Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 268 259 Might makes justice

Chapter 268 259. Might makes justice

After finally sending everyone away, Hades sighed softly, sat down to rest, and then subconsciously went to get the bread left for him by the death guards just now.

Suddenly, as if he remembered something, Hades suddenly retracted his hand and coughed twice in embarrassment.

He swore an oath!

Seeing that Hades was no longer busy, Gallo walked over with a tired look on his face and briefly reported to Hades the situation on Planets 4 and 5. Based on Hades's intelligence, Gallo found out several small The forces are trying to establish their own circle.

Gallo looked at Hades with a look of inquiry, and Hades smiled and said hoarsely,

"Are you responsible, Gaara?"

"Thank you Commander for your trust."

Hades couldn't hold it back in the end and grabbed a piece of bread. It was so delicious. He ate it and said,

"No need to keep it a secret, let everyone see it and see clearly the cost of causing trouble on the Death Guard's territory."

"Just think of it as a holiday, Gaara."

Hades pulled out a stack of documents and patted it on Gallo's shoulder.

"I know you don't like the excitement, but you have to do it. It has both a purging and enlightening effect."

Gallo took the relevant information handed over by Hades with his hand, nodded silently, and went out.

Hades looked at the direction in which Garro left, thoughtfully. He could already foresee the blood spattered on the battle company commander's power armor.

To be honest, compared to Vox, Gallo is not good at handling political documents, but the management of the Death Guard only has these few people, and after the Battle of Galaspa, it consumed a lot of people, so Gallo knows He himself must take the lead.

Hades can still feel that Jialuo still had his own temper at the beginning. Now he doesn't know what happened. He probably lost his temper in the official documents and no longer had the exposed anger.

Uh. When Hades trains the next group of managers, let Garrodo go to the battlefield.

The administrative personnel recruited in Galaspa just before, after experiencing actual combat in the past few years, can select a group to follow the legion.

Hades was deep in thought, thinking about Barbarus's next steps. He still had to meet those people and do those things.

The bread was quickly finished, Hades clapped his hands, stood up, and looked back at Mortarion.

Mortarion was still reading the official document, but Hades felt that he was in a daze.

"Mortarion, what do you want from me? I was too busy just now."

Under the shadow of the hood, in the deep eye sockets, the eyes moved away from the official document and stared at Hades thoughtfully.


Finally, Mortarion spoke slowly.

He had just been listening to the conversation between Hades and the Death Guards. Hades had been telling the cubs the history of Barbarus' development.

To the Primarch's surprise, Barbarus' current situation did not seem to be what he thought.

Most people, in order to survive and further develop, did not hesitate to risk the dangers of subspace navigation and took highly dangerous civilian ships to come to Barbarus.

Most of the humans who want to settle in the Barbarus system come from nearby dead worlds, or planets that have just suffered from war.

There are also some adventurers who hope to achieve something, some hope to sail around with the Rogue Traders, some hope to cooperate with the Mechanical Magi, and even worse, some come here with the hope of joining the Legion. Ruth.

Joining the legion is a "belief" that is widely spread among the human settlements here.

After all, the tombkeepers responsible for maintaining order and security here are too mysterious and powerful. In the years before the Death Guard Legion arrived, their taciturn people have become the incarnation of the Legion in the hearts of ordinary people.

Although Mortarion doesn't want those guys living in the greenhouse, if it is a dead world, the Lord of Death can consider it.

Those fleets just now were also [welcoming] the arrival of the Legion. Mortarion thought irritably that most of them had never even seen it. Knowing what the Death Guard did, they dared to rush directly to welcome them?

But at least they were not hostile, maybe this was human recklessness, and he forgave them.

Except for those high-ranking officials and nobles.

Mortarion was naturally at odds with those who held power and money. According to the Primarch's likes and dislikes, these guys should go straight to the gallows.

But Garaspa's [atrocities] told Mortarion the bloody truth. If you want to develop instead of struggling in ruins, then the existence of those people is necessary and inevitable.

If the Primarch hoped that the future of mankind would come in peace and tranquility, then he could not send them all to the gallows.

According to what Hades just explained to the Death Guards, the nobles came over and waited here aimlessly. In addition to discussing technology and mutual trade with the Mechanical Sages -

The most important purpose is still to see the attitude of the legion.

Mortarion remembered Hades' words just now,

"Compared with more interests, these people who have taken charge of a force are more worried about the overthrow of power. Therefore, when they face the army of the empire, which are hundreds of times more powerful than them, most of the rulers choose to surrender directly. Pay tithes obediently in exchange for the stability of your power.”

"But to be honest, the army of the empire conquered and went away, leaving behind the uneasy rulers. The hearts of these rulers will always hang there——"

"——Until a clear regional power appears, representing the empire, teaching them how to surrender step by step, teaching them the rules called the empire, and ensuring their safety."

"And this existence will be the Death Guard and Barbarus."

"The powerful have privileges. They will try to figure out the attitude of the Death Guard, and they will make concessions. Before the bottom line they set at the beginning, the Death Guard has supreme power."

"...We can even test their bottom line and force them to retreat step by step."

Hades smiled kindly at the death guards around him,

"After all, power and money are by-products of being attached to violence. As a legion, we are the most violent existence in the empire."

Although Hades did not hang those people on the gallows, Mortarion felt that Hades had sentenced those people to death mentally.

But Hades was right, those people would succumb to the Death Guard, and if Mortarion disliked something about them, then they would change.

Mortarion slowly thought about Hades's words. Compared with the justice that the Empire taught him, the Lord of Death was more likely to accept the naked, cold truth.

As long as you put a sickle on everyone's neck, everyone will listen to you.

Mortarion was familiar with this, and he thought that the relationship between planets was just an extension of this concept.

But Mortarion was confused by appearances, entangled in words that were deliberately defined as complicated and obscure, and deceived by the smiling faces of those rulers. This gave the Lord of Death the illusion that everything was out of control. .

But no, beneath the surface of chaos, the underlying logic is that Barbarus is the home planet of the Death Guard, and the Death Guard possesses the most powerful violence in the area.

This means that the Death Guard can do whatever they want here, and Mortarion is in control of the Legion, which means Mortarion can do whatever he wants.

But Mortarion didn't want to act easily anymore. Garaspa's [atrocities] always reminded him that he could not turn Barbarus into ruins again.

Maybe he should go and see for himself instead of sitting here and just relying on his own thoughts.

Mortarion sat pale. Hades had just encouraged the Death Guard boys to investigate. Maybe he should also go and see what was going on.

But Mortarion glanced at Hades, who was humming a tune and sorting documents all over the floor.

Hades who could speak words of power and violence was terrifying. Terrifying in another dimension.

Fortunately, Hades was a Death Guard and didn't care much about Mortarion.

Yes, code

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