Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 267 258 A person’s troubles make him a teacher

Chapter 267 258. A person’s troubles make him a teacher

Due to militarization, the approval of Planets 6 and 7 was relatively simple, so Vox ended his one-day trip to the clerical hell first and escaped to take charge of the command of the Death Guard fleet resting in the Barbarus system.

Jialuo was nestled in the corner, continuing to read the documents over and over again with a frown.

Although Walkers resigned first, the office became lively instead.

For no other reason, Hades called over the Death Guards who had previously studied social management. Due to some considerations, Hades first chose those who he felt were firm in thought and mind during the teaching process.

More than twenty people gathered around the reception table in front of the office, looking at the documents issued by Hades and listening attentively to Hades' explanation.

On the other side, Mortarion, who had already finished reading and revising the defense of the Barbarus system, did not leave. He was sitting at his desk, holding reports and proposals about Barbarus in his hand.

Conversations between Hades and the Death Guard drifted into Mortarion's ears from time to time. In fact, the Primarch could easily hear all the sounds.

"First of all, you need to understand why these people want to come to Barbarus."

Hades looked around at the death guards, speaking surprisingly fast but still clearly,

"You have to separate them vertically and then horizontally."

"Who knows what I mean and is willing to explain it?"

"Lord Hades, me."

A tall Garaspa-born Death Guard raised his hand. His pupils were a rare gray-white color, with a hint of cold blue at the edges.

Hades nodded, "Okay, Obiri, you explain."

"Separating vertically means to distinguish the different cultural backgrounds of different people, not to lump people from different planets together, and to be clear about the different attitudes and positions of each human world towards Barbarus."

Obiri glanced at Hades, who nodded, encouraging him to continue,

"For example, we can't confuse people from the Death World with people from the Hive World. Most of the former come to Barbarus for help or hope to stay in Barbarus; while the latter want to be with Barbarus. We cooperate here, or there are some political considerations.”

"The horizontal division refers to class. Different classes in different worlds come to Barbarus for different purposes. The upper class hopes to communicate directly with the Death Guard or reach an agreement with the Mechanicus, while the middle and lower classes hope to Barbarus made a living and became rich.”

There was the sound of turning papers over from Mortarion's side.

"That's right, Obiri. You have carefully read the book list I recommended, and you have your own thoughts."

Hades smiled heartily, while the praised Death Guard smiled awkwardly. Praise is not popular among the Death Guard, so not many people know how you should react when you face Hades' praise.

The other Death Guards looked at Obiri expressionlessly, and Hades didn't know what they were thinking.

Hades coughed to attract everyone's attention, and then Obiri's analysis continued,

"Let's divide them vertically. The first thing we need to pay attention to is the Rogue Traders. Compared with other people, these people who wander all year round and have no fixed residence are obviously more unstable. Facing them, the Death Guard is on planets 6 and 7. A large trading space station was established in the middle to meet the needs of this group of people. "

"The Rogue Traders and their ships are not allowed to enter further. At the same time, they are only allowed to lead a small number of warships, while individuals who have passed the layers of review can continue to go deeper."

"The gadgets of the merchants have attracted the attention of many nobles and the Mechanicus. As long as both parties pay enough trade fees and do not sell anything that touches the red line, the Death Guard will not interfere with the transaction."

"Similarly, the things they trade are also prohibited from being brought into Barbarus' inner space."

"Lord Hades, I don't understand."

A Death Guard raised his hand,

"The instability risks brought by the Rogue Traders are obviously greater than the benefits. The Death Guard has not imposed excessive taxes on them. This cannot create more benefits for us and has also brought about a bad atmosphere."

Hades smiled,

"That's a good question. This group of Rogue Traders really can't provide us with much benefit."

"But, do you still remember what I said, profit is not everything? The construction of Barbarus is for profit, but it is not for profit."

"What are the characteristics of a Rogue Trader?"

Hades suddenly stared at the death guard and asked, and the death guard immediately answered,

"Has a high sense of adventure, likes to venture into dangerous areas, is highly vigilant, and often travels between different star fields."

"Much like birds."

Hades said without thinking,

"Perhaps you don't know that if you can't hear birdsong in nature, the first thing to do is to be alert."

"Compared to the large-scale imperial fleet, who do you think has better information among these traveling merchants?"

The Death Guard who just asked the question fell silent for a long while before speaking again.

"Rogue Trader."

Hades nodded,

“Harvest the news, discern the news, and select the useful parts.”

"They will be a good helper for the Death Guard to obtain news from the Storm Star Territory. We can select three or four merchants from them for long-term cooperation."

Hades could feel that the Death Guards opposite him were obviously thinking. Some even took out their notebooks and wrote something in them.

Sometimes, things just have to be thought about in a diffuse way, and thinking is a good thing.

"Thank you for your question. It's a very good question, with a good perspective, and your courage is commendable."

"Most people don't dare question their superiors. That's not a good habit."

Hades finished speaking with a smile, and then he got another big man with a shy smile. At the same time, the other Death Guards also seemed eager to try.

Hades gave them a moment, then he continued,

"Next, there are these people from different worlds. Obiri's example just now is very exciting. The people who visit Barbarus can be roughly divided into two types: those who are in trouble themselves, those who are poor, and those who hope that the Death Guard will help or even directly annex them. either because they are wealthy, because of political considerations, or because they want to cooperate.”

"For the former, after proper inspection, we may be able to selectively annex them, or provide appropriate help - not without taking anything. Some of their worlds may be suitable for recruiting troops."

"As for the latter, the Death Guard needs to let them understand who is the master of this area, and at the same time guarantee them the safety of the wealth they possess."

Give them a sense of security, but not much.

"Cooperation is welcome. Hive worlds generally have overcapacity, and the Legion is happy to reach long-term resource trade with them. And if they just want to use Barbarus as a platform to cooperate with other worlds, this is also welcome. "

"They will also be loyal customers of the Mint Forge World and the best recycling station for the Legion's discarded old equipment."

What makes Hades a little amused is that, apart from the Miint given to the Death Guard by Grae, there is only one forging world nearby, Zhao Akkada.

But his geographical location is even more remote than Barbarus, and it is impossible for these human worlds to travel that far for an agreement that may not be reached.

"Of course, I'm going to give you a task here."

Hades spoke slowly, and saw with satisfaction that those who were still memorizing things also raised their heads.

"After today's class is over, each of you will go find the person who was not selected by me today. In groups of three, choose a human world that visits Barbarus for research."

"I will also ask the mortal officials to follow you soon. Be prepared. Dealing with mortals is a must. Be careful not to scare them."

Then Hades happily saw the scene of these death guards looking at me and me looking at you, not knowing what to say.

Is this nervous? They were all heroes who had been on the battlefield and killed monsters.

"Don't worry, the class is not over yet. When you go back later, you will have to teach others today's content again."

"When I finish speaking, you can come to me and choose the world based on your own judgment."


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