Chapter 265 256. This is Barbarus

The bow of the Endurance peeked out from Barbarus's Mandeville Point, brilliant splashes of warp water splashed beneath the ship, and the true ruler of Barbarus received an unimaginably warm welcome.

The enthusiasm even exceeded the imagination of the Death Guards.

The radio waves are boiling lively in the galaxy, the fleets coming and going are like swarms of silver fish shuttled through the virtual space, chirping and rustling, and the gossip is like mushrooms after a spring rain.

A stable galaxy under the control of the Legion, a galaxy with the political power and privileges of an entire Legion, a galaxy with forged satellites——

This beautiful light green gem, Barbarus, has already attracted the attention of people in the nearby star field.

Rogue traders wandering the galaxy, planetary governors with vision, speculators in the middle, and working people at the bottom, people crowded onto the spaceship and headed for the rumored land of opportunity.

The loose policy set by Hades, the commander of the Death Guard, has worked. The upper-level rulers have a cup of tea here. Whispers are bullets of interest. Vicious political assassinations are unlikely to break out on a planet guarded by the Death Guard.

The Graai Mechanicus, who have a keen sense of smell, established a large parking space station not far from Mandeville Point. Some hurried merchant ships can easily find buyers here and jump back to the subspace after the transaction is completed. .

And the middle- and lower-class people who crowd in at the bottom of the cabin can easily find a job to support their families here. After all, there are too few local Barbarians, and they alone cannot support the needs of an entire galaxy. labor force.

In fact, on the territory of the empire, the planets near Barbarus are not densely populated. In this extreme southern star field, there are sparsely scattered human planets.

The remoteness of Barbarus is comparable to that of Macragge in the far east, but the star field surrounding Macragge is far less deserted than Barbarus. Many planets are crowded together and noisy. With.

Maybe Barbarus shouldn't be so lively.

But for these planets distributed in the extreme south, Barbarus is like a star that suddenly lights up in the vast sea of ​​stars, giving these normally unrelated human worlds an opportunity to communicate with each other.

Through Barbarus, they can learn about the Empire, understand the star field around them, sign treaties with the Forge World, and exchange trade with each other.

Barbarus successfully connected these worlds in the far south.

Although this star field is quite sparse, including the southern Galaspa captured by the Death Guard, there are four giant hive worlds distributed near Barbarus.

Any giant hive world is enough to accumulate untold wealth, and the upper levels here have enough resources to pour out.

When news spread that Garaspa had been occupied and transformed by the Death Guard, the upper echelons of other hive worlds would inevitably have some concerns. In order to find out the news, the giants sent their cronies to board the ships visiting Barbarus.

With the giant leading the way, the rest of the human planets are naturally vying with each other.

While the Death Guard was still busy fighting around, a huge number of ships poured into Barbarus, and the crowds were so loud that the Barbarians were a little dizzy.

Compared with the Barbarus people, the first ones to react were the mechanical sages of the Mint Forge World. These experienced and cunning sages were the losers of the Graai Forge World. The strict class system of Graai Sen made Opportunities never favor them.

But things are different now. After being far away from the sight of Graai's main world, facing the ships visiting Barbarus, these sages can make a fortune from them and achieve a great leap in their lives.

Praise Om Messiah!

The empire's expedition will not actively share technology with these human planets, so the technology of these human planets is not at the forefront of the empire. In front of the technology and machinery peddled by the mechanical sages, they can only pay for the resources.

And, oh my God, once again praise the Om Messiah, Barbarus is damn special tax-free!

A secure, tax-free, tech-savvy platform.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh! ! !

Before these stupid Barbarus people knew what was happening on their planet, Barbarus had already become a money-making treasure in people's dreams, a virgin land that lacked manpower and had not yet begun to establish a class.

As long as you have the ability, you can make a name for yourself in the noisy Barbarus star field!

And there is no need to worry that this place will eventually develop into a chaotic lawless place. Even if there is a mixture of fish and dragons, those silent warriors guard this place. If someone touches the red line set by the Legion before, then what will greet them will only be sharp in the end. sickle.

Amid the cheers of everyone, Barbarus flourished at an astonishing speed, although the Barbarus people were a step slower.

But with the exchange of personnel with Galaspa, the Barbarus people soon joined the banquet and caught up quickly. Relying on the Death Guard, they had far more capital than others.

Barbarus is a prosperous scene, just like the lush corn seedlings in the Barbarus field.


In front of the viewing porthole on the Endurance, the Lord of Death slowly turned his gaze away from the collection of Death Guard jokes and looked at those who seemed to be following the fleet with smoke and light, spraying out welcome messages in different languages ​​with confusion. of civilian ships.


How did his Barbarus become like this?

Under the hood, Mortarion squinted his eyes and stared to identify everything in the Barbarus Star Territory.

The originally deserted planet was under construction, and Mortarion had already seen no less than three large city groups, space stations of various sizes floating in the sky, and the docks were basically filled with ships of all kinds.

The star field where only the Death Guard and Adeptus Mechanicus fleets once sailed now looked like a tree full of birds, and the birds were chirping.

The only thing that made Mortarion feel slightly relieved was that none of this affected the anti-aircraft turrets in the Barbarus star field. The Miint Mechanicus even overfulfilled their tasks, and the outermost planets were fully armed. .

But this doesn't mean that Mortarion is in a good mood now.

Mortarion slowly put away the book in his hand. He stared silently at the civilian ships still following the fleet further away, wondering whether to order a light spear bombing to drive them away.

Then he opened the communication channel,

"Hades, come here and explain all this."

Without waiting for the other person to say anything, Mortarion closed the communication directly. The Lord of Death stared silently at everything in front of him, lost in thought.

. I will never commit again and look away guiltily.

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