Chapter 250 241. Praying by name

Dungeon control room.

Hades sat in silence, the sound from the monitor came from the earphones, and he slowly, slowly covered his eyes.

On the other side of the room were the mourners and astropaths of the Death Guard. The mourners could still stand at attention, while several old astrologists were huddled against the wall, seemingly screaming silently.

Harder looked at Ugo hesitantly, and the Undertaker's lamp bearer gave the new recruit a slap in the face to tell him not to be overly curious.

But even Harder, a trainee mourner, could feel the flickering psychic atmosphere in the entire room.

And the source of all this is——

Harder glanced at Commander Hades in the center of the room. The commander's strong anti-psionic pollution was too conspicuous.

And the commander seems a little out of control?

Hader swallowed. When the commander went to find them, Hader could realize that the master's ability was not as unstable as it is now. So what happened?

Hades was like a sculpture, covering his eyes, seemingly unwilling to accept reality.

Until the faint tingling sound of the radio waves disappeared, Hades still maintained that posture. After a long time, he let out a long silent sigh.

Harder waited nervously. Something serious must have happened, otherwise the commander would not have acted so seriously.

Hades, for the first time, felt the embarrassment that even he couldn't resist.

He locked the two people together and put on a monitor just to find out what they were thinking in private.

But now, he regrets it.

[He needs believers], [His path is not alone], [That is His will]——

Countless words, the sword was unsheathed, accurately striking Hades's poor, weak and helpless heart.

They have even thought about the preliminary organizational structure. Who gave them the confidence?

What the hell is this? ? ? This kind of ridiculous and explosive remarks!

There was an old blood clot in his throat, and complex and subtle emotions buzzed around Hades like flies.

To use an inappropriate metaphor, there is a subtle feeling that the boogers you picked out are framed by others and praised.

He hasn't. He hasn't been this embarrassed yet.

No, Hades needs to calm down, he can't waste too much time on emotions.

Hades took out his command board and glanced at the to-do items on it.

Good, he calmed down.

Hades began to review the matter again.

According to the tombkeeper's report, coupled with the information collected from Kirkland, and the confessions of the two, Hades can understand [about being regarded as a god].

The first is the Kirkland Sage. The Sage from Mars naturally has a natural inclination towards religion.

In addition, Hades really took two bites of the void dragon, so Hades can understand the sage's fanaticism.

In fact, there were already signs in Graea before, but this only started after they witnessed the Void Dragon Lightning released by Hades.

After all, in a sense, the Void Dragon is the God of All Machines, so we can't say they are wrong.

The empire is also very tolerant of the Mechanicus. As long as they don't cross the line and believe in anything, these oil guys can argue no matter what they want.

After all, the structure of the Mechanicus itself is loose. Mars does not have that strong control over other forging worlds. Everyone is acting as a believer of the God of All Machines.

There were even cases where Mars wanted the Forging World to pay tribute to machinery, but the Forging World refused to comply.

But the teachings of each forging world can only be described as diverse.

So as long as you don't touch the red line of scientific research, generally no one will care about it.

Therefore, Hades only warned them not to go too far and not to speak directly, and at the same time placed the tombkeeper as a supervisor.

Hades himself did not receive the prayers of Gray and the others——

Before meeting Mago, Hades didn't think he could receive or even respond to the so-called [prayer].

Because the oil guy had been praying there for a long time, Hades didn't hear a single sound.

So apart from watching the Mechanicus to prevent them from being hammered by the Empire, Hades didn't care that much about the matter itself.

But it was different now. Hades realized that [prayer] could really be received.

The whole character of the matter immediately changed.

It involves subspace, and Hades cannot be careless about it.

Now, the first thing Hades needs to confirm is, what are these [Prayers]? Why did he not receive the [Prayers] from the Graai Mechanicus, but he did receive the [Prayers] from Mago?

Secondly, Hades needs to restrain these two fanatics, although the end of this matter can be two gunshots

But Hades knows that blocking is worse than opening up, and even if there are no Kirkland and Mago, as long as Hades's black domain is still there and [response] this characteristic is still there, then this kind of thing will happen sooner or later.

If Hades doesn't care about this aspect, these private words will explode sooner or later. He still has the energy to take care of it now, but what about when there is a big rebellion?

