Chapter 263 254. Death Guard Guide

".What's this?"

A death guard stood in front of his dormitory door, staring straight at a pamphlet in the hands of the tomb guard.

There are several characters of "Death Guard Guide" printed on it, and below the big title, the Death Guard emblem is printed.

"The commander of the legion requested it. Everyone has one copy."

The gravekeeper had a weathered expression on his face, as if he was being forced to work.

The soldier's suspicious eyes lingered on the suspicious booklet and the tombkeeper for a while, and finally hesitantly reached out and took the booklet from the tombkeeper's hand.

The tombkeeper nodded heavily to him, then went to intercept the next unfortunate person with a stack of pamphlets in his arms.

The Death Guard returned to their dormitory, holding the "Death Guard Guide" in their hands.

It was not yet time for the Legion to turn off the lights. The Death Guard sat on the edge of the bed and looked around his dormitory.

Death Guards are allowed to have personal items, but most Death Guards will ignore this. As far as he knows, few people will keep anything except the items uniformly distributed by the legion. Death Guards will also despise those who are too addicted to People from the past.

His dormitory was also very clean. The alien skull torn off after winning the first battle was placed on the table, with empty eyes staring at him silently. Other than that, there was no other unnecessary thing in his room.

Sometimes he would go to the reference room and look at random things, mostly borrowed albums, and flip through the paintings on them.

Sometimes they go to the duel cage with most of the warriors. The Death Guard's duel cage is always in a state of shortage, even though they have expanded it three times.

When he didn't want to engage in these two activities, he would go to the training room and swing the scythe by himself, or simply sit there in a daze.

Being in a daze is a great way to deal with boredom.

He could feel that he was becoming taciturn. When he was on the Galaspa, he was still willing to talk to his family, or he could find some idle people and chat with them casually. .

But after joining the Death Guard, after undergoing those surgeries, he could feel everything in his past fading quickly, becoming a blur.

Garaspa was no longer the place that was unforgettable to him. The huge hive world was quickly fading into a blurry speck in his memory.

He asked other Death Guards about this matter, and all came to the same conclusion. Their past was slowly fading away, and the Legion was reshaping them, turning them into silent scythes.

Except for those Barbarians, the original body's certain connection with the home planet allowed them to retain more memories than others. Although this does not mean anything, they are more Death Guards than the Death Guard.

He had also been confused, and the tombkeeper's answer was concise and clear -

The Legion molds them into a weapon, a sharp sickle, and they are either at war or on the way to war.

Their positioning is obvious, they are weapons, and weapons don't require much thought.

The tenacious Sons of Mortarion accept the mission entrusted to them by the Empire and loyally cut down all psionic and xenos miscellaneous.

All right.

He accepted this explanation, but in fact, he still had a question in his heart——

If the war ends, where will they go?

But he knew this was impossible. For individuals, the war would never stop, never.

Perhaps the long-lived Primarch could wait for the answer to this question, but he would not.

He blinked and ended his wandering thoughts. There were still fifteen minutes before lights out. Well, he moved his eyes to the booklet in his hand.

There's nothing else to do anyway.

He thought so and turned the first page.

[Written by Hades, the current commander of the Death Guard]

[Supervised by Death Guard Commander Mortarion]

The Death Guard opened his eyes slightly, Mortarion? Their primarch father?

As for the other person, Hades, this mysterious and young and promising commander, there are many rumors circulating within the Death Guard.

He immediately corrected his attitude and sitting posture when reading the book, and turned to the second page with a serious attitude.

[After discussion, we decided to provide some life assistance to the soldiers of the Death Guard Legion. ——Hades]

Then came the table of contents. Not interested, he turned directly to the text.

[1. The Purpose of the Death Guard Corps—Why We Want to Destroy Aliens and Psykers (by Mortarion)]

He browsed through it carefully, and the Primarch summarized the scattered words he had said to them during previous training, and explained quite logically why psykers and aliens deserved to die.

Although at the end of the article, Mortarion emphasized the necessity of deploying psykers in the legion at this stage and the prohibition of discrimination against think tanks in the legion.

