the Death Guard, you will become unfortunate.

The dungeon of the Endurance was as boring as the Endurance itself. Maybe other legions would have some torture instruments, but there was nothing in the Death Guard's cell.

Literally, nothing.

It was just an empty room with the brightest light on. In the corner, two people sat on the floor, whispering to each other.

Mago in military green clothes huddled in the corner with her legs in her arms, while the sage in scarlet robes sat cross-legged next to her.

"He's not happy to see us like this, but what does He want us to do?"

Sage Kirkland made a calculation sound of unknown meaning,

"According to my analysis of the adult's behavior template, he should hope that everyone has the happiness of the middle and upper classes in the hive, and at the same time has the spontaneous enthusiasm for labor."

"But at present, adults are wary of something, and Pluto and Death are obviously wary of the future."

Margo blinked nervously. She remembered the word she had seen in ancient books, although she did not fully understand the meaning of the word.

"【big flood】?"

"Maybe not."

Kirkland thought of the nightmares he had experienced, those rotting and wriggling pieces of flesh, creatures that completely violated the rules. He was sure that Hades was guarding against something.

But he couldn't say that, at least in Hades's teachings, this knowledge and memory belonged to the last line of defense.

It is a pity that as a mortal, Margot will not be able to further reach higher realms.

"I can't explain it to you, knowledge is poisonous."

"Knowledge is poisonous?"

Margo chewed hard on the sage's words.

Kirkland nodded seriously, remembering the years when he endured the boiling of brain cells while listening to Blackstone's explanations.

"Knowledge is poisonous, ignorance is a blessing and a defense."

"I don't understand."

Kirkland made a burst of electronic sounds that simulated a slap in the mouth,

"Margo, I am a sage. I have seen too many of my colleagues or superiors go crazy."

"They know too much, and the contradictions and living knowledge bite them and drive them crazy."

Margo blinked in confusion, and Kirkland could see the stars trying to understand beating inside. They were the flickers of human beings thinking,

"But Kirkland, I think you are normal. You know a lot, and you obviously know those toxic thoughts, but you don't?"

Kirkland made a silencing gesture, leaned his head forward, and put his voice machine against Margot's ear.

The black stone on his red robe fell down and hit Margot's neck. Margot trembled without leaving a trace.

The sage said in the lowest voice,

"I'm a madman, and I'm already dead."

The sound brought a faint vibration that tickled Margo's ears.

But the shock of the words was the source of her suffocation.

"The first time I went crazy was when I realized that all the miracles on Mars were just a rain of lies."

"Can you imagine the heavy rain? Those people crying and kneeling in the heavy rain."

"The second time I went crazy was when I realized that the ideological cornerstone of the empire was just a scrap of paper."

"Can you imagine monsters flying in the sky that don't conform to gravity at all? Those existences are beyond human imagination."

"I'm crazy for the third time."

"It was the thunder of Barbarus that awakened me, causing my remains to crawl out of my disciple's thought engine."

Kirkland became more and more excited as he talked. Through those inorganic electronic eyes, Margot seemed to see green lightning cutting through the darkness.

"I should have died a long time ago. I was already dead. Miracles woke me up. God showed me the direction. Do you understand?"

"I look normal now because adults want me to. Only in this way can I stay."

"But you are locked in the same dungeon with me now. You shouldn't be so impatient to expose yourself."

Margo said calmly that the sage's words contained too many words that she could not understand, but she could read that this person had been broken into pieces and reorganized countless times——

Kirkland has experienced too much. He has transcended this era. In the long future, he has endured all the sufferings that humans will experience and understand again and again in a short period of time.

And the person who started it doesn't know it yet.

"He's so big, so big that he doesn't understand, and he needs to know our rules, and I'm the one who rings the bell for him."

"I can feel that in His eyes, knowledge that can bring a person to the brink of collapse is just common sense that has been known for a long time, just like a fallen leaf withering and a seed sprouting."

Kirkland had asked for the adult's story.

In Pluto's early life, he was ostracized by the crowd and often sat in a daze on the wasteland, staring at the turbid river of Barbarus for a whole day.

To Him, the truth of the universe is just like water trying to flow away.

"—and He was used to it."

"He's used to it!"

Margo thought, she knew so little, but she was trying to keep up with the sage's thinking,

"Like that adult's attitude towards us?"

Kirkland nodded solemnly.

"He has never noticed anything unusual. Perhaps the Death Guard next to the Lord, or the God of Death, could accidentally catch a glimpse of the truth——"

"——But they are too insensitive! They were deceived by the appearance of adults! Those Barbarus people, or the boring Terran people,"

"They haven't studied, they haven't thought, can't really understand anything other than mud or slashing!"

"They." The sage paused for a moment, and Margo could hear the sizzling sound of electricity.

"They are war machines, they won't understand"

"At least not now."

Margot swallowed.

"Then have we understood what the Lord is thinking?"

Kirkland shook his head silently.

"We can't bear that much. We can only warn Him and assist Him from our perspective."

"Is there anyone who truly understands His thoughts?"

Kirkland shook his head silently again.

"Maybe it's the God of Death, maybe it's not. He is destined to exclude the crowd and life. He is lonely."

".That's why we are needed."

Margot murmured to herself, she looked at Kirkland, her golden eyes sparkling,

"Yes, He needs believers."

"We will let Him know that He is not alone."

Kirkland stretched out his main limb, ran his fingertips across the edge of the red robe, and picked off a plump black stone pendant.

He handed it to Margo, who took it carefully. This black gem seemed to be the deepest black, carrying the coldest and ruthless laws in the universe.

The two people huddled together in the corner, admiring the small stone.

Margot gently pinched the black stone with her fingers, and a slightly familiar feeling bloomed on her fingertips.

"This is?"

"The debris fell from the main tower when my lord performed the miracle on Barbarus."

"It has His feel in it."

"It's Him."

For Kirkland, Blackstone is a photograph that preserves the feeling of that moment.

But it's too weak, really too weak, and a trace of spiritual energy can extinguish it.

"You're going to give this to me, Kirkland?"

Margo blinked in surprise and caution, and looked at Kirkland, but the movements of her hands did not stop at all. She lifted one side of her hair and hung the black stone on her ear.

Kirkland's deep and depressed voice sounded, as if he was facing a truth he was unwilling to accept.

"You are necessary. That Lord cares more about mortals than the creatures of the Mechanicum."

"And the Adeptus Mechanicus' attempts have failed. You are the first mortal to find the Pluto Warp."

"He chose you."

Margo was silent, feeling the weight on her earlobes, and she remembered the Pluto who stared at her on the alien ship that day.

The red light pierced the infinite darkness and pointed at her.

"But He doesn't allow it."

"He won't allow it now."

"We can wait for the day when He will truly be known to the world."

"Will that day really happen?"

"The flood will come eventually."

Kirkland whispered and drew on the ground with his secondary limbs. Soon, a three-headed hound logo appeared on the ground.

The hound from Hades was ferocious, with intertwined fangs, glaring at the two of them, and seemed to be growling in a low voice.

The sage pointed at the three-headed hound, "The left represents the Space Marines, the middle represents the mortals, and the right represents the Mechanicus."

"You are the most humble mechanical sage I have ever seen."

Margot looked at the three-headed hell dog and thought,

"It's His will, not mine."

I don’t know what to say. I’ve finished coding in advance and sent it!

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