Rather than letting it grow wildly, it is better to gather together to control it and wait until the right time to make plans.

After all, a preliminary understanding of [Prayer] is that it can remove the debuff. Although Hades himself is more disgusted, if there is such a beneficial and harmless behavior,

Alas, if you pray to the other side, you won't lose a piece of meat.

Finally, Hades needs to know the boundaries and consequences of his current actions. After all, the current version of the Son is still Imperial Truth.

The original intention of Imperial Truth is to protect ignorant humans from the pollution of subspace, and at the same time, it also plays a certain role in curbing the source of power in subspace.

The Emperor banned religion because if more people prayed for it, a god would really be created in the subspace.

Or it could be [forced deification] for something that originally existed.

The more people believe it, the more it becomes true.

If a believer believes that God is a tyrant, then even if he is not initially, under the influence of faith, he will eventually move toward that direction.

Hades is also afraid of this, but according to his own subspace projection, the believer's power will most likely not be able to shape him, and he can only be swallowed by Hades.

He was exhausted and needed to worry about not letting the power of faith go too far, otherwise he would grow too fast, and he would just send it away when the restraints were gone.

There is no need to worry about this in a short period of time. There are only two people. To be more conservative, there may be one hundred and eighty in the Hades, which is not as much as the psychic energy brought by Hades from eating a Lord Randan.

Therefore, the subspace impact that faith itself may bring is relatively small. We only need to consider the attitude of the empire——

Of course, Hades meant in case he was discovered.

Hades knew that as long as he did not perform too magical operations, both the empire and the emperor would just turn a blind eye to this kind of behavior.

From the Mechanicum of Mars, to the God-Emperor of Lorgar, the Baal Faith of the Angel Sanguinius, and the full father of Wolf King Russ.

Only the Word Bearers jumped too much and got hammered.

The empire does not care about the remaining other religious beliefs as long as they are within a reasonable range.

Hades thought about it for a while, his current level of playing house was the same as the level and scale.

Uh, I guess no one cares about it.

Hades brainstormed and slowly figured out a way out.

He sighed and stood up, naturally ignoring the group of Astropaths who looked almost exhausted.

"Press those two over here."

Hades once again blocked the strange words that came to his mind, "It's not alone", "That's Him".

In the interrogation room, Hades sat silently in the main seat. The dividing line between light and darkness was so clear. The commander was in complete darkness, with only the red light in his left eye glaring.

Margot and Kirkland sat meekly on the interrogation chairs, waiting for Hades to speak.

Cold, emotionless words rang out,

".I declare for the last time that I am not God, no matter what you think."


"If you swear to be completely loyal to me, not to hide anything from me, and to carry out the orders I give you without any distortion."

"Then, I can let you keep your own opinions and arrange some specific tasks for you."

Hades watched the two men look at each other expressionlessly, both of them unable to conceal the excitement in their eyes.

"Lord Hades, Lord Hades, I hear your wishes."

Margot swallowed, and she read out her vows seriously, although there was no action to decorate her words, which made her feel a little hollow,

She subconsciously felt that this place was too simple, everything was too simple, but her reason told her that things should be like this, and Pluto was not a person who liked heavy luxury.

"I, Margot, swear to be completely loyal to Hades, not to hide anything from you, and to obey your orders completely."

Kirkland repeated it again, completely mechanical and devoid of emotion.

Pluto in the darkness is motionless,

"I hope you can fulfill your oath. If you betray it, the sickle's judgment will never be absent."

"It is our honor to never miss a punishment, my lord."

After listening to the words of the believers, the gods did not express any opinions.

"Okay, now, I need you to pray."

? !

These words shocked Margo and Kirkland, who thought they would accept everything.

Hades handed over a piece of paper, which seemed to be parchment torn from the foundry hall. It was still stained with engine oil.

The two people looked at each other, and the few words they said were all prayers.

【For Hades. 】

[For Ohm Messiah. 】

[For the Death Guard. 】

【For death. 】

[In the name of Death, Pluto. 】

[In the name of Ohm Messiah, Lord of Hades. 】


Margot blinked in surprise,

"Sir, what is this?"

Hades looked at her,

"At least for me, religion doesn't need to be mysterious."

"How about it?"