He didn't like psykers, nor did he like xenos, both of which gave him a sense of insane weirdness that any sane person would despise.

Maybe he didn't understand the Imperial Crusade, but he understood why the Death Guard wanted to exterminate psykers and xenos. They were the scum of the galaxy and had to be eliminated.

[2. Individuals and Legions (by Hades)]

He would not admit that after seeing this title, his emotions obviously fluctuated. This inexplicable emotion was far more subtle and exciting than the anger and hatred he had just read the first chapter.

He continued to look down.

The author, Hades, the commander of the Death Guard, uses a humorous and simple language to explain the relationship between the Legion and the warriors. The Legion shapes the individual, but the individual also affects the collective.

The responsibilities of the warriors are necessary and necessary. The Empire and the Legion have invested expensive resources in them, expecting them to fight for humanity, and their battles can indeed liberate more humans.

He nodded silently and turned the page——

His pupils suddenly narrowed, and a high-definition picture of Garaspa lay quietly in front of him. That was Garaspa after the Death Guard took over. This, this

He subconsciously touched Galaspa with his hand, and the color in his memory gradually became clearer, but it changed, becoming no longer so dirty and disorderly.

He swallowed, wondering what was happening to his sister who was on Garaspa.

[The battle of the Death Guard brought liberation and rebirth. We successfully liberated Galaspa and rebuilt the local environment that had been distorted and destroyed - both the social environment and the ecological environment. 】

[In the foreseeable future, the Death Guard will liberate and improve more human homes. As of now, Barbarus, Galaspar, Druun, and Rust No. 7 Mineral Star have all been properly managed by the Death Guard. . 】

[Individuals should be aware of what the Legion is doing. This is related to everyone's behavior. The Legion also appeals and calls on individuals. If you want to improve yourself to better achieve the goals of the Legion, then the Death Guard will also provide you with channel. 】

[Please refer to Appendix 2 for details. 】

What are you waiting for? He rolled directly to the back, lights out time was approaching.

Appendix 1 is a map, which seems to mark some special function rooms.

[Appendix 2, Personal Growth]

[In order to enrich the soldiers' leisure time and improve their personal abilities, the Death Guard unites people from all walks of life to provide various training courses for the soldiers. 】

[Note: If you want to contribute to the legion faster, the legion is currently in urgent need of soldiers who are good at environmental governance and social governance. You need to establish a relatively stable system for the local area in a short time after the war. 】

He continued to look down. The environmental management course required learning some pharmaceutics and biology, and also involved ecological botany and poison treatment. The original master would personally be responsible for their poison course.

This course was going to be a hit, he had expected it.

Then came social governance. Commander Hades personally took charge of the courses in this area. He made a long list of books for the warriors who wanted to participate. The list was so long that it made him a little desperate.

Not many people would sign up for this course, he guessed.

It was lights-out time and the room became dark, but the Space Marine's vision allowed him to see these words clearly in the darkness. He changed his previous view of relying on this book to pass the time and continued reading.

There will be some cooking skills training or social skills training later. Will anyone really sign up for these? He expressed some doubts about this.

But other than that, the other parts are all very well written, or interesting. Compared with everything on the Endurance, this booklet with jokes printed at the bottom of each page is obviously interesting.

He turned over and read the above content over and over again, including how to face the sacrifice of his comrades, how to adjust to a temporary defeat in battle, what to say in response to different human beings encountered on the battlefield, and what to do if a new recruit is ignored by a veteran.

Most of the content was written by Hades. What kind of existence is this? He thought that there was a life force in Hades in his words. It occurred to him inexplicably that he was more complete than any of them.

This kind of thing should be released early. He is a little jealous of the new recruits on Mineral Star No. 7 who are about to join the army. They will see this from the beginning.

Finally, in the quiet darkness, he opened the page with Garaspa printed on it, covered his eyes with the book, and felt the rough texture of the page, which undulated slightly with his breathing.

Then he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Uhhhhhhhhh! Yes, code!

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