Hades looked at Ugo. The lantern holder was closing his eyes tightly, feeling the fluctuations of the subspace, and the sparks of spiritual energy were jumping around him. Hades was standing aside, assisting in this deep spiritual dive.

"Commander, please wait."

Hades acquiesced to the lamplighter's request. He turned back and looked at the two people praying in the room through the single glass in the room.

Quiet prayers came from the earphones, and no one else except Hades could hear the sounds in the interrogation room.

In fact, it doesn't have to be a psyker. Hades himself can feel that those prayers are pointed at him.

As for why there was only the lamp holder, it was because the group of astropaths were too scared, and they begged Hades to let them go back.

These people who are dying of torture from their own jobs can no longer accept the painful task of standing next to Hades.

Was he so scary?

Hades thought helplessly.

"Sir, our senses are completely immersed in subspace, your projection is too much"

The Astropath fell silent, cowering and lowering his head.

What could Hades do? Knowing that his subspace projection was frightening, he could only let them go.

According to Ugo's explanation, Hades's own subspace projection is indeed a blurry and deep black, and there is a hazy golden light surrounding him.

"Isn't that less scary?" Hades asked,

"But it's more than that,"

"Vision is just the shallowest metaphor. Psykers immersed in the warp have senses that are far richer and more acute than the five senses."

And in these senses, Hades has projections that no psyker is willing to look directly at.

Hades could feel that Ugo was also suppressing his disgust, because it was Ugo and Hader who had opened the perspective together just now, but Hader directly... well, he swallowed it back.

Hades just pretended he didn't see anything.

As if feeling something, Hades turned around and continued to wait for Ugo.

Ugo opened his eyes, and the sudden change of senses from subspace to the physical world made him feel slightly uncomfortable, and Hades was obviously waiting patiently for the lamp holder to adapt to this place again.

"How about it?"

Ugo's eyes flashed in his deep-set sockets. He was afraid of Hades, but he skillfully restrained his fear.

Hades knew he was picking the right words,

"Lord Hades, there are indeed weak sparks approaching you, for the first, fifth and sixth times respectively."

Hades nodded and showed him the difference.

【For Hades. 】

[In the name of Death, Pluto. 】

[In the name of Ohm Messiah, Lord of Hades. 】

They are all prayers with [Pluto], that is, [Hades].

Hades blinked, almost in line with his guess.

Because he himself does not possess the so-called [authority], except for his own [Hades], other words and emotions cannot reach him.

In other words, he must be named [Pluto], otherwise it will not work.

When one thinks about it, if he thinks about carnage and blood, it's that Khorne gets the power, or he gets angry. Anyway, not necessarily naming names.

And most of the time, the power of faith obtained by the four subspace gods is not named, just a vague emotion and concept.

For example, the God-Emperor in the original work can provide the God-Emperor with the power of faith as long as the believers meet the conditions of [human beings] and [for mankind] in their thoughts.

From this point of view, there is a difference between Hades and these subspace beings.

When the Mechanicus failed to pray before, it was most likely that they did not shout [Pluto] (of course, Hades would never let them shout), but instead shouted [Ohm Messiah], so naturally Hades could not feel it. .

Hades thought, now he knew he had to name names.

According to experiments, if other concepts and emotions are added to the name, it seems that it will also come to him.

"Ugo, could you describe it more precisely? Are there any differences in the behavior of these sparks?"

Ugo briefly recalled it for a moment and then spoke,

"The first psychic fire was directly thrown into your black domain, but the fifth and sixth times, the speed was a little slow, and it was more like you devoured them."

Hades thought, that is to say, the power of faith with other concepts might resist coming to him because of the concepts it carries?

Doesn’t it all depend on the believer’s piety and understanding of this sentiment?

Of course, Hades doesn't need this for the time being. As long as he knows that he must pray to his name, it is enough.

Hades spoke again,

"Ugo, can you cast certain psychic control spells on those two people?"

The lamp holder looked at Hades in surprise.

"Master Hades, do you want it?"

Hades smiled,

"It's just an experiment."

I’ll just update it today. I’ll stop updating it tomorrow. The same reason is that I still need to send it for the exam. I also want to write a lot of bang bang to speed up the pace, but I can’t code it out! ! ! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh from anything from from. ! ! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! !

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